90 research outputs found

    Effect of copper ions on the associations of <i>Azospirillum</i> bacteria with wheat seedlings (<i>Triticum aestivum</i> L.)

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    The physiological and biochemical activity of plant–microbial associations enables them to determine the mobility, bioavailability, and accumulation of heavy metals in plant tissues. These abilities are the basis for the use of plants and their associated microorganisms in the development of approaches that ensure both the prevention of the ingress of toxic metals into food crops and the extraction of pollutants from polluted soils by using phytoremediation technologies. Whether plant–microbial complexes are used successfully depends on the knowledge of how specific organisms interact with heavy metals. We evaluated the effect of copper ions on common wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) inoculated with three plant-growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) of the genus Azospirillum. We analyzed the growth variables of 14-day-old wheat seedlings, the content of photosynthesis pigments, the activity of plant oxidoreductases, and the accumulation of copper by plant tissues. All strains more or less compensated for copper toxicity to seedling development and increased metal accumulation in roots and shoots. Copper affected the photosynthetic apparatus of the inoculated plants, primarily by decreasing the content of chlorophyll b. An analysis of the activity of plant oxidoreductases (peroxidases and phenoloxidases), which are involved in the physiological responses of plants to pollutant stress, showed strain-specific dependence and a significant effect of copper on the inoculated plants. Overall, the obtained results clearly show that the effect of Azospirillum on the physiological and biochemical status of wheat is diverse. The compensatory effect of bacteria on copper toxicity and the simultaneous increase in metal accumulation in plant tissues can be considered as mutually exclusive crop-production aspects associated with the growing of food plants in heavy-metal-polluted areas

    New limit on the mass of 9.4-keV solar axions emitted in an M1 transition in 83^{83}Kr nuclei

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    A search for resonant absorption of the solar axion by 83Kr^{83}\rm{Kr} nuclei was performed using the proportional counter installed inside the low-background setup at the Baksan Neutrino Observatory. The obtained model independent upper limit on the combination of isoscalar and isovector axion-nucleon couplings g3g01.69×106|g_3-g_0|\leq 1.69\times 10^{-6} allowed us to set the new upper limit on the hadronic axion mass of mA130m_{A}\leq 130 eV (95\% C.L.) with the generally accepted values SS=0.5 and zz=0.56.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, Proceedings of the 10th Patras Workshop on Axions, WIMPs and WISP 29 June - 4 July 2014, CERN, Geneva, Switzerlan

    Post-stroke depression: predictors and prophylaxis

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    The purpose of the study was to evaluate the effectiveness of prevention of post-stroke depression in patients with acute cerebrovascular accident It was shown that the incidence of PID in patients with ischemic stroke exceeds 30%. In assessing the role of various risk factors among the examined patients with PID, the prevalence of male patients (OR = 1.3 (1.1-1.5)), under the age of 55 (1.7 (1.3-1.9 )), with indications in the history of episodes of depression in the past (1.6 (1.4-1.8)), as well as alcohol abuse (1.2 (1.0-1.3)). In 31 (58.5%) there was a localization of focal ischemia in the frontal lobe of the dominant hemisphere. The use of both SIRS and an antidepressant with multimodal effect - vortioxetine was sufficiently effective in PID, but vortioxetin showing the best results - from 8,80,1 points to 6,20,1 points. The paper considers the expediency of the use of vorothoxetine in order to prevent PID in patients with ischemic stroke

    tPCS as a method for correcting cardiac arrhythmias after percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty with stenting in patients with myocardial infarction

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    Objective: To study the effect of transcranial pulsed current stimulation (tPCS) therapy on cardiac arrhythmias developed after percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (PTCA) with stenting in patients with myocardial infarction (MI).Material and methods: Characteristics of patient groups: the comparison group (n = 17) – with myocardial infarction, after PTCA with stenting, standard treatment; the main group (n = 21) – the same and tPCS therapy. Control points of the study: 1st day – Electrocardiography (ECG), Echocardiography (ECHO), Creatine phosphokinase (CPK), Creatine phosphokinase-MB (CPK-MB), Troponin-I, potassium, β-endorphin; 5th day – the same without ECHO; 10th day – the same and ECG with the determination of harmony and quantum of the electromagnetic flux of the cardiac cycle. PTCA was performed using drug-eluting stents. tPCS therapy was performed in pulsed bipolar mode, current strength 2 mA, current frequency 77.5 Hz, session duration 45 min.Results: In patients of the main group (against the background of tPCS therapy), the studied parameters of the cardiac cycle approached the optimal values. It was shown that intergroup differences in harmony (p = 0.002) and the size of the electromagnetic flux quantum of the cardiac cycle (p = 0.001) are statistically significant. Also, against the background of the tPCS therapy, the concentration of highly sensitive troponin-I is statistically significantly (p = 0.0042) lower by 109%. On the 5th and 10th days of the study, the serum concentration of β-endorphin in the main group was higher by 38.3 and 35.0% than in the comparison group (p &lt; 0.05).Conclusion: The results of the study clearly demonstrate the cardioprotective and antiarrhythmic potential of tPCS therapy in patients with myocardial infarction and cardiac arrhythmias after PTCA with stenting


