20 research outputs found

    Optimization of fruit drying in vacuum

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    Istraživanja u okviru disertacije usmerena su na razvoj vakuumskog postupka sušenja voća. Konstruisan je prototip laboratorijske vakuumske sušare i optimizovan proces sušenja višanja i borovnica. U cilju optimizacije procesa sušenja ispitan je uticaj nezavisno promenljivih procesa, temperature i pritiska, na parametre kvaliteta osušenog voća (aktivnost vode, sadržaj ukupnih fenola, ukupnih monomernih antocijana i vitamina C, antioksidativnu aktivnost, promenu boje, teksturu i sposobnost rehidratacije). Proces sušenja optimizovan je korišćenjem metode odzivnih površina (engl. Response Surface Methodology, RSM). Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da tehnika sušenja voća u vakuumu daje odlične rezultate u pogledu očuvanja visokovrednih komponenata voća i ima perspektivu za širu primenu u zanatskim i poluindustrijskim postrojenjima.Research in the framework of the thesis focuses on the development of fruit vacuum-drying process. Laboratory vacuum dryer prototype was constructed. Cherries and blueberries vacuum drying process was optimized. In order to optimize the drying process, the influence of independent variables of the process (temperature and pressure) on the quality parameters of dried fruit (water activity, total phenol content, total monomeric anthocyanins and vitamin C, antioxidant activity, colour change, texture, and rehydration capability) was investigated. The drying process was optimized using Response Surface Methodology (RSM). There is the possibility of application of the results in plants at semi-industrial and industrial level

    Cooperation between educational institutions and businesses

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    Sve jača globalna ekonomija potiče države i regije diljem svijeta kako bi povećale vlastitu ekonomsku korist. Ekonomski uspjeh ovisit će uvelike o stvaranju informacija i znanja dostupnih pojedincima i tvrtkama, oblikujući time tzv „ekonomiju temeljenu na znanju”. Jedna od funkcija sveučilišta je pružanje nacionalne istraživačke baze. Iz te baze je nastalo mnogo korisnih znanja za društvo i gospodarstvo. Oni stvaraju stručnost, te inovativan i radikalan način razmišljanja. Sveučilišta su glavni izvori visokoobrazovanog osoblja i stimuliraju poduzetništvo i poslovanje, te mogu biti snažan čimbenik u privlačenju ulaganja u regiju. Sveučilište ima ključnu ulogu u edukaciji ljudi, ali također ima i ogroman utjecaj na razvoj regije interakcijom s industrijom. Europska sveučilišta imaju golem potencijal, 4,000 institucija s više od 17 milijuna studenata, a oko 1,5 milijun zaposlenika, od kojih su 435,000 istraživači. Kako bi se ovaj potencijal u potpunosti iskoristio, potrebna je bolja suradnja između obrazovnih institucija i gospodarskih subjekata.The increasingly global economy forces countries and regions all over the world to maximize their own economic benefit. Economic success will depend greatly on production of information and knowledge readily available to the individuals and enterprises, creating the so called “knowledge based economy”. One of the functions of universities is to provide the national research base. From this base much useful knowledge for society and the economy have derived. They produce expertise, innovative and radical thinking. They are the principal sources of highly trained personnel and they stimulate entrepreneurship and business and can be powerful attractors of investment into a region. University has a key role in educating people but it also has a huge influence on the development of region through interaction with the industry. European universities have enormous potential, 4 000 institutions with over 17 million students and about 1.5 million staff, 435 000 of whom are researchers. In order to make this potential work fully effective, a better cooperation between educational institutions and businesses is need

    Značaj akeditacije sertifikacionih tela za sertifikaciju osoba za konkurentnost preduzeća

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    Competency of employees is essential for quality of work. There are a growing number of regulations which require that employees must be certified for certain tasks. Certification of persons is conducted by certification bodies for certification of persons. The fundamental function of the certification body is to perform certification of persons using objective criteria for examination and to conduct activities to monitoring of their competence. How do we make a reliable choice among lots of certification bodies? The certification bodies which are accredited according to ISO / IEC 17024 have proved their competence to perform the certification of persons. The largest number of accredited certification bodies in the world are those that deal with certification of welders, persons for non-destructive testing, the person in the field of management systems, fire protection, risk managers and etc.Za kvalitetno obavljanje poslova od presudnog značaja je kompetentnost osoblja koje isto sprovodi. Sve je veći broj propisa u kojima se zahteva da osoblje koje treba da sprovodi određeno poslove bude sertifikovano. Sertifikaciju osoba sprovode sertifikaciona tela za sertifikaciju osoba. Karakteristična funkcija tela koja obavljaju sertifikaciju osoba je sprovođenje ispita korišćenjem objektivnih kriterijuma za kompetentnost i davanje ocene, kao i sprovođenje aktivnosti u svrhu praćenja održavanja ocenjene kompetentnosti. Kako u mnoštvu sertifikacionih tela napraviti pouzdan izbor? Sertifikaciona tela koja su akreditovana prema zahtevima standarda ISO/IEC 17024 su dokazala svoju kompetentnost za obavljanje poslova sertifikacije osoba. Najveći broj akreditovanih sertifikacionih tela u svetu su ona koja se bave sertifikacijom zavarivača, osoba za ispitivanje bez razaranja, osoba u oblasti sistema menadžmenta, oblasti protivpožarne zaštite, menadžera rizika i sl

