109 research outputs found

    Myocardial infraction – the history of therapy prior to reperfusion

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    The description of stenocardial ailments was presented for the first time in 1772. Until the 1950s, the patients suffering from myocardial infraction were treated with the wait-and-see attitude – they were confined to bed for 6 weeks, were not allowed to eat or to take up everyday activities on their own. It was as late as in the 1960 it was discovered that being immobilised for too long may be harmful and lead to the increase of the clotting/embolism complications. The first issue of Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medicine was released in 1950 which advised the oxygen therapy, as well as pharmacotherapy (nitro-glycerine, anticoagulants) used in the severe phase of myocardial infraction. One on the breaking moments on the path of the development of care considering the patient with myocardial infraction was the introduction of CCU (Desmond Julian, 1961)

    The use of molecular genetic technologies for the implementation of sports selection and provision of training-competitive process in rowing

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    The question of the promise of application of molecular genetic technologies in rowing sports is considered. The main directions that can be used for sports orienteering and selection, and after their completion, are provided for providing high-level training-competitive process at the level of the sport

    The use of ergotherapeutic techniques in the rehabilitation after severe traumatic brain injury at the stage of confusion syndromes

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    The work is based on the results of diagnosis, rehabilitation and restorative treatment of 220 patients with post-coma long-term consciousness disorders after severe traumatic brain injury. The main attention is given to the actual topic — the possibility of using ergotherapeutic techniques after severe traumatic brain injury at the stage of confusion in line with the stages of classification according to Dobrokhotova T. A. in the course of the rehabilitation route. This is the identification of sensitivity to ergotherapy, each of its techniques and ascertaining the practical feasibility of their use at each of the stages (6A, 6B, 6C). The research reveals that, although patients within their groups at the stages 6A, 6B, 6B had almost identical (with individual fluctuations) physical capabilities, social skills, similar in their main features neurological status, but differed in the results of restoration the skills acquired through living. Despite the fact that during migration of syndromes of consciousness reintegration from stage to stage, new physical skills appeared and previous achievements were strengthened, but tasks and techniques aimed at improving the language and higher cortical functions were at the forefront, thanks to which the social activity of patients increased. The study emphasized that the combination of ergotherapeutic and psychotherapeutic techniques connected to the rehabilitation program precisely at the time of the stages migration, from confusion with aspontaneity to speech-motor confusion and, subsequently, amnestic confusion, had a great prognostic significance. The importance of selection of ergotherapeutic techniques and their combinations at each link in the chain of consciousness recovery was revealed, and the dynamics of changes indicated the reserves of restoration of each patient's praxis

    Preventive measures for arterial hypertension risk factors among medical staff of Feofaniya Clinical Hospital of State Management of Affairs

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    Researches conducted in different departments of Feofaniya Clinical Hospital in recent 5 years suggest extremely wide prevalence of arterial hypertension. According to the data of the representative extract survey the age-standardized prevalence of arterial hypertension at the hospital is 39.9% among men and 41.1% among women

    Problem of gender culture in contemporary academic discourse

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    In article the issues of gender culture in contemporary academic discourse, the notion "gender culture", its constituents and types

    Three variants of immune responses to balneotherapy at the spa Truskavets’ in patients with chronic pyelonephritis and cholecystitis

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    Background. The results of research the influence of balneotherapy in the s pa Truskavets ’ on the immune status of the organism are ambiguous. This may be due to the differences between the cohorts of the subjects under investigation, and individual immune reactivity. Therefore, research in this direction remains relevant. The purpose of this study is to identify variants of the immunotr o p ic effect of balneotherapy. Material and methods. In basal conditions in 33 men and 10 women with chronic pyelonephritis and cholecystitis in remission , we recorded twice, before and after balneotherapy at the spa Truskavets’, parameters of Immune status on a set of I and II levels recommended by the WHO. Results. Three variants of immune responses to balneotherapy have been revealed. In 46 , 5% of patients changes in immune parameters fluctuated around the zero line and did not go beyond the limits of one Z-unit, that is, there was a quasi-zero immunotropic effect. In 32 , 6% of patients, moderate activation of neutrophil bactericidal activity was detected against as Staph. aur., and E. coli, an increase in the level of immunoglobulins G and M, as well as T- h elpers, while the level of cytolytic T-lymphocytes was moderately reduced, in the absence of significant changes in the remaining 5 parameters of the immunogram. In 20 , 9% of patients, on the contrary, the level of T-killers has moderately increased, as well as the level of natural killers, in combination with a significant increase in neutrophil bactericid ity against gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria, in the absence of significant changes in the remaining 7 parameters of the immunogram. Conclusion . Immune responses to balneotherapy have a polyvariant nature, which is probably due to individual reactivity, and will be the subject of the next study

