29 research outputs found
Diapause induces remodelling of the fatty acid composition of membrane and storage lipids in overwintering larvae of Ostrinia nubilalis, Hubn. (Lepidoptera: Crambidae)
Seasonal changes in the FA composition of triacylglycerols and phospholipids prepared from the whole body of non-diapausing and diapausing fifth instar larvae of Ostrinia nubilalis, Hubn. (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) were determined to evaluate the role of these lipids in diapause. Substantial changes in the FA composition of triacylglycerols and phospholipids were triggered by diapause development. This led to a significant increase in the overall FA unsaturation (UFAs/SFAs ratio), attributable to an increase in the relative proportion of MUFAs and the concomitant decrease in PUFAs and SFAs. In triacylglycerols, the significant changes in FAs composition is the result of an increase in the relative proportions of MUFAs, palmitoleic acid (16:1n-7) and oleic acid (18:1n-9), and a concomitant reduction in composition of SFAs and PUFAs, mainly palmitic acid (16:0) and linoleic acid (18:2n-6), respectively. Changes in the composition of phospholipids were more subtle with FAs contributing to the overall increase of FA unsaturation. Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) analysis revealed that the melt transition temperatures of total lipids prepared from whole larvae, primarily attributable to the triacylglycerol component, were significantly lower during the time course of diapause compared with non-diapause. These observations were correlated to the FA composition of triacylglycerols, most likely enabling them to remain functional during colder winter conditions. We conclude that O. nubilalis undergoes remodelling of FA profiles of both energy storage triacylglycerols and membrane phospholipids as an element of its overwintering physiology which may improve the ability to cold harden during diapause
High-Risk Human Papillomavirus in Patients with Oral Carcinoma and Oral Potentially Malignant Disorders in Serbia—A Pilot Study
Background and Objectives: Oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) accounts for about 95% of oral cancers. It represents a serious public health problem due to the high degree of morbidity and mortality, as well as multifactorial etiology. Human papillomavirus (HPV) infection is a well-documented risk factor for oropharyngeal carcinoma, but its role in oral carcinogenesis is still debatable. Our aim was to investigate the differences in the prevalence of high-risk HPV genotypes (HR-HPV) in patients with OSCC and oral potentially malignant disorders (OPMD) from that of healthy subjects. Materials and Methods: A total of 90 subjects were included in the cross-sectional study and divided into three groups of 30 patients each: (1) patients with OSCC, (2) patients with OPMD, and (3) healthy subjects. We examined the presence of 12 HR-HPV genotypes in the obtained biological material (oral swabs) using real-time PCR. Results: One or more of the 12 tested HR-HPV genotypes were detected in 5/30 patients with OSCC and 2/30 with OPMD, whereas no healthy subjects were positive for any of the tested genotypes. There was a statistically significant difference in nodal involvement between HPV-positive and HPV-negative patients with OSCC. Conclusions: Oral HR-HPV was detected in patients with oral premalignant and malignant lesions but not in healthy individuals, suggesting a possible role in oral carcinogenesis. Broad HR-HPV panel testing could increase the sensitivity of risk assessment and screening for OSCC
Lifetime production of high-yielding dairy cows
Lifetime milk production is a key success factor in fulfilling the production potential of high-yielding cows. Lifetime milk production traits are pronouncedly variable. The life expectancy and the length of productive life of dairy cows are repeatedly limiting factors for improving lifetime milk production. Lifetime milk production is greatly depended on age at first calving and the number of lactations during productive life. Previous researches have implied there are real chances for improving the lifetime milk production of high-yielding cows. The goal of this research was to investigate the significance of key systematic factors on the lifetime production of high-yielding Black-and-White cows. The animals included in the sample had different share of Holstein genes. The researchers determined systematic factors that caused some significant phenotypic variations of the investigated trait. The average lifetime milk production was 25,002.66±7,755.39 kg. When observed by cow genotypes, the mean values of the lifetime milk production varied from 27,061.37 kg (73% HF). The differences in lifetime milk production determined among the animals were due to a highly significant (p≤0.01) impact of the bulls - the sires of the cows and the year of culling; the impact of the class of HF genes was significant (p≤0.05), whereas the impact of the reason for culling was non-significant (p>0.05)
Surviving the cold: molecular analyses of insect cryoprotective dehydration in the Arctic springtail Megaphorura arctica (Tullberg)
