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    The author analyzes various provisions of the European countries national regulations which prohibit and sanction match-fixing in different ways. The paper points out the fact that extreme commercialization of sport and social conditions surrounding sport today have led to a situation where match-fixing, in particular football match-fixing, is a problem by far more serious than any other negative phenomenon in the European sport, in terms of the frequency of occurrence, number of victims, the amount of illegally acquired profit and social threat. The author devotes special attention to the fact that the Council of Europe has not prepared nor adopted a convention that would tackle the fight against match-fixing, whereas the conventions dealing with the fight against doping in sport and violent and inappropriate behavior in sport events had been adopted decades ago. In the closing part of the paper, the author draws attention to the fact that the seriousness of the problem of match-fixing in Europe, and other continents, calls for an international convention stipulating not only legal but logistic measures necessary to enhance the fight against this negative phenomenon. Both the appeals made by the FIFA and the UEFA heads and the conclusions from the Council of Europe Conference of Ministers responsible for Sport held in Belgrade in March 2012, confirm the need for such convention to be drafted and adopted. Moreover, the fact that the legal practices of the European countries differ considerably one from another when it comes to the offence of match-fixing as well as the type and degree of the sanctions stipulated for such offenders, further speaks in favour of the need for a separate convention. Finally, the author concludes that many European countries are heading towards stipulating a separate offence of match-fixing on a national level, thus reducing the practice of such delicts being punished under the legal provisions stipulated for the offence of fraud or corruption.U ovom radu autor je analizirao odredbe pojedinih nacionalnih propisa evropskih država koje na različite načine zabranjuju i sankcionišu nameštanje sportskih rezultata. U tekstu je naglašena činjenica da su ekstremna komercijalizacija sporta i društveni uslovi u kojima sport danas funkcioniše doveli do toga da je nameštanje sportskih rezultata, a pogotovo nameštanje fudbalskih utakmica, po učestalosti, broju oštećenih, visini ostvarene protivpravne imovinske koristi i društvenoj opasnosti, veći problem od svih drugih negativnih pojava u evropskom sportu. Posebnu pažnju autor je posvetio činjenici da Savet Evrope do danas nije pripremio i doneo konvenciju koja bi se odnosila na borbu protiv nameštanja sportskih rezultata, dok je odgovarajuće konvencije namenjene borbi protiv dopinga u sportu i borbi protiv nasilničkog i nedoličnog ponašanja na sportskim priredbama doneo pre više decenija. U zaključnom delu teksta autor je ukazao da ozbiljnost problema nameštanja sportskih rezultata u Evropi, ali i na drugim kontinentima, iziskuje donošenje međunarodne konvencije koja bi propisala, ne samo pravne, već i organizacione mere neophodne za unapređenje borbe protiv te negativne pojave. O tome da je sazrela potreba za pripremom i usvajanjem jedne takve konvencije govore, ne samo nedavno upućeni apeli čelnika FIFA i UEFA, već i zaključci sa Konferencije ministara sporta Saveta Evrope održane u Beogradu u martu 2012. godine. Osim toga, činjenica da je zakonodavna praksa evropskih država izuzetno neujednačena kada je reč o propisivanju krivičnog dela dogovaranja ishoda sportskih takmičenja i propisivanja vrste i mere krivičnih sankcija za izvršioce takvih delikata, dodatno potkrepljuje tvrdnju o neophodnosti donošenja posebne konvencije. Na kraju, autor je izneo zaključak da su evropske zemlje u velikom broju krenule u pravcu propisivanja posebnog krivičnog dela dogovaranja ishoda sportskih takmičenja u okviru nacionalnih propisa i da će se sve manje takva deliktna ponašanja kažnjavati na osnovu krivičnopravnih normi koje propisuju krivična dela prevare, ili krivična dela primanja i davanja mita


