137 research outputs found


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    The problem of ambiguity in the interpretation of gravity in platform areas is analised. A theoretical example is given, presenting ambiguity in the determination of depth and position of faults, even when the form of structures is known. It has been concluded, that the best method of gravity interpretation is the construction of the map and profiles showing the depths of horizon where there is the strongest density contrast. An example is given from the Sultana area in Jordan, where the gravity map is converted into the maps of »quantitative regional« and »true residual«, by means of drilling data. Interpretation of the residual by the method of gravity modelling resulted in the construction of the map of structures and depths of the density contrast horizon, with the positions and throws of the main faults.Analiziran je problem višeznačnosti u gravimetrijskoj interpretaciji platformnih područja. Dan je teoretski primjer koji pokazuje da postoji višeznačnost u određivanju dubine i položaja rasjeda i kad je poznat oblik strukture. Zaključeno je da u interpretaciji gravimetrije najbolje rezultate daje konstrukcija karte i profila koji pokazuju dubine horizonta na kojem se javlja najjači kontrast gustoće. Dan je primjer iz područja Sultana u Jordanu, gdje je gravimetrijska karta preračunata u karte »kvantitativnog regiona-la« i »pravog reziduala«. uz korištenje podataka bušotina. Interpretacijom gravimetrijskog reziduala metodom gravimetrijskog modeliranja konstruirana je karta struktura i dubina horizonta kontrasta gustoče, s položajima i iznosima pomaka glavnih rasjeda

    High-resolution direct stochastic optical reconstruction microscopy of the human kinetochore chromatin

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    The kinetochore is a chromatin-protein complex on the chromosome centromere. Kinetochore attache chromosomes to the microtubules of the spindle apparatus, recognize attachment to microtubules, and regulate the progress of mitosis. The kinetochore protein complex is built on the periphery centromere chromatin. It seems that kinetochores react to forces of the spindle apparatus microtubules in their interior. Due to the limited resolving power of the optical microscope and limitations of electron microscopy, the spatial arrangement of kinetochore protein and chromatin complex is unresolved. In this thesis, the human periphery centromere chromatin assembled with CENP-A (kinetochore chromatin in further text), on which kinetochore complex is built, was imaged by high-resolution optical microscopy called direct Stochastic Optical Reconstruction Microscopy (dSTORM). Resolving power of less than 30 nm was achieved, and the architecture of more than 900 kinetochores in different sub-stages of interphase and mitosis was resolved. Kinetochore chromatin was formed in a rectangle between 250 and 400 nm long and between 150 and 270 nm wide. It was composed of parallel and orthogonal lines between 12 and 75 nm wide. The arrangement of kinetochore chromatin in mitosis was narrower and longer than in interphase. In interphase, subtle changes in the dimensions of kinetochore lines were measured. The mitotic toxin nocodazole disturbed kinetochore chromatin organization. The discovered change of arrangement of the kinetochore chromatin assembled with CENP-A during the cell cycle could be the physical mechanism of recognition of proper attachment and positioning of the chromosomes at the equatorial plate. Based on the discovered kinetochore structure and behavior in the cell cycle, a new shoo-lace model of assembly and function of kinetochore chromatin is suggested


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    The problem of ambiguity in the interpretation of gravity in platform areas is analised. A theoretical example is given, presenting ambiguity in the determination of depth and position of faults, even when the form of structures is known. It has been concluded, that the best method of gravity interpretation is the construction of the map and profiles showing the depths of horizon where there is the strongest density contrast. An example is given from the Sultana area in Jordan, where the gravity map is converted into the maps of »quantitative regional« and »true residual«, by means of drilling data. Interpretation of the residual by the method of gravity modelling resulted in the construction of the map of structures and depths of the density contrast horizon, with the positions and throws of the main faults.Analiziran je problem višeznačnosti u gravimetrijskoj interpretaciji platformnih područja. Dan je teoretski primjer koji pokazuje da postoji višeznačnost u određivanju dubine i položaja rasjeda i kad je poznat oblik strukture. Zaključeno je da u interpretaciji gravimetrije najbolje rezultate daje konstrukcija karte i profila koji pokazuju dubine horizonta na kojem se javlja najjači kontrast gustoće. Dan je primjer iz područja Sultana u Jordanu, gdje je gravimetrijska karta preračunata u karte »kvantitativnog regiona-la« i »pravog reziduala«. uz korištenje podataka bušotina. Interpretacijom gravimetrijskog reziduala metodom gravimetrijskog modeliranja konstruirana je karta struktura i dubina horizonta kontrasta gustoče, s položajima i iznosima pomaka glavnih rasjeda


