107 research outputs found

    Survey Paper on Online Software Performance Prediction

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    Now a days Performance is very important non-functional requirement for almost all software system. In survey study we are going to learn how performance prediction is possible before the development of that particular software. For this task we have to implement one analytical model which is going to be used for evaluating the performance of software with some specific parameter like response time, throughput etc

    Економічні ризики позичальника на ринку іпотеки

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    Мулік М. В. Економічні ризики позичальника на ринку іпотеки / М. В. Мулік // Сучасні проблеми правового, економічного та соціального розвитку держави : тези доп. Міжнар. наук.-практ. конф. (м. Харків, 27 листоп. 2020 р.). – Харків, 2020. – С. 220 - 221.В статті проаналізовано обмеження програми «Доступне житло під 10%», а також додаткові витрати, пов’язані з отриманням та обслуговуванням кредиту. Зроблено висновок, що «дешева» іпотека доступна порівняно невеликій чисельності українців. А для тих із них, кому вона доступна й потрібна, аналіз економічних ризиків позичальника на ринку іпотеки показав, що даний ринок має високу ступінь ризикованості через неможливість чітко оцінити повну вартість кредиту та визначити суму платежу за кожен місяць користування ним, а також через небезпеку зменшення або втрату доходів у майбутньому. В статье проанализированы ограничения программы "Доступное жилье под 10%", а также дополнительные расходы, связанные с получением и обслуживанием кредита. Сделаны выводы, что «дешевая» ипотека доступна сравнительно небольшой численности украинцев. А для тех из них, кому она доступна и нужна, анализ экономических рисков заемщика на рынке ипотеки показал, что данный рынок имеет высокую степень рискованности из-за невозможности четко оценить полную стоимость кредита и определить сумму платежа за каждый месяц использования, а также из-за опасности уменьшения или утраты доходов в будущем. The article analyzes the limitations of the program "Affordable Housing at 10%", as well as the additional costs associated with obtaining and servicing a loan. It is concluded that "cheap" mortgages are available to a relatively small number of Ukrainians. And for those who have access to and need it, an analysis of the borrower's economic risks in the mortgage market has shown that the market has a high degree of risk due to the inability to clearly assess the full cost of credit and determine the amount of payment for each month. or loss of future income

    Динаміка розвитку спеціальних рухових якостей велосипедистів 13 та 14 років з урахуванням типу статури (на матеріалі велосипедного мотокросу)

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    Anthropometric indexes and type of build are studied for bicyclists 13 and 14 years during two years of trainings. Under act of the specific loading the level of motive internals of racing bicyclists-drivers is certain 13 and 14 years. By means of the special exercises for ВМХ educed change during two year cycles of trainings in setup and competition times of speed-power internals of racing drivers on the type of build.Изучены антропометрические показатели и тип телосложения у велосипедистов 13 и 14 лет на протяжении двух лет тренировок. Определен уровень двигательных качеств велосипедистов-гонщиков 13 и 14 лет под воздействием специфических нагрузок. С помощью специальных упражнений для гонщиков-ВМХ выявлены изменения скоростно-силовых качеств гонщиков по типу телосложения на протяжении двух годичных циклов тренировок в подготовительных и соревновательных периодах.Вивчено антропометричні показники та тип статури у велосипедистів 13 та 14 років упродовж двох років тренувань. Визначено рівень рухових якостей велосипедистів-гонщиків 13 та 14 років під впливом специфічних навантажень. За допомогою спеціальних вправ для гонщиків-ВМХ виявлені зміни швидкісно-силових якостей гонщиків за типом статури упродовж двох річних циклів тренувань у підготовчих та змагальних періодах

    Вплив тренувальних навантажень на морфофункціональні показники юних тенісистів 6–8 років

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    A question is considered in relation to influence of the training loading on the program junior sport school on morphology functional indexes, indexes cardiovascular and respiratory systems. It is educed, that most substantially the training process of young tennis players 6–8 years on the program junior sport school influences on cardiovascular and respiratory systems, while on morphological indexes influence not considerable, and changes which pass in a greater measure are carried out in accordance with development of organism of childrenРассмотрен вопрос влияния тренировочных нагрузок по программе ДЮСШ (большой теннис) на морфофункциональные показатели, показатели сердечно-сосудистой и дыхательной систем юных теннисистов 6–8 лет. Выявлено, что наиболее существенно тренировочный процесс детей 6–8 лет по программе ДЮСШ влияет на сердечнососудистую и дыхательную системы, в то время как на морфологические показатели влияние незначительное, а изменения, которые проходят, в основном осуществляются в соответствии с развитием организма детейРозглянуто питання щодо впливу тренувальних навантажень за програмою ДЮСШ (великий теніс) на морфофункціональні показники, показники серцево-судинної та дихальної систем юних тенісистів 6–8. Виявлено, що найбільш суттєво тренувальний процес дітей 6–8 років за програмою ДЮСШ впливає на серцево-судинну і дихальну системи, у той час як на морфологічні показники вплив незначний, а зміни, що проходять, більшою мірою здійснюються відповідно до розвитку організму діте


