27 research outputs found

    Cancer stem cells

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    Stanice raka su temelj bolesti: one iniciraju tumor i vode u progresiju tumora, noseći mutacije onkogena i tumor-supresorskih gena, koje definiraju rak kao genetsku bolest. Dobroćudni tumori su najčešće promjene s dobrom prognozom za život. Zloćudne promjene mogu biti izlječiva bolest ako se otkriju u ranom stadiju i ako odmah zatim uslijedi odgovarajuća terapija. Često terapija malignih tumora ne uspijeva u potpunosti izliječiti bolest, ali može produžiti životni vijek, a najčešće se radi o nekoliko godina života. U tijelu svakoga čovjeka povremeno se razvijaju abnormalne stanice i pod uobičajenim okolnostima imunosni sustav tijela pomno traga za njima i uništava ih. Svojim načinom života odlučujemo hoće li se one aktivirati i hoće li ih naše tijelo poraziti. Da bi se pojavio rak, mora doći do ometanja rada imunosnog sustava. Zanimljivo je otkriće da između bolesti i stresa postoji snažna veza. Povezanost stresa i bolesti je tako snažna, da prema razini stresa u čovjekovu životu je moguće predvidjeti pojavu bolesti. Emocije mogu utjecati na razvoj bolesti kao i emocionalne reakcije na stres, koje mogu dovesti do sklonosti raku. To je otkriće od iznimne važnosti za ljude oboljele od raka jer pokazuju da učinci emocionalnog stresa mogu oslabiti imunosni sustav. Tako da prava prevencija protiv raka nije njegovo rano otkrivanje, već promjena navika i načina življenja kako se bolest uopće ne bi pojavila.Cancer cells are the basis of disease: they initiate tumor and lead to tumor progression, carrying mutations in oncogenes and tumor-supressor genes that define cancer as a genetic disease. Benign tumors are usually changes with a good prognosis for life. Malignant lesions may be treatable disease if detected at an early stage and, if followed immediately after appropriate therapy. Therapy of malignant tumors often fails to completely cure the disease but can extend life span, usually just a few years. Abnormal cells occasionaly develop in the body of every man and under normal circumstances, the immune system of the body carefully searches for them and destroys them. Their way of life decide whether they are activated and whether our body will be able to defeat them. For cancer to develop, there must be a disruption of the immune system. It is interesting to find that between illness and stress there is a strong connection. Association between stress and disease is so strong, that the level of stress in a person's life, it is possible to predict the occurrence of disease. Emotions can affect the development of disease and emotional responses to stress, which may lead to a tendeny to cancer. This discovery is of a great importance for people suffering from cancer because it shows that the effects of emotional stress can weaken the immune system. So that real prevention against cancer is not early detection, but rather changes in habits and lifestyle so that the disease would not occur

    Cancer stem cells

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    Stanice raka su temelj bolesti: one iniciraju tumor i vode u progresiju tumora, noseći mutacije onkogena i tumor-supresorskih gena, koje definiraju rak kao genetsku bolest. Dobroćudni tumori su najčešće promjene s dobrom prognozom za život. Zloćudne promjene mogu biti izlječiva bolest ako se otkriju u ranom stadiju i ako odmah zatim uslijedi odgovarajuća terapija. Često terapija malignih tumora ne uspijeva u potpunosti izliječiti bolest, ali može produžiti životni vijek, a najčešće se radi o nekoliko godina života. U tijelu svakoga čovjeka povremeno se razvijaju abnormalne stanice i pod uobičajenim okolnostima imunosni sustav tijela pomno traga za njima i uništava ih. Svojim načinom života odlučujemo hoće li se one aktivirati i hoće li ih naše tijelo poraziti. Da bi se pojavio rak, mora doći do ometanja rada imunosnog sustava. Zanimljivo je otkriće da između bolesti i stresa postoji snažna veza. Povezanost stresa i bolesti je tako snažna, da prema razini stresa u čovjekovu životu je moguće predvidjeti pojavu bolesti. Emocije mogu utjecati na razvoj bolesti kao i emocionalne reakcije na stres, koje mogu dovesti do sklonosti raku. To je otkriće od iznimne važnosti za ljude oboljele od raka jer pokazuju da učinci emocionalnog stresa mogu oslabiti imunosni sustav. Tako da prava prevencija protiv raka nije njegovo rano otkrivanje, već promjena navika i načina življenja kako se bolest uopće ne bi pojavila.Cancer cells are the basis of disease: they initiate tumor and lead to tumor progression, carrying mutations in oncogenes and tumor-supressor genes that define cancer as a genetic disease. Benign tumors are usually changes with a good prognosis for life. Malignant lesions may be treatable disease if detected at an early stage and, if followed immediately after appropriate therapy. Therapy of malignant tumors often fails to completely cure the disease but can extend life span, usually just a few years. Abnormal cells occasionaly develop in the body of every man and under normal circumstances, the immune system of the body carefully searches for them and destroys them. Their way of life decide whether they are activated and whether our body will be able to defeat them. For cancer to develop, there must be a disruption of the immune system. It is interesting to find that between illness and stress there is a strong connection. Association between stress and disease is so strong, that the level of stress in a person's life, it is possible to predict the occurrence of disease. Emotions can affect the development of disease and emotional responses to stress, which may lead to a tendeny to cancer. This discovery is of a great importance for people suffering from cancer because it shows that the effects of emotional stress can weaken the immune system. So that real prevention against cancer is not early detection, but rather changes in habits and lifestyle so that the disease would not occur

