12 research outputs found

    Self-care of the home-dwelling elderly people living in Slovenia

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    Abstract This study is focused on the self-care of home-dwelling elderly people living in Slovenia. The study has two phases. The purpose of the first phase is to describe the self-care of home-dwelling elderly people living in Slovenia and factors connected to self-care. The purpose of the second phase is to describe the experiences of the elderly people's ability to manage at home. The aim of this study was to produce new knowledge about the self-care of home-dwelling elderly people living in Slovenia and the factors connected with it. The knowledge will be used to develop elderly care and support eldery people who live at home. The knowledge can be also used to educate nurses to care for the elderly people. The study was both quantitative and qualitative. In the quantitative study the sample consisted of 302 home-dwelling elderly people who were clients in domiciliary care. The selection criteria was: aged 75 years or over and the ability to communicate, no hearing problems, no severe mental problem/cognitive disability and gave full consent for their participation. The whole instrument consists of 91 items. A instrument covers background data, types of self-care, self-care orientation, life satisfaction, self-esteem and functional ability. In the qualitative study, 20 interviews were carried out and a qualitative analysis obtained. Data collection methods included open-ended questions concerning the following topics: background data, types of self-care, self-care orientation, life satisfaction, self-esteem and functional ability. Based on factor analyses, four factors were found which described the self-care. All other factors describe elderly people's perceptions concerning either the past or the future. The elderly people who are able to manage their daily activities/routines have a good functional capacity, good family relations, live qualitatively, accept the future healthily and clearly and are satisfied with their life because they can take care of themselves, but their self-esteem is not so high. Those elderly people who do not take care of themselves are abandoned; they are not satisfied with their way of life and have low-esteem. The results are going to be the basis for planning care and nursing care for all caregivers, especially community nurses. On the basis of this result the model of nursing and social care for home - dwelling elderly people living in Slovenia could be planned.Tiivistelmä Tutkimuksessa selvitetään Sloveniassa asuvien ikääntyneiden itsestä huolenpitoa. Tutkimus on kaksivaiheinen. Ensimmäisen vaiheen tarkoituksena oli kuvata slovenialaisten ikääntyneiden itsestä huolenpitoa ja siihen yhteydessä olevia tekijöitä. Toisen vaiheen tarkoituksena oli kuvailla ikääntyneiden kokemuksia itsestä huolenpidosta. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli tuottaa tietoa slovenialaisten ikääntyneiden kotona asuvien itsestä huolenpidosta. Tietoa voidaan käyttää tuettaessa ikääntyneitä asumaan kotona. Lisäksi sitä voidaan käyttää hoitotyöntekijöiden koulutuksessa. Tutkimuksessa käytettiin sekä määrällistä että laadullista lähestymistapaa. Määrällisen tutkimuksen otos oli 302 kotona asuvaa slovenialaista ikääntynyttä. Kriteerinä oli vähintään 75 vuoden ikä ja kommunikaatiokyky. Kyselylomake sisälsi 91 väittämää. Siinä oli taustatietokysymyksiä, itsestä huolenpitoon, itsestä huolenpitoon orientoitumiseen, elämään tyytyväisyyteen, itsearvostukseen ja toimintakykyyn liittyviä kysymyksiä. Laadulliseen tutkimukseen osallistui 20 henkilöä. He olivat antaneet suostumuksena haastatteluun tutkimukseen ensimmäisessä vaiheessa. Haastattelut sisälsivät avoimia kysymyksiä koskien itsestä huolenpitoa. Tulosten mukaan neljä faktoria kuvasi itsestä huolenpitoa muut faktorit kuvasivat ikääntyneiden suhdetta menneisyyteen ja tulevaisuuteen. Niillä ikääntyneillä, jotka hallitsivat päivittäiset toiminnot oli hyvä toimintakyky, hyvät perheenjäsenten väliset suhteet, he olivat elämään tyytyväisiä ja hyväksyivät tulevaisuuden. Heidän itsetuntonsa ei ollut hyvä. Ne ikääntyneet, jotka eivät pitäneet huolta itsestään olivat omapäisesti itsestä huolehtimiseen suhtautuvia. He eivät olleet elämään tyytyväisiä ja heillä oli matala itsetunto. Tutkimus tuloksia tullaan hyödyntämään kehitettäessä ikääntyneiden kotihoitoa. Tulosten perusteella tullaan kehittämään malli miten ikääntyneiden kotona asumista voidaan tukea

    Self-evaluation of lifestyle and assessment of health condition by clinical measurements:a call to the rural population

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    Abstract Background: Although many people know that a healthy lifestyle prevents chronic diseases and improves the quality of life, the best way to invite people from rural areas to take part in health check-ups is still unclear. The aim of this study was to examine the lifestyle and health condition of people from the Carinthia regions in Slovenia. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted on 140 participants. Data were collected by questionnaire and clinical measurements and were analysed by descriptive statistical methods. Results: Most of the participants were ≥ 60 years old (62%) and 61% were women, 75% had a high BMI and 64% had elevated blood pressure. The older participants ate breakfast more often than younger participants (p = .010). There was a statistically significant connection between the number of daily hot meals and BMI (p = .026) and blood pressure (p = .049). Half of the participants (51%) drank a litre of water per day as recommended. Hiking was the most popular form of physical activity. Conclusions: The study findings recommended using a new way to call people in health check-ups in rural areas and provided information about the kind of lifestyle counselling rural people may need

    Engaging health professionals and patients in the medical field: role of radiological protection culture and informed consent practices

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    In medical exposure situations, the significant role of and the need to improve the benefit/risk dialogue between health professionals, patients and other stakeholders are well recognized. This paper analyses stakeholder engagement processes in various medical applications of ionising radiation. It addresses the role and potential benefit of radiological protection (RP) culture for health professionals and the issues associated with the practical implementation of informed consent processes. The paper highlights the need to develop RP culture among health professionals to facilitate dialogue between practitioners and patients and to foster the implementation of the principles of radiological protection. It argues that patients’ participation can be enhanced by creating spaces and opportunities for dialogue between patients and the relevant medical professionals, both before the implementation of medical procedures using ionising radiation, particularly at the moment of referral, as well as after these procedures. Risk communication training for medical professionals and their closer collaboration on this topic may enhance the dialogue with patients