68 research outputs found

    Biochemical Aspects of Spice Paprika (Capsicum anuumm L.) Ripening

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    U radu su ispitane biohemijske promene na plodovima paprike tokom sazrevanja  plodova i tokom  dozrevanja  plodova  posle  branja.  U  cilju  ispitivanja  promena  tokom  sazrevanja  plodovi su uzorkovani u različitim fazama zrelosti tj. kad su plodovi  bili zelene, braon, crvene i tamno crvene boje. Svaka od pomenutih grupa zrenja je  dozrevana sledećih petnaest dana sa i bez prisustva svetla. Posle perioda dozrevanja  plodovi su osušeni i samleveni.   U  uzorcima  svežih  plodova  paprika  ispitan  je  sadržaj  vode,  pepela,  ukupnih  mono  i  oligosaharida, mikro i makroelemenata, boja plodova (vizuelnom ocenom i  instrumentalnim merenjem), sadržaj pigmenata i sastav etarskih ulja, dok je u suvim uzorcima određena boja, sadržaj mikro i makro elemenata, pigmenata i sastav etarskih ulja.  U semenima  paprika ispitan je sadržaj vode, pepela, ulja i neophodnih mikro i  makro  elemenata.  Dobijeni  rezultati  pokazuju  da  se  tokom  sazrevanja  dešavaju  biohemijske  promene  na plodovima  paprika.  Povećava  se  sadržaj  suve  materije,  dolazi  do  promena  u  sastavu pigmenata i etarskih ulja. Tokom 15 dana dozrevanja, ispitani parametri plodova paprika pokazuju da se promene na plodovima nastavljaju i posle ubiranja  plodova.  U zavisnosti od  stepena zrelosti, povećava se sadržaj pigmenta, a menja se i  sastav etarskih ulja. The  aim  of  this  study  was  to  investigate  biochemical  changes  of  paprika  fruits during ripening  and  postharvest  treatments.  Fruits  were  collected  in  different  stages of development i.e. when green, brown, red and deep red color. Each of these  color‐type  fruits where  ripped  after  harvest  (collection)  during  next  fifteen  days  with  or  without  light.  Thereafter, postharvest treatment fruits were dried and milled. In samples of fresh paprika fruits the content of water, ash, mono‐ and  oligosaharides, micro and macro nutrient,  color of fruits (by visual  evaluation and  instrumental measuring), ASTA value,  chlorophyll  and  carotenoid  content,  certain  constituents  of  essential  oil  were determined and activity of peroxidase and β‐glucosidase enzymes, while in dried fruits the color,  content  of  micro  and  macroelements  and  composition  of  essential  oils  were determined. In seed,  the content of water, ash, oil and micro and macroelements were determined. Based on the results it could be concluded that, during ripening, the biochemical  changes are occurring on paprika fruits. The increase in dry matter content is observ ed along with the changes in pigment and essential oil composition. During the  postharvest  time, all evaluated parameters indicated that  ripening is in progress after the harvest of paprika fruits. Changes in both the  pigment and the essential oil content is dependent of a ripening stage