    Organization of Bicycle Traffic Flows in Road Network on Traffic Safety

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    Bicikl kao prijevozno sredstvo zbog veće mobilnosti čovjeka već u ranom razvoju postaje vrlo popularan. U Hrvatskoj se bicikl kao prijevozno sredstvo spominje več 1875. godine a 1885. godine osnovano je „ Prvo Hrvatsko društvo biciklista“. Međutim, izumom automobila razvoj infrastrukture namijenjene za promet bicikla znatno stagnira. Jednako tako i u tom razdoblju nisu obavljene znanstvene i stručne analize o upotrebi bicikla u prometu u odnosu na ukupno prometno opterećenje motornih vozila, navikama korisnika bicikla vezanih uz načine obavljanja prijevozne potrebe i sličnih potreba. S obzirom da sigurnost biciklističkog prometa i dalje nije u fokusu subjekata zaduženih za sigurnost cestovnog prometa, unatoč svakodnevnom porastu broja biciklista na cestama, prijedlog načina organiziranja biciklističkih prometnih tokova u funkciji sigurnosti vrlo je aktualna tema. Svrha istraživanuja usmjerena je prema analizi biciklističke infrastrukture i sigurnosti biciklista te perspektivi razvoja biciklističkog prometa kao poželjnog oblika zadovoljavajuće prijevozne usluge. Cilj istraživanja usmjeren je prema uspostavi mjera za organiziranje i razvoj biciklističkih prometnih tokova na cestovnoj mreži u funkciji sigurnosti.Bicycle as a means of transport for a greater human mobility already in early development becomes very popular. In Croatia, the bicycle as a means of transport was mentioned in 1875 and in 1885 the "First Croatian Society of Bikers" was founded. However, the invention of the car develops infrastructure for bicycle traffic significantly stagnating. Equally, no scientific and expert analyzes of the use of bicycles in circulation in relation to the total traffic load of motor vehicles, bicycle users' habits related to means of transport and similar needs were not carried out during this period. Given that the safety of bicycle traffic is still not in the focus of road safety, despite the daily increase in the number of cyclists on roads, the proposal of ways of organizing bicycle traffic flows in the function of safety is a very topical issue. The purpose of the research is to analyze the cycling infrastructure and the safety of cyclists and the prospects for the development of bicycle traffic as a desirable form of satisfactory transport services. The aim of the research is to establish measures for the organization and development of cycling traffic flows on the road network in the function of safety

