5 research outputs found

    Primary Minerals and Age of The Hydrothermal Quartz Veins Containing U-Mo-(Pb, Bi, Te) Mineralization in the Majerská Valley near Čučma (Gemeric Unit, Spišsko-Gemerské Rudohorie Mts., Slovak Republic)

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    An occurrence of vein U-Mo mineralization is located in the Majerská valley near Čučma, about 7 km to the NNE of the district town of Rožňava (Eastern Slovakia). Mineralization is hosted in the acidic metapyroclastics of the Silurian Bystrý Potok Fm. (Gemeric Unit), and originated in the following stages: (I.) quartz I, fluorapatite I; (II.) quartz II, fluorapatite II, zircon, rutile chlorite, tourmaline; (III.) uraninite, molybdenite, U-Ti oxides; (IV.) pyrite I, ullmannite, gersdorffite, cobaltite; (Va.) galena, bismuth, tetradymite, joséite A and B, Bi3(TeS)2 mineral phase, (BiPb)(TeS) mineral phase, ikunolite; (Vb.) minerals of the kobellite–tintinaite series, cosalite; (VI.) pyrite II; (VII.) titanite, chlorite; and (VIII.) supergene mineral phases. The chemical in-situ electron-microprobe U-Pb dating of uraninite from a studied vein yielded an average age of around 265 Ma, corresponding to the Guadalupian Epoch of Permian; the obtained data corresponds with the age of Gemeric S-type granites. The age correlation of uraninite with the Gemeric S-type granites and the spatial connection of the studied mineralization with the Čučma granite allows us to assume that it is a Hercynian, granite-related (perigranitic) mineralization

    Petrology and dating of the Permian lamprophyres from the Malá Fatra Mts. (Western Carpathians, Slovakia)

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    Calc–alkaline lamprophyres are known from several localities in the Malá Fatra Mountains. They form dykes (0.5–3 m) of varying degree of alteration that have intruded the surrounding granitoid rocks which are often incorporated xenoliths. Clinopyroxenes (diopside to augite), amphiboles (kaersutitic), biotites (annite) and plagioclases are major primary minerals of the dykes, accessory minerals include apatite, ilmenite, rutile, pyrite, chalcopyrite, and pyrrhotite. Apatite has a relatively low F, but increased Cl content compared to typical apatite from lamprophyres or magmatic apatite from granitic rocks in the Western Carpathians. The chemical composition of the lamprophyres indicates their calc–alkaline character, but affinity to alkaline lamprophyres is suggested by the Ti enrichment in clinopyroxene, amphibole and biotite. According to modal classification of the minerals, the studied rocks correspond to spessartite. The differences in the chemical composition of the rocks (including Sr and Nd isotopes) probably result from the contamination of primary magma by crustal material during magma ascent. The age of the lamprophyres, based on U/Pb dating in apatite, is 263.4 ± 2.6 Ma

    Mineralogy, alteration patterns, geochemistry, and fluid properties of the Ag-Au epithermal deposit Nová Baňa, Slovakia

