8 research outputs found

    放牧牛に襲来するアブ類の生態と防除 III : 曇天日におけるアブ 3 種の襲来刺咬活動とトラップによる成虫誘引効果(農学部門)

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    京都府丹後半島山間部の和牛放牧地において, 夏季襲来するアブ類の刺咬活動の調査とトラップによる成虫誘引試験を行なった。その結果, 夏季曇天日におけるアカウシアブ, ウシアブおよびシロフアブの日週活動は気温に最も支配され, 晴天日にみられるような明白な消長型を示さない。Manitoba fly trap(一部改変)による雌成虫誘引効果はアブの種類によって異なり, アカウシアブやウシアブなどの大型種に対してはトラップ上半円錐部の白布被覆で黒球(径45cm)を誘引体とし, 牛体中躯腹や四肢に襲来刺咬するヤマトアブ, シロフアブおよびホルバートアブに対しては黒布で円錐部を被覆し, 円筒(長さ63cm, 径12cm)2本を誘引体とする場合に誘引顕著である。さらにドライアイスによって二酸化炭素を放出すれば一層誘引効果が大きい。The diurnal biting activity of three horse flies in cloudy weather and attractiveness of the Manitoba Fly Trap (THORSTEINSON et al, 1965) modified partly against the female tabanids were studied in the grazing land of Kyoto in the summer of 1968 and 1969. 1. In cloudy weather it was irregular throughout all the stations in the number of three biting flies, giant horse fly (Tabanus chrysurus Loew), common horse fly (T. trigonus Coquillett) and whitish-maculate horse fly (T. mandarinus Schiner), in comparison with the regular diurnal activity with two peaks in fine weather, because it was lower than the temperature zone (25.1-26.0℃) of normal activity. But, when the air temperature rose 25℃ in the morning, there was the same peak as seen in fine weather. 2. The giant and common horse flies were highly attracted to glossy black decoy sphere (diameter 45cm) and translucent conical canopy covered with white silk cloth. On the other hand, the trap with two glossy black decoy cylinders (diameter 12cm, length 63cm) and opaque canopy covered with black nylon cloth manifested its attractancy against the smaller horse flies, such as Tabanus mandarinus, T. rufidens Bigot and Atylotus horvathi Szilady. The orientation of these female tabanids to different glossy black decoy targets depends upon their variable preferences for the parts of heifer\u27s body and for the intensity of illumination. These targets baited with dry ice (1.5kg/trap/day) caught about thrice as many tabanids as the similar unbaited traps

    P^<32> 使用によるチューリツプの燐酸吸収に関する研究

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    チューリツプについて生育過程において吸収され[figure]たPの収穫物中に於ける分布の模様をP^を用いて研究した。その結果, 各施用期および各部位ごとにP^の吸収量に差が見られ, 根に於ける集積が大であると同時に生育後期に施用したもの程, 多量集積する傾向を示した。これは生育段階に於けるP吸収量の差と, 吸収される時の生理的特異性によるものと考えられる。It is the purpose of this study to investigate the distribution of absorbed phosphorus in tulip at different stages of growth. The experiment was carried out by sand culture using p^. The measurement of radioactivity and determination of phosphorus were run on stems, leaves, petals, roots and bulbs. Each portion showed different absorption of phosphorus. A large amount of applied phosphorus accumulated in roots and bulbs, and this tendency increased with growth. Proportion of absorbed phosphorus to total phosphorus also increased with growth. This shows that phosphorus applied at later stage of growth accumulated in these portions


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    京都府下丹後地方のカンキツ園において開園時期を異にする園を供試し, 土壌の化学的性質および葉成分について時期的変化を調べた。その結果, 土壌の反応は新しい園(高石)が古い園(石浦)にくらべると酸性が強い傾向を示したが, マンガンについては両園とも水溶性および置換性マンガンが少なかった。葉成分については石浦でマンガン欠乏, 高石でマンガンおよび亜鉛欠乏の可能性が推定された。また, 結果枝は無結枝にくらべるとカルシウムマンガンおよび亜鉛を多く含み, 窒素および加里は逆に少ない傾向を示した。Studies were carried out on the seasonal change of chemical properties of soils and inorganic compositions of leaves at the two citrus groves (variety UNSHU)-old ones (the age of tree : 60 years) and young ones (the age of tree : 10 years)-in northern part of Kyoto Prefecture and the following results overe obtained : The soil of young grove (TAKAISHI) showed more acidic properties than the soil of old grove (ISHIURA). A small amount of water soluble and exchang-able manganese were found on the both soils. The seasonal change of inorganic compositions of leaves showed no distinct differences between the two kinds of groves. However, from the compositions of leaves, a manganese defficiency found at the old grove, and also manganese and zink defficiency at the young groves were expected. Calcium, manganese and zink contents in the leaves were higher in the bearing shoots than in the non bearing shoots, Nitrogen and potassium contents showed a reverse relation to these three elements