    Biochemical Aspects of Spice Paprika (Capsicum anuumm L.) Ripening

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    U radu su ispitane biohemijske promene na plodovima paprike tokom sazrevanja  plodova i tokom  dozrevanja  plodova  posle  branja.  U  cilju  ispitivanja  promena  tokom  sazrevanja  plodovi su uzorkovani u različitim fazama zrelosti tj. kad su plodovi  bili zelene, braon, crvene i tamno crvene boje. Svaka od pomenutih grupa zrenja je  dozrevana sledećih petnaest dana sa i bez prisustva svetla. Posle perioda dozrevanja  plodovi su osušeni i samleveni.   U  uzorcima  svežih  plodova  paprika  ispitan  je  sadržaj  vode,  pepela,  ukupnih  mono  i  oligosaharida, mikro i makroelemenata, boja plodova (vizuelnom ocenom i  instrumentalnim merenjem), sadržaj pigmenata i sastav etarskih ulja, dok je u suvim uzorcima određena boja, sadržaj mikro i makro elemenata, pigmenata i sastav etarskih ulja.  U semenima  paprika ispitan je sadržaj vode, pepela, ulja i neophodnih mikro i  makro  elemenata.  Dobijeni  rezultati  pokazuju  da  se  tokom  sazrevanja  dešavaju  biohemijske  promene  na plodovima  paprika.  Povećava  se  sadržaj  suve  materije,  dolazi  do  promena  u  sastavu pigmenata i etarskih ulja. Tokom 15 dana dozrevanja, ispitani parametri plodova paprika pokazuju da se promene na plodovima nastavljaju i posle ubiranja  plodova.  U zavisnosti od  stepena zrelosti, povećava se sadržaj pigmenta, a menja se i  sastav etarskih ulja. The  aim  of  this  study  was  to  investigate  biochemical  changes  of  paprika  fruits during ripening  and  postharvest  treatments.  Fruits  were  collected  in  different  stages of development i.e. when green, brown, red and deep red color. Each of these  color‐type  fruits where  ripped  after  harvest  (collection)  during  next  fifteen  days  with  or  without  light.  Thereafter, postharvest treatment fruits were dried and milled. In samples of fresh paprika fruits the content of water, ash, mono‐ and  oligosaharides, micro and macro nutrient,  color of fruits (by visual  evaluation and  instrumental measuring), ASTA value,  chlorophyll  and  carotenoid  content,  certain  constituents  of  essential  oil  were determined and activity of peroxidase and β‐glucosidase enzymes, while in dried fruits the color,  content  of  micro  and  macroelements  and  composition  of  essential  oils  were determined. In seed,  the content of water, ash, oil and micro and macroelements were determined. Based on the results it could be concluded that, during ripening, the biochemical  changes are occurring on paprika fruits. The increase in dry matter content is observ ed along with the changes in pigment and essential oil composition. During the  postharvest  time, all evaluated parameters indicated that  ripening is in progress after the harvest of paprika fruits. Changes in both the  pigment and the essential oil content is dependent of a ripening stage

    Biochemical Aspects of Spice Paprika (Capsicum anuumm L.) Ripening

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    U radu su ispitane biohemijske promene na plodovima paprike tokom sazrevanja  plodova i tokom  dozrevanja  plodova  posle  branja.  U  cilju  ispitivanja  promena  tokom  sazrevanja  plodovi su uzorkovani u različitim fazama zrelosti tj. kad su plodovi  bili zelene, braon, crvene i tamno crvene boje. Svaka od pomenutih grupa zrenja je  dozrevana sledećih petnaest dana sa i bez prisustva svetla. Posle perioda dozrevanja  plodovi su osušeni i samleveni.   U  uzorcima  svežih  plodova  paprika  ispitan  je  sadržaj  vode,  pepela,  ukupnih  mono  i  oligosaharida, mikro i makroelemenata, boja plodova (vizuelnom ocenom i  instrumentalnim merenjem), sadržaj pigmenata i sastav etarskih ulja, dok je u suvim uzorcima određena boja, sadržaj mikro i makro elemenata, pigmenata i sastav etarskih ulja.  U semenima  paprika ispitan je sadržaj vode, pepela, ulja i neophodnih mikro i  makro  elemenata.  Dobijeni  rezultati  pokazuju  da  se  tokom  sazrevanja  dešavaju  biohemijske  promene  na plodovima  paprika.  Povećava  se  sadržaj  suve  materije,  dolazi  do  promena  u  sastavu pigmenata i etarskih ulja. Tokom 15 dana dozrevanja, ispitani parametri plodova paprika pokazuju da se promene na plodovima nastavljaju i posle ubiranja  plodova.  U zavisnosti od  stepena zrelosti, povećava se sadržaj pigmenta, a menja se i  sastav etarskih ulja. The  aim  of  this  study  was  to  investigate  biochemical  changes  of  paprika  fruits during ripening  and  postharvest  treatments.  Fruits  were  collected  in  different  stages of development i.e. when green, brown, red and deep red color. Each of these  color‐type  fruits where  ripped  after  harvest  (collection)  during  next  fifteen  days  with  or  without  light.  Thereafter, postharvest treatment fruits were dried and milled. In samples of fresh paprika fruits the content of water, ash, mono‐ and  oligosaharides, micro and macro nutrient,  color of fruits (by visual  evaluation and  instrumental measuring), ASTA value,  chlorophyll  and  carotenoid  content,  certain  constituents  of  essential  oil  were determined and activity of peroxidase and β‐glucosidase enzymes, while in dried fruits the color,  content  of  micro  and  macroelements  and  composition  of  essential  oils  were determined. In seed,  the content of water, ash, oil and micro and macroelements were determined. Based on the results it could be concluded that, during ripening, the biochemical  changes are occurring on paprika fruits. The increase in dry matter content is observ ed along with the changes in pigment and essential oil composition. During the  postharvest  time, all evaluated parameters indicated that  ripening is in progress after the harvest of paprika fruits. Changes in both the  pigment and the essential oil content is dependent of a ripening stage

