133 research outputs found

    Varnished PP parts recovery

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    Possibilities of Connecting Maritime and Continental Tourism with an Emphasis on Sustainable Development

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    Contemporary tourism trends are marked by a number of elements that enrich the product of the tourism and travel industry and contribute to the satisfaction of visitors, while respecting the principles of sustainable tourist destination management. This paper analyzes the possibilities for the implementation of charter flights and the introduction of electric cars with the aim of connecting maritime and continental tourism in Croatia on the principles of sustainable development of tourist destinations. For the purpose of proving the set hypotheses, research has been carried out involving all the county tourist offices as the target points of the survey, as each of them covers a range of local self-government units, and can be considered a representative sample of tourism in the entire territory of Croatia. The survey was conducted through questionnaires with the office directors. The analysis of their responses suggests the need to approach and merge maritime and continental tourism through a new tourist product by introducing charter flights and electric cars. Based on the results of the research and in the opinion of the respondents, the introduction of charter flights would lead to the extension of the tourist season, the expansion of the tourist offer and thus the greater pleasure of visitors themselves, increase of employment, increase of local government revenues and synergy effect of economic development. Respondents believe that the introduction of alternative electric vehicles would significantly contribute to environmental protection and rationalization of operations due to considerably lower costs (gas emissions into the environment, the possibility of co-financing through EU funds or central and local government funds, maintenance costs, etc.). The introduction of charter flights and the usage of electric cars from the airport to the destination would significantly contribute to the achievement of better tourism-related results and the increase of the competitiveness of Croatian tourism as a whole

    Development of low mass exothermic insulating materials

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    Eksotermno-izolacijski materiali se uporabljajo kot pomožni material v metalurški industriji. Sestavljeni so iz eksotermne in izolacijske komponente. Prva reagira eksotermno, druga pa deluje izolacijsko. S pomočjo uporabe teh materialov v jeklarnah in livarnah, zaradi manjšega odvoda toplote in eksotermnega učinka podaljšajo čas strjevanja kovinske taline. Preiskovan material se uporablja v obliki pokrovov, pri tem pa si želimo, da ima pokrov čim manjšo maso. V okviru diplomske naloge smo obravnavali eksotermno-izolacijski material in njegove sestavne surovine. Glavni cilj je bil izdelati material, ki bi imel primerljive lastnosti obstoječemu materialu Exipp in manjšo maso. Prvi korak pri tem je bil literaturni pregled eksotermno-izolacijskih materialov in analiz, ki smo jih kasneje uporabili pri raziskavi. Pri praktičnem delu smo izvedli poskus reaktivnosti obstoječega materiala in njegovih sestavnih komponent z Al2O3. Sledile so diferenčne vrstične kalorimetrije (DSC). Na osnovi literaturnih podatkov in analiz smo določili sestave novih eksotermno-izolacijskih mešanic z manjšo maso. Nato smo v podjetju Exoterm-IT d.o.o. izdelali vzorce. Le-te smo v laboratoriju analizirali z DSC. V podjetju smo na osnovnem materialu in novih vzorcih naredili industrijsko analizo z metodo Exoprobe. Rezultate analiz smo med seboj primerjali. Za konec smo izbrali, kateri od vzorcev je najbolj primeren za nadaljnje industrijske preiskave. Najbolj primernemu materialu, ki bi lahko zamenjal obstoječega, smo zmanjšali maso za 330g (31,8%).Exothermic-insulating materials are used as secondary materials in metallurgical industry. They consist of an exothermic and an insulating component. The first component reacts exothermic, second component acts as an insulator. With the use of exothermic-insulating materials in foundries and steel plants, we achive a longer solidification time, due to reduced heat dissipation and an exothermic effect. The discussed material is being used in form of covers, so we want it to be as light as possible. Within this bachelor’s thesis we took a look into already existing exothermic insulation material and its components. The main goal was to create a new sample with comparable properties to the original material, Exipp, yet lighter. The thesis consist of two parts. Firstly we took a look into existing literature regarding the exothermic-insulating materials and analysis methods, which were later used in our research. In our practical part we tested the existing material and its componetns reactivity with Al2O3. The DSC analyses were preformed after. According to the literature and analyses, we determined compositions of new lighter exothermic-insulating mixtures with a lighter mass. Samples were then made at Exoterm-IT d.o.o. The new samples were than analysed with DSC. We performed an industrial analysis with the Exoprobe method on both original material and the new samples. We compared the results of the analyses. At the end we chose the most suitable material which could replace the existing material, and which is 330 g lighter (31,8 %)

