University of Zagreb. Faculty of Science. Department of Biology.
S obzirom na jednu od glavnih podjela paukova, skupina Mygalomorphae je zbog
njihove skrovitosti, endemičnosti te slabo diferenciranih determinacijskih struktura slabije
istražena nego skupina Araneomorphae. Iako nisu toliko mnogobrojni i raznoliki poput
Araneomorphae, Mygalomorphae mogu dati uvid u evolucijski razvoj paukova upravo zbog
njihove endemičnosti i specifičnosti. Za razliku od Araneomorphae koji imaju dobro razvijene
mehanizme rasprostranjivanja, Mygalomorphae ostaju ''zaključani'' u svom izvorištu, te su
kao takvi mnogo značajniji za razumijevanje evolucije pauka. U ovom radu opisana je
skupina Mygalomorphae te njena pojavnost u Hrvatskoj, zajedno sa problematikom oko njene
filogenije te determinacije rodova koji su prisutni u Hrvatskoj.Regarding one of the main classifications of spiders, taxon Mygalomorphae has not
been studied as its counterpart taxon Araneomorphae due to its reclusiveness, poor
differentation of morphological characteristics and the fact that large number of
Mygalomorphae species are endemic. Although they’re not as numerous or diverse in species
as Araneomorphae, Mygalomorphae can give us insight into the evolution of spiders precisely
because of their reclusiveness and uniqueness. While Araneomorphae have effective
mechanisms for dispersal, Mygalomorphae spiders tend to be ‘’locked up’’ in their centers of
origin, thus being more significant in overall understanding of spider evolution. This paper
presents overview of the main Mygalomorphae characteristics, as well as Mygalomorphae
species of Croatia, along with the issue of their phylogeny, and problems that arise with their