46 research outputs found

    Metody geoelektryczne w badaniach gruntów skażonych substancjami ropopochodnymi

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    Particular hazards to the environment are caused by hydrocarbon products introduced as a result of industrial and military activity. It leads to contamination of shallow sub-surface layers, as well as groundwater. The presence of hydrocarbon pollutants in the geological environment causes changes in its many physical properties (e.g. electrical conductivity and resistivity). This results in the anomalies observed. However, hydrocarbons, despite being excellent insulators, can generate both anomalies of low conductivity (i.e high resistivity), high conductivity, or do not cause any changes in values of the parameter measured. Changes in its values in short time intervals can be irregular and fall into the measurement error range. Simultaneously, these values can gradually decrease over the time, which is associated with the loss of contamination weight and gradual remediation of the environment due to natural biological processes. The monograph presents the possibility of applying geoelectrical methods — conductometric in frequency domain and resistivity imaging — to identify petroleum contaminations and to monitor the process of their bioremediation by Yarrowia lipolytica yeast. The applied research methodology allowed also to trace models of contamination evolution. The results of field measurements were interpreted by the inversion method of resistivity imaging, 1D with the conductometric one, and 2D taking the topography into account. In the final interpretation, the laboratory tests (determination of hydrocarbons and metals contents, determination of mineral composition, indication of electrical resistivity as a function of humidity, indication of electrical conductivity as a function of the concentration of citric acid) are included. The study was carried out in two areas of former military fuel bases JAR in the Borne Sulinowo and Szprotawa sites, differing in geological structure and vegetation. Both centers are sandy, the first one shows high resistivity whereas the second one — low resistivity. The complex field and laboratory studies were performed under conditions of high-resistivity environment. First of all, the possibility to use both methods for the identification of perennial petroleum contamination was recognizedwith an assessment of their quality by the correlation with historical data and results of laboratory research. Next, the methods were applied to identify the fresh contamination and to control their dispersion in geological complex, together with laboratory tests and the atmogeochemical method. In the following research, the process of supported bioremediation was monitored at two contamination sites: the historical and fresh controlled ones. The influence of atmospheric conditions on values of the parameters measured was estimated, as well as their changes in time. Using laboratory and atmogeochemical research, bioremediation rate has been assessed, whereas basing on resistivity cross-sections, the percentage loss of the contaminants has been calculated. Under conditions of the low-resistivity environment such as the area of former JAR fuel storage in Szprotawa, the research was carried out to the limited extend, along only one profile running from the contaminated site to the clean one. It enabled to trace evolution of contamination from: clean environment contamination high-resitivity model low-resitivity clean environment Application of geoelectrical methods enabled to investigate qualitatively petroleum contamination sites. It also enabled to estimate their spatial distribution, whereas parameters measured in situ correlated well with the results of laboratory tests. It has been shown that, depend on the occurrence of organic acids or their absence in the geological environment, the contaminated sites can generate anomalies of low conductivity or high conductivity. The presence of organic acids depends on the geological structure and hydrogeological and environmental conditions. In the high-resistivity environment natural bioremediation is hindered and occurs slowly. Thus production of organic acids is limited. In the low-resistivity environment microorganisms populations are various and numerous, thus natural bioremediation occurs rapidly. As a result, a low-resistivity model of con-tamination is generated over the contaminated site just after its contamination. It has been shown that immediately after contamination of the sandy environment, there is a distinctive increase inelectrical resistivity, which is related to high resistivity of hydrocarbons. Moreover, the progression of bioremediation with Yarrowia lipolytica yeast can be effectively and continuously monitored by modern geoelectrical methods

    The application of electromagnetic methods for polymetallic prospecting in mining conditions