    Varnished PP parts recovery

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    katedra: KSP; přílohy: CD-ROM; rozsah: 82 s., 18 s. tab. příloh.The diploma thesis views all means of varnished polypropylene parts recovery on the bumpers made in Cadence Innovation, k. s. in Liberec. The possibility of varnished bumpers recovery in light of new jets' properties (production contraction and mechanical characteristics) and melting rheology (fluidity) is explored to the jet properties. Those are generated from unvarnished bumper reclaims, varnished bumper reclaims, and bumpers where the chemical lacquer removing was put across.Diplomová práce posuzuje možnosti regenerace lakovaných dílů z polypropylenu na náraznících automobilů vyráběných ve firmě Cadence Innovation, k. s. Liberec. Možnost regenerace lakovaných nárazníků z hlediska vlastností nových výstřiků (výrobního smrštění a mechanických vlastností) a reologie (tekutosti) taveniny je posuzována k vlastnostem výstřiků vyráběných z regenerátů nenalakovaných nárazníků, nalakovaných nárazníků a nárazníků u nichž bylo provedeno chemické odlakován

    Climate change in the teaching of geography

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    Diplomová práce se věnuje problematice klimatických změn a jejich postavení ve výuce zeměpisu na gymnáziích a na vyšším stupni základních škol. Úvodní část popisuje aktuální stav poznání tohoto globální problému s ohledem na potřeby učitelů zeměpisu a zahrnuje odkazy na zdroje, z nichž mohou učitelé čerpat odborné informace. Klíčovou částí práce je převážně kvalitativní formou prováděný výzkum na středních a v menší míře i základních školách zahrnující dotazování žáků, rozhovory s učiteli i analýzu vzdělávacích dokumentů a učebnic zeměpisu. Závěrečnou část práce pak tvoří návrhy na aplikaci problematiky změn klimatu do geografického vzdělávání včetně konkrétních výukových metod, navržených na základě výsledků výzkumu i jejich praktického vyzkoušení během hodin zeměpisu. Celá práce by měla analyzovat současný stav a také sloužit vyučujícím geografie při jejich snaze o integraci problematiky klimatických změn do výuky.This thesis deals with the problem of climate change and its role in geography lessons at grammar schools and higher elementary schools. The introductory part describes the current state of knowledge of this global problem with regard to the needs of geography teachers. It also lists sources which the teachers can use to obtain professional information on these issues. Key part of this thesis is largely a qualitative research conducted at grammar schools and to a lesser extent, at primary schools. The research included interviews with students and teachers and analyzing educational geography documents and textbooks. Final part of the thesis then consists of proposals of climate change integration in geography education, as well as specific teaching methods designed on the basis of research results and their practical test during geography lessons. The whole thesis should analyze the current situation and also serve geography teachers in their efforts to integrate climate change issues into their lessons.Katedra sociální geografie a region. rozvojeDepartment of Social Geography and Regional Develop.Přírodovědecká fakultaFaculty of Scienc

    Innovation handle acceleration sensor

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    Finding forming limit diagrams for material H220PD

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    Finding forming limit diagrams for material H220PD

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    katedra: KSP; přílohy: 1 CD ROM; rozsah: 43 sThe Baccalaureate work analyses methods of making forming limit diagram special states of principal stress of deep-drawing press material H 220PD with thickness 2,1 mm. The measurement was practiced on the workshop microscope and system ARGUS 4M. The consequential were respectively compared and evaluated.Bakalářská práce se zabývá problematikou metodiky určování diagramu mezních přetvoření pro vybrané stavy napjatosti u hlubokotažného materiálu H220PD s tloušťkou 2,1 mm. Měření bylo prováděno pomocí dílenského mikroskopu a systému ARGUS 4M. Výsledné hodnoty byly navzájem porovnány a vyhodnoceny