324 research outputs found

    Mining and study on enzymatic properties of a marine source of phenylalanine dehydrogenase

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    苯丙氨酸脱氢酶(PheDH)是一种氧化还原酶,其正反应可催化苯丙氨酸和辅酶NAD+氧化脱氨基形成苯丙酮酸,逆反应可催化苯丙酮酸和氨以及辅酶NADH合成苯丙氨酸。此外,PheDH可用于苯丙酮尿症(PKU)的检测,目前国内测PKU的酶试剂盒所需的PheDH大多需要进口。独特海洋环境造就具有耐盐、嗜热、嗜冷、耐压和耐酸、耐碱等特性的极端酶。海洋微生物在新基因、新蛋白开发等方面的应用潜力极大。有机溶剂中酶促反应可增加底物溶解度、调整或提高酶的立体选择性甚至可提高酶的热稳定性等众多优点。为了从海洋菌株中挖掘一种耐有机溶剂、耐盐、耐金属离子的PheDH,本文所研究的主要内容和取得的主要结果如下: 一、目...Phenylalanine dehydrogenase (PheDH) is an oxidoreductase, which can catalyze the oxidation deamination of phenylalanine into phenylpyruvic acid and coenzyme NAD+ reduction for the forward reaction, the reductive amination of phenylpyruvic acid into phenylalanine and the oxidation of NADH reduction for the backward reaction. It had been applied for the diagnosis of phenylketonuria (PKU). However, t...学位:工学硕士院系专业:化学化工学院_化学工程学号:2062013115150

    Wikipedia——The Utopia of Knowledge Production

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    本文以维基百科(wikipedia.org)这一网络时代的知识生产协作平台作为研究对象,以伊尼斯的“知识垄断”思想为理论基础,对知识生产领域展现出的新的景象进行了分析和探讨。 维基百科是由网络志愿者编写的有史以来最大的百科全书。本文认为建立在互联网和Wiki技术上的维基百科具有以下八大技术特征:数字化、海量存储、全球链接、快速检索、即时发表、高度开放、共创协作、高效整合。维基百科所依托的媒介在传播上具有空间偏向,这使维基百科在组织知识生产上相对传统百科全书的编写有了改变。这种改变主要表现在知识生产平台的全球化、知识生产者的大众化和知识产品的广泛免费传播。虽然维基百科大大降低了知识生产的成本,...This paper takes Wikipedia, a cooperation center of knowledge production in the age of the internet, as the research object, and analyzes and discusses the new perspective in knowledge production with Harold Innis’ “monopolies of knowledge” as the theory foundation. Written and edited by web volunteers, Wikipedia is regarded as the largest encyclopedia in history. This paper considers that Wikipe...学位:文学硕士院系专业:新闻传播学院广告学系_传播学学号:1052007115422

    Research of the Strategy of Local Government Non-coal Mine Safety Production——A Case on L City of F Province

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    我国是矿产资源大国,矿业经济发达,矿山企业众多,截至2010年底,全国共有非煤矿山75937座。在为经济做出重要贡献的同时,非煤矿山行业的安全生产问题也较为突出,2001年至2013年期间非煤矿山行业平均每年发生事故1400多起,在所有工矿商贸行业中仅次于建筑施工和煤矿。我国安全生产工作实行分级管理和属地管理,所以地方政府及安监部门承担了主要的非煤矿山安全生产监管职责,因此,提高地方政府非煤矿山安全监管能力对于促进非煤矿山行业整体安全生产形势的稳定好转有着重要意义。 对非煤矿山安全生产的监管中涉及众多的利益关联方,如上级的政府及监管部门、地方的政府及监管部门、非煤矿企业及其职工等,各方基于不...China is abundant in mineral resources and mining enterprises. At the end of 2010, there were 75,937 non-coal mines. Dispite their important contribution to the economy, non-coal mine production safety issues also prominent. During 2001 to 2013, non-coal mine accidents occur over 1400 annually in average, only less than that in building construction and coal mine during all mining and commercial. ...学位:管理学硕士院系专业:公共事务学院_公共管理硕士(MPA)学号:X201113601


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    The Benthic Diatom Community of the Xiangshan Bay

