101 research outputs found

    Designing and realization of an individual educational program

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    © 2016 Yunusova and Karunas.Relevance of the issue is caused by the change of a knowledge-oriented educational paradigm into an individual-oriented one. This change means that an individual is the most significant value in the modern process of teaching. The aim of the article is to find a theoretical proof for an individual study program design and test it in pedagogical conditions. The leading approach in this research is individual-oriented which provides the following pupil’s rights: to choose a study course, to be involved in the process of personal educational program arrangement; to choose an individual pace, form and methods of studying, control and self-estimation methods, etc. The article contains the author’s point of view on the essence and content of an individual educational program and a new way of its design and implementation. The materials given are practically useful for all participants of a teaching process who follow an individual educational program

    Federal public administration implementation in vocational education

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    © 2015, Review of European Studies. All right reserved. The transition to federal public administration in the Russian education system is determined by the legislation and presupposes responsible participation and interaction in education management of all educational agents. In the presented article an analysis has been carried out on the status of one of the federal public administration factors—information transparency of vocational and higher educational institutions. The paper defines the information realm of educational institutions from the perspective of educational services customers; there have been set the priorities for action in the field of transition to federal public administration of educational institutions. This article is written for managers and employees of the education authorities, educational institutions, as well as for all professionals and individuals interested in developing the Russian education system

    Corporativity as a condition for developing teaching staff

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    © 2015, Review of European Studies. All right reserved. The relevance of this article is due to the fact that the solution to any problem is more effective in partnership, as a whole is always greater than the sum of its parts, and one should not ignore alternative ways of different perception of the surrounding reality, since what is unachievable for each member separately, can be achieved by all members of the whole team. Therefore, this article aims at disclosing the essence of corporativity in developing teaching staff. The article deals with the role of corporativity in developing a teaching team, the viability conditions of the pedagogical team have been detected, the individual trajectories for developing each member of the teaching staff are presented. The article submissions are valuable both in theory and in practical terms, for representatives of professional training institutions in order to achieve their corporate competitiveness as a teaching team

    Integration processes in education: Classification of integration types

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    © 2015, Review of European Studies. All right reserved. The relevance of the stated problem is due to the fact that integration is a system formation that combines procedural and resulting components contributing to the appearance of a system’s new integrative quality, which cannot be reduced to the sum of the qualities of its autonomous elements. The paper presents a theoretical justification for the classification of types of integration: by quality characteristics of an integrated system (unproductive integration, quasi-integration, preproductive integration, productive integration); by presence of necessary components of an integrated system (full integration, partial integration, disintegration); by temporal characteristics of an integrated system (episodic integration, periodic integration, systematic integration); by types of integrating subjects (sectoral integration, inter-sectoral integration, allied integration). The article submissions represent a theoretical value to researchers concerned with integration issues, and also have practical significance for subjects of the integrated system of “education-production” in order to prepare specialists meeting the requirements of modern production

    Structure and content of higher professional school lecturer education competence

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    © 2015, Review of European Studies. All right reserved. Article aims to develop the structure and content of higher professional school lecturer education competence as a lecturer professionalism should be evaluated not only on the quality of the studies, but also for his participation in education activities in higher school. It is needed to rely on a stating that education competence is an integral feature of professional and educational activities aimed at the effectiveness of the educational process in higher professional school in developing its structure and content. In the structure of the lecturer education competence there are four components: humanologic, socio-pedagogical, organizational and methodical, professional personal. Their content is disclosed in knowledge, skills, abilities and personal qualities as necessary for the implementation of the education activities in higher professional school. The presented structure of high school lecturer education competence facilitates the efficient evaluation of the competences, the identification of the gaps in the competencies development levels and their correction with additional measures and means aimed to their effective formation


