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    A New Outlook on China's Economy 2012-2013

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    项目负责人:李文溥; 本文执笔:李静、王燕武、卢盛荣、龚敏、李文溥。 李静,厦门大 学宏观经济研究中心助理教授; 王燕武,厦门大学宏观经济研究中心助理教授; 卢盛荣,厦门大学宏观经济研究中心副教授; 龚敏,厦门大学宏观经济研究中心教授; 李文溥,厦门大学宏观经济研究中心教授。 参加本次预测研究的还有:林致远、崔庆炜及宏观经济研究中心的部分研究生。【中文摘要】“中国季度宏观经济模型(CQMM) ”课题组基于2012年7月底国家统计局最新发布的中国宏观经济季度数据调整并估计CQMM模型,更新了 2012年下半年和2013年中国宏观经济的预测数据。预测结果表明,中国GDP增速2012年底可能下滑至8. 01%,但2013年将回升至 8.29%。预计2012年全年CPI将上涨2.9% ,同比下降2.52个百分点;到2013年,CPI可能回升到 3.27%。课题组模拟了欧元区经济出现更严重衰退和再次出台大规模财政刺激政策对中国经济 可能产生的影响。模拟结果显示,即使外部经济情况继续恶化,中国经济增速进一步下滑的幅度 是有限的,而实施追加“2万亿”财政支出扩张计划能在一定程度上提高GDP的增长率,但是力度有限,由此带动的信贷及货币扩张不仅会大幅提升通货膨胀的风险,而且还可能进一步恶化原已 失衡的经济结构。因此,在目前的宏观经济形势下,不宜再度启动大规模财政刺激计划,应当适度 微调,稳住8%左右的增长速度,将重点转向深化体制改革与结构调整。 【Abstract】 Based on the latest China's quarterly macroeconomic data released by the Chinese National Bureau of Statistics al the end of July in 2012, the project learn of "China's Quarterly Macroeconomic Model (CQMM)" estimates CQMM, renewing the forecasts for China's macro economy in the second half of 2012 as well as in 2013. The predicting results reveal that, the growth rale of China's GDP will slow down to 8. 01 percent, and we will see a rise back to 8. 29 percent in 2013. It is also projected that CPI will increase by 2. 9 percent in 2012, a year-on-year drop by 2. 52 percent, and rebound to 3. 27 percent in 2013. In addition, the project team simulates the potential impacts on China's economy, caused by the hypothetical more severe recession in the euro area coupling with another launch of massive investment stimulus plan. The simulation results suggest that a further declining of China's economy is limited, notwithstanding deterioration in the external economy. Although the newly added "two trillion Yuan stimulus package" is expected to raise the growth rate of GDP to some extent, the effects will turn out to be small. Meanwhile, the incurred credit expansion will raise ihe inflation risk sharply, and worsen the already imbalanced economic sturcture. Therefore, the project team maintains that, under current macroeconomic circumstances, China should not implement another massive investment stimulus plan; instead, it is advisable to conduct an appropriate amount of fine-tuning to sustain the economic growth rate at around 8 percent, and pay more attention to deepening the system and structural reform.教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地重大项目“中国季度宏观模型的拓展:CQMM II期” (10JJD790001); 国家自然科学基金项目“中国季度地区经济模型的开发与尖用”(71073130); 国家社科重大项目 “扩大国内需求的宏观经济政策研究"(08&ZD034

    China's Economic Forecast Update for 2020-2021:A Reciew of the 15th Questionnaire Survey of Economists on China's Macroeconomic Outlook and Policy

