33 research outputs found

    Buckwheat seed quality during the five-year storage in various packing materials

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    Buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum Moench.) seed, produced in three locations, was used in the present study. Seed was stored in paper, glass, wood and PVC packing materials under room temperature conditions (18 degrees C) for five years. The following parameters of seed quality were observed: viability, germination, dormancy and a 1000-seed weight. Standard laboratory methods were applied in the studies. The lowest viability after harvest was recorded in seeds stored in glass or PVC packing materials. All factors pointed to a great significance in the expression of viability, germination and seed weight maintenance. The highest value of germination (99%) was recorded in seeds produced in the location Karbulovo after two-year storage in the paper packing material. In the second year of storage, seed dormancy in paper packing material amounted to 0-0.1%. The seed weight changed during the storage period from 33.9 g to 24.4 g. The weight loss was the lowest in seeds stored in the paper packing material. The germination decline was slower in large than in small seeds. Obtained results indicate the importance of packing material for maintenance of seed qualitative traits. According to the gained results, seeds packed in paper packing material mostly retained their physiological and morphological traits


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    LINK Educational Alliance (LEA is an educational group based in the Republic of Serbia which involves privately owned providers of formal and informal education, the format for the development of Educational Technologies services and Business support for their business. The exploratory research was conducted among K-12 teachers among a total population of 152 and a sample of 77 respondents (50.66%) to provide information about the perception of the teachers towards implementation of the Artificial intelligence-based solutions and the opportunities and challenges that artificial intelligence (AI) will bring into their daily activities, as well as their genuine knowledge about AI. For data analysis, we used SmartPLs Software version 3.0, making inferential and variable association analyses. The teaching process, based on the opinion of  K-12 teachers regarding activities that might be automatised through AI implementation in the educational process, supported by their level of awareness and knowledge about AI. For example, AI offers opportunities to automate specific strategies and activities, which would achieve better organisation of teachers' working time and productivity and increase the share of time that teachers spend "directly interacting with students" is the central hypothesis whose validity is tested. The aim of this study is to provide adequate model for testing AI attitudes in K-12 level of education in Republic of Serbia, among teachers in elementary and secondary schools.

    Geographic tongue: Does Candida play a role in its pathogenesis

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    Background/Aim: Geographic tongue (GT), a benign self-limiting condition (inflammation) is commonly seen in practice. Although quite easy for clinical diagnosis, in clinical practice it is commonly misdiagnosed and treated as Candida infection. The main aim of this study was to compare the prevalence of Candida spp. on tongue in patients with GT and subjects with clinically healthy oral mucosa. Additional aims were to evaluate subjective symptoms, uncontrolled usage of prescribed or non-prescribed antifungal topical medications and the presence of the cancerophobia or other health concerns in patients with GT. Material and Methods: A total of 70 subjects were divided into two groups: Group B - patients with diagnosed Geographic tongue and group A - aged and gender matched controls with clinically health oral mucosa. Anamnestic charts designed for this study included information about symptoms (measured by Visual Analogue Scale), previous knowledge or fear about presence of GT and received therapy for this condition. Detection of Candida spp. from tongue was done using sterile cotton swab and Sabouraud dextrose agar. Results: At the time of this study, 18 (52.94%) of subjects with GT were aware of having this condition and even 12 of them (66.7%) used topical antifungal drugs prescribed by physician. Also, 66.7% of them experienced fear about the presence of GT at some moment. Detection of Candida spp. was similarly distributed in both groups (22.2% in group A and 17.6% in group B). Conclusions: Geographic tongue has frequently been treated by topical antifungal drugs. In this study, GT was not associated with presence of Candida spp

