320 research outputs found

    Research on China's Oil Pollution Unified Legislation

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    作为1992年《国际油污损害民事责任公约》、1992年《设立国际油污损害基金赔偿公约》的缔约国,我国在积极践行这些公约精神的同时,在国内立法层面也不断尝试突破以解决海上油污问题。在《中华人民共和国环境保护法》、《中华人民共和国海洋环境保护法》等法律指导框架下,我国先后出台了《防治船舶污染海洋环境管理条例》、《海洋石油勘探开发环境保护管理条例》、《船舶油污损害赔偿基金征收使用管理办法》等行政法规,并由此形成了较为完善的船舶油污损害赔偿法律体系。但是随着社会经济发展对石油需求的增加我国已成为世界最大的石油进出口贸易国,海上石油开采也迅速增长。海上石油运输和石油开采中不断增加的溢油污染事故对海洋环境...Since the “International convention on civil liability for oil pollution damage 1992” and the “International conventionthe on establishment of the oil pollution compensation fund 1992” has more than twenty-five years in China, as a contracting party, China is trying to break through on our domestic legislation while actively practicing the spirit of the convention. It has been gradually introduced...学位:理学硕士院系专业:海洋与海岸带发展研究院_海洋事务学号:3042015115245


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    作为常见的肺螺亚纲生物,日本菊花螺Siphonaria japonica(Donovan,1824)会将卵带产于潮间带岩石上,因此会经常遭受降水的影响。为阐明降水对日本菊花螺胚胎发育和幼体孵化的影响,本研究通过实验室模拟和野外原位取样相结合的方式分析了降水对卵带内胚胎发育状态、幼体累积孵化数、单位时间幼体孵化最高值和最高值出现时间的影响。结果表明:实验室模拟降水会显著影响卵带胚胎发育和幼体孵化(P0.05),但会显著加快幼体孵化速率(P<0.05)。国家自然科学基金资助项目(41476115);福建省杰出青年基金项目滚动项目(2017J07003)~~

    Institution of wage income distribution equity research in China

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    随着社会主义市场经济体制的逐步建立和各项改革的不断深化,收入分配问题日益成为公众关心话题,现行的事业单位工资制度,总体运行平稳,工资政策不断完善,取得了比较明显的成效。但是必须看到,收入分配领域还存在一些不容忽视的问题,城乡之间、地区之间、行业之间的收入差距还在扩大,一些行业收入水平过高,分配秩序还比较混乱。工资福利需兼顾社会分配公平,因此现行的事业单位工资制度不尽合理,激励作用不明显,工资收入水平偏低、差距拉大,工资管理体制不健全等问题日渐突出,已难以适应社会主义市场经济体制和干部人事制度改革的要求,在一定程度上影响了事业单位工作人员队伍的稳定和积极性的发挥。进一步深化收入分配制度改革,适时...Along with the socialist market economic system gradually establish and the deepening reform of the income distribution problem has become a public concern topic, the current salary system of institution, the overall smooth operation, continuously improve wage policy, has achieved obvious results. But must see, income distribution areas there are still some problem that nots allow to ignore, betwe...学位:公共管理硕士院系专业:公共事务学院_公共管理硕士(MPA)学号:X201013600

    Prevalence and risk factors associated with HIV infection among female sex workers in Mengzi City

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    目的了解云南省蒙自市女性性工作者(FSWs)艾滋病病毒(HIV)的感染情况及HIV感染相关危险因素,为制定艾滋病防控策略和行为干预提供依据。方法于2010年10-11月采用方便抽样的方法,招募云南省红河州蒙自市娱乐场所FSWs,调查其社会人口统计学、行为学、HIV/AIDS知识以及生殖健康状况,并采集静脉血进行HIV血清学检测,分析FSWs人群HIV感染率及其危险因素。结果本次共调查423名FSW,HIV抗体阳性19人,HIV抗体阳性率为4.5%。最近一个月与客人发生性行为时坚持使用安全套的比例为87.0%。多因素分析显示,与HIV感染相关的危险因素为在低档性服务场所服务(校正OR=10.0,95%CI:3.77~26.67,P<0.001)和从事性服务时间≥2年(校正OR=3.8,95%CI:1.39~10.20,P=0.01)。结论蒙自市FSWs有较高的HIV感染率,在低档性服务场所服务及从事性服务时间长是HIV感染的危险因素,需针对低档和中高档FSWs的危险行为特征分别实施不同的干预措施,控制HIV的传播流行。Objective To explore the prevalence and risk factors of HIV infection among female sex workers( FSWs) in Mengzi City,Yunnan Province,so as to provide scientific evidence for formulating HIV prevention and control strategy and behavior intervention measures. Methods From October to November,2010,the convenience sampling method was used to recruit FSWs in the entertainment venues in Mengzi City in Yunnan Province to investigate their demographic information,sexual behavior,HIV / AIDS knowledge and reproductive health status. Venous blood was collected to test HIV. The prevalence and risk factors of HIV infection were analyzed. Results Totally,423 FSWs were recruited,among whom 19 were confirmed to be HIV antibody positive and the prevalence rate of HIV was 4. 5%. The proportion of the FSWs with consistent condom use when having sex with clients in the last month was 87. 0%. Multivariate logistic analysis indicated that the factors associated with HIV infection were working in low level sex work venues( adjusted OR = 10. 0,95% CI: 3. 77-26. 67,P < 0. 001) and time engaged in sexual work for 2 years or more( adjusted OR = 3. 8,95% CI: 1. 39-10. 20,P = 0. 01). Conclusions The prevalence of HIV is high among female sex workers in Mengzi City. FSWs who work in low-grade sex work venues and engage in sexual work for long time are at higher risk of HIV infection. Intervention measures targeted at dangerous behavior of FSWs working in different levels of sex work venues should be carried out to control the spread and prevalence of HIV / AIDS.国家“十一五”重大专项(2008ZX10001-003