    Sadržaj dijetetskih vlakana u nekim sortama pasulja

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    Dietary fibers are one of the main nutritive components, along with proteins, fats and oils, carbohydrates, minerals and vitamins. Also, they are one of the basic parameters of dry beans technological quality and nutritive value. Physical characteristics and the main chemical composition of sixteen dry bean varieties (Phaseolus vulgaris) had been examined in this study. Using statistical analyses, correlation between certain parameters of chemical composition was established.Dijetetska vlakna se smatraju osnovnim hranljivim komponentama, zajedno sa proteinima, mastima, ugljenim hidratima, mineralima i vitaminima. Jedan od osnovnih parametara tehnološkog kvaliteta i nutritivne vrednosti pasulja je i sadržaj dijetetskih vlakana. U radu su ispitane fizičke karakteristike i sadržaj osnovnih komponenti hemijskog sastava šesnaest sorti pasulja selekcije Naučnog instituta za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo, sa posebnim osvrtom na sadržaj dijetetskih vlakana. Statističkom analizom utvrđena je korelacija između pojedinih parametara hemijskog sastava

    Phytic acid content in different dry bean and faba bean landraces and cultivars

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    Phytic acid (inositol hexakisphosphate) is the principal storage form of phosphorus in many plant tissues. Phosphorus in this form is not available to non-ruminants, due to lack in the enzyme phytase that separates phosphorus from phytate molecules. Phytic acid is a strong chelator of important minerals such as calcium, magnesium, iron, and zinc, and can therefore contribute to mineral deficiencies in people whose diet rely on these foods as basic mineral intake. Phytic acid may be considered also as a phytonutrient, providing an antioxidant effect. Its content in plants is influenced by genotype, environmental, edaphic and agro-climatic factors, but also by species characteristics. Cereals and legumes are rich in phytic acid. The aim of this research was to examine the phytic acid content in seeds of diverse genotypes of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.), runner bean (Phaseolus coccineus L.) and faba bean (Vicia faba L.), and to compare Serbian landraces and cultivars with widely distributed foreign cultivars. Faba beans had lower phytic acid content (mean 6.969 mg/g) in comparison to Phaseolus sp. (mean 8.095 mg/g). The lowest content was found in landrace from Temska (KVF-6-NS), 2.106 mg/g, and the highest in cultivar Panonski Gradigtanac (10.47 mg/g) and Sarajevski zeleni (10.310 mg/g). According to phytic acid content, faba beans are grouped into two groups on one side of the dendrogram. Hierarchical cluster method of the multivariate analysis grouped dry beans genotypes into two larger and one small group (with only two members)


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    This work is consered with the processing value of Elderberry fruit (berries) from domestic plantation selection (Horgoš region). Chemical analyses of reference parameters confirmed high nutritional and physiological value of samples and full validity of work on this selection and production in plantation conditions

    Metoda glavnih komponenata u analizi morfoloških i biohemijskih parametara kvaliteta paradajza

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    This study investigates variability of tomato genotypes based on morphological and biochemical fruit traits. Experimental material is a part of tomato genetic collection from Institute of Filed and Vegetable Crops in Novi Sad, Serbia. Genotypes were analyzed for fruit mass, locule number, index of fruit shape, fruit colour, dry matter content, total sugars, total acidity, lycopene and vitamin C. Minimum, maximum and average values and main indicators of variability (CV and σ) were calculated. Principal component analysis was performed to determinate variability source structure. Four principal components, which contribute 93.75% of the total variability, were selected for analysis. The first principal component is defined by vitamin C, locule number and index of fruit shape. The second component is determined by dry matter content, and total acidity, the third by lycopene, fruit mass and fruit colour. Total sugars had the greatest part in the fourth component.Cilj istraživanja je bio da se ispita genetička varijabilnost genotipova paradajza na osnovu morfoloških i biohemijskih osobina ploda. Eksperimentalni materijal predstavlja deo genetske kolekcije paradajza Instituta za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo u Novom Sadu. Ispitivane su sledeće osobine ploda: masa, broj komora, indeks oblika, boja, sadržaj suve materije, ukupni šećeri, ukupna kiselost, sadržaj likopena i vitamina C. Izračunate su minimalne, maksimalne i prosečne vrednosti kao i osnovni pokazatelji varijabilnosti (CV i σ). Struktura izvora varijabilnosti utvrđena je primenom metode glavnih komponenata. Četiri glavne komponente, kojima je objašnjeno 93,75% ukupne varijabilnosti, odabrano je za dalju analizu. Najveći udeo u prvoj glavnoj komponenti imali su vitamin C, broj komora i indeks oblika ploda. Druga komponenta je objašnjena sadržajem suve materije i ukupnih kiselina, a treća sadržajem likopena, bojom i masom ploda. Ukupni šećeri imali su najveći udeo u četvrtoj glavnoj komponenti

