681 research outputs found

    Porodica Nemesiidae (Arthropoda, Arachnida) u Hrvatskoj s naglaskom na rod Brachythele

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    S obzirom na jednu od glavnih podjela paukova, skupina Mygalomorphae je zbog njihove skrovitosti, endemičnosti te slabo diferenciranih determinacijskih struktura slabije istražena nego skupina Araneomorphae. Iako nisu toliko mnogobrojni i raznoliki poput Araneomorphae, Mygalomorphae mogu dati uvid u evolucijski razvoj paukova upravo zbog njihove endemičnosti i specifičnosti. Za razliku od Araneomorphae koji imaju dobro razvijene mehanizme rasprostranjivanja, Mygalomorphae ostaju ''zaključani'' u svom izvoriÅ”tu, te su kao takvi mnogo značajniji za razumijevanje evolucije pauka. U ovom radu opisana je skupina Mygalomorphae te njena pojavnost u Hrvatskoj, zajedno sa problematikom oko njene filogenije te determinacije rodova koji su prisutni u Hrvatskoj.Regarding one of the main classifications of spiders, taxon Mygalomorphae has not been studied as its counterpart taxon Araneomorphae due to its reclusiveness, poor differentation of morphological characteristics and the fact that large number of Mygalomorphae species are endemic. Although theyā€™re not as numerous or diverse in species as Araneomorphae, Mygalomorphae can give us insight into the evolution of spiders precisely because of their reclusiveness and uniqueness. While Araneomorphae have effective mechanisms for dispersal, Mygalomorphae spiders tend to be ā€˜ā€™locked upā€™ā€™ in their centers of origin, thus being more significant in overall understanding of spider evolution. This paper presents overview of the main Mygalomorphae characteristics, as well as Mygalomorphae species of Croatia, along with the issue of their phylogeny, and problems that arise with their determination

    Periacinar clefting and p63 immunostaining in prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia and prostatic carcinoma

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    The aim of the present study was to correlate the presence and extent of retraction clefting and the expression of p63 in neoplastic glands and glands with prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia (PIN) in needle core biopsies. We analyzed needle core biopsies from 28 patients with PIN and 41 patients with adenocarcinoma. Neoplastic glands and those with PIN were analyzed on high power field (400x) and classified in three groups according to the extent of clefting. Immunohistochemical staining was performed following Microwave Streptavidin ImmunoPeroxidase (MSIP) protocol on DAKO TechMate Horizon automated immunostainer. Periacinar retraction clefting was significantly more prominent in prostatic carcinoma compared to PIN (p<0.0001) and nonneoplastic glands (p<0.0001). There was no difference between normal glands and PIN regarding clefting (p=0.8064). p63 was positive around the whole circumference in 12 out of 28 cases with PIN, and discontinuously positive in remaining 16 PIN cases suggesting initial disruption of the basal cell layer. p63 immunostaining was also positive in all nonneoplastic glands, and negative in all carcinomas. We conclude that retraction clefting was associated with cancer and lack of basal cells, but not with PIN. The relationship between clefting and p63 immunostaining in prostatic cancer should be further analyzed

    Clinico-pathological Features of Patients with Melanoma and Positive Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy: A Single Institution Experience

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    ABSTRACT Sentinel lymph node biopsy (SLNB) is an established method for the assessment of tumor aggressiveness in patients with primary cutaneous melanoma (PCM). To improve the criteria for the selection of SLNB candidates, the aim of our study was to determine clinico-pathohistological parameters that can serve as predictors of metastatic progression. We retrospectively evaluated all available clinico-pathohistological parameters in 844 patients with PCM diagnosed between January 1, 2005 and December 31, 2010. SLNB was conducted in 484 (57.3%) patients, 122 (14.5%) of whom had a positive node. The association between predictors and SLNB outcomes (positive SLNB and metastatic development) was tested using logistic regression analysis. The main predictors of positive SLNB were Breslow thickness (adjusted odds ratio (AOR)=1.22; 95% confidence interval (CI)=1.11-1.33), Clark levels (AOR=1.78; 95% CI=1.31-2.40), ulceration (AOR=3.1; 95% CI=1.65-5.81), microsatellitosis, gender, and tumor localization. The predictors of metastatic spread were Breslow thickness (AOR=1,69; 95% CI=1.51-1.89), Clark level (AOR=3.59; 95% CI=2.79-4.62), nodular type of melanoma (AOR=8.21; 95% CI=1.70-39.53), ulceration, mitotic rate, microsatellitosis, gender, and tumor localization. It seems that these parameters should be taken into consideration when selecting patients for SLNB since tumor thickness is not a sufficient predictor of SLNB outcome, particularly in case of very thin lesions.Ā KEY WORDS: primary cutaneous melanoma (PCM); sentinel lymph node biopsy (SLNB); metastases

    VIVAā€“ A NEW RED CLOVER (Trifolium pratense L.) CULTIVAR

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    Sorta crvene djeteline Viva stvorena je na Poljoprivrednom institutu Osijek nakon pet ciklusa fenotipske rekurentne selekcije. Viva je srednje rana diploidna sorta, tolerantna na niske temperature, polijeganje i ekonomski najznačajnije bolesti. Ova sorta posjeduje visok genetski potencijal za prinos i kvalitetu krme, a odlikuje se brzom regeneracijom biljaka nakon koÅ”nje. Visoku agronomsku vrijednost ove sorte potvrdili su i službeni rezultati ispitivanja gospodarski važnih svojstava Povjerenstva za priznavanje sorti Republike Hrvatske. S obzirom na sve navedeno očekuje se da će sorta Viva potvrditi visoku proizvodnu vrijednost i u Å”irokoj proizvodnji, doprinijeti popularizaciji i Å”irenju ove krmne kulture u naÅ”oj zemlji te unaprijediti daljnji oplemenjivački program crvene djeteline na Poljoprivrednom institutu Osijek.Viva red clover cultivar was developed at the Agricultural Institute Osijek after five cycles of phenotypic recurrent selection. Viva is a medium-early flowering diploid cultivar, tolerant to low temperatures, lodging and economically important diseases. This cultivar has a high genetic potential for forage yield and quality, and is characterized by rapid regeneration after cutting. The official test results of the economically important traits of the Commission for Varieties Recognition of Republic of Croatia have confirmed high agronomic value of this cultivar. In accordance with this, it is expected confirmation of the high production values in wide production, contribution to the popularization and propagation of this fodder crop in our country and improvement of further breeding program of red clover at the Agricultural Institute Osijek

    Influence of the form of the periodic function that describes the circadian rhythm of the hpa system activity

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    The influence of the form of the periodic function that describes the circadian rhythm on the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) system self-regulatory activity in humans is discussed. It was found that the HPA system is very sensitive to the choice of this function since it moderates the concentration of all species that are included in the model, as well as the form of ultradian pulses.Physical chemistry 2006 : 8th international conference on fundamental and applied aspects of physical chemistry; Belgrade (Serbia); 26-29 September 200
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