<p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Insects provide tractable models for enhancing our understanding of the physiological and cellular processes that enable survival at extreme low temperatures. They possess three main strategies to survive the cold: freeze tolerance, freeze avoidance or cryoprotective dehydration, of which the latter method is exploited by our model species, the Arctic springtail <it>Megaphorura arctica</it>, formerly <it>Onychiurus arcticus </it>(Tullberg 1876). The physiological mechanisms underlying cryoprotective dehydration have been well characterised in <it>M. arctica </it>and to date this process has been described in only a few other species: the Antarctic nematode <it>Panagrolaimus davidi</it>, an enchytraied worm, the larvae of the Antarctic midge <it>Belgica antarctica </it>and the cocoons of the earthworm <it>Dendrobaena octaedra</it>. There are no in-depth molecular studies on the underlying cold survival mechanisms in any species.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>A cDNA microarray was generated using 6,912 <it>M. arctica </it>clones printed in duplicate. Analysis of clones up-regulated during dehydration procedures (using both cold- and salt-induced dehydration) has identified a number of significant cellular processes, namely the production and mobilisation of trehalose, protection of cellular systems via small heat shock proteins and tissue/cellular remodelling during the dehydration process. Energy production, initiation of protein translation and cell division, plus potential tissue repair processes dominate genes identified during recovery. Heat map analysis identified a duplication of the trehalose-6-phosphate synthase (TPS) gene in <it>M. arctica </it>and also 53 clones co-regulated with TPS, including a number of membrane associated and cell signalling proteins. Q-PCR on selected candidate genes has also contributed to our understanding with glutathione-S-transferase identified as the major antioxdidant enzyme protecting the cells during these stressful procedures, and a number of protein kinase signalling molecules involved in recovery.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Microarray analysis has proved to be a powerful technique for understanding the processes and genes involved in cryoprotective dehydration, beyond the few candidate genes identified in the current literature. Dehydration is associated with the mobilisation of trehalose, cell protection and tissue remodelling. Energy production, leading to protein production, and cell division characterise the recovery process. Novel membrane proteins, along with aquaporins and desaturases, have been identified as promising candidates for future functional analyses to better understand membrane remodelling during cellular dehydration.</p
Modernity and Contemporaneity
Modernity and Contemporaneity is the 3rd volume in the Hellenic-Serbian Philosophical Dialogue Series, a project that was initiated as an emphatic token of the will and commitment to establish permanent and fruitful collaboration between two strongly bonded Departments of Philosophy, this of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, and that of the University of Novi Sad respectively. This collaboration was founded from the very beginning upon friendship, mutual respect and strong engagement, as well us upon our firm resolution to establish a solid continuity in the editing project. The publication of this volume allows us to entertain feelings of contentment and confidence that this objective of the project has been accomplished.Publishe
Influence of insecticides application on channel lenght in stem of maize plants caused by feeding of larvae of European corn borer (Ostrinia nubilalis Hbn.)
In maize plants the attack of European corn borer can cause significant damages, which can
lessen by insecticide application in crop protection. The aim of this study was to determine
the effect of insecticides on the total length of channels in maize plant stem formed by the
feeding of larvae Ostrinia nubilalis. The research was carried out in Maize Research Institute
different FAO ripening groups (ZP 434, ZP 600 and ZP 666) and three insecticides
chlorantraniliprole (200 g l-1), bifenthrin (100 g l-1) and lufenuron (50 g l-1)+(cypermethrin
(50 g l-1) + chlorpyrifos (500 g l-1)), which were applied only after the maximum flight of the
first generation to protect plants from attack of European corn borer. The result showed
significantly different total length of channels in the stem of plants, caused by feeding of the
larvae of European corn borer, which varied from the lowest on treatment with insecticide
chlorantraniliprole in maize genotype ZP 600 (170.00 cm) to the highest in maize genotype
ZP 666 (278.33 cm) on the control variant (without insecticide application). For all
treatments, the average value of total length of channels in stem, was the lowest 192.92 cm in
ZP 434, slightly higher 195.42 cm in ZP 600, while the highest average value of total length
of channels was 233.34 cm in maize genotype ZP 606. The established differences for total
length of channels depended on genotype and type of insecticide applie
Effect of Cold Acclimation on Selected Metabolic Enzymes During Diapause in The European Corn Borer Ostrinia nubilalis Hbn