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    林致远、吴华坤、陈贵富、龚敏和王燕武。林致远,厦门大学宏观经济研究中心教授、博士生导师;吴华坤,中国人民银行厦门中心支行工作人员,经济学博士;陈贵富,厦门大学宏观经济研究中心教授;龚敏,厦门大学宏观经济研究中心教授;王燕武,厦门大学宏观经济研究中心副教授。【中文摘要】基于2020年二季度以来,中国国内外经济环境的变化情况,应用中国季度宏观经济模型(CQMM),对2020年三、四季度以及2021年四个季度的中国宏观经济主要指标进行了预测更新。结果表明:受疫情冲击的影响,2020年中国GDP增速预计将大幅回落,但依然能够保持2.0% 左右的增速,CPI预计将上涨2.47%。虽然疫情冲击对国内经济的影响是短期的,不会逆转中国经济稳中向好、长期向好的趋势,但是,短期内宏观政策应充分重视疫情冲击对非国有企业投资的影响,以及疫情冲击对居民(特别是农村居民、低收入群体)收入增长和消费行为的影响。进一步,中国境外疫情的长期化趋势将可能在长期改变中国的外部经济环境。因此,宏观经济政策要加强协调配合,促进财政、货币政策同就业、产业、区域等政策形成集成效应,以“加快形成以国内大循环为主体、国内国际双循环相互促进的新发展格局”。 【Abstract】 Based on the economic performance of China and the world economy since the second quarter of 2020,this paper applies the China Quarterly Macroeconometric Model ( CQMM) to project China's main economic variables for 2020 -2021. In contrast to the results from the 15th questionnaire of economic scholars on China's macroeconomic performance in 2020,this paper presents the reason for the forecast update and provides relevant policy recommendations. This is the 29th forecast conducted by Xiamen University's research team on China's macroeconomic outlook. The results show that : due to the COVID-19 pandemic,China's GDP growth rate is expected to decline to around 2.0% in 2020,and CPI is forecast to grow by 2.47%. Although the stable potential growth of the Chinese economy in the long run will not be altered by the short-term negative impact of COVID-19,emphasis of domestic macroeconomic policies is placed on absorbing the shock of COVID-19 on private investment,as well as on the promotion of income growth,especially for rural households and low-income groups. Moreover,China's external economic environment may be changed by the ongoing COVID-19 situation. Hence,macroeconomic policies in the next stage need to strengthen coordination and cooperation,promote the integration of fiscal and monetary policies with employment,industrial and regional policies,and “accelerate the formation of a new development pattern with domestic and international cycles as the main body and of mutually- promoting domestic and international cycles”.教育部重点研究基地重大项目“中国季度宏观经济模型(CQMM)的再拓展”(17JJD790014);教育部重点研究基地重大项目“深化财税体制改革与促进中国经济平穗增长”(18JJD790007);教育部哲学社会科学重大课题攻关项目“供给侧结构改革的理论基础与政策思路研究”(16JZD016);国家社会科学基金一般项目“经济特征变化下的中国减税降费政策组合研究”(20BJY231

    2013-2014 Forecast and Analysis of China's Macroeconomy

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    王燕武,厦门大学宏观经济研究中心助理教授; 龚敏,厦门大学宏观经济研究中心教授; 李文溥,厦门大学宏观经济研究中心教授; 卢盛荣,厦门大学宏观经济 研究中心副教授; 李静,厦门大学宏观经济研究中心助理教授。【中文摘要】“中国季度宏观经济模型(CQMM)”课题组基于2013年2月底国家统计局最新发布的中国宏观经济季度数据,调整并估计CQMM,对2013年和2014年中国宏观经济运行趋势展开预测。结果表明,尽管存在外部市场的不确定性,2013年中国经济增长仍将继续保持稳定增长的态势,GDP预计增长8. 23%,CPI可保持在3.11%的水平。经济的稳定增长为进一步调整经济结构及深化改革创造了良好条件。课题组认为,控制政府收人增长速度,与经济增长保持适当比例,提高居民收人水平尤其是中低收人阶层的收人,是调整现有国民收人结构失衡,进而转变经济发展方式的重要政策切人点。 【Abstract】The project team of “China' s Quarterly Macroeconomic Model" CQMM) adjusted CQMM according to China's quarterly macroeconomic data published by the National Bureau of Statistics at tlie end of February 2013 and forecasted China's major macroeconomic indices in 2013 and 2014. Our results indicate that Chinese economy will maintain a steady growth in 2013 despite uncertainties of external markets. China's GDP is expected to grow by 8. 23% and CPI will stay around 3. 11%. Steady economic growth is conducive to further economic restructuring and reform. The team believes that adjusting national income imbalance and promoting economic restructuring must start with aligning government revenue increase with economic growth and increasing income of residents, especially those residents on low and middle incomes.国家社科重大项目“扩大国内需求的宏观经济政策研究”(08&ZD034); 教育部人文社科重点研究基地重大项目“中国季度宏观模型的拓展:CQMMⅡ期”(10JJD790001); 国家自然科学基金项目“中国季度地区经济模型的开发与应用” (71073130); 教育部人文社科基金项目“学习宣传贯彻党的十八大精神理论研究课题” (12JFXG044