    Prenošenje otpornosti prema Sclerotinia iz divljeg u gajeni suncokret - kombinovanje konvencionalnih i laboratorijskih tehnika

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    Five populations of each H. molis, H. maximiliani, H. rigidus and H. tuberosus were screened for resistance to stem form of Sclerotinia. On the basis of the results obtained by screening, nine crosses of resistant populations with either other wild species populations or with cultivated sunflower were made. As in some crosses a small quantity of seed was produced and the seeds germinated poorly, modified tissue culture methods were used to enhance germination and produce clones of interesting plants. These methods were found to be efficient both for seed germination and plant production and multiplication.Testirano je po pet populacija H. molis, H. maximiliani, H. rigidus i H. tuberosus na otpornost prema Sclerotinia stabla. Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata izvršeno je devet ukrštanja otpornih populacija sa drugim divljim vrstama ili gajenim suncokretom. Kako je u nekim slučajevima dobijena mala količina semena koja su slabo klijala, korišćene su modifikovane metode kulture tkiva da bi se povećala klijavost i proizveli klonovi interesantnih biljaka. Ove metode su se pokazale efikasnima i za naklijavanje semena i za proizvodnju i umnožavanje biljaka

    The effect of dietary supplementation with different forms and levels of organic chromium on broilers meat quality

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    This paper deals with the effect of supplementation with the three different preparations of organic chromium complexes: the ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid complex with chromium; chromium (III)­lysine and chromium picolinate, on broilers meat quality. In every preparation supplementing broilers diet chromium was present at the three different levels: 0.2; 0.4 and 0.6 mg/kg. The meat quality was monitored with respect to the following parameters: the contents of fat, protein, minerals and water. It was observed that the fat content in broilers white meat was significantly lower if their diet was supplemented with 0.4 mg/kg chromium in the form of chromium(III)­lysine. In addition, different kinds of preparations influenced the protein, fat and water content in the white meat. Water content in white and red meat was lower in all experimental groups if compared to the control. However, the protein content in white and red meat was higher in experimental groups than in the control one

    Translokacija i retranslokacija kadmijuma u grašku (Pisum sativum L.)

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    Under semi-controlled conditions, we studied cadmium (Cd) translocation and retranslocation in the aphylla pea cultivar Jezero at two stages of growth and development. The applied Cd concentrations were 0 (control), 10-7 and 10-5 M Cd and the age of plants at the time of treatment was 26 and 63 days. The application of Cd via the root lasted for 48 h. The plants were analyzed immediately after the treatment, 38 days later and at maturity. Dry matter mass and Cd contents were determined in individual plant organs. The results showed that dry mass had decreased noticeably depending on the Cd concentration used and plant age. The decrease of dry matter mass in both vegetative and generative plant organs was more significant when Cd was applied at flowering (63 day-old plants) than when the plants were younger (25 day-old). In all the treatments, the highest Cd content was found in the root. The translocation of Cd from the root to the aboveground vegetative and generative plant parts took place and it was relatively more intensive at the lower Cd concentration than at the higher one. The possibility that a minor amount of Cd was retranslocated from the leaves to the seeds and pods could not be ruled out either.Proučavana je translokacija i retranslokaiija kadmijuma (Cd) u afila tipu graška sorte Jezero, u dva stadijuma rasta i razvića, u polukontrolisanim uslovima. Primenjene koncentracije Cd bile su 0 (kontrola), 10-7 i 10-5 M Cd, a starost biljaka u vreme tretmana bila je 26 i 63 dana. Tretmani Cd preko ko-rena trajali su po 48 h. Biljke su analizirane neposredno nakon tretmana, 38 dana kasnije i u fazi zrelosti. Suva masa biljaka i sadržaj Cd određeni su u pojedinačnim biljnim organima. Rezultati su pokazali da se masa suve materije značajno smanjila u zavisnosti od primenjene koncentracije Cd i starosti biljaka. Smanjenje mase suve materije i vegetativnih i generativnih organa bilo je značajnije kada je Cd primenjivan u fazi cvetanja (63 dana stare biljke) nego kada su biljke bile mlađe (25 dana stare). Kod svih tretmana, najviši sadržaj Cd utvrđen je u korenu. Takođe, došlo je do translokacije Cd iz korena u nadzemne vegetativne i generativne biljne organe i ovaj proces je bio relativno intenzivniji kada je primenjena koncentracija Cd bila niža. Mogućnost da je došlo do retranslokacije minimalnih količina Cd iz listova u mahune takođe ne može biti isključena