    Evaluation of ecological and genetic condition of Rivne city for Micronucleus Test

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    Bioindication evaluation of air condition in the city of Rivne has been carried out using the micronucleus (MN) test on the oral mucous in under-school-age children. The highest maximum values of MN indices were determined for children who live in the studied test ranges, where the content of CO (carbon oxide) exceeds the maximum permissible concentration. Cytogenetic indicators vary in a wide range of numerical values; moreover, the level of cytogenetic damage is an informative bioindicational feature. With the monitoring purpose, the researched urban area of Rivne was divided into 12 test ranges with different anthropogenic load; a number of large and small manufacturing firms are situated there. The analysis of statistical and analytical data on the traffic intensity in the city was conducted. The study was also based on the analysis of personal researches, obtained through a comprehensive survey carried out on 167 children in 12 test ranges in 12 preschools, the average age of children was 6-7 years. A total of 64,950 mucosal epithelial cells were explored. It has been shown that the deterioration of ecological and genetic conditions of the urban environment in test ranges I, II, VI, VII, VIII, XI based on the cell damage level was "below average", the condition of the children's organism was "alarming" but the state of the environment has changed from “excellent” to “satisfactory”. This kind of research can enable observations of the mutagenic background of regions, genetic health, and genetic threats to humans due to harmful factors

    Sodium nitrate affects myocardium in pregnant rats and their pups

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    The problem of pollution with nitrates and nitrites of the natural environment is very relevant nowadays. The purpose of this research was to study the morphological features of the myocardium in pregnant rats and their newborn pups exposed to chronic hemic hypoxia induced by sodium nitrite. The changes in the contractile apparatus of cardiomyocytes were atrophy and lysis of myofibrils which were most pronounced at the periphery of the cardiomyocytes, near the capillaries. A similar condition of the microcirculatory vessels accompanies absolutely all types of cardiomyopathies, regardless of the genesis of the disease. Cell-stromal relationships on the background of chronic myocardial ischemia cause destructive processes of myocardial remodeling. The final morphological outcome of prolonged hypoxic heart damage can be focal dystrophy of the myocardium, which leads to the development of chronic heart failure and the appearance of life-threatening arrhythmias

    Effect of physical therapy on respiratory function in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

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    Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease is one of the most common forms of disease, which leads to high morbidity and mortality of patients, causing significant economic losses. The aim - to examine the effectiveness of the impact of the proposed method of physical therapy on respiratory function in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Analyzing the average values of respiratory function of patients in both groups at baseline, it was determined that they are lower than normal and did not significantly differ, indicating that poor functional capacity of the lungs and bronchial patency. This confirms the poor functional health status of patients and requires appropriate treatment and rehabilitation. The physical therapy of patients included several stages: assessment of the patient; learning patient; measures for correction of body weight; physical drilling program; psychological support. For each patient with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease selected individual program of physical therapy, taking into account the physical features of lung function parameters, specific physiological and psychopathological disorders caused by primary and / or related conditions. Evaluation of physical capabilities of each patient was performed using conventional tests with load (tredmil test, 6-minute walk, etc.). As a result of the comparative analysis of survey data of 130 patients in the control (consisting of those men (n = 32) and female (n = 30) sex) and basic (consisting of those men (n = 36) and female (n = 32) sex) groups were identified following. The use of physical therapy resulted in increasing the functional capacity of patients expressed increasing average values of indicators of lung function studied in the main group at the end of studies that demonstrate its effectiveness

    Difference of pro-health behaviors among the inhabitants of Ghana

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    The diversity of behaviors, including pro-health ones, in developing countries is a major health, social and economic problem. Especially it affects the developing countries of Africa. In every culture, health is perceived differently. Inhabitants of different continents use different patterns of behavior, values, norms and cultural habits. The approach to health in individual cultures and social groups is the result of separate views and aspirations and from belief systems. Health indicators in Ghana are systematically improving. For example, the estimated life expectancy for people borned in 2015 was 61 years for men and 64 years for women. These indicators have been systematically growing for several dozen years thanks to the reduction of mortality caused by the medical development, improvement of hygienic and sanitary conditions, increase in the living standard, improvement of nutritional status and common protective vaccinations used in order to reduce the epidemic. Optimistic is the fact that life expectancy in health is 54 years. This is one of the best results in the sub-Saharan Africa region [1]. Despite a significant improvement in the majority of health indicators, Ghana continues to face numerous prevention and health care problems. During the research projects carried out in Ghana, numerous observations have been made in this area. For example, the state of knowledge about pro-health behaviors among the residents of Ghana has been assessed. Even the preliminary observation before the preparation of the publication indicated the problem of inadequate pro-health behaviors preferred among the inhabitants of Ghana
