7 research outputs found


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    There are many techniques to cultivate mung bean sprout, however the process requires many human involvements which can cause problems, such as forgetting to water the mung bean sprout, cutting the tail which must be cut one by one, finding the ideal location, and detecting water leakage. In this research, mung bean sprout will be grown with an automatic watering system in a Smart Green House system, which is able to monitor the mung bean sprout using technologies such as light, temperature and humidity sensors to determine the ideal place of cultivation, water level sensor to measure remaining water level in the container, and water sensor to detect water leakage from the planting medium. Arduino Mega 2560 is used as the microcontroller in this system. The sensors and components used in the system includes Light Dependent Resistor GL5506, Water Sensor Funduino, buzzer, Ultrasonic Ping HC-SR04, Humidity and Temperature Sensor DHT11, potentiometer, servo motor, relay with 12V pump, Knee and Nipple Watering System, and Fogger Head Sprayer. The system is able to cultivate mung bean sprout with length of 3-5 cm, without losing their color in the process, and can be harvested without tail


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    Pada makalah ini dilakukan perancangan Drone yang dapat bergerak sendiri sesuai jalur yang sudah ditetapkan pada program komputer. Drone yang digunakan adalah Parrot AR. Drone 2.0. Drone memancarkan wifi dan komputer harus terkoneksi dengan wifi Drone untuk mengirimkan data jalur. Bahasa JavaScript dan library ar-drone digunakan untuk pemrograman Drone. Node.js digunakan untuk mengirim program dengan wifi Drone. Pengujian Drone dilakukan menggunakan jalur berbentuk segitiga dengan tiga skenario pengujian, dimana pada masing-masing skenario dilakukan lima kali pengujian. Pada skenario pertama, Drone bergerak di luar ruangan dan mendarat di titik akhir segitiga. Pada skenario kedua, Drone bergerak di luar ruangan dan mendarat di setiap titik segitiga. Pada skenario ketiga, Drone bergerak di dalam ruangan dan mendarat di titik akhir segitiga. Hasil pengujian menunjukkan Drone sudah dapat bergerak mengikuti jalur yang diberikan. Namun karena tidak adanya feedback pada sistem, Drone tidak dapat mendeteksi dan melakukan perbaikan posisi, sehingga mempengaruhi akurasi gerakan Drone.   This paper discusses the design of an autonomous Drone that can follow a designated path from a computer program. The Drone used is Parrot AR. Drone 2.0. The Drone broadcasts wifi signal and the computer must connect to the Drone wifi in order to send the path data. JavaScript programming language and ar-drone library is used to program the Drone. Node.js is used to send the program using the Drone wifi. Drone testing is done by using a triangular path with three testing scenarios, and each scenario will be tested five times. In the first scenario, Drone moves outdoors and lands only on the finish point of the triangular path. In the second scenario, Drone moves outdoors and lands on each point of the triangular path. In the third scenario, Drone moves indoors and lands only on the finish point of the triangular path. Testing shows that Drone is able to follow the provided path. However, the lack of feedback in the system means the Drone is unable to detect and adjust its position, and this affects the accuracy of Drone’s movement. &nbsp

    Pengenalan dan Pelatihan Dasar Algoritma Pemograman Menggunakan Aplikasi Thunkable Bagi Siswa SD St. Theresia Jakarta

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    Pengenalan dasar algoritma pemograman akan jauh lebih baik jika dilakukan sejak dini, misalnya dimulai semenjak sekolah dasar. Namun, bagi kebanyakan orang, algoritma dan pemrograman dianggap sebagai pelajaran yang sulit dan membosankan, sehingga diperlukan suatu metode khusus yang membuat anak-anak menjadi tertarik. Salah satu metode yang dapat digunakan adalah dengan menggunakan aplikasi Thunkable, di mana anak-anak dapat mempelajari dasar algoritma pemrograman secara visual, interaktif, dan kolaboratif. Meskipun pengenalan algoritma pemrograman penting dan sudah ada metode pembelajaran yang sesuai dengan menggunakan Thunkable, tidak banyak sekolah yang paham mengenai hal tersebut. artikel ini bertujuan untuk melaporkan kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat terkait pengenalan dan pelatihan dasar algoritma pemrograman menggunakan Thunkable bagi siswa SD St. Theresia Jakarta. Pelatihan ini dilakukan secara daring melalui Zoom meeting. Setelah mengikuti pelatihan ini, para peserta diharapkan dapat meningkatkan kemampuan berpikir secara kreatif, logis, dan sistematis melalui pelatihan algoritma pemrograma