    Comparative study of white cabbage, traditional variety and hybrid intended for biological fermentation

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    Traditional Serbian variety of white cabbage, cultivar “Futoski” (33 samples) and hybrid “Bravo” (10 samples) were investigated in this study for their applicability to biological fermentation. Different chemical, physical, texture and sensory characteristics of raw cabbage heads were investigated. Obtained experimental results were analyzed using descriptive statistics, while correlation analysis showed the relations between different assays. Also, Principal Component Analysis (PCA) has been applied to classify and discriminate between different cultivars cabbage heads. Furthermore, standard score has been introduced to enable more comprehensive comparison between the investigated samples, in order to find the optimum sample, regarding observed chemical, physical, texture and sensory properties. PCA analysis showed that the best sample for cabbage cultivar “Futoski” was sample 9, while sample 34 was the best for hybrid “Bravo”, regarding their chemical, morphological and sensory characteristics.

    Efekat naftenskih kiselina na ožiljavanje mikroizbojaka bele topole (Populus alba L.)

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    Naphtenic acids, by-product in oil refinement, are well known soil pollutants and active substances in preparations for plant and wood protection. The results of multiannual research indicated the possibility of their utilization for stimulation of cutting rooting. Two to three cm high shoots of Populus alba cl. LBM genotype were set for one hour on ACM medium with 4, 16 or 48 μM concentration of indol-3-butyric acid, 1-naphthalene acetic acid or Na-salts of naphthenic acids (for which the effect of 10 and 30 minutes treatment on medium with 48 μM was also examined). Then, treated micro-shoots were transferred on ACM medium without hormones. The differences among treatments were the most distinguishable for rooting percentage after two weeks of cultivation. One-hour treatment on the medium with 16 μM and 30 minutes treatment on medium with 48 μM of Na-naphthenates gave the best results. .Naftenske kiseline, nusproizvodi u procesu rafinacije nafte, su poznati zagađivači zemljišta i aktivna materija sredstava za zaštitu biljka i drveta. Rezultati višegodišnjih istraživanja ukazuju i na mogućnost njihove upotrebe kao sredstava za stimulaciju oživljavanja reznica. Dva do tri cm visoki mikroizbojci genotipa Populus alba cl. LBM su jedan čas bili postavljeni na ACM podlozi sa 4, 16 ili 48 μM koncentracijom indolbuterne kiseline, naftilsirćetne kiseline ili Na-soli naftenskih kiselina (kod kojih je ispitan i uticaj 10-to i 30-to minutnog tretmana pri koncentraciji 48 μM). Zatim su mikroizbojci postavljeni na ACM podlogu bez hormona. Razlike među tretmanima su se najviše ispoljile u procentu ožiljavanja nakon dve nedelje kultivacije. Jednočasovni tretmani na podlozi sa 16 μM i polučasovni na podlozi sa 48 μM Na-naftenata su dali najbolje rezultate.

    Determination of nickel content in the semimembranosus muscle of pigs produced in Vojvodina

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    The content of nickel was investigated in the M. semimembranosus of sixty-nine pigs from ten different genetic lines produced in Vojvodina. Nickel was determined by flame atomic absorption spectrometry after mineralization by dry ashing. The difference in the nickel content in the analyzed muscle tissues among different genetic lines of pigs was not significant (P > 0.05). Nickel levels ranged from 12.93 to 80.18 μg/100 g, with a general average of 32.41 μg/100 g. The average level of nickel was found to be higher than the levels observed in pork in some developed countries