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    京都府下丹後地方の柑橘園土壌の一般理化学的性質および葉成分について分析し, 今後の当地方の柑橘栽培における土壌, 肥培管理の基礎資料をえた。すなわち丹後地方の柑橘園土壌は植物栄養的に母材をほぼ同じくする近畿, 中国地方の主産地土壌にくらべてせき薄な土壌地帯であり, 葉分析より診断される柑橘の栄養状態も良好とはいえず, とくに微量要素の欠乏に注意すべきことを明らかにした。The chemical and physical properties of soils and the inorganic compositions of leaves in the citrus gardens in Tango District, Kyoto Prefecture, were studied and the following results were obtained. The citrus garden soils in Tango District, which were formed on granite and palezoic shale, showed lower fertility level than the soils which were formed on the same parent materials in the citrus growing parts of Wakayama, Mie, Hiroshima and Yamaguchi Prefecture. The nutritional status of citrus were not so good and especially the trace element status in both soils and plants were very bad, for example, the manganese and zinc defficiency had appeared


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    黒毛和種, ホルスタイン種, アバディーン・アンガス種およびヘレフォード種の肥育牛から腎臓脂肪を採取し, 黒毛和種では腸間膜脂肪をも採取してその脂肪酸組成を分析した。その結果, 1)品種別の腎臓脂肪酸組成ではヘレフォード種とアンガス種の間にC_において有意差がみとめられた。2) 1日当り増体重および肥育終了時体重の相異によって脂肪酸の組成に影響がみとめられた。3)脂肪酸の相互関係については, 飽和脂肪酸と全不飽和脂肪酸の増減がほぼ正反対であった。4)黒毛和種の腎臓脂肪および腸間膜脂肪ではC_において有意な差がみとめられた。Composition of fatty acids of Japanese Black Holstein, Aberdeen Angus and Hereford cattle adipose tissue lipids were examined. Only one case was found significantly different that is C_ in fatty acid composition in kidney fat of Aberdeen Angus and Hereford. Changes in the composition of fatty acid of kidney fat were appeared to be related to the daily gain and the fattening period

    トチノキ林の再生産器官の生産量 : とくに花粉と種子について(林学部門)