    Sowing date as a response to ecological conditions in maize seed production

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    The environment protection, energy, and resources preservation are especially pronounced under present climate changes. In agriculture, these changes are recognised as drought, high temperatures, occurrence of stormy winds and hail. The aim of this study was to determine variations in seed morphology that are a result of different sowing dates in relation with agro- ecological conditions of maize (Zea mays L.) cultivation. The material used for the study encompassed three inbred lines (G1, G2, G3) sown every 10 d on five sowing dates (T1, T2, T3, T4, T5) starting from 1 April to 10 May, during 2 yr (Y1: 2018, Y2: 2019). The following physical properties of seeds were estimated: width (W), length (L), thickness (Tk), ratio of small (SF) to large fraction (LF) and grain yield (GY). The width was the highest in all three inbreeds on T4 (1.00, 1.03, 0.99 cm, respectively); T5 was the least favourable date for L (1.09, 1.12, 1.09 cm, respectively) while Tk was the lowest in G1 (0.51 cm) and G2 (0.51 cm) sown on T1. The most significant differences in the formation of physical properties occurred in seeds sown on T5 (p ≤ 0.05). The highest differences were observed in width between T5-T4 (-0.223 cm), in length between T5-T2 (-0.309 cm) and in thickness between T5-T3 (-0.129 cm). Later sowing dates favoured LF (85.2%) in comparison to SF (14.7%). Seed size variability participated with 50% in yield formation (R2 ≥ 0.5)

    Characteristics of local pulmonary response following intranasal application of Aspergillus fumigatus conidia

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    In this study, histopathology of local pulmonary response following intranasal inoculation of different doses of Aspergillus fumigatus conidia in laboratory rats was evaluated. Development of response was evaluated on days seven and twenty one, following conidia inoculation by cell infiltration and by presence of A. fumigatus conidia in homogenates of lung tissue. Total and differential peripheral blood leukocyte counts and state of leukocyte adhesion/aggregation were monitored to estimate the presence of systemic response in infected individuals. Mycological examination revealed the presence of conidia in lung tissue homogenates of infected animals, with high number of non-germinating spores on day twenty one, following the inoculation of lower conidia dose. Histopathological examination revealed the presence of lymphocytes perivascularly and in vascular lumen in the lungs. Presented data demonstrate pulmonary immune response following A. fumigatus conidia administration.Aspergillus fumigatus je oportunistička gljiva koja najčešće dovodi do pulmonarnih aspergiloza kod imunokompromitovanih organizama. U ovom radu su prikazani rezultati istraživanja izazivanja infekcije aspergilusom kod pacova. U cilju dobijanja podataka o prisustvu i karakteristikama lokalnog inflamatornog odgovora u plućima određen je diferencijalni sastav leukocita periferne krvi i testirana je njihova aktivnost, izvršeni su histopatološki pregled pluća i provera prisustva spora A. fumigatus u homogenatima pluća. Naši podaci su pokazali prisustvo lokalnog odgovora u plućima posle 7 dana dok podaci dobijeni posle 21 dan ne pokazuju značajne razlike u odnosu na kontrolnu grupu. Povećani broj neklijajućih spora u homogenatu pluća sedmog dana nakon inokulacije može da se objasni prisustvom limfocitnog infiltrata u plućima i aktivnošću limfocita in situ. Povećan broj klijajućih spora 21. dana nakon inokulacije može da bude posledica kapaciteta malog broja preostalih spora da klijaju.Projekat ministarstva br. 14303

    Characteristics of local pulmonary response following intranasal application of Aspergillus fumigatus conidia

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    In this study, histopathology of local pulmonary response following intranasal inoculation of different doses of Aspergillus fumigatus conidia in laboratory rats was evaluated. Development of response was evaluated on days seven and twenty one, following conidia inoculation by cell infiltration and by presence of A. fumigatus conidia in homogenates of lung tissue. Total and differential peripheral blood leukocyte counts and state of leukocyte adhesion/aggregation were monitored to estimate the presence of systemic response in infected individuals. Mycological examination revealed the presence of conidia in lung tissue homogenates of infected animals, with high number of non-germinating spores on day twenty one, following the inoculation of lower conidia dose. Histopathological examination revealed the presence of lymphocytes perivascularly and in vascular lumen in the lungs. Presented data demonstrate pulmonary immune response following A. fumigatus conidia administration

