269 research outputs found
Toward contingency theory of performance measurement
Performance measurement, although extensively studied in the last two decades, has been given relatively little consideration in terms of the factors that influence the design of performance measurement systems. Few organisations appear to have systematic processes in place for managing the evolution of their measurement systems and few researchers appear to have explored the question, what determines the design of an organisation's measurement system? The paper addresses this gap by providing empirical evidence on performance measurement contingencies based on a sample of large Slovenian companies.In den letzten Jahren sind in der Entwicklung von Performance-Messung als einer wissenschaftlichen Disziplin grosse Fortschritte erzielt worden, aber mangelhaft aus der Perspektive von Faktoren, die auf die Bildung von Performance-Messungsystemen Einfluss ausüben. Wenige Unternehmen entwickeln systematische Prozesse, um die Evolution der Performancemessung- Systemen zu leiten und auch wenige Forscher setzen sich mit der Frage auseinander, wodurch das Design eines Performance-Messungsystems determiniert wird. In diesem Artikel werden die empirischen Daten aufgrund einiger slowenischen Mustergro3unternehmen ermittelt
Koncentracija in dinamika ogljikovega dioksida, radioaktivnosti in radona v dveh jamah italijanskega klasičnega krasa (občini Zagradec (Sagrado) in Sovodnje ob Soči (Savogna d’Isonzo)
A 13-month monitoring was carried out in two caves that open up in the north-western sector of the Classical Karst (Gorizia Karst): Antro Casali Neri and Grotta Due Piani. In both, ß + γ radioactivity, radon and CO2 have a seasonal pattern, with maximums in summer and minimums in winter, even if their trends are somewhat different, due to the different morphological and thermal conditions. The increases begin when the outside temperature becomes higher than that of the caves and vice versa, decrease is recorded when outside temperature is below the cave temperature. The more modest daily variations of radon, on the other hand, are evident when its concentration is low. Sometimes they are related to meteorological variations or day/night rhythms, but, in other cases, they have no clearly identifiable causes. In Casali Neri cave the maximum radon activity was 50161 Bq/m3, while the CO2 concentration went off the instrument's scale (> 9999 ppm) only in the first days of August 2021. The highest radioactivity value was also recorded in this cave with 0.85 μSv/h (average of 8 minutes of recording), with peaks up to 1.05 μSv/h. In Due Piani cave, on the other hand, the radon activity was lower, with a maximum of 22138 Bq/m3, however, the CO2 values went off the scale from July to the first days of October 2021. In both cases, in the warm months, radon and CO2 appear to come mainly from the fractured rock of epikarstic zone. Further accumulations can then form in points with poor ventilation. Furthermore, research has shown that high concentrations of these two gases are not only typical of large or deep caves, but also of modest and easily accessible caves.Izvedeno je bilo 13-mesečno spremljanje v dveh jamah, ki se odpirata v severozahodnem delu klasičnega krasa (Goriški Kras), in sicer Casali Neri in Due Piani. V obeh so radioaktivnost žarkov ß + γ, radon in CO2 sezonsko značilni, z najvišjimi vrednostmi poleti in najnižjimi vrednostmi pozimi, čeprav so njihovi trendi nekoliko drugačni zaradi različnih morfoloških in toplotnih razmer. Vrednosti se povečajo, kadar je zunanja temperatura višja od temperature v jamah, v obratnem primeru se vrednost znižajo. Ob tem so, kadar je njegova koncentracija nizka, opazna manjša dnevna nihanja vrednosti radona. Včasih so povezana z meteorološkimi spremembami ali izmenjavo dneva in noči, v drugih primerih pa nimajo jasno prepoznavnih vzrokov. V jami Casali Neri je bila največja aktivnost radona 50161 Bq/m3, koncentracija CO2 pa je z instrumentalne lestvice (> 9999 ppm) izginila šele v prvih dneh avgusta 2021. V tej jami je bila zaznana tudi največja vrednost radioaktivnosti, in sicer 0,85 μSv/h (povprečno 8 minut snemanja), najvišja vrednost je segala celo do 1,05 μSv/h. V jami Due Piani pa je bila aktivnost radona nižja, pri čemer je bila največja vrednost 22138 Bq/m3, vrednosti CO2 pa so z lestvice izginile od julija do prvih dni oktobra 2021. V obeh primerih se zdi, da v toplih mesecih radon in CO2 izhajata predvsem iz razpokane kamnine epikraškega območja. Nadaljnja kopičenja so možna na območjih, kjer je slaba prezračenost. Poleg tega so raziskave pokazale, da visoke koncentracije teh dveh plinov niso značilne le za velike ali globoke jame, temveč tudi za manjše in lahko dostopne jame
Long-term object tracking using region proposals