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    In this article, the author explains and describes the level and models of regionalization of the different European countries, as well as theoretical and practical differences between notion of regionalization and notion of decentralization. Within this text Constitutions and relevant Laws comprising legal norms on regionalization and decentralization issues of the following European countries were analysed and presented: Italy, Belgium and Spain. The example of the countries that remained absolutely centralized were mentioned in this paper too (Greece, Iceland, Ireland...). The necessity for a comparative analysis of legislative framework, which in some European countries regulate the subject matter of regionalization and decentralization, has arisen due to the fact that the main political parties of the Republic of Serbia recently have started public debate about possibilities for future regionalization and decentralization of the Serbian unitary state. Although comparative analysis presented within this paper contribute to the future process of legal drafting of Serbian regulations that would prescribe the model of regionalization of the Republic of Serbia, it is necessary to stress that automatical takeover of any foreign model and simple copying of foreign laws, without taking into account about specific needs of the Republic of Serbia and conditions in which is its political system, can lead only to creation of ideal theoretical model that would not have a big chance to be efficiently applied in practice. Due to above explained reasons, on the occasion of defining strategical starting points for the development of modern legal framework regulating regionalization of the Republic of Serbia, it is necessary to take into account and fully accept the characteristics of Serbian state, Serbian culture and legal tradition. Besides that, the reform of the legal framework regulating regionalization and decentralization should be observed and treated as the essential part of the more comprehensive reform process of the reform of Serbian Constitutional System.U ovom radu autor daje prikaz ustavnog i zakonskog regulisanja vrsta i oblika regionalizacije u pojedinim evropskim državama (Italija, Belgija i Španija). Osim toga, u najkraćim crtama objašnjeno je značenje termina kao što su regionalizacija, decentralizacija, dekoncentracija, federalizacija i autonomija, a istovremeno je ukazano na činjenicu da većina srpskih političara u svojim istupanjima koristi nabrojane termine kao sinonime, iako oni to nisu. Ukazano je na činjenicu da zakonodavstva evropskih država prilično neujednačeno određuju pojmove regionalizma i regiona, kao i da se u njima termin regionalizam uglavnom razlikuje od termina federalizam. Konstatovano je da ima i evropskih država koje nisu sprovele regionalizaciju, a kao primer takvih država navedene su Grčka, Malta, Bugarska, Island, Irska i Turska. U zaključnom delu teksta naglašeno je da eventualna regionalizacija Srbije, kada bude konačno definisana posebnim zakonom i kada bude počela da se sprovodi, u svakom slučaju neće biti čarobni štapić koji rešava sve probleme srpskog društva, države i ekonomije, kako to trenutno prikazuju pojedini stranački lideri i političke partije u Srbiji. Autor je time pokušao da odrbani stav da pri eventualnom sprovođenju regionalizacije Srbije, treba poći od stanovišta da automatsko preuzimanje bilo kog stranog modela i prosto prepisivanje sadržine pojedinih inostranih propisa, bez vođenja računa o specifičnostima Republike Srbije i stanja u njenom sistemu organa vlasti, može da dovede isključivo do stvaranja jednog idealnog teorijskog modela, koji neće imati velikog izgleda za uspeh u praksi

    Zabrana i sankcionisanje dopinga u sportu u državama Evropske unije

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    Legal framework regulating the prohibition and sanctioning of doping in sport in the EU countries is a very interesting topic for research, because of the variety of legal, organizational and fnancial problems that have to be solved in order to organize and establish effective and effcient mechanism for counteraction of doping in sport. Nowadays, more than ever before in the history, laws and regulations in the most of the European countries treat doping in sports and activities related with production and traffcking of doping substances as a crime. In recent years, it is widely accepted that sport doping is only a part of the wider problem of drug abuse within modern societies. The relation between the international drug trade, doping substances trade and organized crime is obvious. The convergence of doping in sport and organized crime demands a new approach to research and fght against that phenomena. During the past thirty years, all of the EU member states enacted the laws and regulations that have placed a ban for usage