129 research outputs found

    The influence of magnesium preparations on the change in metabolism in the modeling of toxic nephropathy in animals

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    In an experiment on 39 white Wistar rats of autobred breeding, the authors modeled toxic nephropathy and assessed the possibility of correcting damage using magnesium-containing preparations - 5% Bischofite solution and «Donat Mg». The work was carried out in accordance with the regulatory documents of the European Union and Ukraine. The results of the studies showed that in addition to damage to the structure of the kidneys: wrinkling of capillary glomeruli, expansion of the Bowman space, destruction of part of the convoluted tubules; there is a violation of metabolic processes in the form of: an increase in the total blood protein, a redistribution of the proportion of different proteins in its composition, a decrease and imbalance of ATPases; increase in fasting amount of glucose; activation of lipid peroxidation and inactivation of AOD (catalase); decrease in magnesium levels in the blood. The use of magnesium-containing preparations by animals - a 5% solution of bischofite or «Donat Mg»  had a unidirectional positive effect on the condition of the experimental animals. The structure of the kidneys improved, because. there were fewer wrinkled glomeruli, there were no lymphocytes between the capillaries, visually less damaged tubules were recorded; the interstitial layers did not differ from the norm; in terms of metabolism, there was a closeness of the total protein and the nomenclature of its components to the control, less changes in the activity of ATPases; LPO/AOZ systems; changes in fasting glucose, similarity of Mg+2 content to control data. The authors believe that the intake of exogenous Mg+2 has a positive effect on the state of redox processes in the cells of the body, which helps to maintain the body's resistance at a higher level and prevents severe kidney damage

    Rental housing in rural Manitoba : current issues and future prospects

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    x, 145 p., [54] p. : ill

    Structural and functional changes in the kidneys of rats with toxic nephropathy after a course of drinking mineral water «DONAT Mg»

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    Kidney disease of various etiologies affects 6-7% of the total population of the globe. Glomerulonephritis and nephropathy of various etiologies make up a significant part of these kidney lesions. Infectious and non-infectious glomerulonephritis and nephropathy are distinguished, the latter are associated with the influence of environmental factors, including toxic substances, heavy metals and even medications. Magnesium is considered one of the components of the body's stress-limiting system, since all its effects are aimed at reducing the manifestations of stress and normalizing adaptation processes. A comparative assessment of changes in the kidneys during the simulation of toxic nephropathy and the influence of magnesium-containing agents on the course of the pathology of the experimental model was carried out

    New paradigm of the medical audit: multidisciplinary or transdisciplinary approaches?

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    The study is devoted to formation a new paradigm in relation the essence of medical audit. Using the example of requirements international quality standards ISO 90001: 2015 and GCP, it is shown that disciplinary and multidisciplinary approaches are progressive steps in implementing the quality policy in medical services, but they are unable to overcome the fundamental drawback - fragmentation the system.Thus, the audit quality management system in health care institution, in accordance with the ISO 9001 standard, does not allow assessing the quality of procedures performed by medical personnel, the adequacy of diagnostic and therapeutic actions in relation to nosological units, the comparative efficiency and effectiveness methods of treatment and diagnostics used. In its turn, the clinical audit by GCP standard is not able to detect defects work of support services, various risks accompanying medical activities, reveal the degree of patient satisfaction with medical services and provide evidence of economic viability to partners. Economic audit, in turn, is not able to give an idea of competence level of management and medical personnel in medical institution.A more complete picture activity a medical institution can be obtained through a medical audit involving an interdisciplinary approach in which a new system-forming concept is formed on the basis of integration data from various disciplinary methods

    Influence of millimeter electromagnetic waves on the functional capabilities of the lower limb muscles in athletes - volleyball players

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    The authors, when observing 22 athletes - volleyball players of different volleyball specialization, assessed the effect of millimeter electromagnetic waves (EMW) on the functional state of the muscular system of the lower extremities. The electromagnetic effect was carried out using the "Complex SP 80" apparatus (frequencies 3900 - 4120 kHz were used). Electrodes were applied to the muscles of the thigh and lower leg, sinusoidal discharges were applied for 10 seconds during the strength training period. The results of observations showed that under the influence of EME, the height of the jump increases by 7%, due to the increase in the energy of the jump and its intensity. The release of the activity of the knee joint is also noted. The authors believe that under the influence of EME, the transmission of regulatory impulses in neuromuscular contact improves, which contributes to the synchronization and strength of contractions of the muscle fiber bundles. Also, under the influence of EMW, blood microcirculation in the muscle improves

    Peculiarities of neuroendocrine and metabolic effects of sulfate-chloride sodium-magnesium mineral waters "Myroslava" and "Khrystyna" of Truskavets’ spa in healthy female rats

