15 research outputs found


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    Background: The connection between socio-economic status and health is documented, yet not fully understood. The goal of this research was to analyze the relationship between socio-economic status, lifestyle and health status, availability of health-care, social capital, and satisfaction with life. Subjects and methods: Subjects were 1117 women aged 25-65 years divided in two groups. Group 1 consisted of women who receive public assistance (N1=591), while Group 2 consisted of women who do not (N2=526). The sample was stratified by random choice into multiple stages based on six regions of Croatia, residential area size, and the age of respondents. Visiting nurses surveyed the deprived population, while in Group 2 self-interviewing was conducted. A questionnaire entitled “Inequalities in health” was used. The respondents participated in this research voluntarily and anonymously. Results: Socially deprived women consume spirits and wine more often (p<0.001). There is no difference between groups regarding tobacco consummation. Working women perform significantly less strenuous physical tasks (p<0.001). Deprived women are significantly less engaged in physical activities (p<0.001). Health conditions in deprived women more commonly limit their physical activity (p<0.001). There is a significant difference in utilization of health-care among groups (p<0.001). Younger women who are married, with a higher number of household members, a larger income, and with higher education are generally more satisfied with life (p<0.001). Although deprived women are significantly less satisfied with their lives, feel less free, are less physically active, and less likely to consume spirits or beer, they are significantly happier than working women (p<0.001). Conclusions: Personal health status and lifestyle, access to health-care services, and life satisfaction have a high importance as predictors and protective factors of mental health in women - recipients of state-provided financial welfare


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    U radu je analizirana kvaliteta vode za napajanje goveda i konja na obiteljskom gospodarstvu. Uzorci vode uzimani su jednom mjesečno od lipnja do prosinca iz termopojilica koje su priključene na vodovodnu mrežu. Istraživani su sljedeći pokazatelji kvalitete vode: temperatura, boja, pH, vodljivost, utrošak kalijeva perman-ganata, amonijak, nitriti, nitrati, kloridi te aerobne mezofilne i koliformne bakterije. Vrijednosti za utrošak kalijeva permanganata i amonijevih iona kao kemijskih pokazatelja koji ukazuju na količinu organske tvari u vodi premašivale su maksimalno dozvoljene koncentracije tijekom ljetnih mjeseci u vodi za napajanje goveda i konja. Značajno veće (p<0,05) koncentracije utvrđene su u vodi za goveda. Tijekom mje¬seca kolovoza u vodi za napajanje goveda također je uočen porast koncentracije ni¬trita iznad dopuštenih vrijednosti. U vodi za napajanje obiju vrsta životinja zabilježen je pozitivan nalaz koliformnih bakterija te povećan broj mezofilnih bakterija iznad dopuštene granice tijekom cijelog razdoblja istraživanja. Broj mezofilnih bakterija bio je značajno veći (p<0,05) u vodi za napajanje goveda tijekom ljetnih mjeseci, a u vodi za napajanje konja tijekom zimskih mjeseci. Rezultati istraživanja kvalitete vode navode na zaključak da su se goveda radije napajala iz termopojilice tijekom toplijeg razdoblja, dok konji tijekom hladnijeg razdoblja. Osim toga, vrijednosti istraživanih pokazatelja kvalitete vode za napajanje obiju vrsta životinja upućuju na potrebu redovitijeg čišćenja i dezinfekcije termopojilica.Water quality for cattle and horse watering at a family farm was analysed in the study. Water samples were collected once per month from June to December from thermo drinkers connected to water network. The following water quality parameters were analysed: temperature, colour, pH, potassium permanganate consuming capacity, ammonium, nitrite, nitrate, chloride, aerobic mesophilic and coliform bacteria. Values of potassium permanganate consuming capacity and ammonium ions as chemical parameters which indicate the amount of organic substance in the water exceeded maximum permissible levels during the summer in the water for cattle and horse watering; nevertheless, significantly higher (p<0.05) concentrations were determined in the water for the cattle. Also, during the month of August increase in the nitrite concentration above the permissible levels was observed in the water for the cattle watering. In the water for both animal species positive coliform bacteria and increased number of meso philic bacteria above the permissible level were recorded during total study period. The number of mesophilic bacteria was significantly higher (p<0.05) in the water for the cattle watering during the summer, and in the water for the horse watering during the winter. Study results of the water quality suggest that the cattle preferred to drink from thermo drinker during the warmer period, while horses during the cooler period. Moreover, the values of the observed parameters of the water quality for the watering of both animal species point to the necessity of disinfection of the thermo drinkers and more regular cleaning


