315 research outputs found

    Sequential Star Formation in the filamentary structures of Planck Galactic cold clump G181.84+0.31

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    We present a multi-wavelength study of the Planck cold clump G181.84+0.31, which is located at the northern end of the extended filamentary structure S242. We have extracted 9 compact dense cores from the SCUBA-2 850 um map, and we have identified 18 young stellar objects (YSOs, 4 Class I and 14 Class II) based on their Spitzer, Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE) and Two-Micron All-Sky Survey (2MASS) near- and mid-infrared colours. The dense cores and YSOs are mainly distributed along the filamentary structures of G181.84 and are well traced by HCO+^{+}(1-0) and N2_{2}H+^{+}(1-0) spectral-line emission. We find signatures of sequential star formation activities in G181.84: dense cores and YSOs located in the northern and southern sub-structures are younger than those in the central region. We also detect global velocity gradients of about 0.8±\pm0.05 km s1^{-1}pc1^{-1} and 1.0±\pm0.05 km s1^{-1}pc1^{-1} along the northern and southern sub-structures, respectively, and local velocity gradients of 1.2±\pm0.1 km s1^{-1}pc1^{-1} in the central substructure. These results may be due to the fact that the global collapse of the extended filamentary structure S242 is driven by an edge effect, for which the filament edges collapse first and then further trigger star formation activities inward. We identify three substructures in G181.84 and estimate their critical masses per unit length, which are \sim 101±\pm15 M_{\odot} pc1^{-1}, 56±\pm8 M_{\odot} pc1^{-1} and 28±\pm4 M_{\odot} pc1^{-1}, respectively. These values are all lower than the observed values (\sim 200 M_{\odot} pc1^{-1}), suggesting that these sub-structures are gravitationally unstable.Comment: 20 pages, 17 figures, article, accepte


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    第6回極域科学シンポジウム[OS] 宙空圏11月16日(月) 国立極地研究所 2階 大会議

    Molecular gas and nuclear activity in early-type galaxies: any link with radio loudness?

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    Aims. We want to study the amount of molecular gas in a sample of nearby early-type galaxies (ETGs) that host low-luminosity active galactic nuclei (AGN). We look for possible differences between the radio-loud (RL) and radio-quiet (RQ) AGN.Methods. We observed the CO(1–0) and CO(2–1) spectral lines with the IRAM 30 m and NRO 45 m telescopes for eight galaxies. They belong to a large sample of 37 local ETGs that host both RQ and RL AGN. We gather data from the literature for the entire sample.Results. We report the new detection of CO(1–0) emission in four galaxies (UGC 0968, UGC 5617, UGC 6946, and UGC 8355) and CO(2–1) emission in two of them (UGC 0968 and UGC 5617). The CO(2–1)/CO(1–0) ratio in these sources is ~ 0.7 ± 0.2. Considering both the new observations and the literature, the detection rate of CO in our sample is 55± 9%, with no statistically significant difference between the hosts of RL and RQ AGNs. For all the detected galaxies we converted the CO luminosities into the molecular masses, MH2, which range from 106.5 to 108.5 M⊙, without any statistically significant differences between RL and RQ galaxies. This suggests that the amount of molecular gas does not likely set the radio loudness of the AGN. Furthermore, despite the low statistical significance, the presence of a weak trend between the H2 mass with various tracers of nuclear activity (mainly [O III] emission line nuclear power) cannot be excluded

