40 research outputs found

    Muzeji i njihov odnos spram prošlosti

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    Člankom se nastoji povezati muzejsku reprezentaciju prošlosti s dva vida kolektivne memorije – komunikacijskog i kulturalnog pamćenja. Uvođenjem komunikacijskog pamćenja živih protagonista prošlosti u muzejsku instituciju, u kojoj dominira kulturno pamćenje historijskih disciplina, demokratizira se stvaranje muzejske poruke o prošlosti. Promjene u muzeološkom pristupu historiji transformiraju muzej iz autoritativnog pripovjedača u medijatora višestranih povijesnih priča

    Facebook as a Museum Content Sounding Board

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    This paper gives an analysis of the ways in which three US museums with longstanding presence on social media and high online audience engagement use Facebook as a platform for distributing information about their programmes and topics relevant for their collections. Information technology influences the work environment in heritage institutions, changes their organization and calls for new responsibilities in the process of shaping online content in order to meet the needs of online users. The primary goal of the paper is therefore to reveal these activities and detect professional trends that can be of use in further research and help define online strategies for museums in general

    Društvena uloga muzeja : prema inkluziji osoba s invaliditetom i teškoćama u razvoju

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    Kao važni nositelji kulturnog i društvenog progresa muzeji imaju obvezu poticanja i odražavanja pozitivnih vrijednosti zajednice u kojoj djeluju, posebice brigom i izgradnjom odnosa s osobama s invaliditetom. Po svojoj društvenoj ulozi oni su dužni pokazati visok stupanj senzibilizacije za pitanja invaliditeta, te tu senzibilizaciju svojom edukativnom ulogom poticati u svim društvenim smjerovima. Potporu korisnicima koji na drukčiji način doživljavaju materijalnu kulturu muzeja zbog svojih fizičkih, osjetilnih i intelektualnih oštećenja potrebno je iskazivati na razini cjelokupne muzejske institucije

    Društvena uloga muzeja: okretanje korisnicima i suradnicima

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    Budući da je u hrvatskim muzejima još uvijek vrlo slabo zastupljena praksa istraživanja korisnika, moguće je štošta korisnoga naučiti iz tuđe prakse. Međutim, angažman oko upoznavanja korisnika pretpostavlja primjenu društvenih znanosti u muzejima, osposobljavanje trenutačnih djelatnika za istraživačke prakse ili zapošljavanje novih, povremenih ili stalnih djelatnika sa znanjem i vještinama koje su potrebne za razvoj publike: poznavanjem funkcioniranja muzeja, znanjem o interpretacijskim, komunikacijskim i edukacijskim praksama i trendovima, poznavanjem novih tehnologija te poznavanjem evaluacijskih i istraživačkih pristupa u muzejim

    Priroda kao inspiracija za tehnologiju

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    Izložbu Priroda i tehnika, održanu od 25. veljače do 15. svibnja 2022. u Muzeju Slavonije u Osijeku, osmislile su kustosice Ksenija Katalinić i Sanja Vidović. Temelji se na interdisciplinarnom istraživanju tehničke i prirodoslovne zbirke Muzeja. Kako kustosice ističu u uvodu kataloga izložbe, antropocen, odnosno geološka starost čovjeka, često otkriva prekomjerno iskorištavanje prirodnih resursa te agresivan odnos čovjeka prema prirodi. Izložba postavlja pitanje kako to promijeniti - kako se ugledati na prirodu, učiti od nje i, u konačnici, kako joj vratiti. Koncept izložbe temelji se na parovima ili skupinama primjeraka građe iz dvaju muzejskih odjela koji prikazuju različite vrste odnosa prirode i tehnologije, a cilj izložbe bio je podići svijest posjetitelja muzeja o potrebi obnove skladnog odnosa s prirodom

    Liberating Narratives – Museums and Web 2.0

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    The paper attempts to put into relation the social web environment and museums. In a retrospective view on the formation and dissemination of knowledge in museums, discernible are several stages also connected to the public access and the social role of these cultural institutions. The virtual environment is seen yet as another stage which with the Web 2.0 technologies creates possibilities for a redefined role of the museum at a more socially profound level that might be characterized as multivocal and collaborative