    Design And Development Of Arduino-Based Smart Classroom System

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    The purpose of this research is to design and develop a Smart Classroom system. The system is expected to minimize academic dishonesty in attendance and assignment submission. A survey about academic dishonesty was distributed to 144 university students and lecturers to measure the level of academic dishonesty. Survey result shows that 54.5% of students surveyed has committed academic dishonesty, and 60% of lecturers surveyed has discovered academic dishonesty incidents. Furthermore, 55.2% of students and 20% of lecturers surveyed believed that the attendance system used is not effective, which causes academic dishonesty cases. Thus, a Smart Classroom system was developed using fingerprint scanner module to take attendance and QR barcode scanner to take assignment submission. The system is controlled using Arduino Mega 2560 microcontroller board and includes database and website to manage and display data. System testing shows that success rate of fingerprint scanner module in taking attendance is 90%, and success rate of QR barcode scanner module in assignment submission is 100%

    Beginning Android Programming with ADT Bundle

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    vi, 186 hlm.; ilus.; 23 cm

    Pengembangan Sistem Komunikasi Nirkabel Untuk Mengendalikan Robot Sepak Bola

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    According to how soccer robot movement is controlled, approaches in soccer robot can be divided into two categories, namely centralized and decentralized. Centralized approach is an example of control over network concept where devices are controlled over the network. Each robot obtains information from a vision system outside the robot to detect the ball, and the central computer makes decision on which robot to approach and kick the ball. Wireless communication between robot and central computer must be reliable. One of the most important components in soccer robot is the ball kicking mechanism, which has to be able to kick the ball accurately. The wireless communication system is developed with a WeMos D1 microcontroller. Ball kicking mechanism is developed using solenoid circuit controlled by the microcontroller. Testing showed that wireless communication system has 100% reliability when operated in range up to 300cm. The ball kicking mechanism was able to respond accurately to ball kicking command when the robot is stationary and moving. When the robot is stationary, average kicking distance of the ball is 42.22cm and average tilt angle is 29.58°. When robot is moving, average kicking distance is 40.98cm and average tilt angle is 26.12°.  Berdasarkan bagaimana mengendalikan gerak robot sepak bola, pendekatan dalam robot sepak bola dapat dibagi menjadi dua kategori, yaitu tersentralisasi dan terdesentralisasi. Pendekatan tersentralisasi merupakan contoh dari konsep control over network, dimana semua komponen dikendalikan melalui sebuah jaringan. Setiap robot mendapatkan informasi dari sistem visi di luar robot untuk mendeteksi bola, kemudian komputer sentral sebagai pengendali akan membuat keputusan untuk menentukan robot mana yang akan mendekat dan menendang bola. Komunikasi antara robot dan komputer sentral bersifat nirkabel dan diharapkan memiliki reliabilitas tinggi. Salah satu komponen penting pada robot sepak bola adalah rangkaian penendang bola. Rangkaian penendang bola diharapkan dapat merespon perintah untuk menendang bola dengan tepat dan akurat. Sistem komunikasi nirkabel untuk mengendalikan gerak robot sepak bola dirancang menggunakan mikrokontroler WeMos D1. Rangkaian penendang bola dirancang menggunakan rangkaian solenoid yang dikendalikan oleh mikrokontroler. Pengujian menunjukkan sistem komunikasi nirkabel memiliki reliabilitas 100% untuk jarak sampai dengan 300cm. Rangkaian penendang dapat merespon dengan baik terhadap perintah menendang bola, baik dari posisi robot tidak bergerak maupun posisi robot bergerak. Pada posisi robot tidak bergera, robot dapat menendang bola hingga mencapai jarak rata-rata 42.22cm dan kemiringan bola rata-rata 29.58°. Pada posisi robot bergerak, jarak rata-rata tendangan adalah 40.98cm dan kemiringan bola rata-rata 26.12°