of doping substances and methods in sports. Such a laws and regulations comprise variety of sanctions and preventive measures for the sportsmen and sportswoman whose sports activities are involved in doping substances traffcking, smuggling and usage. Besides that, all of the EU countries (except Belgium) ratifed the Council of Europe Convention against doping. The new legal framework regulating the prohibition and sanctioning of doping in sport in the Republic of Serbia has been created after the enactment of Anti-doping Law in November 2005. The passage of the new legislative framework regulating the work and jurisdiction of the Antidoping Agency of Serbia was a decisive step in the process of strengthening state capacities aimed at creation of organizational framework needed for systematical fght against doping in Serbian sport. Now, a more challenging and diffcult task lies ahead state and sports organizations. That task is a proper implementation of the new regulatory framework and its harmonization with EU legal standards.U ovom članku autor daje prikaz i analizu dokumenata Evropske unije koji zabranjuju doping u sportu i predviđaju akcije za suzbijanje te negativne pojave. Takođe, analizirani su propisi država članica Evropske unije koji zabranjuju doping u sportu i prikazana je struktura i mreža državnih organa i nevladinih organizacija koje se na osnovu propisa bore protiv dopinga u sportu. Posebna pažnja u tekstu je posvećena Akcionom planu Evropske unije o borbi protiv droga za period od 2000. do 2004. godine koji, između ostalog, određuje i ciljeve koje EU treba da ostvari u oblasti suzbijanja dopinga. Potreba za uporednopravnom analizom propisa koji zabranjuju i sankcionišu upotrebu dopinga u državama članicama Evropske unije nastala je usled činjenice da je Narodna skupština Republike Srbije donela Zakon o sprečavanju dopinga u sportu krajem 2005. godine, čime je ispunjena međunarodnopravna obaveza preuzeta 28. februara 2001. godine kada je Savezna Republika Jugoslavija ratifkovala Konvenciju protiv dopinga Saveta Evrope. Oceni konkretnih zakonskih rešenja i budućoj primeni Zakona o sprečavanju dopinga u sportu trebalo bi da doprinese i poređenje rešenja iz tog Zakona sa odogovarajućim propisima država članica Evropske unije koje se nalazi u ovom tekstu


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    The paper analyses and explains the evolution of legal norms from the legal and political acts of the European Communities and the European Union which in time, in the author’s opinion, created the basis for the beginning of the EU sport law. The content of the provisions of the treaties establishing the European Economic Community and the European Union was analysed in particular, in order to determine the position of sport as a social value in the treaties. Attention is draw to the fact that the Treaty on European Union, signed in Maastricht in 1992, does not contain any provisions conferring special competence on the EU in the field of sport, and neither does the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community, signed in Rome in 1957. The paper clarifes how the later EU documents recognized sport as an activity of interest for the EU and its citizens and notes, in particular, how a special Declaration on Sport was annexed to the Treaty of Amsterdam from 1997, this being a turning point in the EU’s activity in the fled of sport. Furthermore, the paper analyses the provisions of the EU directives that have impact, either indirect or direct, on the creation of legal rules in the national regulations of the Member States regulating sport. In the closing part, the paper argues that, in addition to the provisions of the EU treaties and directives, the practice of the Court of Justice of the European Union was crucial to the transformation of the European sport, in particular the views expressed in the rulings in the cases of Dona, Bosman, Deliege and Lethonen, contributing to the accelerated commercialization of sport, not only in the EU, but in the entire Europe.U ovom radu autor je analizirao i objasnio evoluciju pravnih normi sadržanih u pravnim i političkim aktima Evropskih zajednica i Evropske unije, a koji su vremenom, po mišljenju autora, stvorili osnovu za nastanak sportskog prava EU. Posebno je analizirana sadržina odredbi Osnivačkih ugovora Evropskih zajednica i Evropske unije, a kako bi se odredila pozicija sporta kao društvene vrednosti u tim ugovorima. Istaknuta je činjenica da Ugovor o Evropskoj uniji potpisan u Mastrihtu 