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    Introduction. Proteins associated with cellular motility are known to play an important role in invasion and metastasis of cancer, however there is no evidence of their association with the development of malignant tumors including endometrial cancer (EC).The aim of the present study was to investigate the levels of actin-binding proteins, p45-Ser-β-catenin, and calpain activity in endometrial hyperplasia and in EC.Material and Methods. Total calpain activity, p45-Ser β-catenin, Arp3, gelsolin, cofillin and thymosin β-4 levels were evaluated in 43 postmenopausal patients with stage I–II endometrioid EC and 40 endometrial hyperplasia patients. Flow cytometry and Western blotting were used for expression determination of p45 Ser β-catenin and actin-biding proteins. Total calpain activity was estimated by fluorimetric method.Results. Levels of cofilin-1, thymosin β-4 and calpain activity were higher in cancer tissues than in endometrial hyperplasia. Cofilin-1 and thymosin β-4 levels were associated with the depth of myometrial invasion. The thymosin β-4 expression was correlated with the presence of tumor cervical invasion. Revealed correlations between the actin-binding proteins, p45-Ser-β-catenin and total calpain activity in endometrial hyperplasia tissue, but not in the tissue of cancer, is evidence of the involvement of these proteases in regulation of cell migration in endometrial hyperplasia. Levels of thymosin β-4, cofilin and total calpain activity are independent cancer risk factors in patients with endometrial hyperplasia.Conclusion. The level of actin-binding proteins as well as the total calpain activity were enhanced in endometrium carcinoma tissues compared to endometrial hyperplasia. The levels of thymosinβ-4, cofilin and total calpain activity in endometrial hyperplasia tissues are associated with a hyperplasia transition to cancer and may be considered as predictive biomarkers. Введение. Известно, что белки, связанные с клеточной подвижностью, играют важную роль в инвазии и метастазировании злокачественных опухолей, тем не менее нет данных об их связи с развитием новообразований, в том числе рака эндометрия (РЭ).Целью исследования было изучение уровня актин-связывающих белков, p45-Ser-β-катенина и активности кальпаинов при гиперплазии эндометрия и при РЭ.Материал и методы. Общая активность кальпаинов, уровни p45-Ser β-катенина, Arp3, гельзолина, кофиллина и тимозина β-4 были оценены у 43 больных раком эндометрия I–II стадии в постменопаузе и у 40 пациенток с гиперплазией эндометрия. Проточную цитометрию и вестерн-блоттинг использовали для определения экспрессии p45 Ser β-катенина и актин-связывающих белков. Общая активность кальпаинов оценивалась флуориметрическим методом.Результаты. Уровни кофилина-1, тимозина β-4 и активность кальпаинов были выше в тканях злокачественных опухолей, чем при гиперплазии эндометрия. Уровни кофилина-1 и тимозина β-4 были связаны с глубиной инвазии рака эндометрия в миометрий. Содержание тимозина β-4 коррелировало с наличием инвазии опухоли в шейку матки. Выявленные корреляции между актин-связывающими белками, р45-Ser-β-катенином и общей активностью кальпаинов в ткани гиперплазии эндометрия, но не в ткани рака свидетельствуют об участии этих протеаз в регуляции клеточной миграции при гиперплазии эндометрия. Уровни тимозина-4, кофилина и общая активность кальпаинов являются независимыми факторами риска развития рака у пациентов с гиперплазией эндометрия.Заключение. Уровень актин-связывающих белков, а также общая активность кальпаинов были повышены в тканях карциномы эндометрия по сравнению с гиперплазией эндометрия. Уровни тимозина-4, кофилина и общая активность кальпаинов в тканях гиперплазии эндометрия могут быть независимыми факторами риска развития рака.


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    The analysis of the structure and comparative assessment of injuries and deaths in fires in Moscow and the Russian Federation for 2011-2015 was performed. The number of victims in the fires in Moscow during 5 years – 4.084 persons. The part of deaths is 25 %. The number of deaths per 100 fires on average is 35.1 per year, what is 5 times more than in Russia as a whole. However, since 2011 by 2015 the number of deaths in fires decreased by 7.2 %. Convincing data during 5 years on reducing the risk for a person to die in a fire (R2sm) was not received. The indicator in Moscow fluctuates in the direction of increase, while in the Russian Federation it remains at a high level. The same applies to the risk for a person to get injured in a fire and its dangerous factors (R2tr). For 5 years in Russia the risk indicator has grown, but in Moscow it remained at the same level. Individual risk for a person to die in a fire and its dangerous factors (R3sm), as well as individual risk for a person to get injured in a fire and its dangerous factors (R3tr) in Russia decreased, and in Moscow remained practically at the same level as testifies that during this period of time there were no positive shifts.Проведен анализ структуры и сравнительная оценка санитарных потерь при пожарах в Москве и Российской Федерации за 2011–2015 гг. Число пострадавших при пожарах в Москве за 5 лет составило 4084 человека. Из них доля летальных исходов – 25 %. Число погибших на 100 пожаров ежегодно составляет в среднем 35,1 человека, что в 5 раз больше, чем в России в целом. Однако стоит отметить, что, по сравнению с 2011 г., к 2015 г. число погибших при пожарах сократилось на 7,2 %. Убедительных данных за 5 лет о снижении риска для человека погибнуть при пожаре (R2см) не получено. Показатель в Москве колеблется в сторону увеличения, однако и в Российской Федерации остается на высоком уровне. То же самое касается риска для человека получить вред здоровью в условиях пожара и его опасных факторов (R2тр). За 5 лет в России показатель риска вырос, в Москве –колеблется на том же уровне. Индивидуальный риск для человека погибнуть в условиях пожара и его опасных факторов (R3см), а также индивидуальный риск для человека получить вред здоровью в условиях пожара и его опасных факторов (R3тр) в России снизились, а в Москве остались практически на том же уровне, что свидетельствует о том, что за этот отрезок времени не произошло никаких положительных сдвигов.

