17 research outputs found

    Research on Mechanism of Formulation and Change of Stereotype: A Case Study of Hero Stereotype in Historical and Revolutionary Movies

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    刻板印象是人们头脑中关于世界的先在图景,是人们对社会某一类群体概括性的知识结构,它在社会互动中规范着人们的价值判断和行为反应。刻板印象一旦形成就具有了很强的稳定性。发源于西方的刻板印象研究已经有80多年的历史,其中,刻板印象的形成与变化研究是学者关注的热点之一。研究结果表明,社会关系、大众媒介以及个人心理结构是影响刻板印象形成与变化的主要因素。新中国成立以来,中国人认识社会的主要依据是革命历史影片塑造的英雄刻板印象。它为中国人民“提供了认识中国近代史的观念、方法和结论,同时也营造了利于浮现的、表象化的历史图景”。[1]本研究从刻板印象生成与变化的角度出发,探讨中国革命历史影片中英雄刻板印象的媒...It has been more than 80 years since the study of stereotyping emerged in western country. Defined as stored general knowledge on characteristics of a social group of people, stereotype is a kind of preconception about the world for people in their mind, which regulates their conduct and value judgment in their social interaction. Once it is formed, stereotype would have a strong stability, which ...学位:文学硕士院系专业:新闻传播学院广告学系_传播学学号:1052006115025

    Functional Prediction Model for Mortality

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    人口死亡率反映人口的死亡水平,是人口规模的重要影响因素,同时也是人寿保险精算的重要数据基础。从数据特征来看,死亡率作为年龄的函数,是一种典型的函数型数据。本文使用函数型数据方法分析中国人口数据,基于1994—2010年中国人口分年龄死亡数据,建立函数型死亡率预测模型,对未来分年龄死亡率进行预测,并通过生命表方法计算了未来平均预期寿命。同时通过对历史数据的预测,说明模型预测结果比较可信。Population mortality,reflecting the death level of the population,is an important factor of the scale of the population.At the same time,it is the significant data basis for life insurance actuarial science.On the characteristic of the data,as a function of age,Mortality is a typical functional data.This paper build a functional prediction model for mortality,based on Chinese age-specific mortality data from 1994 ~ 2010,forest the future aged-specific mortality and calculate the average life expectancy by the method of life table.In addition to this,prediction results by historical data shows that the prediction results is credible.国家社会科学基金项目“金融高频数据挖掘方法及应用研究”资助(项目编号:11BTJ001

    The Study of Defining the Coverage of Imputed Consumption in the CPI

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    基于CPI的编制目的,探讨纳入CPI的虚拟消费(自有住房和金融服务)的计价问题。分析表明:CPI中虚拟消费的计价范围应与计价方法相对应,且服从不重不漏的统计原则;结合中国CPI编制的实际情况,需要在中国自有住房服务估算租金的成本法中完善计价范围,添加尚未列出的费用项目;金融服务则可效仿自有住房服务的处理方法,以支出法gdP的居民消费为基准口径,逐步将金融服务费用纳入中国CPI中。Based on the study of CPI principal purpose and the corresponding framework,referenced to some countries statistics data,this paper discussed the pricing rang about the owner-occupied housing and financial services in the CPI,and got some instructive conclusions.The accounting range of imputed consumption should correspond to the approach of accounting,and subject to the non-repetition and nonomission principal.Combined with the actual situation of China's CPI system,incorporated owner-occupied housing into China's CPI uses the user-cost approach,and should add the items which is not listed.The measurement of financial services can follow the example of owner-occupied housing services,refer to the measurement of the expenditure for GDP,gradually incorporate financial services into China's CPI.教育部哲学社会科学研究重大课题攻关项目《中国居民消费价格指数(CPI)的理论与实践研究》(11JZD019); 国家社会科学基金重点项目《中国产业关联特征及支柱产业研究》(11ATZ002

    The Effect of Presenting Mode of Different Features on the Acquisition of Rule-Based and Similarity-Based Knowledge in Category Learning

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    Summary of Recommendations by the Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf with Regard to Japan''s Submission:A Commentary

