3 research outputs found

    XRF and magnetic susceptibility records from sediments of Suzdalevo Lake (Tunguska region, Russia) – cores SUZ1 and SUZ3

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    Here, we present X-ray fluorescence (SM30 magnetic susceptibility meter, ZHinstruments Inc.) and normalized mass magnetic susceptibility (VANTA VMR with a Silicon Drift Detector, Olympus) datasets of two sediment cores (0.42 and 0.46 m long) from a shallow lake (Suzdalevo Lake, 1.8 ha, max. depth of 2.3 m) located near the epicenter of the Tunguska Event explosion in 1908 CE (60°39′29.05″N, 102°3′3.36″E). The datasets include primary data presented in an article (Kavková et al. 2022) that is focused on formation process of the study site (potential impact lake) and Tunguska Event-related environmental disturbance. Both cores were retrieved using a Kajak gravity corer (sampling tube diameter of 5.8 cm and length of 50 cm) in May 2019

    Biological indicator records (diatoms, chrysophyte cysts, freshwater invertebrates) from sediments of Suzdalevo Lake (Tunguska region, Russia) – sediment core SUZ1

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    Here, we present diatom (Bacillariophyceae), chrysophyte (Chrysophyceae), and zoological indicator (Chironomidae, other aquatic insect, planktonic crustaceans, Bryozoa, Rhabdocoela) taxonomic datasets from a sediment core (core ID: SUZ1, length of 0.42 m) record from a shallow lake (Suzdalevo Lake, 1.8 ha, max. depth of 2.3 m) located near the epicenter of the Tunguska Event explosion in 1908 CE (60°39′29.05″N, 102°3′3.36″E). The datasets include primary data presented in an article (Kavková et al. 2022) that is focused on formation process of the study site (potential impact lake) and Tunguska Event-related environmental disturbance. The core was retrieved using a Kajak gravity corer (sampling tube diameter of 5.8 cm and length of 50 cm) in May 2019