152 research outputs found

    Syntheses,Structures and Bioapplications of Noble Metal Clusters Protected by Rigid Bulky Ligands

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    金属纳米团簇是一种具有约几个到几百个原子尺寸的特殊类型的纳米材料。纳米团簇之所以独特,因为它们可以用明确的分子式表示。它们的超小尺寸(金属核直径从亚纳米级到2-3nm)将它们放置于小分子(例如,金属-配体络合物)和等离子体金属纳米颗粒之间。借助X-射线单晶衍射技术,可以得到其原子精确的单晶结构。在本论文中,我们以1-金刚烷硫醇作为表面保护配体成功合成出了一系列尺寸大小不同的纯银单金属和富银双金属纳米团簇,并通过X-射线单晶衍射仪表征其单晶结构。同时我们还研究了相关纳米团簇的光学性质,表面反应性能及其在生物中的应用。本论文的主要内容及创新点如下: 1.刚性大位阻硫醇保护的银纳米团簇: (a)...Metal nanoclusters with sizes consisting of tens to hundreds of atoms is a special class of materials. Nanoclusters are unique because they can be expressed in clear molecular formulas. Their ultra-small size (metal core diameter from sub-nanometer to 2-3nm) places them between small molecules (for example, metal-ligand complexes) and plasma metal nanoparticles. With the help of X-ray single cryst...学位:理学硕士院系专业:化学化工学院_无机化学学号:2052014115150

    Enterprise Network Public Relations Crisis ——A case study of Eastern Airlines Flights Return

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    本文以互联网条件下的企业危机公关工作为切入点,以近几年来国内发生的大量网络公关实例及东航返航事件中的网络危机公关运用为例证,深入分析企业开展网络公关的必要性和具体策略。同时,本文从管理学、传播学、公共关系学的视角提出了企业网络危机公关策略。 本文认为网络媒体信息及时性、自由性、长久保存性的特点带来了网络危机传播扩散快、波及范围广、延续时间长的特性,网络危机传播方式的变化要求企业面临危机时在有限而短暂的时间里制定恰当的网络危机公关策略。面对更复杂的公关客体和容易死灰复燃的危机企业需要更缜密的网络危机公关体系与应对策略。 东航在返航事件中的网络危机公关运行存在反应迟缓、网络危机公关意识欠缺、网...By analyzing recent online crisis P.R. examples especially the flight-return crisis of China Eastern Airlines, this paper tries to explore the necessity and strategy of online crisis public relations carried out by enterprises. It also proposes enterprise online crisis P.R. strategy by using theories of management, communication and public relations. The paper argues that online crisis, with c...学位:文学硕士院系专业:新闻传播学院广告学系_传播学学号:3062007115248


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    A Study on Contribution Ratio of Different Types of Higher Education Institutions to Gross Enrollment Ratio in China

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    “每一个发达社会的高等教育问题都与数量增长相联系。”高等教育规模的急剧扩张必然引起高等教育系统的相应变化。1999年以来我国高等教育毛入学率进入快速增长阶段,各类高等教育机构获得前所未有的发展。作为世界大众高等教育体系的一部分,我国高等教育规模扩张因起步较晚、速度更快而具有一系列典型性。研究我国高等教育毛入学率增长的内在逻辑,不仅在一定程度上有助于丰富世界大众高等教育理论,也有助于厘清我国高等教育的现状与问题。 藉此,本研究围绕着中心问题——不同类型高等教育机构对毛入学率的贡献率逐步展开,前文以分析高等教育机构的发展和高等教育毛入学率的增长为基础,后文以毛入学率增长的理论与实践探讨为提升。核...‘Problems of higher education in every developed social is associated with the growth of the number.’ The rapid expansion of higher education scale is bound to cause the corresponding change of higher education system. Since 1999, the gross enrollment ratio has been experiencing an appreciable rapid developing period. Various higher education institutions have earned an unprecedented development. ...学位:教育学博士院系专业:教育研究院_高等教育学学号:2572009015337


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    Research development of retinoic acid receptor α in tumor

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    视黄酸受体(rAr)家族成员包括rAr与视黄酸X受体两大类,它们由3种不同的基因α、β、γ编码,由此形成不同的受体亚型。与其他受体一样,rArα参与调控细胞分化、增殖、凋亡以及胚胎发育、视觉形成、骨骼形成、新陈代谢、造血等许多关键的生命活动过程,并且rArα的异常表达具有肿瘤相关性和组织差异性。现就rArα在肿瘤中的研究情况进行综述。Retinoic acid receptor(RAR) family member including RAR and retinoid X receptor two categories, which consists of three different genes α, β, γ, thereby forming different receptor subtypes.Like with other receptors, RARαinvolves in the regulation of cell differentiation, proliferation, apoptosis, and embryonic development, visual formation,bone formation, metabolism, blood and many other key life activities.Meanwhile, there are the high correlation and tissue differentiation between abnormal expression of RARα and tumor.Here is to make a review on RARα and tumor.国家自然科学基金面上项目(81572394); 福建省卫生系统中青年骨干人才培养项目(2015-ZQN-ZD31); 福建省自然科学基金计划项目(2015J01560

    Charge Transfer Enhancement of Adenine Adsorbed on Palladium Nanostructured Surfaces by UV and Visible Laser Excited SERS

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    通讯作者: 任斌. E-mail: [email protected][中文文摘]腺嘌呤/金属体系中电荷转移(CT)增强机理的深入认识对理解单分子SERS和TERS中的巨大增强效应意义重大。受激发光波长的限制,关于CT是否存在的实验证据目前还未见报道。本文在获得钯上UV-SERS的基础上,借助紫外光激发的优势,研究了腺嘌呤吸附在钯包金体系中的电荷转移增强机理。通过分析三个激发光波长下(325 nm、514.5 nm和632.8 nm)的电位SERS谱,获得了峰值电位与激发光能量hv之间斜率为正的线性关系,从实验上首次证实了腺嘌呤吸附在钯上的电荷转移增强机理,电荷转移方向是从金属到分子。这对深入认识SM-SERS或TERS中腺嘌呤在金和银上的巨大增强效应起到了一定的指导作用。[英文文摘]Studies on the charge transfer enhancement mechanism of adenine/metal system are very important for the understanding of the huge enhancements observed in the single molecule SERS(SM-SERS) or tip-enhanced Raman spectroscopy(TERS).However,direct experimental proof has not been achieved mainly due to the limit in the excitation lines used which usually focus on visible or NIR region.Owing to the successive acquirement of UV-SERS on palladium surface,the excitation with higher energy of ultraviolet(UV) laser will bring some new insights into the understanding of SERS mechanism. In this paper,charge transfer enhancement of adenine molecules adsorbed on Pd was verified for the first time on the basis of the potential dependent SERS spectra with a UV laser (325 nm)and two visible lasers (514.5 nm and 632.8 nm) excitations. Linear relat ionship with a positive slope between excitation energy and Emax (potential at which intensity reaches maximum) was observed, indicating a metal to molecule charge transfer. The UV excitation displays an obvious advantage in its ability to bring a larg e differ ence of Emax from those with visible laser excitat ions.国家自然科学基金(20825313); 中国科技部(973项目,Nos:2007CB935603