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    大形種子をもつ樹種では再生産器官にどれほどの同化産物が流れるのか, 虫媒花樹種は花粉が少ないのかなどを明らかにする目的で, 京都府芦生のトチノキ2林分で6年間の調査を行なった。主な結果は次の通りである。(1)花粉を含めた生産量合計は, 豊作に2t/ha・yr, 平均1.2t/ha・yr程度, 0.5t/ha・yrが凶作の値である。合計値は他の樹種に比べて多くはないが, 種子では多い部類にはいる。(2)乾物生産の配分は, 凶作年(40%)を除くと, 雌性に集中する(65&acd;85%)。(3)雄花, 両性花の開花数の年次変動は小さい。(4)雄花と両性花の性比には林分差があり, 0.013&acd;0.037と0.048&acd;0.085である。(5)開花前の1雄花に含有する花粉量は246&acd;321×(10)^3個, 1.56&acd;1.88mgである。(6)1雄花の花粉量に林分開花数を掛けて推定した林分の花粉生産量は, 年により5.29&acd;12.7(平均9.13)×(10)^/ha・yr, 32.0&acd;87.4(同55.9)kg/ha・yrになる。他の林分は, これらの値より20%少ない。(7)トチノキ林の花粉数は風媒花樹種にほぼ等しいか, むしろ多い。(8)種子の豊作は両性花の多い年に起こる。高い結実率も豊作の原因の一つとなる。結実率は, 例外の1年があるが, 花粉数の多少と並行して推移する。胚珠1個の形成に準備された花粉数は1.3&acd;3.2×(10)^6,他の林分はこの1/2である。To determine the amount of photosynthates flowing to reproductive parts in trees bearing large and heavy seeds and whether insect-pollinated trees produce less pollen than wind-pollinated trees, a six-year study was done in two horse chestnut (Aesculs turbinata BLUME) forests at Ashiu, Kyoto prefecture. The main results were as follows. (1) Annual production rates of all reproductive parts were 2t/ha・yr for a mast year, about 1.2t/ha・yr on average, and 0.5t/ha・yr for poor fruiting. The production rates for horse chesnut were not as high as the values for other trees such as beech and chinquapin. In terms of seeds alone, horse chestnut appears to be one of the most productive trees. (2) Dry-matter production was concentrated on female parts (65-85%) derived from hermaphrodite flowers, except in poor crop years (40%). (3) Small annual fluctuations in the numbers of both male and hermaphrodite flowers were recognized. (4) There were differences between stands in the sex ratio (ratio of number of hermaphrodite flowers to total), being 0.013-0.037 for one stand and 0.048-0.085 for the other. (5) Flowers before anthesis had 246-321×(10)^3 pollen grains and a weight of 1.56-1.88mg. (6) Pollen production rates estimated by multiplication of the total number of flowers produced in a 1-ha stand by the amount of pollen per flower before anthesis were in the range of 5.29-12.7 (mean : 9.13)×(10)^ grains/ha・yr and 32.0-87.4 (mean : 55.9)kg/ha・yr. The other stand produced 20% less than these values. (7) Numbers of pollen grains produced by insect-pollinated horse chestnut were approximately equal to or more than those of wind-pollinated trees. (8) Mast fruiting occurred in years of good hermaphrodite flower crop, and was partly brought about by high seed-maturing ratios (numerical ratio of mature seeds to hermaphrodite flowers). Year-to-year trends in seed-maturing ratios parallelled pollen production, except in one year. Numbers of pollen grains scattered per ovule or ratios of pollen grains to ovules were in the range of 1.3-3.2×(10)^6 for one stand and half of this value for the other

    山地における土砂生産に関する研究 (II) : 土砂災害発生に関する降雨の特性について(林学部門)

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    木津川上流青蓮寺川水源地域は昭和34年9月の伊勢湾台風による流出土砂のため多大の土砂災害をこうむった。この論文ではこの地域の土砂災害の発生と降雨の関連について論じた。すなわち, (1)伊勢湾台風を中心とした降雨資料の解析をハイエトグラフによって行ない, そこに含まれる特性値が土砂災害に結びついた豪雨型パターンを示す降雨とどう関連するかを考察した。(2)計画降雨を豪雨型降雨パターンで与え, それにより土砂災害に対する警戒, 避難の基準となるべき雨量すなわち危険雨量を試算した。その結果以下の知見を得た。(1)ハイエトグラフに関する考察は(1)豪雨型パターンの降雨のハイエトグラフのr値は木津川上流地域ではr=0.78が適当である。(2)1時間最大雨量は総降雨量の関数で表わされる。(3)係数aは総降雨量, 降雨継続時間の増加に伴なって増加する。(2)危険雨量の考え方については木津川上流地域に対して再現期間が10年の計画降雨を与え土砂災害発生の目安累加雨量を200mmとした時に, 過去の多くの災害発生例とよく合致する。The purpose of this research is to investigate the actual conditions of the soil production on the mountain slope and to control it. It is the purpose of Sabo engineering also. The research area, the typhoon attacked (Isewan typhoon, Sept. 1959) upper stream of the Shorendge river which is a branch of the Kizu river, seems to have been produced unstable soil that may cause landslide disaster in case of heavy rain for about twenty years after the typhoon. Through the analyses of rainfall data of Isewan typhoon by means of HYETOGRAPH and the estimation of danger rainafall, the writers got the results as follows. On hyetograph 1) in the research area, the value of \u27r\u27 as in the hyetograph of heavy rainfall pattern as found to be : r=0.78 2) maximum one hour rainfall can be defined as the function of total rainfall. 3) coefficient \u27a\u27 increases with total rainafall and rainfall duration time. On danger rainfall in the reseach area the design rainfall of 10 years return period and the accumulated rainfall 200mm, as the index of landslide disaster occurence, correspond to examples of many disasters occurence in the past