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    The paper presents selected results of geophysical surveys carried out in the “Polkowice-Sieroszowice” copper mine in Lower Silesia, Poland. The aim of complex geophysical measurements was the analysis of the usefulness of selected electromagnetic methods for locating ore mineralisation zones in mining conditions. The results were obtained from surveys conducted along profiles designed on the side-wall by the roof, in the middle and the floor of the excavation. Electromagnetic Profiling and Ground Penetrating Radar techniques were applied for outlining the mineralisation zones consisting of Cu, Pb and Fe. The variability of geophysical recordings depending on the degree of mineralisation and distribution of fractures induced by mining activity were analysed. The results of geophysical surveys were correlated to petrophysical parameters and laboratory data concerning the percentages of Cu, Pb and Fe in samples taken from the side-wall at the survey site

    Gini-stable Lorenz curves and their relation to the generalised Pareto distribution

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    We introduce an iterative discrete information production process where we can extend ordered normalised vectors by new elements based on a simple affine transformation, while preserving the predefined level of inequality, G, as measured by the Gini index. Then, we derive the family of empirical Lorenz curves of the corresponding vectors and prove that it is stochastically ordered with respect to both the sample size and G which plays the role of the uncertainty parameter. We prove that asymptotically, we obtain all, and only, Lorenz curves generated by a new, intuitive parametrisation of the finite-mean Pickands' Generalised Pareto Distribution (GPD) that unifies three other families, namely: the Pareto Type II, exponential, and scaled beta distributions. The family is not only totally ordered with respect to the parameter G, but also, thanks to our derivations, has a nice underlying interpretation. Our result may thus shed a new light on the genesis of this family of distributions. Our model fits bibliometric, informetric, socioeconomic, and environmental data reasonably well. It is quite user-friendly for it only depends on the sample size and its Gini index

    Assessment of elements mobility in anthropogenic layer of historical wastes related to glass production in Izera Mountains (SW Poland)

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    A geophysical survey conducted in the remote forest glade, located in the IzeryMountains (SWPoland), revealed the existence of an anthropogenic layer of historical glasswastes dumped in this area during the activity of a glass factory in the 18th and 19th centuries and domestic wastes dumped during the second part of the 20th century. The aim of the study was assessment of potential ecological risk related to the release of potentially toxic elements to the soil, groundwater and surfacewaters. The assessmentwas done on the base of classical geochemical analysis supported by calculation of environmental indices as well as on mobility of elements (leaching test and BCR sequential extraction). As an innovative aspect in the geostatistical interpretation of the data, somemagnetic parameters (magnetic susceptibility-χ, χ/Fe ratio)were also used. It allowed for a better understanding of the relationship of PTEs with various forms of iron. The BCR sequential extraction found that among the PTEs, only Zn (up to 43%)was in a potentially mobile fraction probably occurring in ionic form, associatedwith iron oxides only by surface adsorption forces. The leaching has shown a slight increase in Zn and Cu content in the surfacewaters; however, itwas not considered to be a real ecological threat because the pHof thewastematerial and soil cover is N6.0 and the scenario of a radical decrease in pH is rather unrealistic. The other PTEs were associated with more stable E2, E3 and E4 fractions. Zinc, similar to Ni, Co and Cu inwaste samples,was highly correlatedwithmagnetic parameters (χ and χ/Fe). Itmeans that a considerable part of these metalswas associatedwith ferrimagnetic iron oxides, although they can also occur in the form of inclusions in aluminosilicates and enclosed in glassy phases

    Integrated geophysical and geochemical methods applied for recognition of acid waste drainage (AWD) from Zn-Pb post-flotation tailing pile (Olkusz, southern Poland)

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    Long-term underground exploitation of Zn-Pb ores has led to drainage of the area and formation of a huge dumping ground in the form of a pile. In its vicinity, processes of acid drainage have developed as a result of contamination of soils and groundwater. Geochemical transformations of mineral contents of waste can significantly affect physical and chemical properties of the soils and the bedrock. At the prospect of termination of the mining activity in the near future, determining the routes of the pollution migration, ability to monitor acid drainage processes and assessment of the risk of heavy metal pollution are really crucial. The paper presents a proposal for solving this problem by means of geophysical methods: Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT), Time Domain-Induced Polarisation (TDIP), Frequency Domain Electromagnetics (FDEM) and shallow-depth magnetometric surveys combined with geochemical investigations. The obtained results of geophysical surveys have been confirmed by geochemical investigations. The applied ERT and TDIP methods make it possible to identify the spread of the zones of pollution around the tailing pile, but their effectiveness depends on humidity of the ground. Soil magnetometry and shallow-depth induction profiling are a good tool to identify the medium contaminated with minerals redeposited by aeolian processes and allow to determine the range of the dust spread from the pile. It has been shown that the range of impact of the geochemical changes around the tailing pile is high and depends not only on directions and dynamics of water flow from the pile but also on aeolian transport

