158 research outputs found

    Case studies on the use of LiveLink for MATLAB for evaluation and optimization of the heat sources in experimental borehole

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    In the Czech part of the Upper Silesian Coal Basin (Moravian-Silesian region, Czech Republic), there are many deposits of endogenous combustion (e.g., localized burning soil bodies, landfills containing industrial waste, or slag rocks caused by mining processes). The Hedwig mining dump represents such an example of these sites where, besides the temperature and the concentrations of toxic gases, electric and non-electric quantities are also monitored within the frame of experimentally proposed and patented technology for heat collection (the so-called "Pershing" system). Based on these quantities, this paper deals with the determination and evaluation of negative heat sources and the optimization of the positive heat source dependent on measured temperatures within evaluation points or on a thermal profile. The optimization problem is defined based on a balance of the heat sources in the steady state while searching for a local minimum of the objective function for the heat source. From an implementation point of view, it is the interconnection of the numerical model of the heat collector in COMSOL with a user optimization algorithm in MATLAB using the LiveLink for MATLAB. The results are elaborated in five case studies based on the susceptibility testing of the numerical model by input data from the evaluation points. The tests were focused on the model behavior in terms of preprocessing for measurement data from each chamber of the heat collector and for the estimated value of temperature differences at 90% and 110% of the nominal value. It turned out that the numerical model is more sensitive to the estimates in comparison with the measured data of the chambers, and this finding does not depend on the type optimization algorithm. The validation of the model by the use of the mean-square error led to the finding of optimal value, also valid with respect to the other evaluation.Web of Science205art. no. 129

    Intraamniální infekční a zánětlivé komplikace spojené s předčasným odtokom plodové vody

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    Souhrn Předčasný odtok plodové vody před 37. týdnem těhotenství (PPROM) je zodpovědný zhruba za třetinu všech předčasných porodů. Infekční a zánětlivé komplikace u PPROM jsou představovány přítomností mikrobiální invaze do amniální dutiny (MIAC), intraamniálním zánětem (IAI) a histologickou chorioamnionitidou (HCA). Jejich prevalence u PPROM se pohybuje mezi 20-50%. Jejich přítomnost je také spojena se zhoršenou perinatální mortalitou a morbiditou. Prvním specifickým cílem dizertační práce bylo hodnocení prediktivního potenciálu C- reaktivního proteinu (CRP) v mateřské krvi při přijetí k diagnostice MIAC a/nebo HCA. Do studie bylo zařazeno 386 žen s PPROM. Hladina CRP byla nejvyšší u žen s přítomností obou MIAC a HCA. Druhým specifickým cílem bylo hodnocení novorozenecké morbidity u žen s PPROM do 34. týdne gravidity. Do studie bylo zařazeno celkem 122 žen s PPROM v gestačním stáří 24+0 -34+0 týdnů. U novorozenců byla sledována morbidita a mortalita, které byly hodnoceny vzhledem k přítomnosti MIAC a/nebo HCA. Přítomnost MIAC a HCA byla spojena s vyšším rizikem rozvoje časné novorozenecké sepse. Třetím a čtvrtým specifickým cílem bylo zhodnocení vztahu stavu periodontu a přítomností intraamniálních infekčních a zánětlivých komplikací spojených s PPROM, a také zhodnocení vztahu lokální zánětlivé odpovědi v...Preterm prelabor rupture of membranes before 37. weeks of gestation (PPROM) is responsible for approximately one third of all preterm deliveries. Infection-related complications in PPROM are represented by the presence of microbial invasion of the amniotic cavity (MIAC), intra-amniotic inflammation (IAI) and histological chorioamnionitis (HCA). The presence of these complications is found in approximately 20-50% of all cases of PPROM and is associated with worse neonatal outcomes. The first specific aim was to evaluate whether maternal serum CRP has a diagnostic value for diagnosis of MIAC and HCA. The study population consisted 386 women. CRP level was the highest in PPROM pregnancies complicated with MIAC and HCA. The second specific aim was to evaluate short-term neonatal outcome in women with PPROM before 34 weeks of gestation. The study population consisted 122 women with PPROM at gestation age 24+0 -34+0 weeks. In neonates was evaluated the influence of MIAC and HCA on neonatal outcome. The presence of both MIAC and HCA increased the risk of early onset sepsis. The third and fourth specific aim was evaluation of an association between periodontal status and infection-related intra-amniotic complications in pregnancies complicated by PPROM and/or evaluation of association between the local...Porodnická a gynekologická klinikaDepartment of Obstetrics and GynecologyLékařská fakulta v Hradci KrálovéFaculty of Medicine in Hradec Králov