1992. godine, ne sadrži odredbe kojima bi bile ugovorene posebne nadležnosti EU u oblasti sporta, kao i da je takvo stanje identično stanju koje je bilo predviđeno Sporazumom o osnivanju Evropske ekonomske zajednice u Rimu 1957. godine. Pojašnjen je način na koji su kasniji dokumenti EU uvažili sport kao delatnost od interesa za EU i njene građane i naglašeno je kako je u Amsterdamski ugovor iz 1997. godine uneta posebna Deklaracija o sportu, što je predstavljalo prekretnicu u delovanju EU na polju sporta. Osim toga, analizirane su i odredbe pojedinih direktiva EU koje, bilo neposredno, bilo posredno imaju uticaja na stvaranje pravnih pravila u nacionalnim propisima država članica EU koje uređuju materiju sporta. U zaključnom delu teksta iznet je stav da je od presudnog značaja za transformaciju evropskog sporta, osim odredbi ugovora i direktiva EU, imala i praksa Evropskog suda pravde,a pogotovo stavovi izneti u presudama donetim u slučajevima Dona, Bosman, Deliege i Lethonen, a što je doprinelo ubrzanoj komercijalizaciji sporta, ne samo u EU već i u čitavoj Evropi

    On the immutability of Byzantine Architecture

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    Στο παρόν άρθρο εξετάζεται θεωρητικά και με συντομία η θέση περί του «αμετάβλητου» της βυζαντινής αρχιτεκτονικής. Η εξέταση γίνεται με τον συμβατικό διαχωρισμό της αρχιτεκτονικής δημιουργίας σε τρεις μεγάλες περιόδους, σε καθεμία από τις οποίες ξεχωρίζουν ικανά δείγματα της αρχιτεκτονικής τέχνης που πιστοποιούν την εξέλιξη και τις συνεχείς μεταβολές της. Ωστόσο, σε κάθε περίπτωση σημαντικό ρόλο έχει και η επίδραση της διακόσμησης του εσωτερικού του ναού. Συμπερασματικά η συγγραφέας καταλήγει στη θέση ότι το βασικό χαρακτηριστικό που έμεινε αμετάβλητο ήταν η αρχική σύλληψη και θεώρηση του ναού ως απεικόνισης του ιδεατού μικροκόσμου.In this article is discussed briefly and under a theoretical frame the viewpoint about the immutability of Byzantine architecture. The means to explore the architectural creation is set by a conventional division into three major periods. In each of the period several architectural examples are explored since they underpin the evolutionary process and the continuous changes that the Byzantine architecture was undergoing. It should also be marked that the decorative programme had always been considered as an integral part of the architectural layout. The author concludes that the principal and immutable characteristic related to the Byzantine architecture was the concept and notion that the church was a microcosmic representation of the world.


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    International legal framework regulating the prohibition and sanctioning of doping in sport is a very interesting topic for research, because of the variety of legal, organizational and financial problems that have to be solved in order to organize and establish effective and efficient mechanism for counteraction of doping in sport. Besides that, International Conventions and Codes of International Sports Organizations regulating prohibition of doping in sport made the great influence to the process of drafting and enactment of national laws regulating sports doping in different countries round the World. Nowadays, more than ever before in the history, International Conventions and regulations of International Sports Organizations treat doping in sports and activities related with production and trafficking of doping substances as illegal ones. In recent years, it was widely accepted that sport doping is only a part of the wider problem of drug abuse within modern societies and some of the documents of international organizations stated so. During the past thirty years, existence and application of various Antidoping Conventions and Antidoping Codes of International Sports Organizations significantly contributed to the development of legal and organizational mechanism amed at fight against doping in sport. After the development of the new legal framework regulating the prohibition and sanctioning of doping in sport in the Republic of Serbia during the year 2005, a new challenging and difficult task lays ahead Serbian state and sports organizations. That task is ratification of International Convention against Doping in Sport and a proper implementation of that Convention in everyday life of Serbian sportsmen and sportswoman.U ovom članku autor daje prikaz i analizu opštih pravnih akata međunarodnih - međudržavnih organizacija, kao i prikaz propisa transnacionalnih - međunarodnih nevladinih