222 research outputs found

    Investigation of Changes in Sexual and Ejaculatory Functions after Holmium Laser Enucleation of the Prostate (HoLEP)

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    Changes in sexual function and ejaculatory function in patients who had undergone holmium laser enucleation of the prostate (HoLEP) were investigated using questionnaires. In this study, 77 patients on whom HoLEP was performed at our department from July 2010 to December 2010 were included. Of the 77 patients, the number of patients who could achieve an erection increased from 36 (46.8%) preoperatively to 52 (67.5%) postoperatively after HoLEP. Although postoperative ejaculatory dysfunction was found in 38 (73%) of 52 patients, 47 (90%) experienced orgasms, regardless of ejaculation, which is a high rate. With respect to ejaculatory satisfaction, patients who experienced an ejaculation had significantly higher satisfaction levels than those who did not. These results suggest that changes in postoperative ejaculatory function might affect satisfaction levels of ejaculation

    A Case of Primary Adrenal Malignant Lymphoma with Inferior Vena Cava Thrombus

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    We report a case of primary adrenal malignant lymphoma with inferior vena cava thrombus which was successfully treated by surgical resection and chemotherapy. A 77-year-old woman complained of right back pain. Computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging showed right adrenal tumor which had a diameter of 27 mm with inferior vena cava thrombus. Under the diagnosis of malignant adrenal tumor, surgical resection and vena cava replacement were performed. Histopathological examination revealed diffuse large B-cell lymphoma. After the operation, she received 6 courses of adjuvant chemotherapy, and has been alive without evidence of recurrence for 3 years


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    The Issue of Remedial Education at Tohoku University Observed from Student Questionnaire Survey

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    自然科学関係を中心に補習的教育支援やいわゆるリメディアル教育を真に望む学生数の客観的データを得ることが大学の教育戦略の視点の基本ステップである,東北大学全学生を対象とする恒例の第6回学生生活実態調査の学部生用に上記の問題に関する項目を加えた.調査の結果,単純集計であるが,高校での未履修科目の特別クラスの提供だけでなく,通常の大学の授業においても支援を望む学生が小さくない割合で存在していることが示された.It is very basic step for the university educational strategy to have objective data of the number of students who truly desire the educational helps andor so called the remedial classes especially of the natural science subjects. We added a few questions with respect to these issues of undergraduate students, to the regular 6th survey of the Tohoku University students\u27 lives and activities. Preliminary results of the survey clearly show that not a few students are necessitated to take so called extra classes in relation to the high school courses they have not taken, as well as to desire the additional learning supports for the regular classes.論


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    宿便成結腸穿孔は比較的稀な疾患である.今回我々は本症例の1例を経験した.症例は66歳,女性.腹痛を主訴に来院した.来院時腹部所見は板上硬で左下腹部に強度の圧通を認め,腸音は減弱していた.単純X線写真にて両側横隔膜下に遊離ガス像を認め,下部消化器管穿孔,汎発生腹膜炎の診断にて緊急手術を施行した.手術所見では下行結腸から直腸内に硬便が充満していた.S字結腸に穿孔部を認め,その近傍に腸管内から脱出した便塊を認めた.手術はハルトマン手術を施行した.切除標本では穿孔部は楕円形であり,手術所見,病理組織学的所見とあわせて宿便性結腸穿孔と診断した.術後は経過良好であった.手術から12ヶ月後,人工肛門閉鎖,下行結腸直腸吻合術を施行した.Stercoral colonic perforation is a relatively rare entity. This paper presents such a case in a 66-year-old woman. The patient was visited the hospital because of abdominal pain. Her abdomen was board-like, there was severe tenderness in the left lower quadrant, and bowel sounds were hypoactive. The abdominal x-ray film showed free air beneath the bilateral diaphragm. Lower gastrointestinal perforation and generalized peritonitis were diagnosed and an emergency operation performed. At laparotomy, the intestine from the descending colon to the rectum was filled with hard stool. A perforation was present in the sigmoid colon and, in the vicinity of the perforation, the stool mass had fallen away from the inside of the intestine. A Hartmann procedure was employed. On the resected material, the perforation was oval in shape. From operative and histopathological findings, a definite diagnosis of stercoral colonic perforation was made. The postoperative course was uneventiful. Twelve months after the operation, closure of an artificial anus and an anastomosis between the descending colon and the rectum were performed

    体育に肯定的な印象を持つための授業づくり\n : アンケートによる過去の体育授業に関する実態調査から

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