    Mechanical Properties of Full-sized square lumbers of Karamatsu

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    Bending, compressive and tensile strength of Japanese larch (Larix leptolepis Gord.)were investigated on full-sized square sawn lumbers from Nagano Prefecture.Testing trees were collected from 7 stands : A : Usuda (44 years old), B : Hase (50 years old), C :Usuda (44 years old), D: Hase (42 years old), E: Ooshika (44 years old), F: Higa-shimata (40 years old), G: Nyuukasa (75 years old). Three types of square lumbers (I : boxed heart square, II: square having two sides of quarter sawn grain and III: squre having 4 sides of quarter sawn grain) were cut from testing trees according to the diameters of the top ends of each cut wood. The nominal specimen was 120×120×3000mm.All specimens were in the air-dry condition. These square lumbers were divided into two groups, bending specimens (315 pieces) and tensile spesimens (260 pieces). Specimens for compressive test (540mm length) were cut from the sound portions of bending specimens which failed by bending test. Before the breaking test, dynamic moduli of elasticity were measured by the four kinds of non-destructive testing methods. The main results obtained are as follows. 1) Bending strength (MOR)The average MOR of squars in stand A is the highest and the average tends to increase with increasing tree age. However, that of stand G is not the case because the growth of trees is not good owing to the high altitude. The average MOR of squares from stand E is second in the order in spite of good growth. This is because the testing trees in stand E frequently had some reaction wood and were affected significantly by wind. The average MOR becomes higher in the order, square I, square II, square III and becomes lower with increasing of the number of cut wood. Generally, the correlation are high between MOR and the maximum single knot size ratio (KDL) at the surface of tension side / the distance from the pith to the surface of tension side of the specimens. 2) Short column compressive strength (δc) The average δc becomes higher in the order, stand E (377 kgf/cm2), stand B, G, A(333~322 kgf/cm2), stand F, C, D (298~294kgf/cm2). The correlation is not clear between δc and tree age of stand. δc becomes higher in the order, square I, square II, squares III and becomes lower a little from the first cut to the higher number of cut wood. However, the effects of the sawing pattern and the difference of height in the testing tree is significantly small compared with MOR. It can be considered that δc basically depends on the density of squares. But, it cannot deny that δc tends to decrease with increasing KDL. 3) Tensile strength (δt) The average δt is lower in the order, stand A : 288kgf/cm2, stands F, G, B : 233~221kgf/cm2, stands C, D, E : 212~205kgf/cm2. Squares from stand A with tree age of 75 years are 7% higher in the sensity, 9% higher in tensil youngs modulus and 30% higher in δt than that of stand G with age of 65 years in spite of having wider annual ring widths than stand G. Generally, the statistical significant correlation was not found between δc and the sawing patterns, the position of cut in the testing trees. 4) Relative relation among MOR, δc and δt. Relative relation of the values of 5th%ile of bending: compression: tension of squares Japanese larch is 1.00: 0.82: 0.51. The relative value of 5th%ile of δt is lower a little compared to the case of sugi (Crytomeria japonica D.Don). The squares from stand A has the highest strength in bending/tension and the second highest in compression among the 7 stands. So, it is considered that stand A is the best. The squares from stand E is the highest in compression and the second highest in bending. However, that of stand E have significantly low δc. So, it is considered that the stand E is peculiar and under adverse condition. 5) Relation between the strength and the various parameters of wood quality a) The correlation is not so high between MOR and KDL, the maximum group knots size ratio (SKDL). However, the correlation is high between MOR and KDL/SKDL at the surface of tension side of specimens. Also, the correlation is high between MOR and the distance or the number of annual ring from the pith to the surface of tension side of specimens. It can not be considered that annual ring width (ARW) gives good results for estimating MOR in practices. b) Although the week corelation was found between δc and KDL, it is obvious that measuring knot size could not work effectively for estimating δc in practices. c) The correlation is not so high between ac and KDL, SKDL. 6) Relation between strength and dynamic Young's moduli The correlation is high between MOR and the dynamic Youngs moduli obtained by the non-destructive testing methods. For the purpose of grading sawn lumbers, it can be chosen any method among deflection, ultrasonic wave propagation time, stress wave propagation time and fundamental vibration frequency. Especially, the correlation is high between MOR and the moduli by the longitudinal vibration method. The compressive and tensile strength could be estimated by all moduli of elasticity same as the case of MOR.Article信州大学農学部演習林報告 33: 75-145(1997)departmental bulletin pape


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    金沢大学 医学部 保健学科 放射線技術科学1989年よりの5年間に施行された甲状腺穿刺吸引細胞診(FNA)は計1115件(患者総数647名)で,647名中,147名はその後甲状腺切除術が行われた.この147例について,FNAによる術前診断と手術後の病理診断との対比を行い,FNA診断の精度に関する検討を行った."疑陽性"の結果を陽性群に算入した場合,FNAのSensitivity(感度)は82.3%,Specificity(特異性)は76.0%,Accuracy(正診率)は80.1%と良好な結果が得られた.FNAによる術前診断の困難な疾患はろ胞性腫瘍と慢性甲状腺炎であり,しばしば診断不一致例が認められた原著論文/比較研