    Site-selective measurement of coupled spin pairs in an organic semiconductor

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    From organic electronics to biological systems, understanding the role of intermolecular interactions between spin pairs is a key challenge. Here we show how such pairs can be selectively addressed with combined spin and optical sensitivity. We demonstrate this for bound pairs of spin-triplet excitations formed by singlet fission, with direct applicability across a wide range of synthetic and biological systems. We show that the site-sensitivity of exchange coupling allows distinct triplet pairs to be resonantly addressed at different magnetic fields, tuning them between optically bright singlet (S=0) and dark triplet, quintet (S=1,2) configurations: this induces narrow holes in a broad optical emission spectrum, uncovering exchange-specific luminescence. Using fields up to 60 T, we identify three distinct triplet-pair sites, with exchange couplings varying over an order of magnitude (0.3-5 meV), each with its own luminescence spectrum, coexisting in a single material. Our results reveal how site-selectivity can be achieved for organic spin pairs in a broad range of systems.Comment: 8 pages, article, 7 pages, supporting informatio

    Efficacy and tolerability of adalimumab (humira) in patients with active rheumatoid arthritis

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    Objective: to evaluate the efficacy and tolerability of adalimumab alone and in combination with basic anti-inflammatory drugs (BAIDs) in patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA), by taking into account the specific features of the course of the disease. Subjects and methods. The study enrolled 30 patients with a verified diagnosis of RA, its high activity by DAS 28, and ineffective previous therapy with standard BAIDs. At the beginning of the study, 20 (66.7%) patients continued taking BAIDs. According to therapy, the patients were divided into 3 groups: 1) 10 (33.3%) patients received subcutaneous adalimumab injections only; 2) 12 (40%) took adalimumab+methotrexate (MT); 3) 8 (26.7%) had adalimumab+leflunomide. The patient groups were matched for age, the duration and activity of RA (by DAS 28), its X-ray stage and seropositivity. Nine (37.5%) patients took oral glucocorticoids (GCs) and 25 (83.3%) received non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). Two (8.3%) patients had previously been prescribed biological therapies. Adalimumab was subcutaneously injected every 2 weeks for 24 weeks. The quantitative parameters of articular syndrome and blood and urine biochemical and clinical analyses were used to evaluate therapeutic effectiveness. The effect of therapy was evaluated by the ACR and EULAR (DAS 28) criteria. The efficiency of therapy was evaluated 12 and 24 weeks after therapy. Results. The clinical and laboratory effect of adalimumab was noted in 29 (96.7%) of the 30 patients. All the assessed parameters of articular syndrome became significantly lower (p<0.001) by week 12 of therapy and to a greater extent by week 24. Evaluation of the efficiency of adalimumab therapy by the ACR criteria showed that following 12-week therapy, the parameters were decreased by 20% in 87% of the patients and 50% in 16.7%; after 24 weeks, 23.3, 70 and 96.7% achieved very good (ACR 70), good (ACR 50), and satisfactory (ACR 20) effects. Estimation of the time course of changes in the disease activity index (DAS 28) revealed that adalimumab significantly reduced disease activity. Therapeutic effectiveness was also shown as reduced needs for NSAIDs and GCs. Positive clinical and laboratory changes during adalimumab+ MT combination therapy were also demonstrated to be significantly higher than those during adalimumab monotherapy or adalimumab + leflunomide combination therapy. Conclusion. Adalimumab is an effective disease-modifying biological agent. Its benefits may include the rapid development (on days 4-5 on average) and long retention (for 6 months or more) of an effect, a good safety profile (adverse reactions occurred only in 16.7% of the patients), and easiness-to-use

    Оценка влияния длительного приема фенспирида (Эреспала) на клинико-функциональное состояние больных хронической обструктивной болезнью легких

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    This open comparative randomized study has shown that fenspiride is an effective and well-tolerated drug while being administered in combined therapy of COPD for 3 to 12 months. The anti-inflammatory action of fenspiride 80 mg t. i. d. significantly reduced cough in COPD patients and enhanced the effect of bronchodilators. Fenspiride (Erespal) can be included in standards of combined treatment of patients with mild, moderate and severe COPD.В открытом сравнительном рандомизированном исследовании фенспирида (Эреспала) были показаны эффективность и хорошая переносимость при его включении в комплексную терапию больных хронической обструктивной болезнью легких (ХОБЛ) в течение как 3, так и 12 мес. Исследование подтвердило достоверное влияние Эреспала (80 мг 3 раза в день) на частоту кашлевого синдрома у больных ХОБЛ за счет противовоспалительного действия. Противовоспалительным эффектом можно объяснить также и потенцирование бронхолитического ответа. Эреспал может быть рекомендован для включения в протоколы комплексного лечения больных ХОБЛ легкой, среднетяжелой и тяжелой степени тяжести