    Possibility of rational use additional products of linseed

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    Lan se gaji radi finog vlakna i semena, koje je bogato uljem i ukupnim proteinima. Sporedni proizvodi lana su: gruba platna, koja se koriste za izradu tkanina za nameštaj, tepiha, dok se kratka vlakna, koristi za izradu kanapa, zatim kao izolacioni materijal ili za pakovanje. Drvenasti deo stabla je odlična sirovina u industriji papira i u građevinarstvu za izradu panel ploča. Seme lana se dodaje i u smeše koje služe za ishranu kućnih ljubimaca. Pleva, koja ostaje posle izdvajanja semena iz čaura lana, može se upotrebiti u ishrani domaćih životinja preživara. Sporedni proizvodi, uljana sačma i pogača, predstavljaju odličnu koncentrovanu stočnu hranu.Linseed is grown for fine fiber and seeds, which is rich in oil and total proteins. The secondary linseed products are: rough canvas which are used for making furniture fabrics, carpet, while short fibers, used for making rope, then as an insulating material or for packaging. Wooden part of the stem is a great raw material in the paper industry, in building construction panel plate. Seeds of flax are added and in mixtures which serve to feed pets. Chaff, which remains after the seed extraction from the linseed cocoon sleeve of linen, also can be used in nutrition domestic animal ruminants. The secondary products, oil buckshot and oil cake, represent excellent concentrated animal feed

    Evaluation of antioxidant and cytotoxic properties of phenolic N-acylhydrazones: Structure-activity relationship

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    Cancer is still a relentless public health issue. Particularly, colorectal cancer is the third most prevalent cancer in men and the second in women. Moreover, cancer development and growth are associated with various cell disorders, such as oxidative stress and inflammation. The quest for efficient therapeutics is a challenging task, especially when it comes to achieving both cytotoxicity and selectivity. Herein, five series of phenolic N-acylhydrazones were synthesized and evaluated for their antioxidant potency, as well as their influence on HCT-116 and MRC-5 cells viability. Among 40 examined analogues, 20 of them expressed antioxidant activity against the DPPH radical. Furthermore, density functional theory was employed to estimate the antioxidant potency of the selected analogues from the thermodynamical aspect, as well as the preferable free-radical scavenging pathway. Cytotoxicity assay exposed enhanced selectivity of a number of analogues toward cancer cells. The structure-activity analysis revealed the impact of the type and position of the functional groups on both cell viability and selectivity toward cancer cells

    Varijabilnost svojstava introdukovanih genotipova kvinoje (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.)

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    We analyzed variability and influence of investigated factors on grain yield of quinoa during three year period (2009, 2010, 2011). The experiment was conducted at two locations (Nova Pazova and Surduk), using two introduced genotypes of quinoa: KVL 37 and KVL 52. We detected that location and genotype had important impact. Grain yield varied according to years of study (1224 kg/ha to 1671 kg/ha). Results of regression and correlation analysis indicate on variation of the impact of plant height and number of plants per meter on the grain yield. Correlation coefficients were generally low and didn't show as significant. This indicates that these studies included small number of properties that can affect grain yield. In further work with this introduced species, more properties should be included.Analizirana je varijabilnost i uticaj ispitivanih faktora na prinos zrna kvinoje tokom tri godine (2009, 2010, 2011). Ogled je izveden na dve lokacije (Nova Pazova i Surduk) sa dva introdukovana genotipa kvinoje: KVL 37 i KVL 52. Setva je obavljena u aprilu, a žetva u avgustu. Analizirani su: visina biljaka (cm), broj biljaka po dužnom metru i prinos zrna. Konstatovan je značajan uticaj lokacije i genotipa. Prinos zrna varirao je po godinama ispitivanja (1.224 kg/ha do 1.671 kg/ha). Rezultati regresione i koralacione analize ukazuju na variranje uticaja visine biljaka i broja biljaka po dužnom metru na prinos zrna. Koeficijenti korelacija su uglavnom bili niski i nisu ispoljili značajnost. Ovo ukazuje da je u daljim istraživanjima poželjno povećati broj svojstava, koja bi mogla uticati na visinu prinosa