47 research outputs found

    The Application of Precautionary Principle in International Trade in Genetically Modified Products

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    自转基因技术面世以来,世人对它的安全性争论就没有停止过,但这并没有减缓转基因产品国际贸易的迅猛发展态势。各国政府基于整体利益的考量,一般都有了相应的贸易政策设计,对转基因产品的国际贸易活动进行管理。相关国际组织也在寻求实现对转基因产品国际贸易在国际层面上的统一管理,消除各国的管理规则分歧。有部分学者及政府管理部门认为基于转基因技术的特殊性,尤其是基于有关科学数据的显著缺乏和信息不充分所引发的不确定的生态后果,特别要求在对转基因产品国际贸易进行管理时应当援引国际环境法中的“预警原则”概念,以谨慎的预防态度为主,严格监控转基因产品的越境转移。而有反对意见认为,以世界贸易组织法律体系为主的多边贸易体...Since Genetically Modified Technology is first put to use, much debate surrounding the safety issue has become more and more intense. But it never slow down the rapid development of international trade in Genetically Modified Products (GMPs). By considering their overall interests, the governments have their own trade policy designs to regulate international trade in GMPs. Meanwhile, relevant inte...学位:法学硕士院系专业:法学院法律系_国际法学(含国际公法、国际私法、国际经济法)学号:20030811

    An Archetypal Reading of Joseph Conrad’s Lord Jim

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    康拉德是一位著名的波兰籍英国作家。他被看作是20世纪最伟大的英国小说家。康拉德的作品以丰富的想象、繁杂的意象、独特的叙事以及深刻的主题得到世人的广泛关注,成为英国文学历史上的一个传奇人物。他的代表作之一《吉姆爷》一书自从问世后就得到世人的广泛关注,在文学评论界掀起了一股轩然大波,读者从许多不同的视角对这篇文章进行了分析。本文拟从原型批评的角度来探讨一下《吉姆爷》与西方经典文本《圣经》之间的密切关系。 《圣经》是西方文学的源头之一,几乎每个时代最著名的文学著作都能在其中找到它的印记。西方的文学大师们都受到它的影响,康拉德也不例外。他出身于典型的基督教家庭,从小就是个虔诚的基督教教徒,后来由于受...Joseph Conrad is a Polish-born British writer. He is considered as one of the greatest English novelists of the 20th century. His works are full of rich symbol, deep image, unique narration and incisive subject. One of his masterpieces—Lord Jim has attracted a lot of attention and interests from critics and readers,both home and abroad, from his contemporary time to the very present. Readers inte...学位:文学硕士院系专业:外文学院外语教学部_语言学及应用语言学学号:X200711400

    Knowledge Spillovers, Technological Progress, Spatial Diffusion and Economic Growth: Evidence from City Groups and Provinces in China

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    技术进步和技术效率的提升是保持经济持续增长的最主要因素。而且经济的增长不仅取决于地区内的技术进步更取决于与地区间技术知识的相互作用,技术知识溢出是各地区经济发展水平的主要影响因素。而各地区经济是否收敛取决于技术知识溢出是否具有空间局限性,不受空间局限的技术知识溢出会导致收敛,受空间局限的技术知识溢出更可能引致经济发散。 改革开放30年来,中国创造了一个经济增长的奇迹,然而这样的增长主要是依靠资本、劳动和能源的增加,并不是技术进步和技术效率提高的结果,转变经济发展方式,依靠技术进步和技术效率提高来发展整个国民经济已经刻不容缓。因而,对中国省域和城市群技术知识空间溢出的研究无疑是制定经济增长政策...Technological progress is the main determinants to keep the economy with persistent and stable growth. Moreover, the productivity growth is not only due to the technological progress within a region but also due to the interaction of technology and knowledge between regions. The technology and knowledge spillovers are important in explaining the different levels of economic development across regi...学位:经济学博士院系专业:经济学院财政系_网络经济学学号:1552006015305


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    Study on the Border Effect of Taiwan Strait towards the Cross-Strait Communication and Interaction Standardization