    Macroeconomic Forecasts for China in 2020—2021

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    吴华坤,中国人民银行厦门中心支行工作人员,经济学博士;龚敏,厦门大学宏观经济研究中心教授;王燕武,厦门大学宏观经济研究中心副教授;林致远,厦门大学宏观经济研究中心教授。【中文摘要】2020年初,新冠肺炎病毒(Ccvid-19)的爆发短期内给中国经济运行带来较大的挑战。应用中国季度宏观经济模型(CQMM),在对未来两年共八个季度中国宏观经济主要指标进行预测的同时,可对2020年对冲疫情冲击所需的不同力度的宏观政策组合效应进行模拟分析。结果表明:(1)在乐观、保守和悲观情景下,2020年中国GDP增速预计将分别下滑至5.09%、4.59% 和3.18% ; (2)为实现两个“翻一番”目标、确保全面建成小康社会目标的实现(即2020年GDP增速要达到5.62% ) ,2020年需加大宏观政策的对冲力度:在乐观情景下可通过推进LPR改革,使市场利率下降20—60个基点,配合财政支出增速从2019年的8.2%提高至15.3%左右,其他情景下 政策力度还需进一步加大。面对经济增速下降,相关部门要在2020年一季度出台各项应对疫情冲击的短期政策的基础上,进一步加大逆周期调节政策对冲力度,以确保在推进经济结构调整的同时稳定经济增长。 【Abstract】 The outbreak of the new coronavirus Covid-19 at the beginning of 2020 will pose a greater challenge to the short-term operation of the Chinese economy. Using the China Quarterly Macroeconomic Model ( CQMM),this article fore¬casts the main indicators of China's macro - economy in the next two years under the impact of the current epidemic. It also explores the ways of stabilizing economic growth and ensuring the realization of the goal of building a well - off society through a combination of monetary and fiscal policies. This is the 28th forecast made by Xiamen University's research team on China's macro - economy. The results show that :(1) in the optimistic,conservative and pessimistic scenarios,China's GDP growth rate is expected to decline to 5.09%,4.59% and 3.18% in 2020,respectively; and (2) in the optimistic scenario,to ensure the realization of the goal of building a well - off society (requiring a GDP growth rate of 5.62% in 2020),the market interest rate can be reduced by 20 to 60 basis points by advancing the LPR reform while the growth rate of fiscal expenditure should increase from 8.2% in 2019 to about 15.3% (about 1.8 trillion yuan exceeding in expenditure ).Therefore,the research team recommends that in 2020,in the face of declining economic growth,based on the various short-term policies to deal with the impact of the epidemic in the first quarter,the scale of counter-cyclical adjustment policy should be expanded to ensure the adjustment of the economic structure and the stability of economic growth.教育部重点研究基地重大项目“中国季度宏观经济模型(CQMM)的再拓展”(17JJD790014);教育部重点研究基地重大项目“深化财税体制改革与促进中国经济平稳增长”(18JJD790007);教育部哲学社会科学重大课题攻关项目“供给侧结构改革的理论基础与政策思路研究”(16JZD016

    China's Macroeconomic Analysis and Forecast for 2014——2015

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    课题负责人:李文溥。本文执笔:卢盛荣、王燕武、龚敏、李文溥。卢盛荣,厦门大学宏观经济研究中心副教授;王燕武,厦门大学宏观经济研究中心助理教授;龚敏,厦门大学宏观经济研究中心教授;李文溥,厦门大学宏观经济研究中心教授。【中文摘要】“中国季度宏观经济模型(CQMM)”课题组于2014年2月发布了2014年至2015年共八个季度的中国宏观经济主要指标数据的预测报告。报告显示,今年中国的GDP增速有望达到 7.62%,2015年将比2014年上升约0.17个百分点;CPI预计2014年上涨2.82%,2015年略升至2.92%。课题组模拟了提高政府债券融资比重、优化地方政府融资结构以及适度控制地方政府债务总规模的宏观经济效应。根据预测及政策模拟结果,课题组建议:应有效控制地方政府性债务规模、优化其融资结构,降低地方政府债务违约风险;限制各级政府任意扩大对国民经济资源的占用比例;实行负面清单管理,开放更多的投资领域;加快财税体制改革,完善地方税体系,逐步提高直接税比重。从长远来看,要建立未来发展阶段经济稳定发展的有效机制,关键在于矫正要素比 。 【Abstract】The Research Team of CQMM,China Quarterly Macroeconomic Model,holds a press conference to release a forecast report on major macroeconomic variables for the next eight quarters in February 20,2014. The report shows that China's GDP growth rate will decrease to 7.62%,0.08 per cent lower than last year,followed by an increase to 7.79% in 2015,and CPI in 2014 would be 2.82%,the CPI in 2015 would attain a moderate level of 2.92%. The policy simulation focuses on the macroeconomic effects of raising the bond financing ratio,optimizing the financing structure of local governments ,and properly controlling the scale of total debts. Based on the above forecast and analysis,the research team makes the following policy suggestions. The central government should effectively control the scale of local government debt. The finance structure should be optimized,and the risk of local governments defaulting on their debts should be lowered. Any arbitrary expansion of the resource allocation ratio at the national level should be limited,and all “dos and don'ts” in the management of the “ negative list” be clearly specified. It should discourage individuals from implementing the activities prohibited in the “negative list” by delineating which particular activities and actions must not be implemented so as to leave no doubts. Tax system reforms should be introduced as soon as possible,so as to complete the local tax system and gradually raise the ratio of direct taxes. The key to establish a system that guarantees stable economic development in the future is to correct distortions of the production factor price.国家社科基金重大项目“经济持续健康发展与收入倍增计划的实现路径研究”(13&ZD029);国家社科基金青年项目“要素价格扭曲与经济解构失衡关系研究”(13CJL017);教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地重大项目“矫正要素比价扭曲,推进经济发展方式转变问题研究”(13JJD790026);国家自然科学基金项目“中国季度地区经济模型的开发与应用"(71073130