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    Musical Expertise and Melodic Structure in Memory for Musical Notation

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    Two experiments plus a pilot investigated the role of melodic structure on short-term memory for musical notation by musicians and nonmusicians. In the pilot experiment, visually similar melodies that had been rated as either good or bad were presented briefly, followed by a 15-sec retention interval and then recall. Musicians remembered good melodies better than they remembered bad ones: nonmusicians did not distinguish between them. In the second experiment, good, bad, and random melodies were briefly presented, followed by immediate recall. The advantage of musicians over nonmusicians decreased as the melody type progressed from good to bad to random. In the third experiment, musicians and nonmusicians divided the stimulus melodies into groups. For each melody, the consistency of grouping was correlated with memory performance in the first two experiments. Evidence was found for use of musical groupings by musicians and for use of a simple visual strategy by nonmusicians. The nature of these musical groupings and how they may be learned are considered. The relation of this work to other studies of comprehension of symbolic diagrams is also discussed


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    目的 :探讨宫腔镜电切术治疗子宫内良性病变的疗效及其安全性。方法 :应用连续灌流式宫腔镜 ,对 1 4 2例子宫良性占位病变进行宫腔镜电切手术治疗 ,其中子宫粘膜下肌瘤 2 4例 ,内凸型子宫壁间肌瘤 2 2例 ,子宫内膜息肉 8例 ,子宫腺肌瘤 2例 ,宫颈肌瘤 2 5例 ,宫颈息肉 39例 ,宫颈宫腔复合占位病变 2 2例。随诊 1~ 1 2个月。结果 :所有患者均一次手术成功 ,无明显手术并发症 ,切除瘤体直径 0 .5~ 8.0cm。宫腔电切术的手术时间 1 5~ 70min ,平均 48min ,术中估计出血量约 1 0~ 1 30ml。宫颈电切术的手术时间 3~ 60min ,平均 2 4min ,术中估计出血量约 5~ 50ml。全部患者的临床症状均得到显著改善 ,一次治疗总有效率达 1 0 0 %。结论 :治疗子宫内良性占位病变首选宫腔镜电切术 ,它具有安全、有效、创伤小、并发症少、恢复快等优点。远期疗效尚待观


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    A Review on the Younger Dryas Event

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    发生在12.9~11.6 kA bP的一次北半球气候快速变冷——新仙女木(yd)事件在过去30年来一直是古气候研究的热点。当下由于人类活动引起全球变暖,研究类似的快速气候变化事件及其触发机制对于预测未来气候变化具有重要意义。然而时至今日,科学界对yd事件的发生时间、气候效应、触发机制及其全球性意义依然存在很大争议。对比多个高分辨率记录探讨了yd事件的发生时间及其年代学意义,详细总结了南、北半球中高纬地区及低纬地区近年来新发现的yd事件的记录及其气候效应,重点讨论了yd事件触发机制假说的发展与争议,并结合yd事件的研究现状提出了未来研究热点和重要方向。The Younger Dryas(YD) event which lasted from 12.9 ~ 11.6 ka BP is a rapid return to near-glacial conditions with a major impact on global climate that punctuated last glacial-Holocene transition period.The YD event was firstly found in records of mid-high latitude Northern Europe and North Atlantic vicinities and later identified broadly in North Pacific Oceans,Asia,North America,tropics and even in South Hemisphere.The mechanism of YD event is not clear although tremendous efforts have been paid over the past 30 years.Even the precise timing,duration and global impact remain ambiguous.The understanding of the magnitude of YD-like event in temporal and spatial scales andits forcing mechanism may help us to forecast the possible environmental and ecological impacts in global scale due to anthropogenic forcing.This article reviewed the progress of studies on the YD event,including the most recent dating of the onset and geographic pattern of climatic impacts,and particularly the triggering mechanisms proposed in recent years.The disparities of precise dates among records for the YD onset may result from counting mistakes,regional environmental responses and rapid fluctuation of atmospheric14 C.Globally,the YD event was characterized by abrupt climate change with increasing anomalies in magnitude toward the poles and opposite signs between Hemispheres,which modulated by bipolar seesaw mechanism.It is generally accepted that the YD event is caused by a slowdown Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation(AMOC).However,the triggering mechanism of this slowdown is debatable.Besides the earliest hypothesis of Lake Agassiz outburst,alternative mechanisms such as meltwater discharge into Arctic Ocean,extraterrestrial impact or atmospheric circulation forcing have been proposed under various supportive evidences.Tropical processwas suggested to play an additional role in abrupt climate change,of which high latitude was thought to be the modulator.The newest hypothesis suggested that YD event was an integral part of natural climate oscillation rather than a freak excursion.Finally,future directionstohave a complete understanding of the mechanisms of YD event are provided.国家自然科学基金项目重大研究计划“南海水体硝酸盐动力学与水团示踪”(编号:91328207);国家自然科学基金面上项目“中国边缘海沉积物氮同位素时空变化与控制因子”(编号:41176059)资