sportskih organizacija koji svojim normama zabranjuju doping u sportu i propisuju sprovođenje preventivnih i represivnih mera za suzbijanje te negativne pojave. Posebna pažnja u tekstu je posvećena Nordijskoj antidoping konvenciji, Međunarodnoj konvenciji protiv dopinga u sportu koju je pripremio UNESCO, Konvenciji protiv dopinga Saveta Evrope, Dodatnom protokolu uz Konvenciju protiv dopinga Saveta Evrope, Antidoping pravilniku Olimpijskog pokreta, Svetskom antidoping pravilniku donetom od Svetske antidoping agencije, Pravilniku o kontrolisanju dopinga Međunarodne plivačke federacije FINA-e i Akcionom planu Evropske unije o borbi protiv droga za period od 2000. do 2004. godine. Svi nabrojani pravni dokumenti, osim što propisuju zabranu upotrebe dopinga u sportu i nalažu državama potpisnicama i nacionalnim sportskim organizacijama uspostavljanje pravnog mehanizama za borbu protiv dopinga, određuju i ciljeve koje države članice međunarodnih organizacija treba da ostvare u oblasti suzbijanja dopinga. Potreba za analizom sadržine međunarodnih pravnih instrumenata koji zabranjuju i sankcionišu upotrebu dopinga u sportu posebno je aktuelizovana činjenicom da je Vlada Republike Srbije 11. jula 2008. godine uputila Narodnoj skupštini Republike Srbije na usvajanje Predloga zakona o potvrđivanju međunarodne konvencije protiv dopinga u sportu


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    Laws of many European countries pose a very wide scope of provisions aimed at curbing the occurrence of spectator violence at their sports stadiums and facilities. All of those laws were drafted and enacted to satisfy the exigencies of the Council of Europe Convention on Spectator Violence. The most important rules prescribed by that Convention were presented and analysed within this text. The importance of the European Convention on Spectator Violence and Misbehavior at Sports Event and in Particular at Football Matches was clearly explained and clarified. The conclusion was drawn that national legistation regulating fight against spectator violence is complex and differs from country to country. Within this article laws regulating fight against that sociological problem in England, Italy, Poland, Czech Republic, Sweden, Switzerland and Croatia were analysed and presented. The legislators of the above listed European countries have simply reacted to the needs and demands of their particular socio-cultural situation and their situation has been compared with the situation existing in Serbia in past eight years.U ovom članku prikazani su modaliteti zakonskog propisivanja preventivnih i represivnih mera namenjenih borbi protiv nasilja i nedoličnog ponašanja na sportskim priredbama u evropskim državama. U većoj meri, autor je izvršio analizu sadržine propisa koji uređuju borbu protiv nasilja i nedoličnog ponašanja na sportskim priredbama u Engleskoj, Poljskoj, Češkoj, Italiji, Bugarskoj, Švajcarskoj, Švedskoj i Hrvatskoj. Izbor država čiji će propisi biti prikazani izvršen je upotrebom više kriterijuma. Tako je Engleska odabrana kao država koja je u Evropi bila najpoznatija po surovosti fudbalskih huligana, dok je Italija odabrana usled činjenice da je srpski zakonodavac u proteklim godinama mnogobrojna zakonska rešenja iz oblasti krivičnog prava preuzeo iz propisa te države. Sa druge strane, prikazani su sadržina i rezultati primene hrvatskog Zakona o sprječavanju nereda na športskim natjecanjima, zbog toga što uporednopravna analiza propisa Republike Srbije i Republike Hrvatske ima posebnu važnost usled činjenice da su te dve države u XX veku delile zajedničku pravnu tradiciju i praksu, pogotovo kada je reč o zakonskom uređivanju materije sporta i borbe protiv negativnih pojava povezanih sa sportom. Takođe, uzeto je u obzir da osim pravnog nasleđa iz doba SFRJ, te dve države imaju nespornih sličnosti, ne samo usled geografske bliskosti i zajedništva govornog područja koje obuhvataju, već i po nekadašnjem ustrojstvu sportskog sistema i problemima koji i dalje opterećuju njihove sportske sisteme. Zakoni Poljske, Češke i Bugarske odabrani su kao pogodni za analizu zbog toga što je reč o propisima država koje kao i Srbija pripadaju tzv. bivšem istočnom bloku i što su te države, ili prošle kroz proces tranzivije, ili se još uvek nalaze u njemu. Zakonodavna rešenja Švajcarske i Švedske pomenuta su u najkraćim crtama kao primer država u kojima nije bilo većih problema sa nasiljem i nedoličnim ponašanjem na sportskim priredbama. Osim toga, posebna pažnja u tekstu je posvećena prikazu i analizi sadržine Evropske konvencije o nasilju i nedoličnom ponašanju gledalaca na sportskim priredbama, posebno na fudbalskim utakmicama koju je 1985. godine doneo Savet Evrope


