13 research outputs found

    Teaching rhetoric in primary school – towards modernization of society with classical techniques and practices

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    Author Janja Zmavc in the chapter Teaching rhetoric in primary school – towards modernization of society with classical techniques and practices presents the characteristics of teaching rhetoric as a compulsory elective subject in the ninth grade of elementary schools in Slovenia. It represents a unique education feature, since in other European educational systems (as well as elsewhere in the world) at elementary level stakeholders are not familiar with an independent subject where pupils could systematically learn the principles of successful public persuasion. After a brief presentation of the circumstances surrounding the placement of the subject of rhetoric in the Slovenian elementary school curriculum, the author outlines its characteristics and presents some particularities of teaching this skill from 1999 to the present day. The main focus in the second part of this paper is the presentation of partial results of the project Developing of theoretical bases and practical guidelines for teaching rhetoric in primary and secondary schools which has been conducted at the Educational Research Institute Slovenia from 2018. The author demonstrate the main (content and didactic) directions of developing a new version of the subject-curriculum for teaching rhetoric in the primary school. Thus, the author tries to show that rhetoric seen as an integral part of the elementary education does not represent an additional ballast or burden but precisely because of its unique (i. e. classical) features, it enables a critical reflection of knowledge and promotes democratic processes within the school environment, which represent one of the key elements in the development of students’ competences for effective participation in modern democratic cultures.Collection name: LIBRARY "PEDAGOGICAL THEORY AND PRACTICE" 5

    Teaching rhetoric in primary school – towards modernization of society with classical techniques and practices

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    U radu ćemo predstaviti karakteristike nastave retorike kao obaveznog izbornog predmeta u devetom razredu osnovne škole u Sloveniji. Ovaj predmet predstavlja jedinstveni obrazovni element jer u drugim evropskim obrazovnim sistemima (kao ni i drugde u svetu) nisu na osnovnoškolskom nivou upoznati s nezavisnim predmetom koji bi učenike sistematski učio principima uspešnog ubeđivanja sagovornika. Nakon kratkog predstavljanja okolnosti uvođenja predmeta retorike u školski program slovenačkih osnovnih škola, predstavićemo njegove pedagoške karakteristike i ukazaćemo na neke specifičnosti njegovog praktičnog sprovođenja od 1999. godine do danas. Glavni fokus u drugom delu našeg rada biće predstavljanje rezultata projekta „Razvoj teorijskih osnova i praktičnih smernica za nastavu retorike u osnovnoj i srednjoj školi” koji se od 2018. godine realizuje u Pedagoškom institutu u Ljubljani. Prikazaćemo osnovne (sadržajne i didaktičke) pravce razvoja nove verzije nastavnog plana i programa za nastavu retorike u osnovnoj školi. Ovim nastojimo da pokažemo kako retorika, kao sastavni deo osnovnog obrazovanja, ne predstavlja dodatni balast ili teret, već da, upravo zbog svojih jedinstvenih (tj. klasičnih) karakteristika, omogućava kritički osvrt na znanje i podstiče demokratske procese u školskoj sredini, što predstavlja jedan od ključnih elemenata razvoja učeničkih kompetencija za efikasno učešće u savremenim demokratskim kulturama.In the paper, we shall present the characteristics of teaching rhetoric as a compulsory elective subject in the ninth grade of elementary school in Slovenia. It represents a unique education feature, since in other European educational systems (as well as elsewhere in the world) at elementary level they are not familiar with an independent subject where pupils could systematically learn the principles of successful public persuasion. After a brief presentation of the circumstances surrounding the placement of the subject of rhetoric in the Slovenian elementary school curriculum, we shall outline its pedagogical characteristics and present some particularities of its practical carrying out from 1999 to the present day. The main focus in the second part of our paper shall be the presentation of the results of the project “Developing of theoretical bases and practical guidelines for teaching rhetoric in the primary and secondary school” which has been taking part at the Educational Research Institute Slovenia from 2018. We will demonstrate the main (content and didactic) directions of developing a new version of the curriculum for teaching rhetoric in the primary school, thus trying to show that rhetoric, seen as an integral part of the elementary education, does not represent an additional ballast or burden. On the contrary, precisely because of its unique (i.e. classical) features, it enables a critical reflection of knowledge and promotes democratic processes within the school environment, which represent one of the key elements in development of student competences for effective participation in modern democratic cultures.Zbornik rezimea / 24. Međunarodna naučna konferencija "Pedagoška istraživanja i školska praksaBook of abstracts / 24th International Scientific Conference "Educational Research and School Practice

    The importance of educating younger generations about raw materials and their uses in our daily life