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    The block model in a homogenous environment can generally serve for presentation of some geological models: changes of facies, changes of rock compactness-fragmentation, underground cavities, bauxite deposits, etc. Therefore, on the block model of increased resistivities in a homogenous environment of low resistivity, the potentials of the electrical tomography method were tested for the purpose of their detection. Regarding potentials of block detection, resolution methods depend on: depth of block location, ratio between block resistivity and the environment in which it is located as well as applied survey geometry, i.e. electrode array. Thus the analyses carried out for the most frequently used electrode arrays in the investigations are the following: the Wenner, Wenner-Schlumberger, dipole-dipole and pole-pole arrays. For each array, maximum depths at which a block can be detected relative to the ratio between block resistivity and parent rock environment were analyzed. The results are shown in the two-dimensional graphs, where the ratio between the block resistivity and the environment is shown on the X-axis, and the resolution depth on the Y-axis, after which the curves defining the resolution limits were drawn. These graphs have a practical use, since they enable a fast, simple determination of potentials of the method application on a specific geological model.Model bloka u homogenoj sredini općenito može poslužiti za predočavanje nekih geoloških modela: promjena facijesa, promjena kompaktnosti-raspucanosti stijena, podzemnih šupljina, ležišta boksita i dr. Zato su na modelu bloka povišenih otpornosti u homogenoj sredini niskih otpornosti ispitane mogućnosti metode električne tomografije u njihovom otkrivanju. Mogućnost otkrivanja bloka, rezolucija metode ovisi o: dubini smještaja bloka, omjeru otpornosti bloka i sredine u kojoj se nalazi i primijenjenoj geometriji snimanja, to jest elektrodnom rasporedu. Zato su analize načinjene za najčešće korištene elektrodne rasporede u istraživanjima: Wennerov, Wenner-Schlumbergerov, dipolni i dvoelektrodni. Za svaki raspored analizirane su maksimalne dubine na kojima se može otkriti blok u ovisnosti o omjeru otpornosti bloka i matične sredine. Rezultati su prikazani na dvodimenzionalnim grafovima gdje se na apscisi nalazi omjer otpornosti bloka i sredine, a na ordinati maksimalna dubina razlučivosti, pa su izvučene krivulje koje definiraju granice razlučivosti. Ovi grafovi imaju praktičnu primjenu, jer omogućuju vrlo brzo i jednostavno određivanje mogućnosti primjene metode na određenom geološkom modelu


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    The block model in a homogenous environment can generally serve for presentation of some geological models: changes of facies, changes of rock compactness-fragmentation, underground cavities, bauxite deposits, etc. Therefore, on the block model of increased resistivities in a homogenous environment of low resistivity, the potentials of the electrical tomography method were tested for the purpose of their detection. Regarding potentials of block detection, resolution methods depend on: depth of block location, ratio between block resistivity and the environment in which it is located as well as applied survey geometry, i.e. electrode array. Thus the analyses carried out for the most frequently used electrode arrays in the investigations are the following: the Wenner, Wenner-Schlumberger, dipole-dipole and pole-pole arrays. For each array, maximum depths at which a block can be detected relative to the ratio between block resistivity and parent rock environment were analyzed. The results are shown in the two-dimensional graphs, where the ratio between the block resistivity and the environment is shown on the X-axis, and the resolution depth on the Y-axis, after which the curves defining the resolution limits were drawn. These graphs have a practical use, since they enable a fast, simple determination of potentials of the method application on a specific geological model.Model bloka u homogenoj sredini općenito može poslužiti za predočavanje nekih geoloških modela: promjena facijesa, promjena kompaktnosti-raspucanosti stijena, podzemnih šupljina, ležišta boksita i dr. Zato su na modelu bloka povišenih otpornosti u homogenoj sredini niskih otpornosti ispitane mogućnosti metode električne tomografije u njihovom otkrivanju. Mogućnost otkrivanja bloka, rezolucija metode ovisi o: dubini smještaja bloka, omjeru otpornosti bloka i sredine u kojoj se nalazi i primijenjenoj geometriji snimanja, to jest elektrodnom rasporedu. Zato su analize načinjene za najčešće korištene elektrodne rasporede u istraživanjima: Wennerov, Wenner-Schlumbergerov, dipolni i dvoelektrodni. Za svaki raspored analizirane su maksimalne dubine na kojima se može otkriti blok u ovisnosti o omjeru otpornosti bloka i matične sredine. Rezultati su prikazani na dvodimenzionalnim grafovima gdje se na apscisi nalazi omjer otpornosti bloka i sredine, a na ordinati maksimalna dubina razlučivosti, pa su izvučene krivulje koje definiraju granice razlučivosti. Ovi grafovi imaju praktičnu primjenu, jer omogućuju vrlo brzo i jednostavno određivanje mogućnosti primjene metode na određenom geološkom modelu