    Organization of Bicycle Traffic Flows in Road Network on Traffic Safety

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    Bicikl kao prijevozno sredstvo zbog veće mobilnosti čovjeka već u ranom razvoju postaje vrlo popularan. U Hrvatskoj se bicikl kao prijevozno sredstvo spominje več 1875. godine a 1885. godine osnovano je „ Prvo Hrvatsko društvo biciklista“. Međutim, izumom automobila razvoj infrastrukture namijenjene za promet bicikla znatno stagnira. Jednako tako i u tom razdoblju nisu obavljene znanstvene i stručne analize o upotrebi bicikla u prometu u odnosu na ukupno prometno opterećenje motornih vozila, navikama korisnika bicikla vezanih uz načine obavljanja prijevozne potrebe i sličnih potreba. S obzirom da sigurnost biciklističkog prometa i dalje nije u fokusu subjekata zaduženih za sigurnost cestovnog prometa, unatoč svakodnevnom porastu broja biciklista na cestama, prijedlog načina organiziranja biciklističkih prometnih tokova u funkciji sigurnosti vrlo je aktualna tema. Svrha istraživanuja usmjerena je prema analizi biciklističke infrastrukture i sigurnosti biciklista te perspektivi razvoja biciklističkog prometa kao poželjnog oblika zadovoljavajuće prijevozne usluge. Cilj istraživanja usmjeren je prema uspostavi mjera za organiziranje i razvoj biciklističkih prometnih tokova na cestovnoj mreži u funkciji sigurnosti.Bicycle as a means of transport for a greater human mobility already in early development becomes very popular. In Croatia, the bicycle as a means of transport was mentioned in 1875 and in 1885 the "First Croatian Society of Bikers" was founded. However, the invention of the car develops infrastructure for bicycle traffic significantly stagnating. Equally, no scientific and expert analyzes of the use of bicycles in circulation in relation to the total traffic load of motor vehicles, bicycle users' habits related to means of transport and similar needs were not carried out during this period. Given that the safety of bicycle traffic is still not in the focus of road safety, despite the daily increase in the number of cyclists on roads, the proposal of ways of organizing bicycle traffic flows in the function of safety is a very topical issue. The purpose of the research is to analyze the cycling infrastructure and the safety of cyclists and the prospects for the development of bicycle traffic as a desirable form of satisfactory transport services. The aim of the research is to establish measures for the organization and development of cycling traffic flows on the road network in the function of safety

    Cancer stem cells

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    Stanice raka su temelj bolesti: one iniciraju tumor i vode u progresiju tumora, noseći mutacije onkogena i tumor-supresorskih gena, koje definiraju rak kao genetsku bolest. Dobroćudni tumori su najčešće promjene s dobrom prognozom za život. Zloćudne promjene mogu biti izlječiva bolest ako se otkriju u ranom stadiju i ako odmah zatim uslijedi odgovarajuća terapija. Često terapija malignih tumora ne uspijeva u potpunosti izliječiti bolest, ali može produžiti životni vijek, a najčešće se radi o nekoliko godina života. U tijelu svakoga čovjeka povremeno se razvijaju abnormalne stanice i pod uobičajenim okolnostima imunosni sustav tijela pomno traga za njima i uništava ih. Svojim načinom života odlučujemo hoće li se one aktivirati i hoće li ih naše tijelo poraziti. Da bi se pojavio rak, mora doći do ometanja rada imunosnog sustava. Zanimljivo je otkriće da između bolesti i stresa postoji snažna veza. Povezanost stresa i bolesti je tako snažna, da prema razini stresa u čovjekovu životu je moguće predvidjeti pojavu bolesti. Emocije mogu utjecati na razvoj bolesti kao i emocionalne reakcije na stres, koje mogu dovesti do sklonosti raku. To je otkriće od iznimne važnosti za ljude oboljele od raka jer pokazuju da učinci emocionalnog stresa mogu oslabiti imunosni sustav. Tako da prava prevencija protiv raka nije njegovo rano otkrivanje, već promjena navika i načina življenja kako se bolest uopće ne bi pojavila.Cancer cells are the basis of disease: they initiate tumor and lead to tumor progression, carrying mutations in oncogenes and tumor-supressor genes that define cancer as a genetic disease. Benign tumors are usually changes with a good prognosis for life. Malignant lesions may be treatable disease if detected at an early stage and, if followed immediately after appropriate therapy. Therapy of malignant tumors often fails to completely cure the disease but can extend life span, usually just a few years. Abnormal cells occasionaly develop in the body of every man and under normal circumstances, the immune system of the body carefully searches for them and destroys them. Their way of life decide whether they are activated and whether our body will be able to defeat them. For cancer to develop, there must be a disruption of the immune system. It is interesting to find that between illness and stress there is a strong connection. Association between stress and disease is so strong, that the level of stress in a person's life, it is possible to predict the occurrence of disease. Emotions can affect the development of disease and emotional responses to stress, which may lead to a tendeny to cancer. This discovery is of a great importance for people suffering from cancer because it shows that the effects of emotional stress can weaken the immune system. So that real prevention against cancer is not early detection, but rather changes in habits and lifestyle so that the disease would not occur

