123 research outputs found

    An Implementation of Data Processing Software for NMR spectrum based on Eclipse

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    核磁共振技术由于能在对生物样品无损的条件下,研究生物大分子、某些活性组织等的分子结构、动态过程与生物功能的关系,使得从1945被发现开始,就受到了广泛关注。在科学家们的积极研究推动下,核磁共振已经在化学、医药、生物等诸多领域发挥了巨大作用。在进行核磁共振研究时,好的仪器设备与软件支持对研究人员来说也相当重要。考虑到当前国内核磁共振软件的产品成熟度太低的现状,有必要研发一款迭代升级简单、功能完善、处理流畅的核磁共振谱数据处理软件。 本文提出了一种基于Eclipse插件技术的核磁共振谱数据处理软件的实现。Eclipse是当前比较流行的集成开发环境,其插件化的体系结构是Eclipse的最大特色。本...Since the NMR technique can research the relationship dynamics and biological function of the molecular structure of biological macromolecules, and some active organizations, under the conditions of destructive biological samples, so that from the beginning of 1945 was discovered, it received widespread attention.With the active research of scientists, nuclear magnetic resonancehas played a signif...学位:工学硕士院系专业:物理科学与技术学院_工程硕士(电子与通信工程)学号:3332014115282

    Design and Implementation of Shipping Agent System for Shipping Company

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    随着经济全球化和区域经济一体化的发展,对于船务代理业,必须面对新的市场竞争,仅仅依靠原有的信息服务提供水平,已经很难保持其在市场中的优势地位。整个船务代理服务的过程有一定的市场生命周期,但随着社会的发展,市场的业务需求也不断变化。船务代理企业必须及时提供先进的信息技术服务水平和能力,才能跟上时代的步伐。 本文以公共船务代理业务为对象,建设船务公司船务代理系统。课题围绕船务公司船务代理系统的研究与设计,以.Net开发技术和Oracle数据库为核心,利用ADO.NET进行数据库访问操作,采用CSS多层架构对系统进行开发。采用快速开发以及便于维护的结构化开发方法进行系统设计。针对目标系统需要解决的...With the development of economic globalization and regional economic integration, for the business of shipping agency, they have to face the new competition in the market, just rely on the original information service level, it’s already difficult to maintain its advantages in the market. There is a certain market life in the whole process of shipping agency. But with the development of society, t...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_工程硕士(软件工程)学号:X201223118

    An Algorithm for Resetting PSR Models

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    预测状态表示(PrEdICTIVE STATE rEPrESEnTATIOnS,PSrS)是用于解决局部可观测问题的有效方法.然而,现实环境中,通过样本学习得到的PSr模型不可能完全准确.随着计算步数的增多,利用PSr模型计算得到的预测向量有可能越来越偏离其真实值,进而导致PSr模型的预测精度越来越低.文中提出了一种PSr模型的复位算法.通过使用判别分析方法确定系统所处的PSr状态,文中所提算法可对利用计算获取的预测向量复位,从而提高PSr模型的准确性.实验结果表明,采用复位算法的PSr模型在预测精度上明显优于未采用复位算法的PSr模型,验证了所提算法的有效性.Predictive State Representations(PSRs) have been proposed as an alternative to partially observable Markov decision processes(POMDPs) to model dynamical systems.Although POMDPs and PSRs provide general frameworks for solving partially observable problems,in real world applications,when the PSR model of a system is learned from samples,it will almost certainly result in an inaccurate PSR model.Therefore the prediction vector calculated using this model may progressively drift farther and farther away from reality,which will result in lower prediction accuracy of the PSR model.This paper describes an algorithm for resetting the learned PSR models.First,for the inaccurate PSR model,the PSR state is identified using discriminant function analysis,then the calculated prediction vector can be reset for the purpose of improving the veracity of the PSR model.The algorithms with and without resetting the PSR model are compared,empirical results show that in case of the obtained PSR model's prediction quality,the algorithm with resetting the prediction vector has better prediction accuracy than the algorithm without resetting the prediction vector,which proves the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm.福建省自然科学基金(2010J05140);高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金(20100121120022);国家自然科学基金(60774033)资助---

    CMAC-based Sarsa(λ) Learning Algorithm for RoboCup-soccer Goalkeeper

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    针对rObOCuP仿真组足球比赛场上状态复杂多变、同时供决策的信息大多为连续变量、智能体利用现有信息通常无法判断当前状态下最优动作的问题,以守门员为例,首先利用CMAC神经网络对连续状态空间泛化,然后在泛化后的状态上,采用SArSA(λ)学习算法获取守门员的最优策略.通过在rObOCuP仿真平台上进行仿真,实验结果表明,采用基于CMAC的SArSA(λ)学习算法的守门员,经过一定时间的学习后,防守时间显著增长,防守效果明显优于其他算法,验证了本文所提方案的有效性.RoboCup simulated soccer has a large and complex state space,at the same time the variables used for decision are usually continuous,that make it difficult for the agent to choose the optimal action.This paper presents the goalkeeper as a case study,based on CMAC neural network,the continuous state space is firstly generalized,and then the Sarsa(λ) learning algorithm is employed to find the optimal policy.The author empirically evaluated and compared the defending effect of the goalkeepers with different strategies.Simulation results show that the goalkeeper with the learning algorithm has better defending effect and its defending time increases obviously after a period of time.福建省自然科学基金资助项目(2010J05140);高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金资助项目(20100121120022


