124 research outputs found

    Multi-Criteria Decision-Making Approach for Container-based Cloud Applications: The SWITCH and ENTICE Workbenches

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    Many emerging smart applications rely on the Internet of Things (IoT) to provide solutions to time-critical problems. When building such applications, a software engineer must address multiple Non-Functional Requirements (NFRs), including requirements for fast response time, low communication latency, high throughput, high energy efficiency, low operational cost and similar. Existing modern container-based software engineering approaches promise to improve the software lifecycle; however, they fail short of tools and mechanisms for NFRs management and optimisation. Our work addresses this problem with a new decision-making approach based on a Pareto Multi-Criteria optimisation. By using different instance configurations on various geo-locations, we demonstrate the suitability of our method, which narrows the search space to only optimal instances for the deployment of the containerised microservice.This solution is included in two advanced software engineering environments, the SWITCH workbench, which includes an Interactive Development Environment (IDE) and the ENTICE Virtual Machine and container images portal. The developed approach is particularly useful when building, deploying and orchestrating IoT applications across multiple computing tiers, from Edge-Cloudlet to Fog-Cloud data centres

    Interactive application for multi-touch surface

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    The goal of this thesis is the implementation of an interactive web application, an info point, which could run on a multitouch surface created at the ViCoS lab at Faculty of Computer and Information Science. The developed interactive web application InfoFRI point represents a virtual signpost for the faculty's rooms by drawing an interactive paths on the floor plan of the faculty building and the building of object X, starting at the faculty's lobby in the 1st floor and continuing up to the specific room. Another web application was created in the scope of the thesis in order to ease the manipulation and editing of the InfoFRI point database. Both web applications were implemented in web technologies such as HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript (jQuery). In order to comply with the requirements of the multitouch surface for storing data in JSON and to introduce lightweight databases, a document-oriented database CouchDB was implemented

    Numerical and Experimental Study of Mechanical Oscillation Energy

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    The paper presents an interesting opportunity to use a wide spread available energy source that has not yet been fully utilized. A new generator solution will be studied to produce electricity from oscillation energy. The solution will be useful for various purposes, especially for shipping, as well as freight road and rail transport. With this solution, it will be possible to reduce the usage of some amount of fossil fuels globally. Research includes two different theoretical assumptions. First approach involves the conversion of energy using Torus Type Generator (TTG) and second using Eccentric Type Generator (ETG). In TTG case, a new type of generator in which a magnetic cylinder moves freely in a hollow torus with electrical winding has been analysed. In the case of an ETG generator, a physical pendulum with a vertical axis of rotation has been analysed. Experimental and numerical methods were used for research. For the numerical analysis of 3D body motion the ANSYS Rigid Body Dynamics software was used


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    U sklopu nacionalnog projekta Škola-ekoprijateljica planeta Zemlje, s djecom 1. razreda osnovne škole obradila sam bajku Daneta Zajca Leteća kućica. Učenici su kreirali novu ekobajku prema već napisanoj bajci. Koristeći otpadni materijal izradili su ekološki prihvatljiv Grad mašte

    Vrednotenje kakovosti kot podpora odločanju in vodenju

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    The article describes an actual expert system which can be used to evaluate R & D projects and educational programs within the development of a market portfolio. It represents an already formed model of a portfoli o analysis, which is one of the tools necessary for strategic planning. The portfolio register enables us to review the development of programs of an institution, their explanation and development guidelines. Actually there is seleclive dealing with a specific program. Its objective is to determine business strategy for each individual program and indirectly for the education of adults in an institution as a whole, based. on the quality determined with the eXpert system DEX and criteria defined in advance.V prispevku je opisan konkreten ekspertni sistem, ki ga je mogo če uporabiti za vrednotenje razvojnoraziskovalnih projektov in izobraževalnih programov v okviru razvoja tržnega portfelja. Predstavlja že oblikovan model analize portfelja, ki je eno od orodij strateškega planiranja. Matrika portfelja nam omogoča pregled razvoja programov dejavnosti institucije, njihovo razlago in njihove razvojne smernice. Dejansko gre za selektivno obravnavo posameznega programa, katere cilj je na podlagi ugotovljene kakovosti z ekspertnim sistemom DEX in vnaprej postavljenih kriterijev določiti poslovno strategijo za vsak program posebej in posredno za izobraževanje odraslih v instituciji kot celoti