    Molecular study of HLA-B*44 alleles and haplotypes in the croatian population

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    U ovom radu analizirani su geni HLA (HLA-A, -B, -C i -DRB1) unutar 1727 nesrodnih dobrovoljnih darivatelja krvotvornih matičnih stanica iz Hrvatskog registra krvotvornih matičnih stanica (CBMDR), kao i haplotipovi gena HLA-B*44. Svi ispitanici testirani su metodom lančane reakcije polimerazom i početnicama specifičnim za pojedini alel ili skupinu alela (metode: PCR-SSP i PCR-SSO). Najčešći geni HLA bili su: HLA-A*02 (31,5%), B*35 (12,9%), C*07 (26,1%) i DRB1*11 (17,5%). Ukupno 316 ispitanika analizirano je za alele gena B*44 koji je jedan od pet najčešćih gena HLA-B u CBMDR-u. Najčešći alel bio je B*44:02 (41,4%), zatim B*44:03 (25,7%), B*44:27 (18,5%), B*44:05 (14,1%), dok je B*44:06 uočen samo kod jednog ispitanika. Analiza haplotipova pokazala je da su najčešći haplotipovi među B*44 pozitivnim ispitanicima: HLA-A*02:01-B*44:02-C*05:01- DRB1*04:01, HLA-A*23:01-B*44:03-C*04:01-DRB1*07:01, HLA-A*02:01-B*44:05- C*02:02-DRB1*16:01 i HLA-A*02:01-B*44:27-C*07:04-DRB1*16:01. Rezultati ovog istraživanja su u skladu s rezultatima objavljenim za druge europske populacije, osim za haplotip HLA-A*02:01-B*44:27-C*07:04-DRB1*16:01 koji je po prvi put opisan u ovom radu.In this study we analyzed the HLA genes (HLA-A, -B, -C and -DRB1) among 1727 unrelated voluntary hematopoietic stem cells donors from the Croatian Bone Marrow Donor Registry (CBMDR), as well as HLA-B*44 haplotypes. All subjects were tested by polymerase chain reaction and primers specific for a particular allele or group of alleles (methods: PCR-SSP and PCR-SSO). The most common HLA genes were: HLA-A*02 (31.5%), B*35 (12.9%), C*07 (26.1%) and DRB1*11 (17.5%). Total of 316 patients were analyzed for alleles B*44, which is one of the most common HLA-B genes in CBMDR. The most common allele was B*44:02 (41.4%), followed by B*44:03 (25.7%), B*44:27 (18.5%), B*44:05 (14.1%), while B*44:06 was observed only in one patient. Haplotype analysis showed that the most common haplotypes among B*44 positive subjects were: HLA-A*02:01-B*44:02-C*05:01- DRB1*04:01, HLA-A*23:01-B*44:03-C*04:01-DRB1*07:01, HLA-A*02:01-B*44:05- C*02:02-DRB1*16:01 and HLA-A*02:01-B*44:27-C*07:04-DRB1*16:01. Results of this study are consistent with the results reported for other European populations, except for the haplotype HLA-A*02:01-B*44:27-C*07:04-DRB1*16:01, which was described for the first time in the present study

    Organization of Bicycle Traffic Flows in Road Network on Traffic Safety

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    Bicikl kao prijevozno sredstvo zbog veće mobilnosti čovjeka već u ranom razvoju postaje vrlo popularan. U Hrvatskoj se bicikl kao prijevozno sredstvo spominje več 1875. godine a 1885. godine osnovano je „ Prvo Hrvatsko društvo biciklista“. Međutim, izumom automobila razvoj infrastrukture namijenjene za promet bicikla znatno stagnira. Jednako tako i u tom razdoblju nisu obavljene znanstvene i stručne analize o upotrebi bicikla u prometu u odnosu na ukupno prometno opterećenje motornih vozila, navikama korisnika bicikla vezanih uz načine obavljanja prijevozne potrebe i sličnih potreba. S obzirom da sigurnost biciklističkog prometa i dalje nije u fokusu subjekata zaduženih za sigurnost cestovnog prometa, unatoč svakodnevnom porastu broja biciklista na cestama, prijedlog načina organiziranja biciklističkih prometnih tokova u funkciji sigurnosti vrlo je aktualna tema. Svrha istraživanuja usmjerena je prema analizi biciklističke infrastrukture i sigurnosti biciklista te perspektivi razvoja biciklističkog prometa kao poželjnog oblika zadovoljavajuće prijevozne usluge. Cilj istraživanja usmjeren je prema uspostavi mjera za organiziranje i razvoj biciklističkih prometnih tokova na cestovnoj mreži u funkciji sigurnosti.Bicycle as a means of transport for a greater human mobility already in early development becomes very popular. In Croatia, the bicycle as a means of transport was mentioned in 1875 and in 1885 the "First Croatian Society of Bikers" was founded. However, the invention of the car develops infrastructure for bicycle traffic significantly stagnating. Equally, no scientific and expert analyzes of the use of bicycles in circulation in relation to the total traffic load of motor vehicles, bicycle users' habits related to means of transport and similar needs were not carried out during this period. Given that the safety of bicycle traffic is still not in the focus of road safety, despite the daily increase in the number of cyclists on roads, the proposal of ways of organizing bicycle traffic flows in the function of safety is a very topical issue. The purpose of the research is to analyze the cycling infrastructure and the safety of cyclists and the prospects for the development of bicycle traffic as a desirable form of satisfactory transport services. The aim of the research is to establish measures for the organization and development of cycling traffic flows on the road network in the function of safety

