3 research outputs found

    Situation of oncological patients during COVID-19 pandemic with particular emphasis on lung cancer patients

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    Introduction and purpose: The purpose of this study is to review literature about alterations to treatment regimens to lung cancer during COVID-19 pandemic accessible on PubMed platform. In pulmonary neoplasms, early diagnosis and treatment is a key to ensure patient safety. Burdening of healthcare systems during pandemic has resulted in many obstacles in oncologic treatment. A brief description of the state of knowledge:  The lung cancer is the most frequent and the most deadly cancer in men and women. COVID-19 is a pulmonary infectious disease whose spread around the world has resulted in a pandemic. At the onset of the worldwide pandemic, many institutions, including healthcare facilities were closed, making it more difficult to provide oncological patients the treatment compliant with the standards. The anxiety of patients caused by the pandemic has caused delays in treatment that can cause progression of the disease. In patients with lung cancer mortality of COVID-19 was around 50%, which made their visits at hospital hazardous. Before the accessibility of anti-COVID-19 vaccines telemedical healthcare was one of the ways to provide healthcare to oncological patients. Conclusions: Patients with lung cancer are one of the risk groups of COVID-19. Delays in their treatment caused by the pandemic are potentially dangerous and negatively affect the therapy. Telemedicine is a useful too provide medical care, but has its own limitations

    Dziedzictwo kulturowe. Edukacja. Historia. Dziedzictwo regionalne. Muzyka, literatura, sztuka i media

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    The following publication showcases research on national heritage by early career researchers from Poland. Articles included are related to the broad domain of pedagogy, spanning over social sciences or arts and humanities. Contributions represent both historical and contemporary insights from a range of disciplines: education, history, area studies, art and media studies. Various examples of national heritage are discussed from both Polish and general perspective. The aim of the book was to contribute to the process of inclusion of new researchers into interdisciplinary and intergenerational dialogue

    Abscesses of internal organs as a sign of interactions between human organism and environment

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    Rozwój ropni u człowieka jest warunkowany obecnością drobnoustrojów w środowisku życia. Nie jest to jednak jedyny czynnik środowiskowy wpływający na częstość ich występowania. W ostatnich kilkudziesięciu latach opublikowano dane wskazujące na wpływ ciśnienia atmosferycznego i temperatury na rozwój ropni ścian i struktur jamy ustnej. Istnieją również doniesienia o zależności częstości występowania ropni oczodołu, wątroby i śledziony od pory roku. Uwzględnienie modyfikującego wpływu środowiska na zapadalność na zapalenie ropne poszerza zakres możliwych analiz populacyjnych i klinicznych.Development of abscesses in humans is conditioned by the presence of microorganisms in the living environment, but this is not the only one environmental factor affecting the frequency of their occurrence. Data indicating the importance of atmospheric pressure and temperature for the development of abscesses in walls and structures of the oral cavity was published overpast several dozen years. There are also reports of the incidence of orbital abscesses and abscesses of the liver and spleen depending on the seasons. Taking into account the modifying effect of the environment on the incidence of purulent inflammation broadens the range of possible population studies and clinical thinking