The European corn borer, Ostrinia nubilalis Hbn., is a pest Lepidopteran species whose larvae overwinter by entering diapause, gradually becoming cold-hardy. To investigate metabolic changes during cold hardening, activities of four metabolic enzymes – citrate synthase (CS), lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), alanine aminotransferase (ALT) and aspartate aminotransferase (AST) were measured in whole-body homogenates of pupae, non-diapausing and diapausing larvae acclimated to 5 °C, −3 °C and −16 °C. The highest CS activity was detected in non-diapausing larvae, reflecting active development, while the highest in vitro LDH activity was recorded in diapausing larvae at temperatures close to 0 °C, evidencing a metabolic switch towards anaerobic metabolism. However, in-gel LDH activity showed that production of pyruvate from lactate is triggered by sub-zero temperatures. The activities of both aminotransferases were highest in non-diapausing larvae. Our findings suggest that during diapause and cold hardening the aminotransferases catalyse production of L-alanine, an important cryoprotectant, and L-aspartate, which is closely tied to both transamination reactions and Krebs cycle. The results of this study indicate that, during diapause, the activity of metabolic enzymes is synchronized with exogenous factors, such as temperatures close to 0 °C. These findings support the notion that diapause is metabolically plastic and vibrant, rather than simply a passive, resting state
Molecular and biochemical basis of diapause of European corn borer Ostrinia nubilalis (Hbn.) (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae)
Dijapauza je period zaustavljenog razvoja kod insekata, drugih zglavkara i određenih vrsta riba, a koja se javlja na određenom, za svaku vrstu karakterističnom, razvojnom stadijumu. Dijapauzu, kao dugotrajnu i „skupu“ fazu mirovanja, karakteriše prilagođavanje organizma na molekularnom, fiziološkom, morfološkom i bihevioralnom nivou. Promene koje karakterišu dijapauzu većine vrsta su supresija metabolizma, zaustavljanje ili usporavanje razvića, izmenjena ekspresija gena, sinteza zaštitnih proteina i metabolita koji vode ka povećanju otpornosti organizma. Sposobnost insekata da prežive dugotrajne nepovoljne periode u stanju dijapauze omogućila im je da koriste sezonski uslovljene resurse, kolonizuju raznovrsna staništa, smanjuju ukrštanje u srodstvu i povećavaju genetičku raznovrsnost. S obzirom na ogroman značaj dijapauze u životnom ciklusu insekata, ali i drugih organizama, bilo kakvo odlaganje ili njeno prerano prekidanje može imati negativne posledice na njihovo preživljavanje. Iz tog razloga, bolje poznavanje biološke osnove dijapauze može omogućiti unapređenje kontrole insekatskih vrsta koje nanose ekonomsku štetu u poljoprivredi, ali i poboljšanje metoda gajenja vrsta koje su korisne (bumbari, pčele, svilena buba, bubamare, parazitske osice i druge). Takođe, razumevanje mehanizama otpornosti i zaštite od stresa, npr. na niske temperature, mogu doprineti razvoju novih tehnika za krioprezervaciju organa i tkiva. Na kraju, insekti koji miruju, zbog specifičnosti metaboloma, mogu biti potencijalan izvor novih lekova, ali i dobri modeli za istraživanje starenja, gojaznosti i dijabetesa.
Kukuruzni plamenac Ostrinia nubilalis (Hübner 1796) je vrsta moljca čije su larve polifagne herbivore koje se hrane na preko 200 biljnih vrsta, uključujući važne poljoprivredne useve, povrće i voće. Krajem leta i početkom jeseni larve 5. stupnja ulaze u fakultativnu dijapauzu, preživljavajući oštre kontinentalne zime u fazi mirovanja. Tokom dijapauze gusenice O. nubilalis razvijaju otpornost na niske temperature i sposobnost da prežive zamrzavanje vanćelijskih telesnih tečnosti,
što je omogućilo ovoj vrsti da nastani ogromna prostranstva Evroazije, ali i da nepažnjom čoveka nasele Severnu Ameriku...Diapause is a carefully regulated state of arrested development that occurs at a species-specific life stage of insects, other arthropods and some fish species. It engages a plethora of molecular, physiological, morphological and behavioral changes that altogether increase stress tolerance and the ability to survive. Thus, diapause enables insects to exploit seasonally variable food resources and colonize new habitats, as well as decrease inbreeding and increase mating of temporally separated genotypes in a population. Due to the tremendous importance of diapause for survival, any factors that delay or perturb diapause can potentially compromise the fitness of an organism. Thus, deeper knowledge of the biology of diapause could help improve or develop new means of pest control for insect populations, as well as to advance current rearing techniques of beneficial species (bees, ladybirds, parasitic wasps, silkworm etc.). Additionally, defining the molecular background of stress tolerance during diapause, such as cold hardiness, could improve techniques for cryopreservation of organs, tissues and cells. Also, because of the specificity of the metabolom, diapausing insects could be regarded as a potentially rich source of new pharmaceutical agents, or could be used as model organisms to study ageing, obesity and diabetes.