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    This note is analysis of a different positions about criminal liability of legal persons. Note contains historical development and regulatory rules of this institute in contemporary laws and it’s to manifest justification of a criminal liability of legal persons in our law. Criminal sanctions which are enforcement in this way are efficient instrument for repression of felonies commited by companies. And it’s a clear message for everyone that any culprit couldn’t stay unpunished. Concerned with nature of legal persons, sanctions which are provided for them are different than sanctions provided for pshycal entities liable for felonies.U ovom radu analizirani su različiti pravni stavovi o postojanju krivične odgovornosti pravnih lica, istorijski razvoj i regulativa tog pravnog instituta u savremenim pravnim sistemima sa ciljem da se dokaže osnovanost njegovog postojanja. Krivične sankcije koje se primenjuju prema pravnim licima odgovornim za izvršenje krivičnog dela, delotvorno su sredstvo u suzbijanju privrednog kriminala i šalju jasnu poruku da nijedan krivac ne ostaje nekažnjen. S obzirom na prirodu pravnih lica krivične sankcije koje su predviđene za njih kao potencijalne izvršioce krivičnih dela, razlikuju se od sankcija koje se primenjuju prema fizičkim licima odgovornim za izvršenje krivičnih dela


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    In this paper author has analysed provisions of the Agreement regarding the minimum requirements for standard player contracts in the professional football sector in the European Union and the rest of the UEFA territory, and explained importance of social dialogue under auspices of the EU as institutional mechanism for concluding the Agreement. Special attention has been given to the issue of legal system of arbitration proceeding for settling disputes between clubs and players, and also to peculiarities of solutions foreseen by the article 12 of the Agreement. Moment of concluding the Agreement and its provision were brought in correlation with historic changes of treatment of sport and athletes in EU and practice of the Court of Justice of the European Union in the case of legal dispute between Union Royale Belge des Societes de Football Association and Others versus Jean-Marc Bosman. In the closing part of the paper, a position has been taken that realisation of the Agreement regarding the minimum requirements for standard player contracts in the professional football sector in the European Union and the rest of the UEFA territory represents an important accomplishment within scope of protection of employment rights of football players as workers in a specific part of the sport industry. Furthermore, it has been emphasised that rulings of the Court of Justice of the European Union in the cases of Dona, Bosman, Deliege and Lethonen, and subsequent signing of the Agreement, must be viewed as building up strength of regulatory function of the EU and its member states at the EU sport market.U ovom radu autor je analizirao odredbe Sporazum o minimalnim uslovima za tipske ugovore profesionalnih fudbalera u Evropskoj uniji i na drugim teritorijama u nadležnosti UEFA i objasnio je važnost socijalnog dijaloga vođenog pod okriljem EU, kao institucionalnog mehanizma za zaključivanje Sporazuma. Posebna pažnja posvećena je pitanju pravnog uređivanja arbitražnog postupka za rešavanje sporova između klubova i fudbalera, kao i specifčnostima rešenja koja su predviđena članom 12. Sporazuma. Trenutak zaključivanja Sporazuma i njegove odredbe, dovedeni su u vezu sa istorijskim promenama tretmana sporta i sportista u EU i sa praksom Evropskog suda pravde u slučaju sudskog spora Union Royale Belge des Societes de Football Association and Others protiv Jean-Marc Bosmana. U zaključnom delu teksta iznet je stav da postizanje Sporazuma o minimalnim uslovima za tipske ugovore profesionalnih fudbalera u Evropskoj uniji i na drugim teritorijama u nadležnosti UEFA, predstavlja važno dostignuće u oblasti zaštite radnih prava fudbalera kao radnika u specifčnoj grani sportske industrije. Osim toga, istaknuto je da se presude Evropskog suda pravde u slučajevima Dona, Bosman, Deliege i Lethonen i kasnije potpisivanje Sporazuma, moraju posmatrati kao početak jačanja regulatorne funkcije EU i njenih država članica na sportskom tržištu EU