384 research outputs found

    Design and Implementation of Student Information Management System for a University Based on .NET

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    近年来,某高校规模不断扩大,学生数量急剧增加,有关学生的各种信息也成倍增加。面对庞大的信息量,我院需要用合理的学生信息管理系统来提高学生管理工作的效率。通过这样的系统,可以做到信息的规范管理、科学统计和快速的查询,从而减少管理方面的工作量。学生信息管理是各个学校教学的一项重要工作,因为现代化的学生信息需要现代化的信息管理系统支持。 本文针对某高校学生管理工作的实际需求,采用C#软件开发语言、.NET软件开发平台、UML可视化建模技术、MVC设计模式以及SQLServer数据库应用技术来完成某高校学生信息管理系统的设计与开发工作。主要进行的工作有以下几个方面: 首先,对某高校学生信息管理系统...In recent years, some universities continue to expand the scale, a sharp increase in the number of students, a variety of information about the students also multiplied. Given the large amount of information, I need to improve the efficiency of hospital management work of students at a reasonable student information management system. With this system, you can do the standard management informatio...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_工程硕士(软件工程)学号:X201323088


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    The Study on Early Quanzhen Taoist Theory of Emotion and Desire

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    道教历来对人的心性问题很重视,提出“万法以人为主,人则以心为宗;无主则法不生,无心则身不立。”认为心神辩识的运用是道家道教各种方法所达到成效的根本。在道教理论发展和修炼实践中,形成了独具特色的心性论。道教情欲论是其心性论的重要内容,调控情欲是修道入门的重要基础,是心性走向灵明的必由阶梯。全真道吸取儒释道三家之长,在心性论方面多有创新,其倡导的除情去欲、忍辱含垢、苦己利人、渊静高洁的情欲论很具有特色。本论文以王重阳与全真七子的思想为主,以他们修炼过程中的心性变化历程为案例,详细探究其情欲论思想,并结合现代心理学、生理学分析其合理性,力图为现代人提供安顿身心的参考途径。本论文考察了全真道情欲论与其...Taoism has always attached great importance to people's mind-nature problems. They think that the use of mind is the essential factors in Taoist ways to achieve results. During development of theory and self cultivation and refinement practice, Taoism formed a unique theory of Mind-nature. The Taoist theory of emotion and desire is an important part of the Taoist theories of Mind-nature. Emotion a...学位:哲学博士院系专业:人文学院哲学系_中国哲学学号:1042006015295

    On the Psychological Significance of "Upright,Square and Great" in Hexagram Kun

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    《周易》坤卦"直方大,不习无不利"体现出古人有关心性修养和治理事务的方法思想,影响了后世很多思想家,是贯穿在中国传统文化里的思想之一。其中对人的心理深层的分析,认为人内心的本然体性纯粹湛然,与外部世界和谐统一,对现代心理学有深刻启发;其提倡的正心诚信思想对当今社会有重要意义。The thought conceived in the second line statement "Owing to the attribute of being upright,square and great,the second line indicates in every respect advantageousness without repeated efforts" in hexagram Kun(Receptive,hexagram 2 in the received version of the Zhouyi) is one of the ideas which thread through the whole ancient Chinese culture.It reflects the ancient thoughts on the cultivation of heart/mind and affairs administration,having been exerting influence upon later generation scholars' thought.With in-depth analysis of human heart/mind,this paper posits human innate nature is pure,clean and harmonious with the external world as well,so it can profoundly illumine contemporary psychology.The idea of uprightness and sincerity implicated in it is of great significance to today's society


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