    Društvena uloga muzeja: okretanje korisnicima i suradnicima

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    Budući da je u hrvatskim muzejima još uvijek vrlo slabo zastupljena praksa istraživanja korisnika, moguće je štošta korisnoga naučiti iz tuđe prakse. Međutim, angažman oko upoznavanja korisnika pretpostavlja primjenu društvenih znanosti u muzejima, osposobljavanje trenutačnih djelatnika za istraživačke prakse ili zapošljavanje novih, povremenih ili stalnih djelatnika sa znanjem i vještinama koje su potrebne za razvoj publike: poznavanjem funkcioniranja muzeja, znanjem o interpretacijskim, komunikacijskim i edukacijskim praksama i trendovima, poznavanjem novih tehnologija te poznavanjem evaluacijskih i istraživačkih pristupa u muzejim

    Nekoliko riječi gostujuće urednice

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    Razvoj publike postao je danas vrlo popularan koncept među onima koji se bave kulturom (bez obzira je li riječ o javnim ustanovama, organizacijama civilnog društva ili privatnim poduzećima), ali i općenito često korišten izraz u diskursu kulturne djelatnosti. Velik udio u kulturnoj djelatnosti u Hrvatskoj imaju muzeji koji se zbog ekonomskih okolnosti polako okreću razvoju svoje publike

    Educational Museum Action – Characteristics and Possibilities of Development

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    On the occasion of observing International Museum Day, Croatian museums carry out the Educational Museum Action (EMA) by conducting educational activities - most often workshops, guided tours and didactic exhibitions - on a specific topic set by a museum-leader. Ethnographic museums in Croatia have participated in the Action from the very beginning; in 2000 and 2010, Ethnographic Museum in Zagreb was the leader of the Educational Museum Action. This paper presents a research of EMA features as an educational museum action conducted by analysis of printed booklets as the Action program publications and by responses of museum experts who took part in the organization and implementation of the Action, obtained as a result of a survey. The research points out the discrepancy between the name and features of the organized activity, upon which a state and potentials of the Action development, as well as the museum’s educational activities have been questioned. Curators of ethnographic collections and museum educators in Croatian ethnographic museums, having participated in the research, gave their contribution to determination of issues related to museum educational programs and to determination of their development potentials

    Resisting amnesia through participatory museum

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    The paper presents a month long museum workshop entitled Interesting Women of Osijek with a broader theoretical framework based on museology and collective memory theory, bringing together the concepts of individual and institutional memory, cultural and individual memory, lieux de mémoire (places of memory) and politics of memory in the context of mission and educational activities of the museum. The workshop, which included sixteen participants, two local artists and a curator, aimed to recover from the abyss of amnesia six female protagonists of Osijek’s cultural life in the period between the two world wars, namely, Ružica Pfeiffer, operetta singer, Josipa Glembay, writer and activist, Vilma Vukelić, writer, Zora – Vuksan Barlović, theatre director, Marta Plazzeriano, sculptor and Elza Rechnitz, painter. The underlying principle of the development of the entire workshop was cognitive mapping of places of memories in Osijek which are in different ways related to the women. Those sites of memory were shown from the point of view of their cultural activity whereas their personalities, explored in the socio-cultural context, were imaginatively transposed into the present time. Based on information gathered from the local history museum (Museum of Slavonia), city library and state archives, and using forms of contemporary art, such as performance, photography, video, photomontage and methods pertaining to the field of socially engaged art, the participants created narratives about the women counterpoising them with the domineering politics of memory and imposing grandiose narratives of nationalistic history. In a form of a fight against amnesia, the participants introduced the women to the citizens by launching street campaigns (distributing leaflets or setting up an information point) which had a double objective of making the participants interpret what they had learnt and, at the same time, making people aware of marginalized local history and culture. The role of the museum was that of an organizer, educator and agent in encouraging inspirational alternatives to the historical constructs favoured by the local authority, thus facilitating individual process of establishing identity with the local culture and place of living