    Forecast of China's Macro-economy in 2019-2020

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    课题负责人:龚敏。本文执笔:龚敏、王燕武、吴华坤。龚敏,厦门大学宏观经济研究心教授;王燕武,厦门大学宏观经济研究中心副教授;吴华坤,中国人民银行厦门分行工作人员,经济学博士。【中文摘要】“中国季度宏观经济模型(CQMM) ”课题组于2019年2月发布了中国季度宏观经济模型(CQMM)的第二十六次预测。预测显示,今明两年中国经济增速“稳中趋缓”的态势还将持续,但仍可维持在6.2% — 6.5%的区间内,不会发生大幅下滑的情况;而受全球经济扩张趋缓的影响,今明两年出口导向的制造业投资增长将面临较大的下行压力。同时,非国有投资低速增长的态势依然会持续。在现阶段“投资驱动”的增长方式尚未转变的情况下,民间投资增速难以快速反弹时,稳增长”——“宽信用”——“地方政府、国有企业以及房地产企业高杠杆” “家庭高负债率”——“紧信用、金融整顿”——“增速下降”的循环就难以破解。降低社会保险费率的模拟结果则显示,无论是将企业和个人少缴的社保费用转移作为企业利润增加,还是转移作为居民劳动报酬的增加,均有助于提升经济增长速度,激励企业投资,带动财政收入增长,促进就业增加,进而提高居民收入,促进居民消费提高。因此,相关部门应全面支持民企融资,不仅仅是为了实现短期内 “稳投资”的目标,更应着眼于实现长期“提升企业竞争力”的目标;在保持货币流动性合理充裕的同时,还需为稳定有效投资增长提供条件;应继续实施大规模的普惠性减税降费政策,以减轻宏观税负,同时适当降低社会保险费率,切实减轻企业负担、降低企业成本,以推动扶持中小企业发展,实现就业的稳定增长。 【Abstract】The Xiamen University research team held its 26th press conference on economic forecast based on the China Quarterly Macroeconomic Model ( CQMM) in February 2019. The forecast covers the main indicators of China's macro-economy for the eight quarters of 2019 and 2020,with a focus on the macro-economic effects of lowering social security contribution rates. The research team found that lowering social security contributions would increase economic growth,stimulate domestic consumption and fiscal revenue growth,and encourage enterprises to increase investment,thereby improving employment and household incomes.Based on the forecasts and policy simulation results,the research team recommends : fully supporting the financing of private enterprises in order to not only achieve the goal of “stable investment” in the short term,but also attain the goal of “enhancing the competitiveness of enterprises” in the long run; maintaining a reasonable and sufficient liquidity of currency to provide conditions for stable and effective investment; and continuing the large-scale inclusive tax reduction and fee reduction policies to reduce macro tax burdens,while appropriately reducing social security contribution rates,which will effectively ease the burdens on enterprises,cut their costs,promote the development of small and medium-sized enterprises,and achieve stable employment growth.教育部重点研究基地重大项目“中国季度宏观经济模型(CQMM)的再拓展”(17JJD790014);教育部重点研究基地重大项目“深化财税体制改革与促进中国经济平穗增长研究” (18JJD790007);教育部哲学社会科学重大课题攻关项目“供给侧结构改革的理论基础与政策思路研究”(16JZD016);教育部重点研究基地重大项目“中国经济长期增长潜力的研究”(18JJD790008);中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助项目“中国实践背景的现代宏观经济理论与政策” (20720151037