596 research outputs found

    El derecho internacional entre fragmentación y constitucionalización

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    La tesis del constitucionalismo global de inspiración liberal elude plantear el problema central de la legitimidad democrática en la sociedad internacional, y se instala en la contradicción de pretender servir tanto a la dignidad humana como a los mercados, haciendo prevalecer derechos civiles y políticos sobre derechos económicos, sociales y culturales. Y, en este sentido, la fragmentación (o proliferación de tribunales y regímenes normativos internacionales) no debe entenderse como una contraposición de esa constitucionalización liberal, pues son dos estrategias utilizadas por los Estados y otros actores dominantes para mejor satisfacer sus intereses.The thesis of global constitutionalism of liberal inspiration eludes to raise the central issue of democratic legitimacy in international society. Instead, this thesis settles in the contradiction of serving both human dignity and markets, by substituting civil and political rights to economic, social and cultural rights. In this sense, fragmentation (i.e. proliferation of international tribunals and normative regimes) should not be understood as an opposition to liberal constitutionalization, for they are two strategies used by the most powerful States and other non-State actors to better meet their interests

    Os Estudos para a Paz como desafio crítico à tradição em Relações Internacionais

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    Lição apresentada no âmbito das Provas de Agregação na área de Relações Internacionais (especialidade de História e Teoria das Relações Internacionais

    Vuelve la batalla por la reforma de la ONU

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    The ambiguities of the responsibility to protect: Libya’s case

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    A intervenção da OTAN na Líbia invocou como fundamentação a urgência da proteção de civis. Neste texto, avalio essa intervenção à luz dos conteúdos adquiridos pelo conceito de responsabilidade de proteger enquanto expressão mais completa da convergência entre as agendas da paz liberal e do “novo humanitarismo”.The NATO intervention in Libya invoked the urgency of protecting civilians. In this paper, I evaluate this intervention based on the content within the concept of responsibility to protect as a fuller expression of the convergence between the agendas of the liberal peace and the “new humanitarianism”

    Para um internacionalismo pós-vestefaliano

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    Nataría Portuguesa: a business plan for Argentina

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    This thesis consists on a Business Plan for the Portuguese custard tarts in Argentina. Nataría Portuguesa is already being implemented and so, this project will serve as a support for the same. After developing the literature review, a description of the business idea was made, followed by a macro-environmental analysis of the country and an analysis of the baked industry specifically. Afterwards, the Business Model Canvas was applied to connect the key elements of the business. The brand positioning was defined to reach target consumers and a communication plan was described. In the end, a financial contextualization was also conducted

    Private equity challenge - Vidrala leverage buyout

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    The goal of this thesis is to assess Vidrala as a potential leveraged buyout target. Market and company overviews were performed to evaluate the company ́s positioning and financial performance, as well as future trends within the glass packaging industry, the respective end-markets and other packaging solutions. This analysis was used to select the most suitable investment strategies and quantify the resulting business plan in financial terms. Finally, a valuation using several methods was conducted from which a capital structured was designed and potential returns calculated. This part will cover in detail the company and market overviews

    Online Dispute Resolution e os novos modelos de acesso à justiça na era digital

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    O presente estudo abordará essencialmente o instituto de ODR (Online Dispute Resolution) delineando seu surgimento, principais características e modelos e as perspectivas de sua aplicação no caso brasileiro. Primeiramente, será realizada breve contextualização do atual Poder Judiciário brasileiro, associando seu preocupante perfil com o conceito de acesso à justiça e as novas demandas jurídicas impostas pela contemporaneidade. Após, será traçado o perfil dos meios de resolução de disputas online, esboçando seu histórico de surgimento e elucidando seu amplo conceito através da exposição de seus pilares de atuação e dos modelos já existentes, com finalidade ilustrativa e exemplificativa de sua aplicação. Em seguida, aborda-se os desafios que se tornam flagrantes com a disseminação das ferramentas de ODR, bem como suas perspectivas de crescimento e funcionalidade para o futuro, a fim de concluir por seu amplo potencial de auxílio para o Direito e para a sociedade