16 research outputs found

    Return to life after an PICS, based on acute respiratory failure

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    Introduction: Thanks to the progress of the today's medicine, in particular its therapeutic possibilities, the number of patients overcoming critical acute respiratory failure has increased, resulting in their exposure to stress and impact of intensive care. Thus, we can say that almost every patient suffers from at least one sign of post-intensive care syndrome. The theoretic part of the Diploma Thesis deals with acute respiratory failure and PICS. Materials used to prepare this work were obtained from a research made by the National Medical Library and from sources found in expert databases (PupMed, ResearchGate, ScienceDirect etc.). Aim of the work: The aim of this work is to examine and evaluate the physical and mental state of patients after overcoming the acute respiratory failure and their return to normal life with post-intensive care syndrome. We've divided this main goal into several partial objectives with the main research questions if the signs of PICS can be impacted by the length of artificial ventilation. Methodology: As a part of the research survey and data collection a qualitative research survey was performed on patients with acute respiratory failure by using standardized questionnaires: DEMMI, ADL, IADL, HADS, MAF, SF 36 and physical tests: 30-s SCT, 6 MWT and use of Garmin...Úvod: Díky pokroku dnešní medicíny, hlavně terapeutických možností, dochází k nárůstu pacientů, kteří překonají kritické onemocnění akutní respirační selhání, a tím jsou vystaveni velkému stresu a vlivu intenzivní péče. Můžeme tedy říci, že téměř každý pacient trpí alespoň jedním příznakem post intenzívního syndromu (PICS). Teoretická část diplomové práce popisuje problematiku akutního respiračního selhání a PICS. Podklady pro diplomovou práci byly čerpány z rešerše vypracované Národní lékařskou knihovnou a vyhledaných zdrojů v odborných databázích (PupMed, ResearchGate, ScienceDirect apod.) Cíl práce: Cílem této diplomové práce je prozkoumat a zhodnotit fyzický i psychický stav pacientů po překonání akutního respiračního selhání a jejich návrat do běžného života s PICS. Z tohoto hlavního cíle jsme stanovili dílčí cíle práce s výzkumnou otázkou, zda příznaky PICS mohou být ovlivněny délkou umělé plicní ventilace. Metodologie: Pro výzkumné šetření a sběr dat k této diplomové práci bylo provedeno kvantitativní výzkumné šetření u pacientů s akutním respiračním selháním za použití standardizovaných dotazníků: DEMMI, ADL, IADL, HADS, MAF, SF 36 a fyzických testů: 30-s SCT, 6 MWT a použití náramku Garmin Vívofit. Data jsme odebírali celkem ve čtyřech časových obdobích a to data odebraná na ARO zaměřená...Ústav teorie a praxe ošetřovatelství 1. LF UK v PrazeInstitute of Theory and Practice of Nursing First Faculty of Medicine Charles University in PragueFirst Faculty of Medicine1. lékařská fakult

    Analysis of gene expression in rabbit muscle

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     Increasing consumer knowledge of the link between diet and health has raised the demand for high quality food. Meat and meat products may be considered as irreplaceable in human nutrition. Breeding livestock to higher content of lean meat and the use of modern hybrids entails problems with the quality of meat. Analysing of livestock genomes could get us a great deal of important information, which may significantly affect the improvement process. Domestic animals are invaluable resources for study of the molecular architecture of complex traits. Although the mapping of quantitative trait loci (QTL) responsible for economically important traits in domestic animals has achieved remarkable results in recent decades, not all of the genetic variation in the complex traits has been captured because of the low density of markers used in QTL mapping studies. The genome wide association study (GWAS), which utilizes high-density single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP), provides a new way to tackle this issue. New technologies now allow producing microarrays containing thousands of hybridization probes on a single membrane or other solid support. We used microarray analysis to study gene expression in rabbit muscle during different developmental age stages. The outputs from GeneSpring GX sotware are presented in this work. After the evaluation of gene expression in rabbits, will be selected genes of interest in relation to meat quality parameters and will be further analyzed by the available methods of molecular biology and genetics

    Kinetic Study of the Ozonation of Atrazine

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    The kinetic study of the ozonation of atrazine as a single contaminant characterized as COD was studied. A jet loop ejector reactor was used to improve the mixing and transfer of ozone in the reaction system. The results show a higher efficiency of atrazine degradation in alkaline pH during the first 45 minutes. At the same time, the dechlorination of atrazine is faster than in neutral pH. Respirometric measurements carried out with activated sludge were used to evaluate the effect of atrazine and the ozonation intermediates on microorganisms’ oxygen uptake rate. The results showed that ozonation performed at an alkaline pH resulted in the formation of substances that are more rapidly biodegradable compared to substances formed by ozonation at neutral pH, as well as compared to atrazine