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    Geoelectrical resistivity methods have been playing very important role in hydrogeological explorations for years, since they can provide information lithology porosity, permeability and water quality. But conventional resistivity methods, electrical sounding and electrical profiling, cannot satisfy demand for continuos coverage over an exploration area and for building of a detailed hydrogeological model, especially with complex geological models and 3-D structure shapes. Electrical sounding is based on a theoretical assumption of a horizontally stratified earth model, and electrical profiling maps only lateral resistivity changes at the same depth. Two-dimensional (2-D) electrical imaging (or 2-D electrical tomography), that has been introduced recently, can map the both vertical and lateral resistivity changes and provides for building three-dimensional (3-D) resistivity model of the underground. Exploration has been carried out in the area of the Seona spring to investigate the possibility for pumping more water during dry season, from the well located near the spring. The water of the Seona spring emerges from Badenian carbonate aquifer, which shows irregular 3-D shape and heterogeneous lithologic composition. A network consisting of four electrical profiles has been established to acquire a 3-D resistivity model, which can be transformed in a 3-D hydrogeological model. Inverse resistivity model sections revealed high resistivity zone which has been correlated with Badenian limestone by means of existing outcrops. Low resistivity zones point to the marly layers. Exploratory borehole located on the basis of electrical data has confirmed derived hydrogeological model from the electrical imaging data. Heterogeneous limestone aquifer has been uncovered at depth 8.2 – 55 m. The aquifer is weathered and karstificated with two main cavern intervals. Hydraulic connections between the caverns and the spring have been established during drilling, but also in a pump test by means of the airlift method. The presented case demonstrates great possibilities of the electrical imaging method in mapping of irregularly shaped aquifers and building of a precise 3-D hydrogeological model.Geoelektrične metode otpornosti imaju važnu ulogu u hidrogeološkim istraživanjima već godinama, jer mogu dati litološke podatke i s tim povezane šupljikavost i propusnost, ali i podatke o mogućoj zaslanjenosti vode. Međutim klasične metode otpornosti, geoelektrično sondiranje i geoelektrično profiliranje, ne mogu udovoljiti zahtjevu za kontinuiranim pokrivanjem istražnog područja i za konstruiranjem preciznog hidrogeološkog modela, napose u složenim geološkim modelima i trodimenzionalnom obliku struktura. Geoelektrično sondiranje se osniva na pretpostavci horizontalno uslojenog modela podzemlja, a geoelektrično profiliranje može kartirati samo lateralne promjene otpornosti na istoj dubini. Dvodimenzionalno (2-D) električno mjerenje (ili 2-D-električna tomografija), koja se nedavno pojavila, može kartirati i okomite i uzdužne promjene otpornosti i tako omogućiti konstruiranje trodimenzionalnog modela otpornosti podzemlja. Istraživanje je provedeno na području izvora Seona, kako bi se istražila mogućnost zahvata veće količine vode iz bušotine u okolici izvora, napose u sušnim razdobljima. Voda u izvoru Seona istječe iz badenskog karbonatnog vodonosnika koji je nepravilnog trodimenzionalnog oblika i heterogenog litološkog sastava. Postavljena je mreža od četiri profila kako bi se dobio trodimenzionalni model otpornosti, koji se može preoblikovati u trodimenzionalni hidrogeološki model. Interpretirani dvodimenzionalni modeli otpornosti su otkrili zone visokih otpornosti koje se mogu korelirati s badenskim vapnencima na izdancima. Zone niskih otpornosti ukazuju na laporovite slojeve. Istražna bušotina locirana na temelju geoelektričnih podataka potvrdila je hidrogeološki model načinjen na temelju podataka električne tomografije. Heterogeni vapnenjački vodonosnik otkriven je na dubinama 8.2-55 m. Vodonosnik je karstificiran i trošan, s dva glavna kavernozna intervala. Utvrđena je hidraulička veza između bušotine i izvora još tijekom bušenja, a napose pokusnim crpljenjem metodom “air-lifta”. Izloženi primjer pokazuje velike mogućnosti metode električne tomografije u kartiranju vodonosnika nepravilnih oblika i definiranju preciznog trodimenzionalnog hidrogeološkog model