    Interactive application for multi-touch surface

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    The goal of this thesis is the implementation of an interactive web application, an info point, which could run on a multitouch surface created at the ViCoS lab at Faculty of Computer and Information Science. The developed interactive web application InfoFRI point represents a virtual signpost for the faculty's rooms by drawing an interactive paths on the floor plan of the faculty building and the building of object X, starting at the faculty's lobby in the 1st floor and continuing up to the specific room. Another web application was created in the scope of the thesis in order to ease the manipulation and editing of the InfoFRI point database. Both web applications were implemented in web technologies such as HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript (jQuery). In order to comply with the requirements of the multitouch surface for storing data in JSON and to introduce lightweight databases, a document-oriented database CouchDB was implemented


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    U sklopu nacionalnog projekta Škola-ekoprijateljica planeta Zemlje, s djecom 1. razreda osnovne škole obradila sam bajku Daneta Zajca Leteća kućica. Učenici su kreirali novu ekobajku prema već napisanoj bajci. Koristeći otpadni materijal izradili su ekološki prihvatljiv Grad mašte


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    U ovom članku opisala sam način obrade ekoloških sadržaja tijekom podučavanja učenika 2. razreda osnovne škole. Razgovarali smo i o bajci Djevojčica sa žigicama Hansa C. Andersona, koja nam je poslužila kao temelj za naš zapis odnosno kreiranje nove edukativne (poučne) bajke. Izradili smo likovne proizvode od otpadnog materijala

    Classification of selected specimens of igneous rocks from the collection of the Department of Geology

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    V zbirki mineralov, kamnin in fosilov, ki se nahaja na Oddelku za geologijo na Naravoslovnotehniški fakulteti v Ljubljani, smo izbrali 10 vzorcev naravnega kamna magmatskih kamnin. Potrebno jih je bilo natančno interpretirati in klasificirati v določene skupine. Vzorce smo analizirali makroskopsko in mikroskopsko s pomočjo optične mikroskopije. Za natančnejšo geokemijsko analizo smo uporabili metodo rentgenske fluorescenčne spektroskopije (XRF) in masno spektrometrijo z induktivno sklopljeno plazmo (ICP-MS). Vzorce smo klasificirali v skupine s pomočjo TAS in QAP diagrama. Končni poudarek je bil na TAS klasifikaciji. Z makroskopsko in mikroskopsko analizo smo opazili, da so vsi vzorci globočnine, razen vzorcev 14707 in 14715, ki smo ju opredelili kot migmatita. Določili smo jim mineralno sestavo, ter teksturne in strukturne karakteristike. Na podlagi geokemičnih analiz smo vzorce razdelili v posamezne skupine. Tako vzorci z oznako, 14708, 14709, 14711 in 14713 spadajo v skupino granitov, vzorca 14710 in 14712 v skupino gabbrodioritov, vzorec 14714 v skupino gabbrov in vzorec 14716 v skupino monzonitov. Klasifikacija izbranih vzorcev naravnega kamna je bila opravljena na podlagi vsebnosti alkalij in kremenice. Vzorci, ki opazneje odstopajo od večine, so vzorci gabbrodioritske in gabbrske skupine, ki imajo glede na ostale manjšo vsebnost tako kremenice kot alkalij. Vzorec, ki spada v skupino monzonitov, pa od ostalih odstopa zaradi višje vrednosti alkalij.In the collection of minerals, stones and fossils, located in the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering, Department of Geology, we selected 10 samples of natural stone belonging to the igneous rocks. They needed to be interpreted accurately and classified into specific groups. Samples were analyzed macroscopically and microscopically using optical microscopy. X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy (XRF) and inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) were used for geochemical analysis. Samples were classified into separate groups using a TAS and QAP diagram. The emphasis was on the TAS classification. By macroscopic and microscopic analysis, we observed that all samples were plutonic rocks, except samples 14707 and 14715, which were defined as migmatite. We determined their mineral composition and textural and structural characteristics. On the basis of all detailed geochemical analysis, the samples were divided into individual groups. Thus, samples marked 14708, 14709, 14711 and 14713 belong to the granite group, samples 14710 and 14712 to the gabbrodiorite group, sample 14714 to the gabbro group and sample 14716 to the group of monzonites. Classification was preformed on the basis of alkali and silica content. The samples that noticebly deviate from the majority are samples of the gabbrodiorite and gabbro groups, which have a lower content of both quartz and alkali compared to the others. The sample, which belongs to the group of monzonites, differs from the others due to the higher value of alkalis