    Rasprostranjenost pajasena (Ailanthus altissima (Mill.) Swingle), invazivne biljne vrste, na području grada Osijeka

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    The research on the tree of heaven (Ailanthus altissima (Mill.) Swingle) distribution within the Osijek city area was carried out in the summer period of 2017. In total of 589 individuals of the tree of heaven on 130 locations were recorded. The trees grew individually or in groups, mostly on abandoned places, and were rarely found in well-maintained areas. In the vicinity of the tree of heaven, mostly perennial herbaceous weeds were found. These plants thrive in different types of habitats. In order to prevent the uncontrolled spread of this invasive plant in the urban environment, it is necessary to continuously monitor and timely remove the tree of heaven individuals. Moreover, it is important to continuously educate the general public about the adverse impact of this species on the environment and biological diversity.Istraživanje prisutnosti pajasena (Ailanthus altissima (Mill.) Swingle) na području grada Osijeka provedeno je u ljetnom razdoblju 2017. godine. Na 130 lokaliteta zabilježeno je ukupno 589 jedinki stabala pajasena. Pajasen je rastao pojedinačno ili u skupinama, uglavnom na napuštenim područjima, dok je na uređenim i održavanim površinama bio rijetko prisutan. U neposrednoj blizini pajasena zabilježene su korovne, višegodišnje zeljaste biljke koje uspijevaju na različitim tipovima staništa. U svrhu sprječavanja nekontroliranog širenja ove invazivne biljke u gradskoj sredini potrebno je kontinuirano provoditi praćenje i pravovremeno uklanjanje pajasena, kao i kontinuiranu edukaciju šire javnosti o nepovoljnom utjecaju ove vrste na okoliš i biološku raznolikost

    Frozen stored barley sourdough: stability and application to wheat bread

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    The primary aim of the industrial use of sourdough is to improve bread quality and to replace additives. This study investigates the applicability of frozen stored barley sourdough in wheat bread. Sourdough was fermented with Weissella cibaria in the presence of sucrose and xylanase, and stored frozen for 4, 8, or 12 weeks. During storage, the number of viable cells in the sourdough declined. Softer dough and crumb were obtained after the sourdough was stored for a longer period (4 weeks), while bread specific volume was unaffected by the sourdough storage time. The highest bread specific volume, shape, crumb softness, and sensory liking were obtained with 20% of the sourdough. This study demonstrates the possibility for the industrial application of frozen barley sourdough, since it can improve the quality of bread compared to the native barley flour

    Bioactives in organic and conventional milled cereal products from Croatian market

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    A need for food that contributes to individual nutrition and health status, and also to the sustainability of the planet, is rising as a consequence of consumer’s awareness of foods nutritional value and origin. This behaviour is mostly expressed through the preference toward organically grown and wholesome food. Science to some extent supports this preference, giving more evidence supporting the benefit of whole food, and indicating that organic might be more nutritious than conventional. However, the question that remains is - is it always better? Thus in this study organic and conventional cereal milling products from Croatian market were randomly selected (namely wheat bran, whole grain, semi-white and white wheat flour, and whole grain corn, oat and rye flour) in order to determine their antioxidant activity (AO), lignans, ferulic acid (FA), total phenolic (TPC) and dietary fibre (DF) content. The research aimed to point out how cereals contribute to the diet with their fibres and bioactives, and to see to what extent consumers can expect organic cereal products to be better source of bioactives than conventional ones when buying from the market. Wheat bran distinguished among chosen products with its high FA, TPC, lignan content, and the strongest AO, especially in case of organic bran. Within whole grains organic corn flour exhibited the strongest AO and the highest TPC (2576 mg FAE kg-1), while organic oat flour was the most abundant in lignans (10064 μg kg-1). Higher content of FA, TPC, and lignans in organic wheat bran and established difference in bioactives between flours from the organic farming compared to conventional do not lead to firm conclusion that consumers can expect organically produced cereals to be superior in all nutrition aspects to conventional, as is often believed. Despite that, interestingly, among analysed nutritional parameters lignans were in all cases higher in organic products and less strong correlated to fibre content, indicating that they could be influenced by farming system. Obtained data highlight the benefit of consuming different wholegrain cereals as an important source of fibres and bioactive compounds, which, with the exception of lignans, are strongly positively correlated to the insoluble fibre content