    Equilibrium simulations of coal gasification – factors affecting syngas composition

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    Purpose: Coal gasification is complex technology, which results depend on many variables, connected among others with fuel, the converting agent and the process itself. The paper aims to analyze, by means of simulations, the influence of the following factors – temperature, pressure, characteristic parameters of coal and gasifying agent, on the composition and heating value of the obtained syngas. The other aim of this paper is the determination of gasification efficiency (based on the definition of cold gas efficiency) for various process conditions. Methods: Computer simulations were used as the research method for the work presented. An equilibrium model, based on the stoi-chiometric method with four independent reactions, was formulated and used in this paper. This model was implemented in Mathematica software. The influence of temperature (in a range from 500 to 1500°C), pressure (changed from atmospheric to 35 atm), three types of gasifying agent (mixtures of air, pure oxygen and steam) and the composition of four Polish coals (lignite and three hard-coals) on syngas parameters were analyzed in this paper. Results: Concentrations of CO2, CO, CH4, H2O, H2, N2 in the equilibrium syngas, for the chosen temperature, pressure and parame-ters of the fuel and converting agent were the results of the simulations carried out. Subsequently, the lower heating value and process efficiency for each syngas composition was calculated. Practical implications: The simulations indicated the thermodynamic limits of gasification and allowed for the formulation of the general principles ruling this process. Results presented in this paper may be useful in the preliminary optimization and analysis of coal gasification. They also can be a point of reference for more advanced simulations. Originality/ value: This paper presents own results obtained from equilibrium simulations of coal gasification. The author implemented a mathematical model, based on the method of Deringer and Traustel, presented earlier in literature, to carry out the calculations

    "I, Olga Hepnarová as polyphonic reportage"

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    Celem niniejszej pracy jest pokazanie polifonii w dziele Romana Cílka pod tytułem „Ja, Olga Hepnarová“. Praca w głównej mierze skupia się na ukazaniu tego zjawiska na przykładach w tekście: zdjęciach, fragmentach dokumentacji medycznej, opiniach lekarzy, fragmentach protokołu policji, akcie oskarżenia, zeznaniach morderczyni i świadków, wypowiedziach bliskich dziewczyny oraz listach. Polifoniczność jest widoczna w książce Cílka dzięki zastosowaniu różnorodnych technik narracyjnych oraz ukazaniu wielu spojrzeń na sprawę Hepnarovej. W pracy została również zawarta biografia autora, wyjaśnienie pojęcia polifoniczności oraz afektu, który jest nieodłączną częścią reportażu kryminalnego oraz społeczno-obyczajowego.The aim of this paper is to show polyphony in Roman Cilek’s publication entitled „I, Olga Hepnarová”. The paper mainly focuses on showing that phenomenon on examples in the text including photographs, sections of medical record, doctors’ opinions, police protocols, indictment, testimony of murderess, statements of witnesses, memories of her close ones and letters. Polyphony is visible in Cilek’s book thanks to usage of various narrative techniques and showing different views on a case of Olga Hepnarová. The paper also includes author’s biography, the definitione of the polyphony concept and an affect, which is inseparable part of reportage and investigative journalism


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    Overview of the most common technological and environmental problems connected with thermal conversion of sewage sludge was presented in the article. Such issues as the influence of content of moisture and mineral matter on fuel properties of sludge, problem of emission of pollutants, problem of management of solid residue, risk of corrosion, were described. Besides, consolidated characteristic of the most important methods of thermal conversion of sewage sludge, with their advantages and disadvantages, was presented in the paper

