8 research outputs found

    Analýza počáteční fáze začlenění metody CLIL do hodin matematiky

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    Předkládaná disertační práce se zabývá problematikou výuky matematiky v anglickém jazyce jako jednou z možností aplikace metody CLIL, jež označuje výuku nejazykových (odborných) předmětů v jiném než mateřském jazyce. Práce je rozdělena celkem do 7 kapitol a celkem 8 příloh. Úvodní kapitoly seznamují čtenáře s cíli práce, vybranou terminologií z oblasti jazykového vzdělávání a bilingvismu, s metodou CLIL - její historií ve světě a v České republice, typickými výukovými strategiemi používanými při výuce metodou CLIL, jejími modely, výhodami a výzkumem spojeným s výukou matematiky touto metodou. Dále práce prezentuje výsledky ankety provedené mezi učiteli matematiky základních a střední škol mapující jejich zkušenosti a názory na výuku matematiky v cizím (cílovém) jazyce. Na konci této kapitoly jsou specifikovány výzkumné otázky a dílčí dle práce. Mezi hlavní formulované výzkumné otázky patří, do jaké míry má cizí jazyk vliv na porozumění matematice v počáteční fázi implementace metody CLIL v hodinách matematiky při dodržení rozsahu a časové dotaci jako při výuce dané látky na daném stupni v jazyce mateřském. Nástrojem k získání odpovědí 11a dané výzkumné otázky byla zvolena experimentální výuka vybraného matematického učiva, jež bylo paralelně vyučováno v českém a anglickém jazyce ve dvou třídách 11a druhém...The thesis deals with the teaching of mathematics in English language as one possible application of CLIL, which indicates the non-language teaching (professional) courses in a language other than mother tongue. The work is divided into 7 chapters and a total of 8 annexes. Introductory chapters acquaint the reader with the goal of the study, selected terminology from the field of language learning and bilingualism, with CLIL - its history in the world and the Czech Republic, typical teaching strategies used in teaching CLIL, its models, benefits and research associated with the teaching of mathematics with this method. Further work presents the results of a survey of teachers of basic mathematics middle schools and mapped their experiences and views on teaching mathematics in a foreign (target) language. At the end of this chapter are specified research questions and sub-as of work. The main research questions are formulated, to what extent the influence of foreign language understanding of mathematics at an early stage in the implementation of CLIL lessons Mathematics in compliance with the scope and time spent in the classroom as a substance in a given degree in their own language. A tool for obtaining answers the research question 11a was chosen experimental selected mathematical teaching curriculum that...Oddělení pro vědeckou činnostPedagogická fakultaFaculty of Educatio

    Analysis of the Initial Implementation of CLIL in Mathematics Lessons

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    The thesis deals with the teaching of mathematics in English language as one possible application of CLIL, which indicates the non-language teaching (professional) courses in a language other than mother tongue. The work is divided into 7 chapters and a total of 8 annexes. Introductory chapters acquaint the reader with the goal of the study, selected terminology from the field of language learning and bilingualism, with CLIL - its history in the world and the Czech Republic, typical teaching strategies used in teaching CLIL, its models, benefits and research associated with the teaching of mathematics with this method. Further work presents the results of a survey of teachers of basic mathematics middle schools and mapped their experiences and views on teaching mathematics in a foreign (target) language. At the end of this chapter are specified research questions and sub-as of work. The main research questions are formulated, to what extent the influence of foreign language understanding of mathematics at an early stage in the implementation of CLIL lessons Mathematics in compliance with the scope and time spent in the classroom as a substance in a given degree in their own language. A tool for obtaining answers the research question 11a was chosen experimental selected mathematical teaching curriculum that..

    Mathematics teachers and CLIL

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    summary:This paper deals with CLIL implementation in Mathematics lessons at lower and upper secondary school levesl and presents research results of a survey conducted among almost 800 mathematics teachers from all 14 regions of the Czech Republic. The main attention is paid to the teachers’ willingness to implement CLIL in their Mathematics lessons and their opinions on this way of teaching Mathematics. The paper also reveals the language competence level of the responding teachers and their students

    Perceptions of Czech Rural Life by its Inhabitants in Connection to Tourism

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    Rural tourism in the EU Member States is an important segment of the tourist market. Rural areas achieve multiple benefits from developing rural tourism. From this point of view, rural tourism revitalises rural areas, decreases depopulation, enables the valorisation of economic resources, etc. On the other hand, rural tourism highlights, and thus preserves, the cultural, environmental, natural, traditional, and historical characteristics of a specific rural area. In this way, the regional diversity, authenticity, and recognisability are maintained in the united Europe, which provides a competitive advantage to the European Union's tourist market. However, bottom-up initiatives within the local communities and appropriate attitudes towards the development of tourism are important. The aim of this contribution is to evaluate the perceptions of Czech rural life by its population with a focus on tourism. The evaluation is a part of a broad-based questionnaire survey aimed at the assessment of different aspects of rural life. The perceptions of tourism are monitored in conjunction with other characteristics of self-assessment by respondents and their assessment of the villages in which they live. Classical dependencies of the obtained data from the survey were analysed at first, and then multidimensional statistical methods (CATegorical Principal Component Analysis, cluster analysis) were used in the hypothesis testing of the interference of "hard" and "soft" factors of the rural development. This comparison confirms that "hard" and "soft" development factors really affect each other. Therefore, rural development strategies need to be designed so that both sets of factors are in line with the aim of synergy. The hard localization and realization factors themselves, without supporting the development of soft factors, do not have the desired effect

    Mathematics in English at primary school

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    summary:V úvodu článku je představen koncept CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning). Je i možné toto zařadit do kurikula a vyučovat nejazykové předměty v jiném než mateřském jazyce. Dále je popsáno, proč to není zatím v České Republice běžné. Zbytek článku si dává za cíl prezentovat implementaci metody CLIL do hodiny matematiky na Základní škole Matice školské v Českých Budějovicích. Jsou zde uvedeny příklady výukového prostředí a výukových materiálů jako jsou pracovní listy a připravené materiály na interaktivní tabuli. Je zde uveden také způsob testování žáků, který probíhá za pomoci hlasovacích zařízení a též zpětná vazba učitelů a reakce žáků

    Tourism in Destination South Bohemia before the accession into the European Union

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    The aim of this article is to create basic theses and formulations for a long-term observation of complex spatially-temporal and socio-economic processes connected with tourism1151216

    The Role of Productive Skills in Foreign Language Teaching and Objectivity in Evaluating these Skills in Teaching System at Department of Languages of Faculty of Economics of University of South Bohemia

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    Znalost cizích jazyků je na Ekonomické fakultě JU v Českých Budějovicích chápána jako nutná výbava absolventa této fakulty pro uplatnění na pracovním trhu. Z hlediska výuky cizích jazyků bylo nutné zaměřit programy hodin na praktické využití jazyka v reálných podmínkách, tedy schopnost komunikace a schopnost vyjádřit se v písemném projevu. Příspěvek se zabývá systémem výuky především anglického a německého jazyka se zaměřením na tyto dovednosti a se způsobem testování a stanovení kritérií pro hodnocení těchto dovedností při maximálním zajištěním objektivity.Knowledge of foreign languages is considered at Faculty of Economics of University of South Bohemia in Ceske Budejovice a required acquisition of a graduate of this faculty in order to succeed in the labour market. The teaching of foreign languages had to focus the programs of the lessons on practical application of language in real conditions, i.e. on the ability to communicate and express oneself in writing. The paper describes the teaching system of English and German focused on the above described skills and it further describes the system of testing and setting criteria for evaluating these skills seeking to ensure a maximal standard of objectivity