China's Macroeconomic Analysis and Forecast for 2014——2015


课题负责人:李文溥。本文执笔:卢盛荣、王燕武、龚敏、李文溥。卢盛荣,厦门大学宏观经济研究中心副教授;王燕武,厦门大学宏观经济研究中心助理教授;龚敏,厦门大学宏观经济研究中心教授;李文溥,厦门大学宏观经济研究中心教授。【中文摘要】“中国季度宏观经济模型(CQMM)”课题组于2014年2月发布了2014年至2015年共八个季度的中国宏观经济主要指标数据的预测报告。报告显示,今年中国的GDP增速有望达到 7.62%,2015年将比2014年上升约0.17个百分点;CPI预计2014年上涨2.82%,2015年略升至2.92%。课题组模拟了提高政府债券融资比重、优化地方政府融资结构以及适度控制地方政府债务总规模的宏观经济效应。根据预测及政策模拟结果,课题组建议:应有效控制地方政府性债务规模、优化其融资结构,降低地方政府债务违约风险;限制各级政府任意扩大对国民经济资源的占用比例;实行负面清单管理,开放更多的投资领域;加快财税体制改革,完善地方税体系,逐步提高直接税比重。从长远来看,要建立未来发展阶段经济稳定发展的有效机制,关键在于矫正要素比 。 【Abstract】The Research Team of CQMM,China Quarterly Macroeconomic Model,holds a press conference to release a forecast report on major macroeconomic variables for the next eight quarters in February 20,2014. The report shows that China's GDP growth rate will decrease to 7.62%,0.08 per cent lower than last year,followed by an increase to 7.79% in 2015,and CPI in 2014 would be 2.82%,the CPI in 2015 would attain a moderate level of 2.92%. The policy simulation focuses on the macroeconomic effects of raising the bond financing ratio,optimizing the financing structure of local governments ,and properly controlling the scale of total debts. Based on the above forecast and analysis,the research team makes the following policy suggestions. The central government should effectively control the scale of local government debt. The finance structure should be optimized,and the risk of local governments defaulting on their debts should be lowered. Any arbitrary expansion of the resource allocation ratio at the national level should be limited,and all “dos and don'ts” in the management of the “ negative list” be clearly specified. It should discourage individuals from implementing the activities prohibited in the “negative list” by delineating which particular activities and actions must not be implemented so as to leave no doubts. Tax system reforms should be introduced as soon as possible,so as to complete the local tax system and gradually raise the ratio of direct taxes. The key to establish a system that guarantees stable economic development in the future is to correct distortions of the production factor price.国家社科基金重大项目“经济持续健康发展与收入倍增计划的实现路径研究”(13&ZD029);国家社科基金青年项目“要素价格扭曲与经济解构失衡关系研究”(13CJL017);教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地重大项目“矫正要素比价扭曲,推进经济发展方式转变问题研究”(13JJD790026);国家自然科学基金项目“中国季度地区经济模型的开发与应用"(71073130

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