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    *方银霞,国家海洋局第二海洋研究所专属经济区与大陆架研究中心,研究员,主要从事大陆边缘演化及大陆架划界研究,电子邮箱:[email protected]。 **唐勇,国家海洋局第二海洋研究所专属经济区与大陆架研究中心,研究员。 ***付洁,国家海洋局第二海洋研究所专属经济区与大陆架研究中心,博士研究生。[文摘]自日本外务省2012年4月28日宣布,日本200海里以外大陆架的申请获得了大陆架界限委员会(以下简称“委员会”)的批准以来,关于其划界案涉冲之鸟礁区块的争论就一直吵得沸沸扬扬,备受国际社会关注。随着委员会分别于2012年5月15日和6月3日在联合国网站上公布了委员会第29届会议主席声明和日本划界案建议摘要,日本划界案审议结果已经是明明白白,那就是委员会根本不认可日本依据冲之鸟礁主张的外大陆架。日本除了借助冲之鸟礁外,在其他主张区还混淆概念,滥用《联合国海洋法公约》相关规定,以获取本国利益最大化,但并未得到委员会认可。本文对委员会建议摘要作全文解读,以便大家全面了解日本的划界主张和委员会的审议结果。[Abstract]Since Japan's Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced on April 28,2012 that Japan's submission to delimit the outer limits of its continental shelf beyond 200 nautical miles was approved by the Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf (CLCS), the part of the submission involving the region based on Oki-no-Tori Shima has been arousing controversy in the international community. Since the May 15,2012 publication of the Statement by the Chairperson on the “Progress of Work in the Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf” from the 29th session of meetings and the June 3,2012 publication of the Summary of Recommendations of the Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf in Regard to the Submission Made by Japan (hereinafter “Summary of Recommendations”)on the United Nations' website, the result of the deliberations on Japan's submission has been clear: the CLCS did not agree at all with Japan's claims of an outer continental shelf based on Oki-no-Tori Shima. In addition to its attempt to claim an outer continental shelf based on Oki-no-Tori Shima, Japan also tried to maximize its interests in other regions by confusing the issues and abusing the relevant provisions of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea. These attempts were also rejected by the CLCS. This paper gives a comprehensive analysis of the CLCS's Summary of Recommendations, so that the reader can gain a thorough understanding of Japan's delimitation claims and the results of the CLCS's consideration.本文获海洋公益性行业科研专项经费赞助(编号:201205003)


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    为探究滨海盐土不同盐度梯度下氨氧化微生物的丰度和多样性特征,利用土壤化学和分子生态学手段(定量PCR、T-RFLP)对莱州湾南岸及黄河口4个河口断面(黄河、白浪河、堤河、胶莱河)14个不同盐度(6.4‰ ~ 51.1‰)盐渍化土壤样品的氨氧化古菌(AOA)和氨氧化细菌(AOB)的硝化潜势、丰度及多样性进行了分析。结果发现:土壤硝化潜势在高盐度(34.7‰ ~51.1‰)条件下被显著抑制,主要受土壤盐度、pH和NO_3~——N水平显著影响;AOA-amoA基因丰度比AOB-amoA高出两个数量级,在中盐度时丰度最高(9.92×10~6 copies/g土),在高盐度时受到显著抑制(5.28×10~6 copies/g土,P<0.05);AOB-amoA基因丰度受盐度的影响,低盐度时显著高于中、高盐度条件;然而AOA和AOB的多样性和群落结构受盐度梯度影响不大。相关分析表明,硝化潜势与AOA和AOB丰度均无显著相关性,而与AOA/AOB比值以及AOA的Shannon指数显著负相关。由此可见,滨海盐土中,盐度的波动对土壤氨氧化活性和功能微生物都会产生剧烈的影响,盐度和pH造成的土壤氮素有效性的变化可能是影响滨海盐土硝化活性和氨氧化微生物丰度及群落组成的关键因素


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    为探究滨海盐土不同盐度梯度下氨氧化微生物的丰度和多样性特征,利用土壤化学和分子生态学手段(定量PCR、T-RFLP)对莱州湾南岸及黄河口4个河口断面(黄河、白浪河、堤河、胶莱河)14个不同盐度(6.4‰ ~ 51.1‰)盐渍化土壤样品的氨氧化古菌(AOA)和氨氧化细菌(AOB)的硝化潜势、丰度及多样性进行了分析。结果发现:土壤硝化潜势在高盐度(34.7‰ ~51.1‰)条件下被显著抑制,主要受土壤盐度、pH和NO_3~——N水平显著影响;AOA-amoA基因丰度比AOB-amoA高出两个数量级,在中盐度时丰度最高(9.92×10~6 copies/g土),在高盐度时受到显著抑制(5.28×10~6 copies/g土,P<0.05);AOB-amoA基因丰度受盐度的影响,低盐度时显著高于中、高盐度条件;然而AOA和AOB的多样性和群落结构受盐度梯度影响不大。相关分析表明,硝化潜势与AOA和AOB丰度均无显著相关性,而与AOA/AOB比值以及AOA的Shannon指数显著负相关。由此可见,滨海盐土中,盐度的波动对土壤氨氧化活性和功能微生物都会产生剧烈的影响,盐度和pH造成的土壤氮素有效性的变化可能是影响滨海盐土硝化活性和氨氧化微生物丰度及群落组成的关键因素


