97 research outputs found

    Design and Implementation of Mobile NMR Spectrometer File Management System Based on iOS

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    摘要 核磁共振技术是一种无伤的检测技术,由于其优良的特性,使之成为了众多领域内,如医学、生物学和化学等,最有效的研究手段之一,而这些领域都需要用到核磁共振谱仪文件管理系统来对实验数据文件进行管理。另一方面,随着移动技术的发展,移动设备在人们的日常生活中扮演着越来越重要的角色,出现了各式各样基于移动设备的应用软件来帮助人们更好地学习、工作和生活。然而,目前却没有一款基于移动设备的核磁共振谱仪文件管理系统来帮助研究人员管理数据实验文件,迫使研究人员只能依赖传统的个人电脑。 本文旨在运用iPad等移动终端的灵活、便携、处理能力强等特点,结合实验人员的需求,研发一款可运行于iOS系统上的核磁共振谱...Abstract As a harmless detection technique, NMR(nuclear magnetic resonance) has been one of the most efficient research methods in various domains such as medicine, biology, chemistry because of its superb characteristics. In all those areas, file management software for NMR tends to be needed to handle multitudinous experimental data and documents. On the other hand, with the development of mobi...学位:工学硕士院系专业:物理与机电工程学院_工程硕士(电子与通信工程)学号:3312012115265

    Design and Implementation of the Criminal Health Management System Based on the Prison

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    目前我国监狱内都基本设有监区级医院,但是现实情况是大多条件设备简陋、医疗卫生设备陈旧、基础设施相对落后、公共卫生服务质量滞后。部分监狱医院尚能满足服刑人员的基本医疗卫生需求,但部分偏远落后地区监狱医院连服刑人员的医疗卫生需求都无法正常满足,许多服刑人员有病在监狱内无法得到及时有效的生理心理医治,到监狱外医院又会带来普遍的监管安全问题,经常使监狱干警陷入“管”和“拖”得两难境地,同时也无法正常保障罪犯的生理心理健康安全,在这样情况下,监狱医院更只能被动处理一些事后事情,而无法主动介入,预防失态的发展。因此监狱健康管理系统的构建,符合当前现代化监狱发展的要求,也充分体现国家关于保障罪犯权利的要求。...At present our country jail basically with supervision district hospital, but the reality is the most simple equipment, medical equipment stale, infrastructure is relatively backward, the public health service quality lags. Part of the prison hospital can meet the basic health needs of the prisoners, but in some remote backward area prison hospital even prison staff's health needs can not meet, ma...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_工程硕士(软件工程)学号:X201223003

    Design and Implementation of Procuratorate CPC Members Management Information System

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    随着信息化的深入的发展,计算机信息化、计算机操作越来越成为一种职业基本素质,越来越为人民所接受。社会各个行业也都努力推进这着信息化基本任务建设,为了获得更加丰富的经济利益和更好的为人民服务,参与跨国际域的竞争,优化管理、降低企业运营成本,提高信息化管理水平,越来成为必然的趋势,这种趋势是无法改变的。面对中国共产党员的日常管理工作,我们提出了基层党委党员管理信息系统,这对于提高基层党员管理工作效率是很有帮助的。基于计算机技术的信息化党员管理信息系统,可以提高基层党委对党员管理工作效率、降低党员管理维护费用和管理资源开销配置,实现无纸化管理,其对各基层党委而言,其经济、社会价值很大。 在系统中,...With the in-depth development of information technology, computer information technology, computer operations is increasingly becoming a professional basic quality, more and more accepted by the people. Various sectors of society are also efforts to promote this basic task of building the information, in order to obtain a more extensive economic interests and better serve the people, to participat...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_工程硕士(软件工程)学号:X201123011

    The Control System Design of Non-woven Welding Machine

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    塑料袋给人们的生活带来便利的同时,由于其难降解的特性,也造成了严重的环境问题。无纺布袋以其坚韧耐用、造型美观、体积小、质量轻,以及可降解的特点,被认为是塑料袋的最佳替代品。无纺布手挽焊带机就是将无纺布袋的提手准确快速牢固地焊接在袋体上的加工设备,机器采用超声波焊接方式,具有加工速度快,粘合牢固的优点。 本论文首先分析了无纺布手挽焊带机的工作原理,根据其对控制系统的要求制定了分模块设计的总体方案,并确立了其中的步进电机驱动模块以及主控制器模块为本文的研究重点。 随后,论文介绍了步进电机驱动模块设计方案。首先分析了步进电机驱动原理和步进电机细分控制原理,接着给出了恒流斩波驱动控制方式的硬件设计...Plastic bags bring great convenience to people's lives, at the same time, it caused serious environmental problems because of its biodegradable properties. Non-woven bag because of its tough and durable feature, small volume, light quality, as well as the characteristics of biodegradable, is considered to be the best substitute of plastic bags. Non-woven bag welding machine is used to weld the han...学位:工学硕士院系专业:信息科学与技术学院自动化系_检测技术与自动化装置学号:2322008115336

    Random Binominal Option Pricing Model and Simulation

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    上个世纪七十年代以来金融衍生产品的发展,是金融史上影响最为深远、最激动人心的变化之一。过去二十多年来,金融衍生产品始终保持了旺盛的生命力。在众多的金融产品中,期权居于核心的地位。大量的结构化产品,如牛熊证、高息票据(ELN)、保本票据等,都包含了期权的成分。自从期权交易产生以来,尤其是股票期权交易产生以来,大量学者一直致力于对期权定价问题的探讨。1973年,FischerBlack和MyronScholes提出了著名的Black-Scholes期权定价模型(简称B-S模型)。B-S模型问世以来,在学术界和实务界引起强烈的反响,受到普遍的关注与好评,有的学者还对其准确性进行了多角度的检验。为了完...The emergence of financial derivatives in 1970s marked a most significant and exciting event in the history of finance. Over the past two decades, financial derivatives remain an exuberant vitality, of which, options play a key role. Considerable structural products such as bull-call warrants, equity linked notes (ELN),break-even notes have the elements of options. Since the emergence of options t...学位:管理学博士院系专业:管理学院企业管理系_企业管理(含财务管理、市场营销、人力资源管理)学号:B20031401


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    综述了佐米曲坦的合成、药代动力学、临床疗效、不良反应及药物相互作用。The synthesis,pharmacodynamics,pharmacokinetics,ADRs,and drug interactions of zolmitriptan were reviewed

    A New Consistency Approximation Method of Pairwise Comparison Matrix

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    本文根据一致性判断矩阵定义,提出了一种求取一致性判断矩阵的新方法。该方法充分利用了判断矩阵所提供的直接判断和全部间接判断信息,消除了专家判断思维逻辑的混乱和不一致性。Based on the deFinition of the consistency comparison matrix,this paper proposes a new consistency approximation method of pairwise comparison matrix,Since the new method can make Full use of all the comparison inFormation both direct and indirect Form a pairwise comparison matrix,the unconsistency and conFusions in logical thinking caused by expert judgements are all elim- inated by the method


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    The Research and Development of Agriculture Multi-media Expert Consultative System

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    在开发龙眼裁培技术多媒体专家咨询系统和花椰菜裁培技术多媒体专家咨询系统的基础之上 ,分析了多媒体农业专家咨询系统的知识特点 ,并以花椰菜裁培技术多媒体专家咨询系统为例 ,提出了基于农业的多媒体专家咨询系统的若干见解 .Based on the development of longan cultivate technique and cauliflower cultivate technique multi-media expert consultative system, this paper analyzes the knowledge characteristics of both systems, and proposes several ideas about multi-media agriculture expert consultative system


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