    Zakonski propisi u proizvodnji želiranih proizvoda

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    Once the new Serbian Regulation on the quality of fruit jams, jellies, marmalades and sweetened chestnut puree (101/2015) was issued, the former Regulation on the quality of fruit, vegetables, mushrooms and pectin preparations (01/79) ceased. Former Regulation was an excellent document, which had to be changed upon the harmonization of laws with European Union (EU). By interpreting the "old" regulations it is obvious that the share of fruit in the gelled product was very high, much higher than under the new regulation. The new Regulations of R. of Serbia recognize a categorization of the following nine products: jam, extra jam, jelly, extra jelly, marmalade, jelly marmalade, domestic marmalade ("domaća marmelada"), sweetened chestnut puree and pekmez. Domestic marmalade and pekmez weren't recognized in the Directive (2001/113/EC), but are result of harmonization of regulations and introduction of novelties that are specific to individual EU members. In terms of specific quality requirements, each of the nine groups is defined separately. The new Regulations (101/2015) define jam as a product containing some smaller portion of fruit (350g/kg), while the extra jam should not contain less than 450 g/kg of a fruit in the final product. It is noticeable that there are some distinctive differences relating the product quality in these two Regulations: jam and extra jam could contain a considerably smaller fruit content in the final product comparing the old regulations; the quality standards for domestic marmalade are the same as were for former marmalade. The quality is higher than quality of the best products of the other groups, such as extra jam. In case of domestic strawberry marmalade and strawberry extra jam, the fruit content of 800g/kg is almost twice times higher than of extra jam (450g/kg).U skladu sa Zakonom o bezbednosti hrane donet je "novi" Pravilnik o kvalitetu voćnih džemova, želea, marmelade, pekmeza i zaslađenog kesten pirea. Danom njegovog stupanja na snagu prestaje da važi "stari" Pravilnik o kvalitetu proizvoda od voća, povrća, pečurki i pektinskih preparata, u delu koji se odnosi na želirane proizvode. Izmene ovih propisa nisu bili rezultat zahteva struke ili potrošača za promenom, već su rezultat državnog opredeljenja za članstvom u Evropskoj uniji. Sadržaj suve materije morao je po "starim" propisima biti min. 65% za džem, odnosno min. 67% za marmeladu, pri čemu min. 6% mora poticati iz voća za džem, odnosno min. 7% za marmeladu. Po "novim" propisima sadržaj suve materije je min. 60%, osim za domaću marmeladu gde je min. 67%. Sadržaj voća se kod svih grupa kreće od 200g/kg do 450 g/kg, osim za domaću marmeladu od 350g/kg do 800g/kg. To jasno ukazuje da je i sadržaj šećera i sadržaj voća u finalnom proizvodu bio značajno viši po "starim" propisima nego po "novim" propisima. Upravo su to bili razlozi da se u "novim" propisima, usklađenim sa Evropskom unijom, uvede jedna nova grupa proizvoda koja će se zvati "domaća marmelada". Razlog za izdvajanje domaće marmelade od ostalih grupa je da se zadrži stari, prepoznatljiv i visok kvalitet proizvoda, a koji se nekada zvao samo marmelada

    Chemical composition and antioxidant activity of two strawberry cultivars

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    The macro- and micro-chemical composition, as well as antioxidant activity of two strawberry cultivars, Marmolada and Clery, were studied. Results showed a noticeable difference in the sugar, protein and pectin contents. Clery had 6.92% and Marmolada 4.93% of total sugar. Also, protein and pectin contents were higher in the Clery cultivar. No significant difference was observed in acidity, as well as in ash and cellulose content. Marmolada had a higher content of total phenolics and flavonoids (228.04 mg GAE /100 g FW and 136.01 mg RE/100 g FW, respectively ). The anthocyanins content in Marmolada (32.0 mg CGE/100 g FW) was slightly lower than in Clery (36.0 mg CGE/100 g FW). The antioxidant activity was evaluated spectrophotometrically, using 2,2-diphenyl- 1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) radical scavenging activity assay. The DPPH free radical scavenging activity, expressed as EC50 value, of Marmolada (0.77 mg/ml )was higher than of Clery (0.83 mg/ml). There was a significant positive correlation (R2>0.90) between the concentration of phenolics/flavonoids/anthocyanins and DPPH radical scavenging activity of both strawberry cultivars. These results also showed that the antioxidant value of 100 g FW Marmolada and Clery is equivalent to 237.91 mg and 219.01 mg of vitamin C, respectively