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    In this contribution, we report new data on mineralogy, alteration patterns, geochemistry, fluid properties and source of fluids for the deposit Nová Baňa, one of the smaller epithermal deposits in the Middle Miocene Štiavnica andesite stratovolcano (Western Carpathians, Slovakia). Ore veins and the associated rocks were studied in samples from outcrops and old mines, grab samples, and bore holes from the central part of the deposit (ore structures Althandel, Jozef, Jakub, Vavrinec), northern part (Freischurf), SE part (Gupňa) and SW part (Šibeničný vrch). Pervasive hydrothermal alteration transformed the rock-forming minerals into a mixture of adularia and fine-grained quartz, with lesser amount of pyrite, Ti oxides and Fe oxides. This assemblage was further altered to omnipresent interstratified illite/smectite that was used in this study as a geothermometer, corroborating the results from the fluid inclusion work. Ore minerals comprise predominantly pyrite, sphalerite, galena but all sulfides are relatively sparse in the samples studied. Minerals of precious metals are electrum, Ag-tetrahedrite, acanthite, members of the polybasite-pearceite and pyrargyrite-proustite solid solution, and rare miargyrite, Hg-Ag tetrahedrite, and diaphorite. In the central part, we have found also some stibnite. In the SE part of the deposit, acanthite, uytenbogaardtite, and petrovskaite occur and seem to be related to supergene enrichment of the ores. In bulk ore samples, Zn usually dominates over Pb and Cu. The average Ag:Au ratio for the entire deposit is 64:1. The concentrations of precious metals in the grab samples reach maxima of 50 ppm Au and 570 ppm Ag in the SE part and 116 ppm Au and 1110 ppm Ag in the central part of the deposit. Fluid inclusions show signs of trapping of a heterogeneous fluid. In the central, northern and SE parts of the deposit, homogenization temperatures of 190–260 °C and consistently low salinities of <5 wt% NaCl eq were recorded. In the SW part, primary fluid inclusions gave homogenization temperatures of 160–180 °C and similar low salinities. The secondary inclusions, however, show salinities up to 24 wt% NaCl eq., interpreted as fluid boiling almost to dryness. Isotopic composition of quartz and clay minerals is recalculated to fluid composition of −5.6 to −0.6 ‰ δ18Ofluid and −80 to −36 ‰ δDfluid, indicating mixed character of hydrothermal fluids falling between the compositions of magmatic and meteoric waters, with predominance of meteoric waters. Assuming hydrostatic pressure in the fluids, the measured data suggest paleodepths of ore formation of 50–170 m in the SW part of the ore deposit, 130–420 m in the SE and N parts, and a range of 120–470 m for the central part. These observations, comparison with other epithermal deposits in the Central Slovak volcanic field, and additional data from published literature show that Nová Baňa is a low- to intermediate sulfidation epithermal deposit, genetically associated to late rhyolitic volcanic activity in this area

    Tacrolimus-Based, Steroid-Free Regimens in Renal Transplantation: 3-Year Follow-Up of the ATLAS Trial

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    BACKGROUND: Long-term use of corticosteroids is associated with considerable morbidity, including cardiovascular and metabolic adverse effects. METHODS: This study evaluated the long-term efficacy and safety of two steroid-free regimens compared with a triple immunosuppressive therapy in renal transplant recipients. This was a 3-year follow-up to a 6-month, open-label, randomized, multicenter study. RESULTS: Data from 3 years were available for 421 (93.3%) of 451 patients in the original intent-to-treat population (143 tacrolimus/basiliximab [Tac/Bas], 139 tacrolimus/mycophenolate mofetil [Tac/MMF], and 139 tacrolimus/MMF/steroids [triple therapy]). In the time interval from 6 months to 3 years after transplantation, the incidence of biopsy-proven acute rejection was low and similar (Tac/Bas, 2.1%; Tac/MMF, 2.2%; triple therapy, 2.2%); Most rejection episodes occurred during the first 6 months of the study. Graft survival was high (Kaplan-Meier estimates: 92.7%, 92.5%, and 92.5%), as was patient survival (93.1%, 96.4%, and 97.0%). There were 10 graft losses (n=2, 4, and 4) and 12 patient deaths (n=5, 2, and 5). Renal function was well preserved throughout the study and similar between groups. There was a trend toward improved cardiovascular risk factors in the Tac/Bas group, including reduced total and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol and lower new-onset insulin use. There were no between-group differences in the incidence or type of adverse events. CONCLUSION: Higher rates of acute rejection early in treatment were seen with the steroid-free regimens, but this did not translate into poorer long-term outcomes, such as graft and patient survival and renal function. A trend for a more favorable cardiovascular risk profile was observed for steroid-free immunosuppression with Tac/Bas