In this thesis we address the problem of tracking an arbitrary object in a sequence of images. We propose a long-term tracker based on the use of Siamese convolutional neural networks. For detection, we use a template with which we compute cross correlation on every point of the search image to find the best matching region. The template is initialized on the first frame, where we crop the image so that it represents only the tracking object and input it to the convolutional neural network. After each localization the tracker detects if tracking has failed. We propose two online methods of updating the visual model. One updates the template and the other fine tunes the parameters of the network. We carried out two analysis, where we measure long-term tracking performance on dataset LTB35 on modifications of our tracker. With the first analysis we find out what is a good setting for generating region proposals. The purpose of the second analysis is to test the proposed methods for updating the visual model. We find out that without updating the visual model, our tracker achieves F-measure of 0.34, when updating the template 0.22, when fine tuning 0.38 and with both methods we get 0.20. Finally we compared the performance of our tracker with the trackers submitted in the VOT-LT2018 challange, and achieved 11th place when fine tuning and 12th without fine tuning or updating the template
Long-term object tracking using region proposals
In this thesis we address the problem of tracking an arbitrary object in a sequence of images. We propose a long-term tracker based on the use of Siamese convolutional neural networks. For detection, we use a template with which we compute cross correlation on every point of the search image to find the best matching region. The template is initialized on the first frame, where we crop the image so that it represents only the tracking object and input it to the convolutional neural network. After each localization the tracker detects if tracking has failed. We propose two online methods of updating the visual model. One updates the template and the other fine tunes the parameters of the network. We carried out two analysis, where we measure long-term tracking performance on dataset LTB35 on modifications of our tracker. With the first analysis we find out what is a good setting for generating region proposals. The purpose of the second analysis is to test the proposed methods for updating the visual model. We find out that without updating the visual model, our tracker achieves F-measure of 0.34, when updating the template 0.22, when fine tuning 0.38 and with both methods we get 0.20. Finally we compared the performance of our tracker with the trackers submitted in the VOT-LT2018 challange, and achieved 11th place when fine tuning and 12th without fine tuning or updating the template
Glavni izzivi, ki jih predstavljajo odprti povezani podatki, so njihova strukturiranost in uporabnost za razvoj ter napredek sodobne digitalne družbe. Podatki predstavljajo temelj vseh informaciji o delovanju organizacij. Pridobivanje in uporaba podatkov zaradi napredka informacijske tehnologije postaja vse lažja. S tem omogočamo povečani gospodarski napredek, razvoj aplikacij, programov ipd. Hkrati se pojavljajo novi izzivi na področju formatov podatkov, njihove pretvorbe, odpiranja podatkov in uporabnosti s strani največjega možnega števila deležnikov.
RDF (Resource Description Framework) je format semantičnega spleta, ki se uporablja kot splošna metoda za opis informacij. Vsi podatki, ki so na semantičnem spletu, kot primarni jezik za njihovo predstavitev uporabljajo RDF. Prednost RDF formata je, da je modularen, omogoča prikaz kvalitetnih in obnovljivih podatkov. Namen odpiranja podatkov je spodbujanje in motiviranje organizacij k ponovni uporabi podatkov. V javnem sektorju je odpiranje podatkov povezano s področjem informacij javnega značaja. RDF nam omogoči, da so podatki med seboj lahko povezljivi in povezani. S povezanimi podatki na semantičnem spletu omogočimo še bolj kvalitetne in uporabne podatke.
Za področje odpiranja podatkov ne smemo izpustiti pomena pravnih podlag, ki morajo biti primerno urejene tako z vidika transparentnosti in javnosti kot tudi z vidika varstva osebnih podatkov. Pri objavi podatkov moramo biti pazljivi, da ne kršimo členov, ki preprečujejo objavo podatkov neprimernih za ponovno uporabo. Proučitev in analiza Zakona o informacijah javnega značaja (ZDIJZ) in Zakona o varstvu osebnih podatkov (ZVOP) nam omogočata izvajanje pravih aktivnosti za pravilno objavo podatkov.
S SWOT raziskavo in primerjalno analizo med posameznimi formati smo ugotovili, da odprtost podatkov omogoča boljše delovanje javnih in zasebnih organizacij. Posledično to vodi v pospeševanje gospodarskega razvoja in znanstvenih dosežkov. Prikazan primer formata RDF prikaže njegovo uporabnost in prednost pred vsemi ostalimi formati.The main challenges posed by open linked data is their structure and usability for the development and progress of a modern digital society. The data forms the basis of all information for organizations. Getting and using data to make progress in information technology is getting easier. This allows for increased economic progress, development of applications, programs, etc. At the same time, new challenges arise in the field of data formats, their conversion, data opening and usability by the largest possible number of stakeholders.
RDF (Resource Description Framework) is a semantic web format used as a general method for describing information. All data on the Semantic Web is used by RDF as the primary language for their presentation. The advantage of the RDF format is that it is modular, allowing you to view high-quality and renewable data. The purpose of opening data is to encourage and motivate organizations to re-use data. In the public sector, the opening of data is linked to the field of information of a public character. RDF allows us to make data interconnected and connected. With related information on the semantic web, we provide even better quality and useful data.