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    Aim. The aim of the study was development of approaches to predict the risk of social tension for population of the Russian Federation regions.Methods. Theoretical studies based on the analysis of cartographic material from the National Atlas of Russia. The use of geo-information technologies has provided modeling of environmental load in the territory of certain regions of Russia. Experimental studies were performed using standard methods of psycho-physiological testing involving 336 persons 18-23 years old of both sexes.Results. As a fundamental biologically significant factor of the environment, differentiating the Russian Federation territory to areas with discrete actual physical effects, total solar radiation was determined. The subsequent allocation of model regions (Republic of Crimea, Rostov and Saratov regions) based on the principle of minimizing regional differences associated factors of environmental pressure per person. Experimental studies have revealed persistent systemic relationships of phenotypic characteristics and tendency of person to neuropsychic tension. The risk of social tension for the study area population is predicted on the condition of finding more than two thirds of the representatives of sample within the borders of a high level of general non-specific reactivity of an organism.Main conclusions. The expediency of using the northern latitude as an integral index of differentiation of areas on the specifics of the severity of the physical factors of environmental impact on human activity is justified. The possibility of the application for the level of general nonspecific reactivity of an organism as a phenotypic trait marker of social tension risk is identified. An algorithm for predicting the risk of social tension among the population, compactly living in certain territories of the Russian Federation is designed

    Foley catheter vs. oral misoprostol to induce labour among hypertensive women in India: a cost-consequence analysis alongside a clinical trial

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    ObjectiveTo determine the effectiveness and economic impact oftwo methods for induction of labour in hypertensive women, inlow-resource settings.DesignCost-consequence analysis of a previously reportedmulticentre, parallel, open-label randomised trial.Setting & populationA total of 602 women with a live fetus, aged≥18 years requiring delivery for pre-eclampsia or hypertension, intwo public hospitals in Nagpur, India.MethodsWe performed a formal economic evaluation alongsidethe INFORM clinical trial. Women were randomised to receivetranscervical Foley catheterisation or oral misoprostol 25 mcg.Healthcare expenditure was calculated using a provider-sidemicrocosting approach.Main outcome measuresRates of vaginal this delivery within24 hours of induction, healthcare expenditure per completedtreatment episode.ResultsInduction with oral misoprostol resulted in a (meandifference) 20.6USDreductioninhealthcareexpenditure[9520.6USD reduction in healthcare expenditure [95%CI ( ) 123.59 ( ) 72.49],andimprovedachievementofvaginaldeliverywithin24hoursofinduction,meandifference1072.49], and improved achievement ofvaginal delivery within 24 hours of induction, mean difference10% [95% CI ( 2 to 17.9%),P=0.016]. Oxytocinadministration time was reduced by 135.3 minutes [95% CI(84.4–186.2 minutes),P<0.01] and caesarean sections by 9.1%[95% CI (1.1–17%),P=0.025] for those receiving oralmisoprostol. Following probabilistic sensitivity analysis, oralmisoprostol was cost-saving in 63% of 5,000 bootstrapreplications and achieved superior rates of vaginal delivery,delivery within 24 hours of induction and vaginal delivery within24 hours of induction in 98.7%, 90.7%, and 99.4% of bootstrapsimulations. Based on univariate threshold analysis, the unit priceof oral misoprostol 25 mcg could feasibly increase 31-fold from0.24 to $7.50 per 25 mcg tablet and remain cost-saving

    CVD growth of carbon nanostructures from zirconia: mechanisms and a method for enhancing yield.

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    By excluding metals from synthesis, growth of carbon nanostructures via unreduced oxide nanoparticle catalysts offers wide technological potential. We report new observations of the mechanisms underlying chemical vapor deposition (CVD) growth of fibrous carbon nanostructures from zirconia nanoparticles. Transmission electron microscope (TEM) observation reveals distinct differences in morphological features of carbon nanotubes and nanofibers (CNTs and CNFs) grown from zirconia nanoparticle catalysts versus typical oxide-supported metal nanoparticle catalysts. Nanofibers borne from zirconia lack an observable graphitic cage consistently found with nanotube-bearing metal nanoparticle catalysts. We observe two distinct growth modalities for zirconia: (1) turbostratic CNTs 2-3 times smaller in diameter than the nanoparticle localized at a nanoparticle corner, and (2) nonhollow CNFs with approximately the same diameter as the nanoparticle. Unlike metal nanoparticle catalysts, zirconia-based growth should proceed via surface-bound kinetics, and we propose a growth model where initiation occurs at nanoparticle corners. Utilizing these mechanistic insights, we further demonstrate that preannealing of zirconia nanoparticles with a solid-state amorphous carbon substrate enhances growth yield.This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. 1007793 and was also supported by Airbus group, Boeing, Embraer, Lockheed Martin, Saab AB, Hexcel, and TohoTenax through MIT’s Nano- Engineered Composite aerospace STructures (NECST) Consortium. This research was supported (in part) by the U.S. Army Research Office under Contract W911NF-13-D-0001. This work was performed in part at the Center for Nanoscale Systems (CNS), a member of the National Nanotechnology Infrastructure Network (NNIN), which is supported by the National Science Foundation under NSF Award No. ECS-0335765. CNS is part of Harvard University. This work was carried out in part through the use of MIT Microsystems Technology Laboratories. Stephan Hofmann acknowledges funding from EPSRC under grant EP/H047565/1. Piran Kidambi acknowledges the Lindemann Trust Fellowship.This is the final published version. It first appeared at http://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/ja509872y