    Struktura kore na području Istre određena na temelju analize funkcija prijemnika

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    The structure of the Earth’s crust has been determined at three temporary seismic stations in Istra (Croatia) installed as a part of the passive seismic experiment ALPASS-DIPS (Alpine Lithosphere and Upper Mantle PASsive Seismic Monitoring – DInarides-Pannonian Segment). The stations were located at the north-eastern edge of the Adriatic microplate. The knowledge of the crustal structure under Istra will help the understanding of the tectonic evolution within the broader region of the contact between Adria and Eurasia. Teleseismic data recorded at three-component stations were analyzed using the P receiver functions method, which allows detecting seismic discontinuities within the crust and upper mantle below the stations. To determine more detailed crustal structure, we have done 1-D forward modelling of receiver functions. The results of modelling are the S-wave velocity models of the crust beneath the stations. Calculated receiver functions showed three converted phases in the first 5 s of delay time, thus suggesting three seismic discontinuities in the crust, that is, discontinuity in the shallowest part of the upper crust, intracrustal discontinuity, and the Mohorovičić discontinuity. A forward modelling approach at all three stations showed a shallow high-velocity zone observed at a depth between 2 and 8 km. This zone may probably be related to an anhydrite series with dolomite alternations characterised by high seismic velocity. Intracrustal discontinuity is defined at a depth between 18 and 21 km. Models of the shear velocity at the three stations show a decreasing of the Moho depth from 43 km at the northern Istra to 37 km at the south-eastern part of Istra.Struktura Zemljine kore na području Istre određena je ispod tri privremene seizmičke stanice postavljene u okviru projekta pasivnih seizmičkih istraživanja ALPASS-DIPS (Alpine Lithosphere and Upper Mantle PASsive Seismic Monitoring – DInarides-Pannonian Segment). Stanice su se nalazile na sjeveroistočnom rubu Jadranske mikroploče u području sjevernog Jadrana. Nova saznanja o građi kore u Istri doprinijet će pojašnjenju današnjih tektonskih odnosa na širem području, posebno kontaktu Jadranske mikroploče i Europske ploče. Seizmogrami dalekih potresa analizirani su metodom P funkcija prijemnika, koja omogućava definiranje diskontinuiteta u kori i gornjem plaštu neposredno ispod stanice. Pored funkcija prijemnika izvedeno je i jednodimenzionalno modeliranje kako bi se detaljnije definirala struktura kore. Rezultat su modeli brzina S-valova u kori i gornjem plaštu ispod stanica. Izračunate funkcije prijemnika na sve tri stanice pokazuju tri konvertirane faze u prvih 5 s nakon direktnog P-vala. One ukazuju na postojanje tri diskontinuiteta brzina u kori, i to diskontinuitet u najplićem dijelu gornje kore, diskontinuitet na granici gornje i donje kore te Mohorovičićev diskontinuitet. Rezultati modeliranja na sve tri stanice u Istri pokazuju da se na dubini između 2 i 8 km nalazi sloj velike brzine. Uzrok velikih brzina mogla bi biti karbonatna platforma, odnosno izmjene anhidrita i dolomita koji imaju velike seizmičke brzine. Granica gornje i donje kore definirana je na dubini između 18 i 20 km. Modeli brzina S-valova pokazuju smanjenje dubine Mohorovičićevog diskontinuiteta od 43 km u sjevernom dijelu Istre, do 37 km u jugoistočnom dijelu Istre

    Production of refined ethyl alcohol from sugar beet molasses by modified Vogelbusch process