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    随着海峡两岸"大三通"的启动,《海峡两岸标准计量检验认证合作协议》的签署,两岸经贸往来快速发展,标准化交流合作不断深化。本文首先基于2002-2012年中国大陆31个省份与台湾省的有效标准数量,使用双倍差分法,对两岸标准化交流互动是否存在边界效应进行了检验。验证结果表明,在2008年"大三通"之后,台湾的标准化进程对边界地区影响大于非边界地区,存在即刻和滞后一年的边界效应。其次,以农业和物流业为例,从偏好,公共部门的政策,制度,信息成本,基础设施成本和偏好5个方面分析两岸标准化交流互动边界效应的影响机制。最后,提出促进两岸标准化交流互动的政策建议。Since the start-up of "three direct links", direct flights, shipping and postal services between Taiwan and the mainland, and the signature of Cross-Strait Standard Measurement Examination and Certification Cooperation Agreement, economic and trade contact has developed rapidly, and standardization communication and cooperation has constantly deepened. This article, firstly, tests the border effect of standard communication and cooperation of the mainland and Taiwan based on the data of valid standard quantity of the 31 provinces in mainland and Taiwan with the method of the double difference model. The result implies that since "three direct links" in 2008, the standardization process of Taiwan has a greater influence of an immediate and one-year-lagged border effect on the border regions than the non-border regions in mainland. Secondly, taking the case of agriculture and logistics for example, it analyzes how the border effect works from five perspectives including public policy, system, information cost, infrastructure cost and preference. Finally, it puts forward some policy proposals for promoting the communication and interaction of cross-strait standardization.国家质量监督检验检疫总局科技计划项目“台海对两岸标准交流互动的边界效应研究”(项目编号:T2015-FJQTS-0019)的研究成


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    Factor Income Distribution of Export——Based on Export in Value Added Method

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    长期以来,国际贸易统计数据的测算大都基于以跨境统计为基础的传统贸易统计法,然而随着国际间垂直专业化分工与中间产品贸易模式的兴起,不断深化的全球化进程使得各国间的经贸往来愈发错综复杂,传统贸易统计法很难真实反映各国的实际贸易量、名义贸易额与贸易所得。 而这一点对于中国来说影响尤为深刻,当前中国借助各种形式的加工贸易不断融入全球化的垂直生产网络,产品内贸易和产业内贸易活动交织并存,这使得中国的出口更加差异化和复杂化,而传统贸易统计法只是单纯将整个产品的价值计入中国的出口总值中,没有剔除国外进口的原材料与零部件的价值,导致中国的出口总额很大,但实际获得的贸易收益却不多的“统计假象”。用一种比较准确...For a long time, calculation of international trade statistics are most based on the traditional trade statistics which use cross-border statistics method as basic, however, following the rise of international vertical specialization and trade pattern of intermediate product, globalization progress are deepening which makes the economic and trade exchanges between countries more and more complex, ...学位:经济学硕士院系专业:经济学院_世界经济学号:1572011115184


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    Comparative Analysis on Agricultural Standardization Policies in Six Southeastern Provinces

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    安徽、浙江、江西、福建、广东、广西六个省区自古以来在农业发展上就有其突出的地位。本研究通过收集东南六省区农业标准化工作的政策文件及相关文献,在目标宗旨、工作依据、示范区建设思路、人才队伍建设、宣传推广方式和政策激励机制等六个方面归纳了这六个省区农业标准化政策的特点,并在此基础上探寻提升我国农业标准化水平的政策建议。The six southeastern provinces including Anhui, Zhejiang, Jiangxi, Fujian, Guangdong and Guangxi have outstanding status in agricultural development since ancient times.Through the policy documents and related literature on agricultural standardization work in the six southeastern provinces, this article summarizes the characteristics of agricultural standardization policies in the aspects of goal, basis of work, idea of demonstration zone construction, talents building, publicity and promotion means and policy incentive mechanism, and on this basis explores the suggestions on the policies to improve the level of agricultural standardization.福建省质监局项目“福建省农业标准化实施效果研究——基于DEA-Maylmquist指数法和生产函数法的实证检验”(编号FJQI2013114); 国家质量监督检验检疫总局“农业标准化生产普及率统计方法及标准研究”(201410235-08)项目资