3 research outputs found

    A Study on the Censorial Officials in the Reign of Emperor Jen-tsung (1022-1063) in Sung Dynasty

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    宋仁宗朝是士大夫政治发展的关键时期,这在台谏官员身上有很好的显现。无论是内政方面,还是涉及外交国防的边事方面,抑或知人论事方面,他们均敢于发表自己的见解。但是,宋仁宗朝的台谏官员没有像后人追忆的“宰相但奉行台谏风旨”那样意气风发,许多人因上书言事获罪。在贬斥言事官的过程中,统治者还会对其选任、上书言事程序、方式等制度性规定肆加因革,以期更符合自身的统治。 论文主要结构: 绪论部分,主要说明宋仁宗朝台谏官员研究的选题意义、学界的研究状况,对台谏官员概念做了基本界定,并确定了个案选择的标准。 第一章,以宋仁宗朝前期孔道辅为对象,考察了他为台谏官时的政治活动及仕宦过程,从中体察制度因革与人事变...It was a crucial period for scholar-bureaucrat's politics in the reign of Jen-tsung which is well reflected in Censorial Officials in central government. The group of advisors and censors at then shew their responsibility and couragement to impact the political decision by speaking out in court their own views or criticism on both internal business and external affairs, or personnel management. Bu...学位:历史学硕士院系专业:人文学院历史学系_中国古代史学号:1032008115230


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    A Study of Self-written Epitaphs in the Song Dynasty

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    仝相卿,河南大学黄河文明传承与现代文明建设河南省协同创新中心副教授,文学博士。【中文摘要】据存世资料统计,宋代自撰墓志铭共有33方,现存计有18方。自撰墓志铭虽非宋代墓志铭撰写的主流,但在两宋时期不绝如缕。自撰墓志者有的曾身居高位,有的一直宦海低迷、困顿下僚,还有的终生居于草野。这些墓志铭,有的形式自由、内容简单,也有的中规中矩,与他撰墓志无异。撰者之所以直面自己的生命,或借自撰墓志表达一种超脱生死的豁达境界,或是理想与现实反差下的牢骚之语,抑或是特殊的政治环境下墓主的自我释放,乃至表达易代之后“遗民”的心态等,呈现出多样化的面貌。此类文献的历史书写方式颇耐人寻味,值得深究。 【Abstract】Historical records indicate that there are 33 self-written epitaphs in the Song Dynasty, including 18 surviving ones. Although they were not the norm in the Song Dynasty, it existed all the time. People wrote an epitaph for themselves included high-ranking officials, lowly bureaucrats, and commoners. The varied reasons why they wrote an epitaph for themselves included a desire to take stock of their life experience, a desire to rise above the matters of life or death, a desire to vent frustration over the discrepancy between ideals and reality, a desire to express their emotions in a particular political environment, and a desire to express longing for the previous dynasty. This interesting form of historical writing has both explicit manifestations and implicit connotations worth further study.教育部人文社科青年项目“北宋墓志碑铭撰写研究”(15YJC770031);河南省社科规划项目“北宋墓志碑铭撰者及撰写研究”(2015CLS019