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    Institutional Environment, CEO Demographic Characteristics and Corporate Cash Holdings

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    本文实证研究了制度环境、CEO背景特征对现金持有行为的影响。研究结果发现,CEO学历越高、任期越短,以及不具有金融、会计或经济管理类专业背景的公司的现金持有量更高;CEO年龄对现金持有量并没有显著影响。进一步研究发现,在不同制度环境(市场化进程和产权性质)下,CEO背景特征对现金持有量的影响存在较大差异。本文的研究结论丰富了现金持有量影响因素方面的文献,拓展了高层梯队理论在公司财务领域中的应用。The extant literature ignores the influence of idiosyncratic manager-specific features on corporate decisions such as cash holdings, and more and more scholars are focusing on how executives' characteristics influence corporate behaviors due to their heterogeneity.This paper examines the impact of CEO demographic characteristics on corporate cash holdings as well as the different effects under different institutional environment.Our empirical results suggest that corporate cash holdings are positively associated with CEO educational level, and negatively associated with CEO tenure.Besides, CEOs with professional background of finance, accounting, economic and management hold less cash.In a further study of introducing the marketization process and enterprise property variables, we find that there is some difference in the relationship between CEO demographic characteristics and corporate cash holdings under different institutional environment.Arguably, the above conclusion enriches previous literature on the determinants of corporate cash holdings, and expands the application of Upper Echelons Theory in the field of corporate finance.国家自然科学基金项目(71302072


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    目的研究解毒化瘀汤(黄连解毒汤加味方)对阿尔茨海默病(AD)模型小鼠学习、记忆障碍的影响及调控机制。方法侧脑室定位注射寡聚化Aβ42制备AD小鼠模型,灌胃给予黄连解毒汤、低剂量或高剂量解毒化瘀汤3周,多奈哌齐灌胃作为阳性对照。3周后,水迷宫、T迷宫、Y迷宫等检测小鼠学习、记忆功能;超高效液相色谱质谱联用(UPLC-Q-TOF/MS)分析比较黄连解毒汤原方和解毒化瘀汤的化学成分组成;飞行时间质谱联用技术(GC-TOF/MS)检测不同组别小鼠海马代谢物质的变化;16S rDNA检测不同组别小鼠肠道菌群多样性变化;Western印迹和免疫组化等手段检测信号通路表达变化。结果相较黄连解毒汤组,高剂量解毒化瘀汤显著改善了AD模型小鼠的学习、记忆障碍。UPLC-Q-TOF/MS结果显示,与黄连解毒汤相比,在解毒化瘀汤中,谷氨酸和天冬氨酸等氨基酸含量更丰富。分子生物学结果提示,解毒化瘀汤上调了AD模型小鼠海马NMDA受体亚基(NR1,NR2A和NR2B)的表达。基于GC-TOF/MS的代谢组学检测结果表明,相较黄连解毒汤,解毒化瘀汤显著提高了AD模型小鼠海马的腺苷水平。结合分子生物学,解毒化瘀汤同时也上调了腺苷下游的ATPase/AMPK信号通路。16S rDNA肠道菌群检测结果表明,解毒化瘀汤调控了AD模型小鼠肠道Firmicutes,Bacteroidetes,Proteobacteria等菌属的多样性。通过对代谢组学和肠道菌群进行的相关性分析,最终鉴定出Dorea是响应解毒化瘀汤上调AD模型小鼠海马腺苷水平的肠道菌属。结论相较黄连解毒汤原方,解毒化瘀汤显著改善AD模型小鼠的学习、记忆障碍,通过调控NMDA/ATPase/AMPK信号通路上调AD模型小鼠海马腺苷和肠道Dorea菌属水平,重塑大脑和肠道的沟通。上述研究提示,解毒化瘀汤可能是治疗AD的新型有效药物。国家自然科学基金(81704130)广州市科技计划项目(201904010238)福建省自然科学基金(2017J05139)广东省自然科学基金(2017A030310643)广州医科大学科研启动经费(B185006002047

    Synthesis and Bioactivity of 5-Ivermectin B_(1a) Esters

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    依维菌素B1a与羧酸在DMAP/DCC体系中直接酯化 ,得到 10个 5 IVB1a酯衍生物 ,产率 6 6 %~ 82 %;它们的化学结构得到IR ,1HNMR ,13 CNMR和MS谱的确证 .它们具有良好的杀虫、杀螨活性 .Ten 5-Ivermectin B 1a ester derivatives were prepared from Ivermectin B 1a and carboxylic acids in the systems of DCC/DMAP. Their chemical structures were determined by IR, 1H NMR, 13C NMR and MS spectra. The preliminary results of bioassay showed that L-1~L-10 have good insecticidal activities.国家自然科学基金(No .2 9832 0 5 0 )资助项

    Synthesis and bioactivity of 5-Ivermectin B-1a esters

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    Ten 5-Ivermectin B-1a ester derivatives were prepared from Ivermectin B-1a and carboxylic acids in the systems of DCC/DMAP. Their chemical structures were determined by IR, H-1 NMR, C-13 NMR. and MS spectra. The preliminary results of bioassay showed that L-1 similar to L-10 have good insecticidal activities


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