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    U radu je analizirana kvaliteta vode za napajanje goveda i konja na obiteljskom gospodarstvu. Uzorci vode uzimani su jednom mjesečno od lipnja do prosinca iz termopojilica koje su priključene na vodovodnu mrežu. Istraživani su sljedeći pokazatelji kvalitete vode: temperatura, boja, pH, vodljivost, utrošak kalijeva perman-ganata, amonijak, nitriti, nitrati, kloridi te aerobne mezofilne i koliformne bakterije. Vrijednosti za utrošak kalijeva permanganata i amonijevih iona kao kemijskih pokazatelja koji ukazuju na količinu organske tvari u vodi premašivale su maksimalno dozvoljene koncentracije tijekom ljetnih mjeseci u vodi za napajanje goveda i konja. Značajno veće (p<0,05) koncentracije utvrđene su u vodi za goveda. Tijekom mje¬seca kolovoza u vodi za napajanje goveda također je uočen porast koncentracije ni¬trita iznad dopuštenih vrijednosti. U vodi za napajanje obiju vrsta životinja zabilježen je pozitivan nalaz koliformnih bakterija te povećan broj mezofilnih bakterija iznad dopuštene granice tijekom cijelog razdoblja istraživanja. Broj mezofilnih bakterija bio je značajno veći (p<0,05) u vodi za napajanje goveda tijekom ljetnih mjeseci, a u vodi za napajanje konja tijekom zimskih mjeseci. Rezultati istraživanja kvalitete vode navode na zaključak da su se goveda radije napajala iz termopojilice tijekom toplijeg razdoblja, dok konji tijekom hladnijeg razdoblja. Osim toga, vrijednosti istraživanih pokazatelja kvalitete vode za napajanje obiju vrsta životinja upućuju na potrebu redovitijeg čišćenja i dezinfekcije termopojilica.Water quality for cattle and horse watering at a family farm was analysed in the study. Water samples were collected once per month from June to December from thermo drinkers connected to water network. The following water quality parameters were analysed: temperature, colour, pH, potassium permanganate consuming capacity, ammonium, nitrite, nitrate, chloride, aerobic mesophilic and coliform bacteria. Values of potassium permanganate consuming capacity and ammonium ions as chemical parameters which indicate the amount of organic substance in the water exceeded maximum permissible levels during the summer in the water for cattle and horse watering; nevertheless, significantly higher (p<0.05) concentrations were determined in the water for the cattle. Also, during the month of August increase in the nitrite concentration above the permissible levels was observed in the water for the cattle watering. In the water for both animal species positive coliform bacteria and increased number of meso philic bacteria above the permissible level were recorded during total study period. The number of mesophilic bacteria was significantly higher (p<0.05) in the water for the cattle watering during the summer, and in the water for the horse watering during the winter. Study results of the water quality suggest that the cattle preferred to drink from thermo drinker during the warmer period, while horses during the cooler period. Moreover, the values of the observed parameters of the water quality for the watering of both animal species point to the necessity of disinfection of the thermo drinkers and more regular cleaning


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    Background: The connection between socio-economic status and health is documented, yet not fully understood. The goal of this research was to analyze the relationship between socio-economic status, lifestyle and health status, availability of health-care, social capital, and satisfaction with life. Subjects and methods: Subjects were 1117 women aged 25-65 years divided in two groups. Group 1 consisted of women who receive public assistance (N1=591), while Group 2 consisted of women who do not (N2=526). The sample was stratified by random choice into multiple stages based on six regions of Croatia, residential area size, and the age of respondents. Visiting nurses surveyed the deprived population, while in Group 2 self-interviewing was conducted. A questionnaire entitled “Inequalities in health” was used. The respondents participated in this research voluntarily and anonymously. Results: Socially deprived women consume spirits and wine more often (p<0.001). There is no difference between groups regarding tobacco consummation. Working women perform significantly less strenuous physical tasks (p<0.001). Deprived women are significantly less engaged in physical activities (p<0.001). Health conditions in deprived women more commonly limit their physical activity (p<0.001). There is a significant difference in utilization of health-care among groups (p<0.001). Younger women who are married, with a higher number of household members, a larger income, and with higher education are generally more satisfied with life (p<0.001). Although deprived women are significantly less satisfied with their lives, feel less free, are less physically active, and less likely to consume spirits or beer, they are significantly happier than working women (p<0.001). Conclusions: Personal health status and lifestyle, access to health-care services, and life satisfaction have a high importance as predictors and protective factors of mental health in women - recipients of state-provided financial welfare

    High-throughput massively parallel sequencing for fetal aneuploidy detection from maternal plasma.

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    Circulating cell-free (ccf) fetal DNA comprises 3-20% of all the cell-free DNA present in maternal plasma. Numerous research and clinical studies have described the analysis of ccf DNA using next generation sequencing for the detection of fetal aneuploidies with high sensitivity and specificity. We sought to extend the utility of this approach by assessing semi-automated library preparation, higher sample multiplexing during sequencing, and improved bioinformatic tools to enable a higher throughput, more efficient assay while maintaining or improving clinical performance.Whole blood (10mL) was collected from pregnant female donors and plasma separated using centrifugation. Ccf DNA was extracted using column-based methods. Libraries were prepared using an optimized semi-automated library preparation method and sequenced on an Illumina HiSeq2000 sequencer in a 12-plex format. Z-scores were calculated for affected chromosomes using a robust method after normalization and genomic segment filtering. Classification was based upon a standard normal transformed cutoff value of z = 3 for chromosome 21 and z = 3.95 for chromosomes 18 and 13.Two parallel assay development studies using a total of more than 1900 ccf DNA samples were performed to evaluate the technical feasibility of automating library preparation and increasing the sample multiplexing level. These processes were subsequently combined and a study of 1587 samples was completed to verify the stability of the process-optimized assay. Finally, an unblinded clinical evaluation of 1269 euploid and aneuploid samples utilizing this high-throughput assay coupled to improved bioinformatic procedures was performed. We were able to correctly detect all aneuploid cases with extremely low false positive rates of 0.09%, <0.01%, and 0.08% for trisomies 21, 18, and 13, respectively.These data suggest that the developed laboratory methods in concert with improved bioinformatic approaches enable higher sample throughput while maintaining high classification accuracy

    Paired comparison of z-scores.

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    <p>Z-scores were calculated for 1269 paired samples with previously described GC normalized, repeat masked z-scores on the x-axis <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0057381#pone.0057381-Palomaki1" target="_blank">[7]</a> and z-scores from the high-throughput assay on the y-axis. Samples classified by karyotype analysis as trisomies for A) Chromsome 21, B) Chromosome 13, or C) Chromosome 18 are shown in blue; unaffected samples for each aneuploidy condition are shown in gray. Red horizontal and vertical lines in each plot represent the respective classification cutoff for that chromosome (z = 3 for chromosome 21, z = 3.95 for chromosomes 13 and 18). Black line in plot represents y = x.</p