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    于2005年5月(春季)和11月(秋季)对浙江省象山港海域底栖硅藻进行采样调查,分析底栖硅藻的种类组成、丰度、优势种、多样性及群落结构的季节变化和平面分布特征,并讨论底栖硅藻与水温、盐度等环境因子之间的关系。共鉴定硅藻46属179种,硅藻种类数在春季共有46属164种,秋季减少到22属52种。种类组成以广温种为主,其次是暖水种和温水种。主要优势种有柱状小环藻(Cyclotella stylorum)、琼氏圆筛藻(Coscinodiscus jonesianus)等。细胞丰度范围在(0.007~6.851)×103个/g之间,平均值为1.522×103个/g。春季硅藻丰度较高,平均值为2.974×103个/g,秋季为0.071×103个/g。不同站位间硅藻的分布也表现出显著的差异,硅藻细胞丰度最高值位于港顶部鱼排密集区9号站位,春季细胞丰度值为6.851×103个/g,秋季细胞丰度值为0.143×103个/g。硅藻丰度较高的有位于鱼排区的3号、4号、5号、7号站位,其余较低。硅藻群落多样性指数和均匀度春季较高,秋季降低。底栖硅藻数量分布随季节变化明显,与盐度关系不大。The samples for the presen t study were collected from the surface sediments in the Xiangshan Bay,Zhejiang Province in May 2005 and November 2005 and were observed under a light microscope. The species composition, abundance, community structure and diversity were investigated. A total of 179 taxa belonging to46 genera of diatom were identified. The result showed that the ecotypes of diatom were mostly eurytopic species,next were warm water species and temperate species. The most dominant species were Cyclotella stylorum and Coscinodiscus jonesianus. The seasonal variation of diatom abundance was remarkable. The cell abundance of diatoms was higher in spring(2.974×103cells/g) than autumn(0.071×103cells/g). The number of species varies with change of season, demonstrating the adaptability of diatoms to the temperature of water. The species diversity of benthic diatom was lower in autumn than spring.欧盟第六框架与发展中国家合作项目“海岸带复合系统中的生态海水养殖研究”(No.INCO-CT-2004-510706);; 国家自然科学基金(No.41476116

    A Rapid Method for the Determination of Molar Ratio of Fluorochrome to Protein Techniques by Fluorescence Anisotropy Detection

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    免疫荧光技术是免疫学检测的重要手段之一,该技术在病原微生物的早期诊断、自身免疫研究、抗原或抗体的免疫组化定位等方面都得到了广泛应用[1].荧光色素对抗体(或抗原)标记比的测定是免疫荧光技术的重要部分,这是因为标记比合适与否直接关系到检测结果的优劣甚至...The Determination of molar ratio of fluorochrome to protein is an important part in fluorescent antibody techniques.The conventional method is time consuming and with troublesome manipulations.A rapid homogeneous method based on the anisotropy change of the fluorochrome after reacting with protein was presented here.In our experiments, fluorescein isothiocyanate(FITC) and bovine serum albumin(BSA) were chosen to form the FITC/BSA conjugate.A series of solutions containing the two components were prepared and allow to react according to the standard procedure.Fluorescence anisotropy of the mixtures were detected, a diagram of r lg c is then obtained, where c is the concentration of protein.Because FITC in the mixture exists in both free form(F) and binding form(B), the fluorescence anisotropy observed is given by r=f F r F+ f B r B, where r F and r B refer to the anisotropy of free and bound FITC, respectively; and f F and f B represent the fraction of the free and bound forms, respectively, f F+ f B=1.A formula as f B= (r-r F)/( r B- r F) is achieved.Here r B correspods to the value of r in the upper platform region of the r lg c curve, where FITC is bound to protein completely, while r F can be obtained by the determination of anisotropy of FITC in the absence of BSA.So, for each of the mixtures, the binding fraction of FITC can then be calculated.Correspondingly, the content of bound form of FITC that was used to calculate the molar ratio of FITC to BSA can be gained.Since the method avoids the tiresome separation procedure, it bears the merit of time saving and can be used to estimate the molar ratio of fluorochrome to protein rapidly.The determination results of samples by this method were compared with that got from a spectrophotometric analysis.The results were in good agreement.国家自然科学基


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