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    Background. Earlier we found that the newly created sulfate-chloride sodium-magnesium drinking mineral waters of Truskavets’ spa have similar neuroendocrine and metabolic effects on healthy old female rats significantly different from daily water. The aim of this study is to elucidate the effects of these mineral waters on the neuroendocrine status and metabolism of these animals. Materials and Methods. Experiment was performed on 50 healthy female Wistar rats. Animals of the first group remained intact, using tap water from drinking ad libitum. Rats of the control group for 6 days injected a tap water through the tube at a dose of 1,5 mL/100 g of body mass. The rats of the main groups received the water "Myroslava" and "Khrystyna". The day after the completion of the drinking course in all rats, at first, assessed the state of autonomous regulation by parameters of the HRV. The plasma levels of the hormones of adaptation were determined: corticosterone, triiodothyronine and testosterone (by the ELISA) as well as electrolytes: calcium, magnesium, phosphates, chloride, sodium and potassium; nitric metabolites: creatinine, urea, uric acid, medium molecular polypeptides, bilirubin; lipid peroxidation products and antioxidant enzymes, as well as cholesterol, amylase and glucose. Most of the listed parameters of metabolism were also determined in daily urine. In the adrenals the thickness of glomerular, fascicular, reticular and medullar zones was measured. Results. To identify exactly those parameters, the set of which all four groups of animals differ significantly from each other, the information field of the registered parameters was subjected to discriminant analysis. The program included in the model 8 endocrine and 16 metabolic parameters, information about which is condensed into three roots. The first root reflects directly the SOD and corticosterone and inversely the reticular zone as well as plasma uric acid and glucose. The second root contains information about Nap/Kp ratio, natrihistia, amylasemia, magnesiumuria as well as inversely about kaliemia. The third root reflects directly the triiodothyronine, parathyroid activity, plasma Ca, natriuria and chloriduria as well as urine malondyaldehide. Inversely displays the root information about the testosterone, Ku/Nau ratio, glomerular zone, plasma katalase and Na as well as uricosuria and amylasuria. In the information space of the three discriminant roots, all four groups are quite clearly distinguished. Classification accuracy is 94% (three errors). Conclusion. The newly created sulfate-chloride sodium-magnesium drinking mineral waters of Truskavets resort have specific endocrine and metabolic effects on healthy old female rats with weekly use. This provides a basis for preclinical studies

    Assessment of autonomic nervous system function in a patient suffering from multiple sclerosis - a case study

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    Background: Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a chronic demyelinating disease of the nervous system. In its course, there are many motor and non-motor disorders, including the autonomic system disorders. They are characterized by an increase or decrease in the activity of the autonomic nervous system. The course of the disease is most often multi-phase, there are periods of remission and exacerbation. The aim of the study is to assess cardiovascular parameters and heart rate variability in response to orthostatic stimuli in a patient with multiple sclerosis. Material and Method: A 48-year-old woman suffering from multiple sclerosis for 10 years (a form of secondary progressive disease) participated in the study. A study was carried out for cardiovascular response and heart rate variability in response to orthostatic stimuli. For this purpose, the Task Force Monitor system was used, which is a non-invasive method that allows the assessment of hemodynamic parameters such as heart rate, systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure, and peripheral vascular resistance. Spectral heart rate variability (HRV) analysis was also used to assess the function of the autonomic nervous system. The evaluated parameters were: low-frequency component (LF), high-frequency (HF) and sympathetic-parasympathetic balance factor (LF / HF). Results: In the rest position, an autonomic balance shift was observed towards sympathetic domination. After performing the tilt test, the patient had an after pionization drop in blood pressure (orthostatic hypotension) as well as vascular resistance. Conclusions: The analysis of the case study shows that in multiple sclerosis there may be disorders of the autonomic nervous system manifested by abnormal regulation of arterial pressure in a vertical position

    Acetazolamide in prevention of altitude disease

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    Mountain climbing is associated with many risky, life-threatening situations. One of the most common attacking diseases at altitudes above 2500 m is altitude disease (HAI). This disease consists of: acute alpine disease, cerebral oedema and pulmonary oedema at altitude. The best way to prevent altitude diseases is by means of alcomatisation and slow increase in altitude. Climbers should follow the principle "climb high, sleep low". Sometimes, however, time or inability to descend do not allow for acclimatization. In such conditions, it is necessary to use pharmaceuticals that prevent the occurrence of an illness of altitude. The following article discusses research on the most commonly used drug in the prevention of acute mountain disease - acetazolamide. This drug was first used in the 60s of the XX century, demonstrating its effectiveness in the prevention of mountain disease. Since then, it has been the subject of many studies

    Variants of the state of electrolyte exchange in female rates

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    Background. It is known that electrolyte exchange parameters are subject to the regulatory effects of a wide range of nerve, hormonal and humoral factors. The dispersion of electrolyte levels in plasma, erythrocytes and diurnal urine, first, is different, and second, variable. Therefore, there are a number of quantitative and even qualitatively different variants of the exchange of electrolytes. It is logical to assume that such diversity is conditioned by the state of the regulatory systems and/or the balance between the entering and excretion of electrolytes. We have set a goal in experiments in rats and clinical physiological observations to identify a number of variants of the state of exchange of electrolytes and their neuro-endocrine, humoral and immune support. In this article we summarize the first stage of the path to the goal. Materials and methods. Experiment was performed on 58 healthy female Wistar rats 220-300 g. Among them 10 animals remained intact, using tap water from drinking ad libitum. The rats of others groups for 6 days administered through the tube various fluids at a dose of 1,5 mL/100 g. The day after the completion of the drinking course in all rats the plasma and urine levels of the electrolytes were determined. Results. The method of cluster analysis identifies four variants of the state of electrolyte exchange. Characteristic features of the members of the major (51,7%) cluster are a moderate decrease in excretion with daily urine of sodium and chloride as well as calcium and potassium plasma levels in combination with a moderate increase in magnesium excretion. In the members of the second largest cluster (22,4%), a similar decrease in the plasma level of potassium and calcium is combined with a slight decrease in the content of potassium in erythrocytes and a decrease in its excretion with the urine. Electrolyte exchange of the third largest cluster (19,0%) is characterized by a moderate increase in the excretion of sodium and chloride and a slight increase in the excretion of potassium, magnesium, calcium and phosphate, as well as the content of potassium in erythrocytes. Finally, the minor cluster (6,9%) differs from others by drastically increasing sodium excretion, a significant increase in the excretion of chloride, calcium and phosphate, as well as the sodium content of erythrocytes in combination with a decrease in calcium (moderate), phosphate and chlorine (slight) plasma levels. Conclusion. Four quantitatively and qualitatively different variants of the exchange of electrolytes are revealed, which is caused, apparently, by different state of neuro-endocrine regulation
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