6 research outputs found

    Mass mortality of mangroves in Qingmeigang Bay, Sanya—an indication of mangrove fate resulted from accelerated sea-level rise in the future

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    在全球变化的各种效应中,海平面的上升是对红树林最大的威胁之一。发生在海南三亚青梅港红树林自然保护区的红树林突发大面积死亡事件作为海岸工程引起红树林淹水时间与深度增加并导致红树林大规模死亡的特例为研究海平面上升对红树林影响提供一个新的角度。未来不断上升的海平面对红树林的破坏作用在此次事件中被间接反映出来。对青梅港红树林死亡事件的调查研究不仅为青梅港地区红树林的恢复、管理提供理论依据,而且对于探讨海平面上升对红树林的影响存在重要意义。 对三亚青梅港红树林大规模死亡事件展开调查及红树林对海平面上升的脆弱性进行评估,得到以下结论: 1.本次红树林死亡事件具有死亡树种多、突发、规模大和持续时间长的特...Among all effects of global change, sea-level rise is regarded as one of the biggest threats to mangrove ecosystems in the future. Mass mortality of mangroves at Qingmeigang Bay, Sanya, Hainan,as a result of increased flooding time and depth caused by coastal engineering,provides a new dimension to explore effects of sea level rise on mangroves. In this case, destructive effects of sea level rise ...学位:理学硕士院系专业:环境与生态学院_生态学学号:3312012115166

    Some issues about the impacts of sea level rise on mangroves in China

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    海平面上升对分布在海岸交错带的红树林有着直接的影响。温度、波浪与潮汐、底质与盐度等因素控制着红树林的分布。海平面上升引起潮汐浸淹程度增加影响红树林在潮滩上的横向分布,红树林向陆地一侧迁移。在中国,海平面上升与海堤的阻隔共同威胁着红树林的生存,红树林主要分布地的小潮差增加了红树林对海平面上升的敏感性。中国红树林对海平面上升异常敏感。目前国内关于海平面上升对红树林影响的研究主要存在的问题是:缺乏从红树林群落结构角度研究海平面上升与海堤对红树林的影响,红树林地面高程变化研究薄弱,亟需建立一个红树林应对海平面上升的监测网络——地面高程水平标志层监测网络。It is universally acknowledged that global average sea level is rising and mangroves existing in coastal zones would suffer disturbance of sea level rise.Distributions of mangroves are controlled by main factors including temperature,wave,tide,substrate and salinity.Increased inundation caused by sea level rise would impact the transverse distribution of mangroves on the tidal flat,and mangroves are obliged to transgress inland.In China,sea level rise together with seawalls is threatening the survival of mangroves and small tidal range increases the susceptibility of mangroves to sea level rise.Mangroves of China are extremely sensitive to sea level rise.Presently,there exist several problems about the impacts of sea level rise on mangroves of China.(1) Little research concentrates on the impacts of sea level rise and seawalls on mangroves from the perspective of mangrove community structure.(2) Changes of mangrove ground elevation are poorly understood,which are usually compared with local rises in sea level to predict the effects of sea level rise on mangroves.(3) A monitoring network based on surface elevation table-marker horizon system is urgently needed to observe how mangroves of China respond to sea level rise.国家自然科学基金项目(41276076)资


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    Subjective well-being in elderly survivors after the 5·12 Wenchuan earthquake

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    Mental health of elderly victims in relocation sites four months after the 5·12 earthquake

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