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    Rafinirani etilni alkohol se dobiva destilacijom prevrele alkoholne komine nakon provedenog alkoholnog vrenja, a sadrži oko 96 % etanola. U industrijskoj proizvodnji etanola kao sirovina se najčešće koristi melasa, viskozni tamnosmeđi sirup koji nastaje kao nusproizvod u proizvodnji šećera, a iz kojeg se kristalizacijom više ne može izdvojiti šećer. Zahvaljujući prisustvu velike količine šećera, melasa je idealna sirovina za alkoholno vrenje čiji je glavni produkt etanol. Cilj ovoga rada bio je ispitati mogućnost proizvodnje rafiniranog etilnog alkohola za proizvodnju jakih alkoholnih pića iz melase, modificiranim procesom po Vogelbuschu. U tu svrhu analizirana je kvaliteta melase (udio suhe tvari, kvocijent čistoće i pH), komine (pH vrijednost, vol % alkohola, sadržaj neprevrelih šećera i količina kvasca) i rafiniranog etilnog alkohola (koncentracija alkohola, ukupne kiseline, ukupni esteri, reducirajuće tvari, aldehidi) te je na osnovu analiziranih parametara utvrđeno da rafinirani etilni alkohol odgovara odredbama Pravilnika o jakim alkoholnim pićima za etilni alkohol poljoprivrednog podrijetla.Refined ethyl alcohol is produced by distillation of fermented alcoholic substrate, and contains app. 96 % of ethanol. In industrial production, molasses, viscous dark brown syrup that is by-product of sugar production, is often used as substrate for alcoholic fermentation. Namely, due to high sugar content, it is ideal substrate for yeast fermentation.The aim of this research was to investigate the potential of modified Vogelbusch process application in production of refined ethyl alcohol for alcoholic beverage productions. Molasses (dry matter content, purity, pH), trope (pH, vol % of alcohol, unfermented sugar and yeast) and refined ethyl alcohol quality (alcohol content, total acids, total esters, reducing compounds, aldehydes) were analysed and based on determined parameters it was concluded that refined ethyl alcohol corresponds to provisions of Croatian laws for alcohol of agricultural origin

    Production of refined ethyl alcohol from sugar beet molasses by modified Vogelbusch process

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    Rafinirani etilni alkohol se dobiva destilacijom prevrele alkoholne komine nakon provedenog alkoholnog vrenja, a sadrži oko 96 % etanola. U industrijskoj proizvodnji etanola kao sirovina se najčešće koristi melasa, viskozni tamnosmeđi sirup koji nastaje kao nusproizvod u proizvodnji šećera, a iz kojeg se kristalizacijom više ne može izdvojiti šećer. Zahvaljujući prisustvu velike količine šećera, melasa je idealna sirovina za alkoholno vrenje čiji je glavni produkt etanol. Cilj ovoga rada bio je ispitati mogućnost proizvodnje rafiniranog etilnog alkohola za proizvodnju jakih alkoholnih pića iz melase, modificiranim procesom po Vogelbuschu. U tu svrhu analizirana je kvaliteta melase (udio suhe tvari, kvocijent čistoće i pH), komine (pH vrijednost, vol % alkohola, sadržaj neprevrelih šećera i količina kvasca) i rafiniranog etilnog alkohola (koncentracija alkohola, ukupne kiseline, ukupni esteri, reducirajuće tvari, aldehidi) te je na osnovu analiziranih parametara utvrđeno da rafinirani etilni alkohol odgovara odredbama Pravilnika o jakim alkoholnim pićima za etilni alkohol poljoprivrednog podrijetla.Refined ethyl alcohol is produced by distillation of fermented alcoholic substrate, and contains app. 96 % of ethanol. In industrial production, molasses, viscous dark brown syrup that is by-product of sugar production, is often used as substrate for alcoholic fermentation. Namely, due to high sugar content, it is ideal substrate for yeast fermentation.The aim of this research was to investigate the potential of modified Vogelbusch process application in production of refined ethyl alcohol for alcoholic beverage productions. Molasses (dry matter content, purity, pH), trope (pH, vol % of alcohol, unfermented sugar and yeast) and refined ethyl alcohol quality (alcohol content, total acids, total esters, reducing compounds, aldehydes) were analysed and based on determined parameters it was concluded that refined ethyl alcohol corresponds to provisions of Croatian laws for alcohol of agricultural origin