1 research outputs found

    One-connectivity and finiteness of Hamiltonian S1S^1-manifolds with minimal fixed sets

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    Let the circle act effectively in a Hamiltonian fashion on a compact symplectic manifold (M,ω)(M, \omega). Assume that the fixed point set MS1M^{S^1} has exactly two components, XX and YY, and that dim(X)+dim(Y)+2=dim(M)\dim(X) + \dim(Y) +2 = \dim(M). We first show that XX, YY and MM are simply connected. Then we show that, up to S1S^1-equivariant diffeomorphism, there are finitely many such manifolds in each dimension. Moreover, we show that in low dimensions, the manifold is unique in a certain category. We use techniques from both areas of symplectic geometry and geometric topology