In the field of data disclosure, we should not omit the importance of legal bases, which should be properly regulated in terms of transparency and publicity, as well as from the point of view of the protection of personal data. When publishing data, we must be careful not to violate articles that prevent publication of data unsuitable for reuse. The examination and analysis of the Public Information Act (ZDIJZ) and the Personal Data Protection Act (ZVOP) allow us to carry out the right activities for the proper publication of data.
SWOT research and comparative analysis has been done between individual formats, we found that the openness of data enables better functioning of public and private organizations. Consequently, this leads to the promotion of economic development and scientific achievements. The RDF format example illustrates its usefulness and advantage over all other formats
Sensory Information Modulates Voluntary Movement in an Individual with a Clinically Motor- and Sensory-Complete Spinal Cord Injury: A Case Report
Motor recovery following a complete spinal cord injury is not likely. This is partially due to insurance limitations. Rehabilitation strategies for individuals with this type of severe injury focus on the compensation for the activities of daily living in the home and community and not on the restoration of function. With limited time in therapies, the initial goals must focus on getting the patient home safely without the expectation of recovery of voluntary movement below the level of injury. In this study, we report a case of an individual with a chronic, cervical (C3)-level clinically motor- and sensory-complete injury who was able to perform voluntary movements with both upper and lower extremities when positioned in a sensory-rich environment conducive to the specific motor task. We show how he is able to intentionally perform push-ups, trunk extensions and leg presses only when appropriate sensory information is available to the spinal circuitry. These data show that the human spinal circuitry, even in the absence of clinically detectable supraspinal input, can generate motor patterns effective for the execution of various upper and lower extremity tasks, only when appropriate sensory information is present. Neurorehabilitation in the right sensory–motor environment that can promote partial recovery of voluntary movements below the level of injury, even in individuals diagnosed with a clinically motor-complete spinal cord injury
Spremljanje učinkovitosti Izobraževanja v podjetjih
The human resources function in organisations is continuing to grow in importance and influence. Considering the vast potential for using human resources to enhance productivity, improve quality, spur innovation, contain costs, and satisfy customers, but also the consequences of improper and ineffective human resources practices, accountability in human resource management is becoming crucial. Training is especially important as it can contribute directly to an employee's satisfaction, absenteeism and to an organisation's productivity, fluctuation and profitability. The purpose of this paper is to present a systematic approach to measurement of efficiency and effectiveness of different training activities.Funkcija kadrovske službe v podjetjih Eostaja vse pomembnejša in vplivnejša. Ce pomislimo na ogromni potencial človeških virov - s katerim lahko povečamo produktivnost, zboljšamo kakovost, spodbudimo inovativnost, znižamo stroške in zadovoljimo stranke-, obenem pa tudi na posledice nepravilnega in neučinkovitega ravnanja z ljudmi, postane jasno, da je odgovornost kadrovskega oddelka ključna. Posebno pomembno je izobraževanje, saj lahko neposredno vpliva na zadovoljstvo zaposlenega, na njegove izostanke z dela in produktivnost, fluktuacija in dobičkonosnost podjetja. Namen tega prispevka prikazati sistematičen pristop k merjenju učinkovitosti in uspešnosti različnih izobraževalnih dejavnosti
Generating Slovene word forms using machine learning
Sloleks is a lexicon of Slovene word forms which contains - in a structured database - Slovene words and all their word forms, their word class and morphosyntactic properties. Due to constant changing of the language and the growing needs for machine processing, Sloleks must be constantly updated.
The aim of the thesis was to create a tool using machine learning that will allow automated extension of lexicon of Slovene word forms Sloleks. We focused mainly on nouns, but the tool can also be used for other word classes such as verb or adjective. The problem was tackled with clustering of nouns into groups with similar morphosyntactic properties, where we used clustering around medoids. Based on the obtained groups which represent morphosyntactic paradigms, we build a model using naive Bayes classifier which predicts these paradigms for new words. For nouns from corpus ccGigafida, which have missing word forms, we predicted groups using build classifier and filled the paradigm with missing word form using typical representatives of classes. Approach was evaluated qualitatively and quantitatively
Children’s Play and Physical Activity in Traditional and Forest (Natural) Playgrounds
Early childhood is a crucial period for the physical and cognitive development of children. A child's exposure to nature is proven to be beneficial in this period of human life. The aim of the present research was to investigate children’s play and physical activity on a traditional playground and on a forest (natural) playground. Twenty-five observations took place on the traditional playground, and twenty-five observations were recorded on the forest playground. Twenty-five participating preschool children were observed in both playgrounds, but not necessarily in the same order. Research findings confirmed important qualities of natural playgrounds that provide children with a wide range of playing and learning opportunities not available on other playgrounds. Children were playing more with different natural materials in the forest playground and they more frequently played different chasing games and hide and seek in the forest playground. Participating children were also more physically active on the forest playground, and boys were more active on the forest playground than girls. The research concludes that it is important for preschool teachers to use natural playgrounds frequently and with regularity. Research design in this article is also an example of how GPS trackers can be beneficial for educational research
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