    Cannibalism? On appropriation in contemporary art

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    Sztuka współczesna pragnie nadążać za zachodzącymi zmianami o charakterze społecznym, kulturowym czy technologicznym. Pragnieniu temu towarzyszy poszukiwanie nowych sposobów artystycznej ekspresji. W efekcie powstają dzieła mogące, przynajmniej w niektórych przypadkach, ubiegać się o objęcie ich prawnoautorską ochroną. Przykładem stosunkowo nowej tendencji w sztuce jest tzw. appropriation art, kierunek w sztukach plastycznych polegający na zawłaszczaniu wcześniejszych utworów. Skala zapożyczenia bywa bardzo różna — od dosłownych zawłaszczeń, bez dokonywania jakiejkolwiek zmian, przez niewielkie transformacje, po inspiracje, których rezultatem były zupełnie nowe dzieła. Problematyka zawłaszczeń w sztuce pociąga za sobą konieczność powtórnej analizy wielu zagadnień z zakresu prawa autorskiego. W mojej pracy magisterskiej zgłębiam tematykę sztuki przywłaszczeniowej, historię tego nurtu jak i motywy, którymi kierują się artyści przywłaszczeniowi. Przedstawiam prawnoautorskie problemy związane z „przywłaszczaniem” dzieł sztuki. Analizuję podejście do tego zjawiska w Stanach Zjednoczonych, Unii Europejskiej oraz Polsce. Ponadto, staram się odpowiedzieć na pytanie, jak oceniać sztukę przywłaszczeniową. Czy dzieło sztuki nie utraci swojej rangi przez wielokrotne przetwarzanie i wykorzystywanie w innych pracach. Czy możliwa jest oryginalność w czasach masowej reprodukcji. Gdzie leżą granice wolności artystycznej, jaki jest status sztuki przywłaszczeniowej na gruncie prawa autorskiego. Kiedy tego typu wytwory intelektu są utworami w świetle prawa autorskiego ze względu na wkład twórczy artysty przywłaszającego. Jak w dzisiejszych czasach tworzyć, aby nie plagiatować twórczości innych. Ile można przejąć z cudzego utworu, na ile można zainspirować się tym, co jest znane. Ile modyfikacji trzeba, a ile można wprowadzić do cudzego dzieła, by powstał nowy utwór? Celem znalezienia odpowiedzi omawiam zagadnienia utworu, rodzajów utworów, kwestie autorskich praw osobistych i majątkowych, konstrukcję dozwolonego użytku.Contemporary art wants to keep up with the ongoing social, cultural and technological changes. This desire is accompanied by the search for new ways of artistic expression. As a result, there are works that can, at least in some cases, apply for copyright protection.An example of a relatively new tendency in art is appropriation art, a tendency in the visual arts based on appropriation of earlier works. The scale of borrowing can be very different - from literal appropriations, without making any changes, through small transformations, to inspirations that resulted in completely new works.The issue of appropriation in art entails the necessity of repeated analysis of many issues in the field of copyright.In my master's thesis, I explore the subject of the appropriation art, the history of this trend as well as the motives which guide the appropriation’s artists. I present the copyright issues related to the "appropriation" of works of art. I analyze the approach to this phenomenon in the United States, the European Union and Poland. In addition, I try to answer the question of how to assess the appropriation art. Does a work of art lose its rank by repeated processing and use in other works. Is it possible to be original in times of mass reproduction. Where are the limits of artistic freedom, what is the status of the appropriation art in copyright law. When these types of products of the intellect are works in the light of copyright law due to the creative contribution of the appropriation artist. How to create today, so as not to plagiarize the creativity of others. How much can you take from someone else's work, how much you can be inspired by what is known. How many modifications do you need, and how much can you introduce to someone else's work to create a new work? In order to find the answer, I discuss the issues of the work, types of works, issues of personal rights and property rights, and the construction of fair use