144 research outputs found

    The Reason That the Fujian people Migrated to Southeast Asia during Qing Dynasty-Focus on the Minnan people

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    清代是闽人迁移东南亚的重要时期。移民的规模、数量都比以前有了更大飞跃。关于清代闽人迁移东南亚的原因,学术界不少著作中都有涉及,但大都是比较笼统的分析,以此作专题研究的不多。本文对移民之因展开了比较深刻而全面的分析。本文采用了“推力—拉力”的理论,主要从内部的推力和外在的拉力两个方面来考虑。内部的推力包括经济推力、社会推力、政治推力等,其中经济推力包括:人口与土地的矛盾,自然灾害的频繁,鸦片战争加剧人民的贫困,商品经济与海外贸易的发展带动海外移民,交通条件的改善也推动了移民的进程。社会推力包括:因宗亲戚友的相互牵引而下南洋;宗族间的械斗促使闽人迁移海外;闽人流动观念比较强,志在四方、敢于冒险,有...Qing Dynasty was an important period for the fujian people migrated to Southeast Asia.Both the scale and the number had a greater jump than before. Many academics relate to the reason that the Fujian people migrated to Southeast Asia,but most of them are general analysises.The researches on the topic are not enough.This paper analysis of the reason for the immgration profoundly and comprehensively...学位:历史学硕士院系专业:人文学院历史学系_中国古代史学号:1022005130010


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    摘要 本论文的工作由两部分组成:第一部分为高分辨率电喷雾飞行时间质谱仪的基本原理与简单构造;第二部分为高分辨率电喷雾飞行时间质谱仪在生物和中草药方面的应用。 论文的第一部分分为三章。第一章为绪论。这章简要介绍了质谱的发展历程,并着重介绍了飞行时间质谱仪的发展历史,最后简要介绍了国内外目前在飞行时间质谱仪方面的发展。第二章为飞行时间质谱和电喷雾基本原理。这章首先讨论了直线式飞行时间质谱、反射式飞行时间质谱及垂直引入反射式飞行时间质谱的基本原理及对仪器指标有重要影响的一些因素,其次讨论了电喷雾的基本原理和一些重要的影响因素。第三章为自行研制的高分辨率电喷雾飞行时间质谱简介及主要性能指标。这章首...Abstract This dissertation consists of two parts: 1. the basic principle and simple instructure of the electrospray ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometer with a high mass-resolving power; 2. usage of high resolution electrospray time-of-flight mass spectrometer in biology and traditional chinese medicine. The first part can be divided to three chapters. A review in the first chapter was gi...学位:理学硕士院系专业:化学化工学院化学系_分析化学学号:20002501


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    学位の種別:課程博士University of Tokyo(東京大学

    A Study on the Liquid Mass Spectrometer Experimental Technology

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    以植物中提取的一热不稳定有机化合物为例,分别采用液相质谱仪电喷雾电离源(ESI)和大气压化学电离源(APCI)方法检测。同时对ESI加热毛细管的技术参数设若干温度点(从200~104°C)跟踪检测分析,得出如下结果:对于极性且热不稳定有机化合物适宜的检测方式为ESI,随着加热毛细管温度不断降低,可以获得更为丰富的谱峰信息;在低于通常的加热毛细管温度设置区域能测得其准分子离子峰和相应的碎片峰。表明在液相质谱检测中优化传统溶剂等离子化效应下还必须关注到离子源和加热毛细管温度的选择,这对有机化合物的结构分析极有意义。To improve the detection accuracy and efficiency of the liquid mass spectrometer and the qualitative analysis level of the liquid mass spectrometer for the thermally unstable organic compounds,an optimized experiment technology of the liquid mass spectrometer was introduced for the thermally unstable organic compounds in this paper.A kind of the thermally unstable organic compounds extracted from the plant was detected respectively by electrospray ionization( ESI) and atmospheric pressure chemical ionization( APCI); by setting several temperature points( from 200 °C to 104 °C) of the heated capillary,the detected compounds was tracked and analyzed.With the temperature of the heated capillary reduced,more mass spectrometry information can be obtained.A conclusion could be drawn that the detection method of ESI is suitable to the extremely and thermally unstable organic compounds,the quasi-molecular ions spectrum and the corresponding fragment spectrum could be obtained in the settings area of lower capillary temperature.It was indicated that the ion source and the temperature of the heated capillary must be selected in the detection of the liquid mass spectrometer.It is important for the structure analysis of the thermally unstable organic compounds.厦门大学科技创新基金(XDKJCX20051003


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    目的  观察桔皮挥发油、几种人工合成香精中α-柠檬烯不同含量结果。方法  采用气相色谱 -质谱检测挥发油中α-柠檬烯。结果  芦柑皮挥发油和 3种人工合成香精经色谱分离出 14~ 5 0多个峰不等 ,主要成分均为α-柠檬烯 ,其它各成分的含量均在 15 %以下。其中以香橙油香精含α-柠檬烯量最多 ( 89.49%) ,其次为桔子油香精 ( 88.3 %)。 结论  挥发油中 80 %是α-柠檬烯 ,若能用人工合成的香精代替天然桔皮挥发油中的α-柠檬烯 ,可解决资源问题。若有人工合成品 ,对研究α-柠檬烯的药理作用取材更为方


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    The Combustion Property of Rare earth based Fluorite Type Oxide

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    CE基萤石型材料因低价阳离子ln3+的掺杂,降低了它的还原温度,增强了氧化还原能力,故可较好地促进甲烷等挥发性有机物的完全燃烧,具有与钙钛矿形型化合物相类似的性能,而其热稳定性更好,因而有望在醇类代用燃料汽车的尾气净化处理中发挥更大作用。Doping with lower valence cations,the reducing temperature of Ce based Fluorite type materials can be lowered,and the reduction oxidation property can be enhanced.This Facilitates the combustion of methane as perovskite compounds do,and the Former has a better thermal stability.This material can play an important role in the treatment of exhaust gas From alcohol Fueled vehicles.福建省自然科学基


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    Re-discovery of Viola keiskei Miq. from Ashiu Forest, a critically endangered violet species in Kyoto Prefecture

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    マルバスミレ(スミレ科)は京都府レッドデータブックにおいて絶滅寸前種に指定されている希少植物である. 芦生研究林では1936年に本種の標本が採取されたあと生育記録が途絶えていたが, 2022年5月に著者らによって上谷地域で小個体群が現存しているのが確認された. 本稿では芦生研究林で再発見されたマルバスミレの生育状況について報告した.Viola keiskei Miq. is a critically endangered violet species in Kyoto Prefecture. In Ashiu Forest, one specimen of V. keiskei was collected in 1936, but there have been no distribution records since then. In May 2022, a small population of V. keiskei was found by the authors in Kamitani area of Ashiu Forest, which we report here


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