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    Raw materials are of great importance for humankind as they enable the development of technology, drive industry and economy, and overall the lifestyle we know today. The paper is addressing the topic of interactive learning about the mineral raw materials, i.e. metals and non-metals. Due to population growth and consequently increased global demand for raw materials, there is a need to educate younger generations about the raw materials and their properties and origin, so they would know from an early age where the mineral products they use come from and how purchase decisions affect the social environments of people who live in countries with resources exploitation. Today’s trends in mining are oriented towards more sustainable exploitation and management, taking into account the economic, social and environmental aspects. An example of such is exploitation of secondary raw materials from tailings and heaps. But in some countries, mining is stuck in the past, using obsolete technologies causing increased pollution and strongly present linear economy approaches of take-use-dispose attitudes or even unethical approaches, such as children being exploited as a cheap workforce, people being abducted, tortured and even killed over minerals (minerals being exploited in such way are called blood or conflict minerals). Further, due to the potential negative impacts on health and safety, due to the emissions in air, water and surface disturbance, the public perception of mining is still perceived as negative in most cases. School curriculums most often lack description of current situations in the global mining. Therefore, within the EIT RawMaterials BRIEFCASE and 3D BRIЕFECASE projects the project partners provide the comprehensive view of the issues of today’s mining and use of raw materials. The paper presents the description of both projects and the non-conventional teaching methods — the hands-on and digital tools for pupils and teachers, i.e. the briefcases, the "Briefcase of mineral applications" game, workshops and the supporting materials. The main objective of projects is to raise the pupils’ awareness about the utility and indispensability of minerals and mining and the consequences of their uses and production systems, which would increase in the long term the awareness about the social and environmental consequences of raw material production

    »Neizrečeno« v Terencijevem Evnuhu: poskus pragmatične analize

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    V prispevku predstavljamo analizo Terencijeve komedije Evnuh, ki izhaja iz jezikovne pragmatike in s pomočjo teorije o implicitnosti skuša osvetliti tisto, kar v izbranem besedilu ostaja neizrečeno. S pomočjo Griceove teorije o implikaturah ter Austinove in Searlove teorije govornih dejanj, ki se deloma opira tudi na analizo antičnih dramskih konvencij, analiziramo odlomke v Evnuhu, kjer kot ena od ključnih oseb nastopa parazit Gnaton, in skušamo pojasniti tudi, zakaj je implicitnost pomembna sestavina rimske komedije. V prispevku predlagamo interpretacijo v smeri razumevanja implicitnosti kot konstitutivnega elementa besedil rimske komedije, s katero je mogoče utemeljeno zavrniti tiste pomisleke, ki tovrstnim besedilom danes odrekajo polnokrvnost in jih skušajo reducirati zgolj na situacijsko komiko

    Aleksandra Pirkmajer Slokan: Lingua Latina: učbenik za latinščino v 7.–9. razredu devetletnega osnovnošolskega izobraževanja. 3 zvezki. Ljubljana: DZS, 2007

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    Začnimo pričujočo recenzijo z nekaj podatki iz ozadja, ki njen predmet pomembno kontekstualizirajo. Pouk latinščine se je v programu devetletne osnovne šole ohranil kljub svoji pregovorni zahtevnosti in veliki konkurenci ‘sodobnejših’ predmetov, katerih namen je v večini primerov učence bolj kot ne razbremeniti.

    Terencijev animus: analiza pomenskega polja

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    Samostalnik animus zavzema v Terencijevi Andriji zelo pomembno mesto. Ob analizi primerov v Andriji ugotovimo, daje dejanska pomenska vrednost samostalnika določena z njegovo stavčno viogo in vsebinskimi dopolnili, ki natančneje pojasnjujejo njegove lastnosti. Tako je tudi zgolj s slovnično interpretacijo mogoče zadovoljivo opredeliti Terencijevo pojmovanje duševnosti, katere izhodišče predstavlja prav samostalnik animus kot središče zavesti in čustvovanja

    Plutarh: Vzporedni življenjepisi. 1: Tezej-Romul, Likurg-Numa, Solon-Publikola. Prevedla Matej Hriberšek in David Movrin, DZS, Ljubljana, 2004, 302 str. (recenzija)

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    Plutarhovi Vzporedni življenjepisi so eno večkrat izdanih in revidiranih del kakega antičnega avtorja v slovenskem prevodu. Zaradi posebnega položaja izdajanja antičnih prevodov na Slovenskem je tako skoraj nepomembno, da so različni prevajalci različno naslavljali in sestavljali oziroma razstavljali to monumentalno delo in da tudi pričujoča izdaja ni izjema (ki tokrat za razliko od ostalih izdaj zvesto sledi originalu)