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    对老君山自然保护区乔木层生物量动态进行了测定和研究。结果表明,乔木层总生物量为195.17 t·hm-2,其中日本落叶松的生物量为93.87 t·hm-2,占乔木层总生物量的48.10%;其他主要树种锐齿槲栎、华山松、白桦和其它硬阔类分别占25.45%、19.83%、3.97%和2.66%。乔木层生物量随着林分胸径的增长,各器官具有不同的增长速度,到林分发育成熟时,日本落叶松、锐齿槲栎和华山松总生物量和各器官生物量都相继达到最大值,而白桦和其它硬阔类则在林分发育中期逐渐消亡,到林分发育中后期,总生物量趋于稳定

    人尿激肽原酶对大脑中动脉中重度狭窄所致急性缺血性卒中患者脑血管储备功能的影响 The Effect of Human Urinary Kininogenase on Cerebrovascular Reserve in Patients with Acute Ischemic Stroke due to Moderate to Severe Stenosis of the Middle Cerebral Artery

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    目的 探讨人尿激肽原酶对大脑中动脉中重度狭窄所致急性缺血性卒中患者脑血管储备功能的影响。 方法 前瞻性纳入2020年1月—2021年12月在郑州人民医院神经内科住院的大脑中动脉中重度狭窄所致急性缺血性卒中患者。采用随机数字表法,将入组患者分为对照组和人尿激肽原酶组。对照组进行常规治疗;人尿激肽原酶组在对照组治疗基础上,给予静脉滴注人尿激肽原酶,每次0.15 PNA单位,溶于100 mL 0.9%氯化钠注射液,静脉滴注时间不少于50 min,持续10~14 d。治疗前及治疗后3个月,采用TCD检测大脑中动脉脑血管储备功能(cerebrovascular reserve,CVR)、屏气指数(breath-holding index,BHI),临床疗效评价采用NIHSS评分和mRS评分。 结果 共入组120例患者,平均年龄(63.0±6.5)岁,对照组和人尿激肽原酶组各60例。治疗前,两组的CVR和BHI差异无统计学意义;治疗后,与对照组相比,人尿激肽原酶组的CVR[(37.2%±4.1%)vs.(23.1%±3.2%),P<0.001]和BHI[(1.64±0.40)vs.(1.14±0.34),P<0.001]均显著增高。治疗前两组的NIHSS评分、mRS评分0~2分患者的比例差异无统计学意义;治疗3个月后,人尿激肽原酶组NIHSS评分低于对照组[4(3~5)分 vs. 5(3~6)分,P=0.022],mRS评分0~2分患者的比例高于对照组[55.0% vs. 35.0%,P=0.028]。 结论 人尿激肽原酶注射液可改善大脑中动脉中重度狭窄所致急性缺血性卒中患者的CVR,并改善患者3个月的预后。 Abstract: Objective To investigate the effect of human urinary kininogenase on cerebrovascular reserve in patients with acute ischemic stroke caused by moderate to severe stenosis of the middle cerebral artery. Methods Patients with acute ischemic stroke caused by moderate to severe stenosis of the middle cerebral artery who were hospitalized in the Department of Neurology, People's Hospital of Zhengzhou from January 2020 to December 2021 were prospectively enrolled. The enrolled patients were divided into control group and human urinary kininogenase group by random number table method. The control group received conventional treatment. On the basis of the treatment of the control group, the human urinary kininogenase group was given intravenous infusion of human urinary kininogenase with 0.15 PNA units each time, dissolved in 100 mL of 0.9% sodium chloride injection, and the intravenous infusion time was not less than 50 min, lasting 10-14 days. Before treatment and 3 months after treatment, TCD was used to evaluate the cerebrovascular reserve (CVR) and breath-holding index (BHI) of the middle cerebral artery, respectively, and the clinical efficacy evaluation was carried out using NIHSS score and mRS score. Results 120 patients with an average age of (63.0±6.5) years were enrolled, including 60 cases in the control group and 60 cases in the human urinary kininogenase group. Before treatment, there were no statistically significant differences in CVR and BHI between the two groups. After treatment, compared with the control group, the CVR [(37.2%±4.1%) vs. (23.1%±3.2%), P<0.001] and BHI [(1.64±0.40) vs. (1.14±0.34), P<0.001] in the human urinary kininogenase group were significantly increased. There was no significant difference in the proportion of patients with NIHSS score and mRS score of 0-2 between the two groups before treatment. Three months after treatment, the NIHSS score of the human urinary kininogenase group was lower than that of the control group [4 (3-5) points vs. 5 (3-6) points, P=0.022]. The proportion of mRS score of 0-2 points of the human urinary kininogenase group was higher than that of the control group [55% vs. 35%, P=0.028]. Conclusions Human urinary kininogenase injection can improve the CVR of patients with acute ischemic stroke caused by moderate to severe stenosis of the middle cerebral artery, and can improve the prognosis of patients at 3 months