5 research outputs found

    Organochlorine compounds in fish from Adriatic sea

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    Postojani organski spojevi (POPs) su spojevi od globalnog značaja jer značajno utječu na okoliš i ljudsko zdravlje. Razine i raspodjela 17 pojedinačnih kongenera PCB-a i 7 organoklorovih pesticida su istraživane u mišićnom tkivu srdele ulovljene u Jadranskom moru. Svi analizirani spojevi su pronađeni u uzorcima srdela. Indikatorski PCB-153 bio je najzastupljeniji kongener PCB-a. Također su bili dominantni kongeneri PCB-138 i PCB-180. Raspon masenih udjela indikatorskih kongenera PCB-a bio je od 0.06 ng g-1 do 3.29 ng g-1. Raspon toksikološki značajnih PCB-a bio je od 0.02 ng g-1 do 1.16 ng g-1. Raspon masenih udjela OCP-a u srdeli bio je od 0.02 ng g-1 do 2.32 ng g-1. Najdominantniji pesticid u uzrocima bio je p,p'-DDE. Statističkom analizom podataka nisu pronađene značajne razlike u razinama onečišćenja između grupa uzoraka. Rezultati istraživanja su pokazali da su srdele sigurne za konzumaciju na temelju toksikološki relevantnih parametara.Persistent organic pollutants (POPs) are compounds of global importance because they have a significant impact on the environment and human health. The levels and distribution of 17 individual PCB congeners and 7 organochlorine pesticides were investigated in the muscle tissue of sardines caught in the Adriatic Sea. All the compounds analyzed were found in sardine samples. Indicator PCB-153 was the most dominant PCB congener. PCB-138 and PCB-180 congeners were also dominant. The range of PCB indicator congeners was from 0.06 ng g-1 to 3.29 ng g-1. The range of toxicologically significant PCBs was from 0.02 ng g-1 to 1.16 ng g-1. The range of the OCP sardine was from 0.02 ng g-1 to 2.32 ng g-1. The most dominant pesticide in samples was p,p'-DDE. Statistical analysis of the data did not reveal significant differences in contamination levels between the sample groups. Based on toxicologically relevant parameters our results have shown that sardines are safe for consumption

    Organochlorine compounds in fish from Adriatic sea

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    Postojani organski spojevi (POPs) su spojevi od globalnog značaja jer značajno utječu na okoliš i ljudsko zdravlje. Razine i raspodjela 17 pojedinačnih kongenera PCB-a i 7 organoklorovih pesticida su istraživane u mišićnom tkivu srdele ulovljene u Jadranskom moru. Svi analizirani spojevi su pronađeni u uzorcima srdela. Indikatorski PCB-153 bio je najzastupljeniji kongener PCB-a. Također su bili dominantni kongeneri PCB-138 i PCB-180. Raspon masenih udjela indikatorskih kongenera PCB-a bio je od 0.06 ng g-1 do 3.29 ng g-1. Raspon toksikološki značajnih PCB-a bio je od 0.02 ng g-1 do 1.16 ng g-1. Raspon masenih udjela OCP-a u srdeli bio je od 0.02 ng g-1 do 2.32 ng g-1. Najdominantniji pesticid u uzrocima bio je p,p'-DDE. Statističkom analizom podataka nisu pronađene značajne razlike u razinama onečišćenja između grupa uzoraka. Rezultati istraživanja su pokazali da su srdele sigurne za konzumaciju na temelju toksikološki relevantnih parametara.Persistent organic pollutants (POPs) are compounds of global importance because they have a significant impact on the environment and human health. The levels and distribution of 17 individual PCB congeners and 7 organochlorine pesticides were investigated in the muscle tissue of sardines caught in the Adriatic Sea. All the compounds analyzed were found in sardine samples. Indicator PCB-153 was the most dominant PCB congener. PCB-138 and PCB-180 congeners were also dominant. The range of PCB indicator congeners was from 0.06 ng g-1 to 3.29 ng g-1. The range of toxicologically significant PCBs was from 0.02 ng g-1 to 1.16 ng g-1. The range of the OCP sardine was from 0.02 ng g-1 to 2.32 ng g-1. The most dominant pesticide in samples was p,p'-DDE. Statistical analysis of the data did not reveal significant differences in contamination levels between the sample groups. Based on toxicologically relevant parameters our results have shown that sardines are safe for consumption

    Nitrogen Mineralization And Carbon Dynamic In Soil Affected By Biogas Residues

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    The aims of the study were to investigate the N mineralization potential and C status in the incubation experiment after application of digestates (solid and liquid) to the soil, and to compare with the impact of manures (solid and liquid). Biogas residues and manures were collected from three random bioenergy production systems, using cattle manure as the main substrate, and other substrates are residues from sugar and oil industry, corn and wheat silage, etc. The results show that all applied digestates and liquid manure increased NH4–N and NO3–N in soil at the beginning of the incubation. However, at the end of the 56 days of incubation, except two liquid digestates, studied organic materials led to immobilization of mineral N in soil

    Digestate and Manure Use in Kohlrabi Production: Impact on Plant-Available Nutrients and Heavy Metals in Soil, Yield, and Mineral Composition

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    Digestate is a residue of the anaerobic decomposition of organic waste for biogas extraction, but it can be reused as a source of nutrients. To examine the effect of digestate in kohlrabi production, field experiments were conducted during three seasons in two calendar years. The fertilization treatments included the application of solid digestate (two rates—DS1 and DS2), liquid digestate (two rates—DL1 and DL2), solid manure (two rates—MS1 and MS2), and mineral fertilizer (NPK) and were compared with a plot without fertilization (Ø). The results showed a significant increase in the yield with the use of solid and liquid digestate, as well as with NPK, in all growing seasons, while the microelement contents (Zn, Mn, and Cu) in the leaves were at optimum level. The applied treatments did not increase the plant-available nutrients (AL-P2O5, AL-K2O, Fe, Cu, and Zn) in the soil (except Mn). The application of DL2, MS1, and MS2 led to a higher Pb content in kohlrabi stems compared to the control, but the Pb content remained below the maximum permitted limit. Our research showed that digestate can be used as a valuable source of nutrients for kohlrabi production, with a low risk of soil and plant contamination by heavy metals. However, the control of soil, digestates, and manure quality is recommended

    Digestate and Manure Use in Kohlrabi Production: Impact on Plant-Available Nutrients and Heavy Metals in Soil, Yield, and Mineral Composition

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    Digestate is a residue of the anaerobic decomposition of organic waste for biogas extraction, but it can be reused as a source of nutrients. To examine the effect of digestate in kohlrabi production, field experiments were conducted during three seasons in two calendar years. The fertilization treatments included the application of solid digestate (two rates—DS1 and DS2), liquid digestate (two rates—DL1 and DL2), solid manure (two rates—MS1 and MS2), and mineral fertilizer (NPK) and were compared with a plot without fertilization (Ø). The results showed a significant increase in the yield with the use of solid and liquid digestate, as well as with NPK, in all growing seasons, while the microelement contents (Zn, Mn, and Cu) in the leaves were at optimum level. The applied treatments did not increase the plant-available nutrients (AL-P2O5, AL-K2O, Fe, Cu, and Zn) in the soil (except Mn). The application of DL2, MS1, and MS2 led to a higher Pb content in kohlrabi stems compared to the control, but the Pb content remained below the maximum permitted limit. Our research showed that digestate can be used as a valuable source of nutrients for kohlrabi production, with a low risk of soil and plant contamination by heavy metals. However, the control of soil, digestates, and manure quality is recommended