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    The aim of the work – to assess the prospects for the use of modern information technologies in internship in the field of Neurology. The main body. An analysis of the application of information technologies in the teaching of professional disciplines to interns, specializing in Neurology is conducted. The main forms are programmed control tools, electronic textbooks, teleconferencing, multimedia simulation technologies, electronic educational materials distribution, electronic medical records templates for patients’ management and the use of electronic repositories. BODY INTERACT ™ technology provides the opportunity to integrate into the process of learning the latest advances in medicine and information technology, developing learning concepts and sharing experiences through real clinical situations, creating a foundation for the culture of open communication and collaboration. Academic success of interns during the monitoring period on interim controls corresponded to the median 4 (3; 4), in the final – 4 (3; 5). The results of the survey showed an increase in the interest of interns in the use of information technology in the teaching of professional disciplines. At the Department of Neurology of the Odesa National Medical University, at all stages of the interns’ training, the means of programmed control are actively used. The expediency of regular review of educational programs for the training of interns in the specialty of Neurology is shown considering the possibilities of modern information technologies. Conclusion. Taking into account the priorities of interns training in the field of Neurology with the wide introduction of modern information technologies, it allows to improve theoretical knowledge and practical skills, to optimize the interaction in the format of multidisciplinary team with specialists of other specialties.Мета роботи – оцінка перспектив застосування сучасних інформаційних технологій при навчанні в інтернатурі за фахом “Неврологія”. Основна частина. Проведений аналіз застосування інформаційних технологій у викладанні фахових дисциплін лікарям-інтернам, що займаються за спеціальністю “Неврологія”. Основними формами є засоби програмованого контролю, електронні підручники, телеконференції, застосування мультимедійних симуляційних технологій, розсилки навчальних матеріалів в електронному вигляді, електронні шаблони медичної документації для курації пацієнтів та використання електронних репозиторіїв. Технологія BODY INTERACT ™ надає можливість інтеграції у процес вивчення новітніх досягнень медицини та інформаційних технологій, розробки навчальних концепцій та обміну досвідом через реальні клінічні ситуації, створюючу основу для культури відкритих комунікацій і співробітництва. Академічна успішність інтернів упродовж періоду спостереження на проміжних контролях відповідала медіані 4 (3;4), на кінцевих – 4 (3;5). Результати опитування показали зростання зацікавленості інтернів у застосуванні інформаційних технологій при викладанні фахових дисциплін. На кафедрі неврології Одеського національного медичного університету на всіх етапах підготовки інтернів активно застосовуються засоби програмованого контролю. Показана доцільність регулярного перегляду навчальних програм для навчання лікарів-інтернів з фаху “Неврологія” з урахуванням&nbsp; можливостей сучасних інформаційних технологій. Висновок. Врахування пріоритетів підготовки лікарів-інтернів за фахом “Неврологія” із широким впровадженням сучасних інформаційних технологій дозволяє вдосконалити теоретичні знання та практичні навички, оптимізувати взаємодію у форматі мультидисциплінарної команди з фахівцями інших спеціальностей

    Comparison of REMS, NEWS, qSOFA and SIRS criteria scales for sepsis prediction in patients with diagnosis “SARS-CoV-2, virus unidentified”: a retrospective observational study

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    Background. Despite ample research on the coronavirus infection sequence and therapy, the incidence of adverse outcomes remains very high. Sepsis stands among the major factors greatly complicating treatment and increasing the risk of death. A timely identification of highrisk sepsis patients is a cornerstone of effective sepsis prevention.Objectives. A comparative prognostic power assessment between the quick Sequential Organ Failure Assessment (qSOFA) scale, National Early Warning Score (NEWS), Initial Prehospital Rapid Emergency Medicine Score (REMS) and the Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome (SIRS) criteria for sepsis detection in anaesthetic intensive care patients with a diagnosis: SARS-CoV-2, virus unidentified.Methods. A retrospective observational study included 166 patients over 18-year age with unconfirmed infection (ICD-10 code U07.2). The qSOFA, NEWS, REMS and SIRS point estimates were obtained from each patient. The patients were retrospectively divided in two cohorts by sepsis presence (Sepsis-3 criteria) to determine the express scales power in evaluating the risk of sepsis (estimated as area under ROC curve, AUROC).Results. Data on 102 patients were included in the final analysis. Fifty-eight (57%) patients were terminal, and 55 (54%) developed sepsis. The estimates are as follows: NEWS — AUROC 0.848 [95% confidence interval (CI) 0.764–0.912], sensitivity 76.36% [95% CI 63.0–86.8], specificity 82.98% [95% CI 69.2–92.4], optimal cut-off threshold &gt;5 points; qSOFA — AUROC 0.700 [95% CI 0.602–0.787], sensitivity 76.36% [95% CI 63.0–86.8], specificity 61.70% [95% CI 46.4–75.5], optimal cut-off threshold &gt;0 points; REMS — AUROC 0.739 [95% CI 0.643–0.821], sensitivity 69.09% [95% CI 55.2–80.9], specificity 65.96% [95% CI 50.7–79.1], optimal cut-off threshold &gt;5 points; SIRS criteria — AUROC 0.723 [95% CI 0.626–0.807], sensitivity 98.18% [95% CI 90.3–100.0], specificity 31.91% [95% CI 19.1–47.1], optimal cut-off threshold &gt;0 points.Conclusion. The NEWS scale revealed a good prognostic power to estimate the risk of sepsis in patients with suspected COVID-19 disease. The qSOFA, REMS scales and SIRS criteria possess a good calibration capacity, albeit insufficient resolution, which limits their prognostic value