The European corn borer (ECB), Ostrinia nubilalis (Hübner 1796), is a pest moth species whose polyphagous larvae feed on more than 200 plants, including important crops, vegetables and fruits. In late August or the beginning of September, because of a critical shortening of the photoperiod, 5th instar larvae of ECB stop feeding and enter into diapause. Diapausing larvae gradually develop freeze tolerance and become cold hardy, which has enabled this species to successfully colonize temperate regions. The aim of this dissertation was to improve our understanding of the molecular and biochemical mechanisms governing diapause of O. nubilalis..
Molecular and biochemical basis of diapause of European corn borer Ostrinia nubilalis (Hbn.) (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae)
Dijapauza je period zaustavljenog razvoja kod insekata, drugih zglavkara i određenih vrsta riba, a koja se javlja na određenom, za svaku vrstu karakterističnom, razvojnom stadijumu. Dijapauzu, kao dugotrajnu i „skupu“ fazu mirovanja, karakteriše prilagođavanje organizma na molekularnom, fiziološkom, morfološkom i bihevioralnom nivou. Promene koje karakterišu dijapauzu većine vrsta su supresija metabolizma, zaustavljanje ili usporavanje razvića, izmenjena ekspresija gena, sinteza zaštitnih proteina i metabolita koji vode ka povećanju otpornosti organizma. Sposobnost insekata da prežive dugotrajne nepovoljne periode u stanju dijapauze omogućila im je da koriste sezonski uslovljene resurse, kolonizuju raznovrsna staništa, smanjuju ukrštanje u srodstvu i povećavaju genetičku raznovrsnost. S obzirom na ogroman značaj dijapauze u životnom ciklusu insekata, ali i drugih organizama, bilo kakvo odlaganje ili njeno prerano prekidanje može imati negativne posledice na njihovo preživljavanje. Iz tog razloga, bolje poznavanje biološke osnove dijapauze može omogućiti unapređenje kontrole insekatskih vrsta koje nanose ekonomsku štetu u poljoprivredi, ali i poboljšanje metoda gajenja vrsta koje su korisne (bumbari, pčele, svilena buba, bubamare, parazitske osice i druge). Takođe, razumevanje mehanizama otpornosti i zaštite od stresa, npr. na niske temperature, mogu doprineti razvoju novih tehnika za krioprezervaciju organa i tkiva. Na kraju, insekti koji miruju, zbog specifičnosti metaboloma, mogu biti potencijalan izvor novih lekova, ali i dobri modeli za istraživanje starenja, gojaznosti i dijabetesa.
Kukuruzni plamenac Ostrinia nubilalis (Hübner 1796) je vrsta moljca čije su larve polifagne herbivore koje se hrane na preko 200 biljnih vrsta, uključujući važne poljoprivredne useve, povrće i voće. Krajem leta i početkom jeseni larve 5. stupnja ulaze u fakultativnu dijapauzu, preživljavajući oštre kontinentalne zime u fazi mirovanja. Tokom dijapauze gusenice O. nubilalis razvijaju otpornost na niske temperature i sposobnost da prežive zamrzavanje vanćelijskih telesnih tečnosti,
što je omogućilo ovoj vrsti da nastani ogromna prostranstva Evroazije, ali i da nepažnjom čoveka nasele Severnu Ameriku...Diapause is a carefully regulated state of arrested development that occurs at a species-specific life stage of insects, other arthropods and some fish species. It engages a plethora of molecular, physiological, morphological and behavioral changes that altogether increase stress tolerance and the ability to survive. Thus, diapause enables insects to exploit seasonally variable food resources and colonize new habitats, as well as decrease inbreeding and increase mating of temporally separated genotypes in a population. Due to the tremendous importance of diapause for survival, any factors that delay or perturb diapause can potentially compromise the fitness of an organism. Thus, deeper knowledge of the biology of diapause could help improve or develop new means of pest control for insect populations, as well as to advance current rearing techniques of beneficial species (bees, ladybirds, parasitic wasps, silkworm etc.). Additionally, defining the molecular background of stress tolerance during diapause, such as cold hardiness, could improve techniques for cryopreservation of organs, tissues and cells. Also, because of the specificity of the metabolom, diapausing insects could be regarded as a potentially rich source of new pharmaceutical agents, or could be used as model organisms to study ageing, obesity and diabetes.
The European corn borer (ECB), Ostrinia nubilalis (Hübner 1796), is a pest moth species whose polyphagous larvae feed on more than 200 plants, including important crops, vegetables and fruits. In late August or the beginning of September, because of a critical shortening of the photoperiod, 5th instar larvae of ECB stop feeding and enter into diapause. Diapausing larvae gradually develop freeze tolerance and become cold hardy, which has enabled this species to successfully colonize temperate regions. The aim of this dissertation was to improve our understanding of the molecular and biochemical mechanisms governing diapause of O. nubilalis..