32 research outputs found

    Close the loop! System dynamics modelling in service design

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    Service design is a thought process using creativity, empathy in responding to a customer's need and rationality in an analysis of a recommended, innovative solution. In this paper, we propose a research methods system which enables designers to integrate design and systems thinking into a system dynamics model of a creative project. Based on these research methods, topics and problems can be detected, and solutions can be proposed. The communicative game "Close the Loop!" which uses elements of visual language, and modifies the Grounded Theory method and its three processes: open coding, axial coding, and selective coding. The aim of the game is to create a Causal Loop Diagram which expresses a dynamic hypothesis, a Stock and Flow Diagram, which solves the problem visually and follows the Causal Loop Diagram. The accuracy of this set of method is demonstrated by its application in a case study from the service area. The article is intended for researchers who endeavour to use research methods in order to improve their services and meet a customer's requirements.[RO40182011025

    The influence of design on companies' increase in income, market share or brand value

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    The main purpose of this paper is to focus on the awareness of SMEs of the influence of design on their business as well as on the performance of the company in the context of increased competitiveness. What economic indicators do design influence? Can they facilitate direct profit increases or just sales increases (turnover)? Can design factors affect long-term goals such as market share or brand value growth? The research approach is based on theoretical sources as well as empirical studies conducted on design management and its relationship to a company's profits. Two research questions verifying the thesis were statistically tested at a significance level of 0.05. A statistical search was also undertaken seeking to determine a dependence between how much companies expect to increase profits as well as brand value (achieving a competitive advantage) based on design elements. The practical implications of the research were shown to confirm the thesis and unequivocally support the significant impact of design on the economic results of SMEs. This effect was shown especially in increased brand value, but also by profit as well as sales growth, all factors which are of high importance to businesses. This, however, is not the primary focus of the article. The originality of this contribution lies primarily in the freshness of the data received, i.e. in the context of the current situation in the economy. It is commonly believed among practitioners of Product Life Cycle Theory that it is optimal for companies to invest in innovation (e. g. design) in the third phase, thus it is crucial that firms are (made) aware that design factors affect their economic goals, and to determine to what extent companies accept the reality of these effects. To meet these goals, we also considered profit maximization from the point of view of microeconomic theory, which is undoubtedly reflected in the formation of corporate goals, e. g. as measured by how design influences the four economic indicators of a company.Technology Agency of the Czech Republic [TL02000255

    Design thinking, system thinking, Grounded Theory, and system dynamics modeling - An integrative methodology for social sciences and humanities

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    This paper concerns design thinking (Lawson, 1980), system thinking (systems theory) (von Bertalanffy, 1968), and system dynamics modeling as methodological platforms for analyzing large amounts of qualitative data and transforming it into quantitative mode. The aims of this article are to present an integral (mixed) research process including the design thinking process - a solution oriented approach applicable in the social sciences and humanities which enables to reveal causality in research on societal and behavioral issues. This integral approach is illustrated by an empirical pilot study from art/design-educational environment. © 2018 Eva Šviráková, Gabriel Bianchi, published by De Gruyter.Slovak research agency VEGA [2/0027/17

    Small and Medium-sized Enterprises Approach to Design Management

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    This paper considers Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) and Design Management. More precisely the relationship between design management and business prosperity. The study is based on quantitative research conducted in January 2019. The main issues are transformed into research questions. These research questions are further evaluated into several hypotheses, which were statistical tested. The results suggest that (as presumably expected) there is a correlation between well-managed design management and business prosperity. The results were analyzed across the size of companies, with regard to B2B/B2C/B2G. The limitation of research results is seen mainly on a limited number of samples coming only from the Czech economy. The research did not in depth identify the precisely the term "business prosperity". Sometimes prosperity is labeled by increasing profits, sales, market share, or brand value. The originality of the paper lies in the uniqueness of the research and the possibility of utilization of its results on other economies similar to the Czech Republic

    Economic development of company in creative cluster

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    The article aims to create an economic model of a company and thus introduce a dynamic perspective in strategic decision-making of a company which is trying to enter a cluster of companies focused on creative industries. The research problem is the projection of future company development, including the model of key factors contributing to company success, such as cooperation of companies within the cluster, gathering information, improved access to innovations. The main research method is the system dynamic modelling that enables the study of complex feedback systems with the objective to manage these systems. This method opens new possibilities to research the effectiveness of tools encouraging the development of company economy with respect to the benefits the company gains from participating in the cluster activities. A subject for discussion is the comparison of companies' economic performance presented on two models: a company doing business without participation in the creative cluster and a company that became a part of the cluster and benefits from its activities. The model also counts with soft parameters caused by the cluster activities: impact on the company's product innovation, growth of business and job opportunities and staff education. The resulting economic model presented in the article is a proposal of a new system of doing business in culture and creative industries. It also aims to demonstrate the advantages of being a creative cluster member and the impact of cluster activities on the company's future economic prosperity