    Постинсультная депрессия: предикторы и профилактика

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    The purpose of the study was to evaluate the effectiveness of prevention of post-stroke depression in patients with acute cerebrovascular accident It was shown that the incidence of PID in patients with ischemic stroke exceeds 30%. In assessing the role of various risk factors among the examined patients with PID, the prevalence of male patients (OR = 1.3 (1.1-1.5)), under the age of 55 (1.7 (1.3-1.9 )), with indications in the history of episodes of depression in the past (1.6 (1.4-1.8)), as well as alcohol abuse (1.2 (1.0-1.3)). In 31 (58.5%) there was a localization of focal ischemia in the frontal lobe of the dominant hemisphere. The use of both SIRS and an antidepressant with multimodal effect - vortioxetine was sufficiently effective in PID, but vortioxetin showing the best results - from 8,8±0,1 points to 6,2±0,1 points. The paper considers the expediency of the use of vorothoxetine in order to prevent PID in patients with ischemic stroke.Метою дослідження була оцінка ефективності профілактики постінсультної депресії у пацієнтів з гострим порушенням мозкового кровообігу Показано, що частота ПІД у хворих на ішемічний інсульт перевищує 30%. При оцінці ролі різних чинників ризику серед обстежених пацієнтів з ПІД виявлене переважання осіб чоловічої статі (ОШ=1,3 (1,1-1,5)), у віці до 55 років (1,7 (1,3-1,9)), з вказівками в анамнезі на епізоди депресії в минулому (1,6 (1,4-1,8)), а також на зловживанням алкоголем (1,2 (1,0-1,3)). У 31 (58,5%) мала місце локалізація фокусу ішемії у лобній долі домінантної півкулі. Застосування як СІЗЗС, так й вортіоксетину виявилося достатньо ефективним при ПІД, при чому вортіоксетин показав найкращі результати - з 8,8±0,1 балів до 6,2±0,1 балів. В роботі розглядається доцільність застосування вортіоксетину з метою профілактики ПІД у хворих на ішемічний інсульт.Целью исследования была оценка эффективности профилактики постинсультной депрессии у пациентов с острым нарушением мозгового кровообращения Показано, что частота ПОД у больных с ишемическим инсультом превышает 30%. При оценке роли различных факторов риска среди обследованных пациентов с ПИД обнаружено преобладание лиц мужского пола (ОШ = 1,3 (1,1-1,5)), в возрасте до 55 лет (1,7 (1,3-1,9)), с указаниями в анамнезе на эпизоды депрессии в прошлом (1,6 (1,4-1,8)), а также на злоупотребление алкоголем (1,2 (1,0-1,3)). В 31 (58,5%) имела место локализация фокуса ишемии в лобной доли доминантного полушария. Применение в качестве СИОЗС, так и вортиоксетина оказалось достаточно эффективным при ПИД, причем вортиоксетин показал лучшие результаты - с 8,8±0,1 баллов в 6,2±0,1 баллов. В работе рассматривается целесообразность применения вортиоксетину с целью профилактики ПИД у больных с ишемическим инсультом

    Influence of Electrolyte Temperature on the Formation of the Morphology of the Porous Structure of Anodic Aluminum Oxide

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    The results of research on anodizing thin aluminum films 100 nm thick on SiO2–Si plates at 30 V in a 0.3 M aqueous solution of oxalic acid are presented. The effect of the electrolyte temperature on the morphology of porous anodic aluminum oxide (PAAO) films is studied. The pore diameter and interpore distance are determined by the computer analysis of the SEM images of the morphology of the anode films using the ImageJ software. The data obtained show that the pore diameter does not depend on the temperature of the electrolyte and the time of the process, but is determined only by the anodizing voltage. In the electrolyte temperature range of 5 to 40°C, the pore diameter of the PAAO films is 20 ± 0.5 nm, and the interpore distance is 77.7 nm. The research results indicate that a change in the temperature of the electrolyte, in contrast to the anodizing voltage, affects only the growth rate of the anode film, and not its porous morphology