    Purpose and significance of Real Estate Acquisition Tax

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    Purpose and significance of Real Estate Acquisition Tax Abstract This thesis focuses on purpose and significance of real estate acquisition tax in Czech Republic. Its objective is to evaluate Czech legal regulation of real estate acquisition tax before it has been repealed as well as evaluating of causes and consequences of its repeal. Another objective is to outline possible options for taxation of property to the future. This thesis is divided into four chapters. In the first chapter there are defined basic tax concepts, analysis of Czech real estate acquisition tax before it has been repealed and also a brief historic evolution of this tax. Second chapter is focused on international comparison of taxation at first in general matters such as comparison of tax to GDP ratio, tax structure or size of a property taxes. Then thesis compares Czech legal regulation of real estate acquisition tax with legal regulation in two neighbouring states - Germany and Slovakia. Third chapter elaborates administrative cost of Czech real estate acquisition tax. It is divided into three parts. First being administrative costs of public sector, second is administrative costs of private sector and third part briefly analyse excessive tax burden. Fourth and last chapter elaborates on the basis of information from the previous...Smysl a význam daně z nabytí nemovitých věcí Abstrakt Tato práce se věnuje smyslu a účelu daně z nabytí nemovitých věcí v České republice. Jejím cílem je zhodnocení české právní úpravy daně z nabytí nemovitých věcí před jejím zrušení, jakož i zhodnocení příčin a důsledků tohoto zrušení. Zároveň je cílem této práce nastínit možné varianty budoucího směřování právní úpravy majetkových daní v České republice. Diplomová práce je členěna do čtyř kapitol. V kapitole první jsou definovány základní daňové pojmy, popsána konstrukce daně z nabytí nemovitých věcí, než byla zrušena, jakožto její historický vývoj. V závěru této kapitoly jsou rozebrány argumenty, které vedly k jejímu zrušení. Druhá kapitola je zaměřena na mezinárodní srovnání v oblasti zdanění. Nejprve zdanění v rovině obecné, tedy komparace celkové daňové zátěže, struktury zdanění či výše majetkových daní. Následně se práce zaměřuje na komparaci naší bývalé daně z nabytí nemovitých věcí s německou právní úpravou a právní úpravou Slovenské republiky. Třetí kapitola zpracovává administrativní náročnost této daně. Věnuje se administrativním nákladům přímým, nepřímým i nadměrnému břemenu daně. Čtvrtá kapitola především na základě poznatků z předchozích kapitol zkoumá smysl a význam daně z nabytí nemovitých věcí a stručně se věnuje úvahám de lege ferenda....Department of Financial Law and FinancesKatedra finančního práva a finanční vědyFaculty of LawPrávnická fakult

    Control design of mixed sensitivity problem for educational model of helicopter

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    The paper deals with the design of H-∞ robust controller, particularly with mixed sensitivity problem for elevation control. It briefly introduces basic mathematical background concerning robust control approach, which is then applied for typical example of MIMO system, that is a helicopter model. The obtained results are verified on real educational physical model CE 150 by Humusoft, ltd

    Use Of REX Control System For The Ball On Spool Model

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    This paper deals with the design and implementation of linear quadratic controller (LQR) for modeling of Ball on Spool. The paper presents the entire process, starting from mathematical model through control design towards application of controller with the use of given hardware platform. Proposed solution by means of REX Control System provides a high level of user comfort regarding implementation of control loop, diagnostics and automatically generated visualization based on HTML5. It represents an ideal example of a complex nonlinear mechatronic system with a lot of possibilities to apply other types of controllers.Web of Science66421921

    Evaluation of parameters influencing the withdrawal strength of oak and beech dowels

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    The withdrawal strength of plain dowels with nominal diameter of 8 mm was compared with the spiral dowels manufactured from beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) and oak wood (Quercus robur L.). The test specimens were tested after conditioning at relative humidity (RH) 25%, 45%, 65%, and 85% at a constant temperature of 20 oC. Therefore, the influence of relative humidity (respective moisture content), dowel structure, and wood species of the dowels on the withdrawal strength was determined. The structure and low humidity (RH 25%) caused the highest strength (8.6 MPa) of spiral dowels. Compared to plain dowels, the higher withdrawal strength of spiral dowels was statistically significant. Adversely, the lowest withdrawal strength was found for plain beech dowels (3 MPa), which, in addition to higher relative humidity (RH 85%), was also caused by a combination of plain structure and greater diameter of the dowels, thereby decreasing the amount of adhesive in the bonded joint. The influence of the wood species of the dowels was not statistically significant overall.O

    3D and Thermo-Face Fusion

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    Effect of heat-treatment on material properties of L-DED printed austenistic alloy 08CH18N10T for nuclear reactor applications

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    This paper deals with the evaluation of material properties of the additively manufactured austenistic alloy 08CH18N10T, which is widely used in the Czech Republic nuclear power plants Temelín and Dukovany and other VVER reactors around the world. For purposes of utilization of additive manufacturing technologies for nuclear core components fabrication, two sets of samples were prepared from horizontally and vertically L-DED printed blocks from 08CH18N10T material. Experiments such as microstructure analysis, porosity and Vickers hardness were then performed on L-DED printed and heat-treated 08CH18N10T material, and the obtained material properties were then compared with the properties of L-DED printed 08CH18N10T material without heat-treatment for examination of its effect and also with material properties of conventionally made 08CH18N10T material