    Culture managers education: system dynamics model of the coworking design centre

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    Coworking Centre is a concept of joint use of space by individuals working in related spheres that seek their chance in the labour market as freelancers. The strategy for the development of creative region mentions coworking centres as one of its tools. This article aims to create a business model of the Coworking Design Centre. By simulating a coworking centre model we are increasing knowledge of the culture managers about this type of business. We have introduced teaching business using the system dynamics modelling for students of art disciplines in order to raise the level of economic education, awareness and success in business through the Coworking Design Centre. (C) 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd

    Innovation management approaches: Design value calculator gamification

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    Design is a specific form of complex innovation that affects all areas of an organization's management. However, the essence of design is vague, and it is difficult to fully grasp the concept of design. Therefore, it is difficult to find criteria for determining its value. The problem of establishing a causal relationship between design value and user experience is addressed in this paper. The relationship between these two variables affects the importance of design in organizations and can be used to quantify the value of design. Indeed, based on the results of existing research, it is known that this term has many meanings, and it is necessary to reject the possibility of its total quantification. Much of the related research has focused on the area of user experience and customer value, while other related research has focused on design value, which cannot be measured directly but rather, for example, through system dynamic modelling. This approach, i.e., the use of a system dynamic model to determine the value of design, is still missing in the research literature. The main research method for determining the value of design is the experimental method, supported by other research methods: modelling and structured questioning. Inputs to the model, which represent the opinions of the company's managers on the design, are obtained through a board game that provides an attractive and easy-to-understand user interface for the research participants. The value of design is determined by using a sample case study that contains key variables according to the company's business model. The value of the design is calculated based on the indicator "design cost-effectiveness" over six years of the start-up company's business. The indicator is experimentally verified in a model with an identical structure and different scenarios concerning the involvement of design change in the economic development of the firm. This paper aims to use the gamified DVCG model as an innovative concept in business management through a case study. The contribution of the paper to science and practice is to provide experimentally validated evidence to help identify the areas where design investments are needed to make the most sense for the economics and management of the organization.Technology Agency of the Czech Republi

    Design management as crucial creative essence for business success in small and medium-sized enterprises

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    The main purpose of this paper is to work with a proposal that small and medium-sized enterprises are aware of the importance of design and also attribute an important role to it in the competition in the future. Is design really a company’s potential and will it be of greater importance to companies? The approach is based on theoretical sources and completed studies dealing with design management and its relation to prosperity. Two hypotheses, that verify the thesis, are statistically tested on the significance level 0.05. Practical implications confirm the thesis and undisputedly support the issue of the importance of design for business success in small and medium-sized enterprises. Both in the area of increasing the competitive potential and the increasing importance in the future. Therefore, future commercial impact is proven by statistical tests. The originality of the article lies primarily in the data freshness in connection with the current economic situation. There is a prediction that the Czech gross domestic product is at its peak and significant growth is not expected. It means that this is the last opportunity for companies to prepare for hyper-competition. One of the power that companies have at their disposal to assure a place in the market is design management. Santrauka Pagrindinis šio straipsnio tikslas – įrodyti, kad mažosiose ir vidutinėse įmonėse yra suprantama dizaino reikšmė, taip pat jam priskiriamas svarbus vaidmuo konkurencijos atžvilgiu ateityje. Ar iš tikrųjų dizainas sudaro bendrovės potencialą ir ar augs jo reikšmė bendrovėse? Traktuotė grindžiama teoriniais šaltiniais ir atliktais tyrimais, susijusiais su dizaino vadyba bei jo ir gerovės santykiu. Tezę patvirtinančios dvi hipotezės yra patikrintos statistiškai reikšmingumo lygiu – 0,05. Praktinės išvados patvirtina tezę ir neginčijamai palaiko teiginį, kad dizainas yra reikšmingas mažosiose ir vidutinio dydžio įmonėse tiek didėjančio konkurencinio potencialo srityje, tiek augančios reikšmės ateityje atžvilgiu. Tad ateities komercinis poveikis yra įrodytas statistiniais testais. Straipsnio originalumo pagrindą sudaro visų pirma nauji duomenys, susiję su dabartine ekonomine situacija. Prognozuojama, kad Čekijos bendrasis vidaus produktas pasiekė maksimumą, ir reikšmingo augimo nesitikima. Tai reiškia, kad tai yra paskutinė galimybė bendrovėms pasirengti hiperkonkurencijai. Viena iš galių, kurią savo žinioje turi bendrovės, kad užsitikrintų vietą rinkoje, yra tai dizaino vadyba. Reikšminiai žodžiai: sėkmingas verslas, kūrybiškumas, dizainas ir bendrovės gerovė, dizaino vadyba, inovacijos

    Culture managers education: system dynamics model of the coworking design centre

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    Coworking Centre is a concept of joint use of space by individuals working in related spheres that seek their chance in the labour market as freelancers. This article aims to create a business model of the Coworking Design Centre. By simulating a coworking centre model we are increasing knowledge of the culture managers about this type of business. We have introduced teaching business using the system dynamics modelling for students of art disciplines in order to raise the level of economic education, awareness and success in business through the Coworking Design Centre