3 research outputs found

    The effect of eccentric hamstring strength on the change of direction speed of professional ice hockey players

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    Introduction: Ice hockey is a sport that requires high acceleration of players for optimal performance. The speed of athletes is influenced by several factors. The aim of this research was to determine the effect of the eccentric hamstring strength of ice hockey players on speed with directional changes. Methods: The sample consisted of 15 members of the Slovak national ice hockey team; the average age was 27, the average height was 186.46 cm (SD ± 5.04), and the average body weight was 90.87 kg (SD ± 5.91). The players completed a NordBord Nordic Hamstring Test to determine the eccentric force of their hamstrings. We used the 5-10-5 test to determine their speed with directional changes. Results: We measured a small correlation (.129, p > .05) between the eccentric muscle strength of hamstrings and the speed with directional changes in the 5-10-5 test. The average ice hockey player’s hamstring strength was 456.13 N (SD ± 51.28) and the average time achieved in the 5-10-5 test was 4.984s (SD ± 0.15). We also found a small correlation between right hamstring force and the right side of the 5-10-5 test (r = .228, p > .05), and there was no correlation between left hamstring force and the left side of the 5–10-5 test (r = -.004, p > .05). Conclusion: According to our study, hamstring eccentric strength does not correlate with speed directional changes. However, more intervention studies are needed

    A Level Of Sprint And Jump Abilities And Intermittent Endurance Of Soccer Forwards

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    Cieľom štúdie bolo analyzovať úroveň akceleračnej rýchlosti, explozívnej sily dolných končatín a špeciálnej vytrvalosti útočníkov futbalovej reprezentácie Slovenskej republiky kategórie U21 (N = 5) v období kvalifikácie na Majstrovstvá Európy U21 2011 vo futbale. Úroveň akceleračnej rýchlosti bola diagnostikovaná zariadením Fitro Light Gates (FiTRONIC, Bratislava, Slovenská republika). Kritériom hodnotenia úrovne bol dosiahnutý čas na vzdialenosť 10 m s presnosťou 0,01 s. Úroveň explozívnej sily dolných končatín bola diagnostikovaná zariadením FiTRO Jumper (FiTRONIC, Bratislava, Slovenská republika). Kritériom hodnotenia úrovne bola výška výskoku v cm s presnosťou 0,1 cm. Špeciálna vytrvalosť bola diagnostikovaná Yo-Yo Intermitent recovery testom, level 2. Kritériom hodnotenia bola celková prekonaná vzdialenosť v teste uvádzaná v metroch (m). Rozdiely v úrovni akceleračnej rýchlosti, explozívnej sily dolných končatín a špeciálnej vytrvalosti boli zisťované a definované expertíznou vecnou analýzou. Úroveň akceleračnej rýchlosti hráčov súboru bola prezentovaná priemernou výkonnosťou s hodnotou 2,20±0,06 s, úroveň explozívnej sily dolných končatín priemernou výkonnosťou s hodnotou 39,9±4,8 cm a úroveň špeciálnej vytrvalosti priemernou hodnotou 1304±288 m, čo predstavuje VO2max.kg-1 63,0±3,9 ml.kg-1.min-1. Z individuálneho hľadiska bola u jedného útočníka zistená významne vyššia úroveň a u jedného významne nižšia úroveň akceleračnej rýchlosti v porovnaní s priemernou úrovňou hráčov súboru. U jedného bola zistená nižšia úroveň explozívnej sily dolných končatín v porovnaní s priemernou úrovňou hráčov súboru. U jedného útočníka bola zaznamenaná významne vyššia a u jedného významne nižšia úroveň špeciálnej vytrvalosti v porovnaní s priemernou úrovňou hráčov súboru.The purpose of the study was to analyse a level of sprint and jump abilities and intermittent endurance of forwards of Slovakia national soccer team category U21 (n = 5) in the period of classification for The UEFA European Under-21 Football Championship 2011. The level of sprint abilities was diagnosed by the apparatus FiTRO Light Gates (FiTRONIC, Bratislava, Slovak republic). The criterion of the assessment of endurance was the time obtained in the distance of 10m with the exactness 0.01 s. A level of jump abilities was diagnosed by the apparatus FiTRO Jumper (FiTRONIC, Bratislava, Slovak republic). The criterion of the evaluation was the height of vertical jump from knee-bend/ squat with countermove and with the use of hand swing work in cm with the exactness 0,1cm. A level of intermittent endurance was diagnosed by Yo-Yo Intermittent recovery test level 2. The criterion of the assessment of the endurance was the distance (m) in Yo-Yo test. Differences in the level of sprint and jump abilities and intermittent endurance were recognised and defined by the expertise analysis. The level of sprint abilities of the subject was presented by the average endurance with evaluation 2.20±0.06 s. The level of jump abilities was presented by the average endurance with evaluation 39.9±4.8 cm. The level of intermittent endurance was presented by the average endurance with evaluation 1304±288 meters equivalent converted at VO2max.kg-1 63.0±3.9 ml.kg-1.min-1. The expertise analysis of the level of sprint abilities has shown that one forward had significantly high level and one forward had significantly low level of sprint abilities when compared with the average level of sprint abilities. The expertise analysis of the level of jump abilities has shown that one forward had a significantly low level. The expertise analysis of the level of intermittent endurance has shown that one forward had significantly high level and one forward had significantly low level opposite to the average level of intermittent endurance of the subject

    Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Kinanthropology

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    Proceedings of the 12th Conference of Sport and Quality of Life 2019 gatheres submissions of participants of the conference. Every submission is the result of positive evaluation by reviewers from the corresponding field. Conference is divided into sections – Analysis of human movement; Sport training, nutrition and regeneration; Sport and social sciences; Active ageing and sarcopenia; Strength and conditioning training; section for PhD students