    Procrastination and anxiety as a managerial problem

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    Cílem bakalářské práce je zlepšit teoretické pochopení akademické prokrastinace a testové úzkosti, objasnit jejich příčiny a následky a zanalyzovat vztah mezi akademickou prokrastinací a testovou úzkostí u studentů generace Z. Teoretická část přináší zhodnocení současného poznání na základě obsáhlé literární rešerše potřebné k pochopení zkoumané problematiky. Na splnění cíle práce byly pro praktickou část formulovány jedna hlavní a dvě vedlejší hypotézy a jedna výzkumná otázka. Byl proveden kvantitativní výzkum prostřednictvím dotazníkového šetření. K výzkumu byl využit dotazník složený ze Solomonové a Rothblumové prokrastinační škály (PASS) a Westside test anxiety škály. Na základě analýzy dat byl zjištěn pozitivní vztah mezi akademickou prokrastinací a testovou úzkostí. Výsledky ukázaly, že ženy generace Z mají větší tendenci pociťovat testovou úzkost, zatímco v tendenci prokrastinovat nebyl zjištěn významný rozdíl mezi pohlavím. Z výzkumu také vyplývají nejčastější důvody prokrastinace u studentů generace Z. Na základě získaných dat byla vytvořena doporučení pro intervence pro redukci akademické prokrastinace a testové úzkosti.Cieľom bakalárskej práce je zlepšiť teoretické pochopenie akademickej prokrastinácie a testovej úzkosti, objasniť ich príčiny a následky a zanalyzovať vzťah medzi akademickou prokrastináciou a testovou úzkosťou u študentov generácie Z. Teoretická časť prináša zhodnotenie súčasného poznania na základe obsiahlej literárnej rešerše, ktoré je potrebné na pochopenie skúmanej problematiky. Na splnenie cieľa práce boli pre praktickú časť formulované jedna hlavná a dve vedľajšie hypotézy a jedna výskumná otázka. Uskutočnil sa kvantitatívny výskum prostredníctvom dotazníkového šetrenia. K výskumu bol využitý dotazník zložený zo Solomonovej a Rothblumovej prokrastinačnej škály (PASS) a Westside test anxiety škály. Na základe analýzy dát bol zistený pozitívny vzťah medzi akademickou prokrastináciou a testovou úzkosťou. Výsledky ukázali, že ženy generácie Z majú väčšiu tendenciu pociťovať testovú úzkosť, zatiaľ čo v tendencii prokrastinovať nebol zistený významný rozdiel medzi pohlavím. Z výskumu tiež vyplývajú najčastejšie dôvody prokrastinácie u študentov generácie Z. Na základe získaných dát boli vytvorené odporúčania na intervencie pre redukciu akademickej prokrastinácie a testovej úzkosti.The aim of the bachelor thesis is to improve the theoretical understanding of academic procrastination and test anxiety, to clarify their causes and consequences and to analyse the relationship between academic procrastination and test anxiety of generation Z students. The theoretical part provides an evaluation of current knowledge based on academic literature review, which is necessary to understand the researched issues. In order to meet the aim of the thesis, one main and two secondary hypotheses and one research question were formulated for the practical part. Quantitative research was carried out by questionnaire survey. A questionnaire consisting of the Solomon and Rothblum Procrastination Scale (PASS) and the Westside Test Anxiety Scale was used for the research. Based on the analysis of the data, a positive relationship was found between academic procrastination and test anxiety. The results showed that women belonging to Generation Z were more likely to experience test anxiety, while no significant gender difference was found in the tendency to procrastinate. The research also reveals the most common reasons for procrastination in Z-generation students. Based on the obtained data, recommendations for interventions to reduce academic procrastination and test anxiety were made

    Type of actor and director´s casting

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    The topic that was given to me, type of actor, and director? s casting.In my diploma work, I would like to mention my own experience in the DISK Theatre, to focus on type of actors and its usage in certain roles. Explanation of the term recast ? its history and descr iption of the recasting process in the DISK Theatre. Further on, one chapter I dedicated to the creation of a character on stage, where I descr ibe the phases of rehearsing of my absolvent role of Claire in the play of Zapadni pristav

    Return to life after an PICS, based on acute respiratory failure

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    Introduction: Thanks to the progress of the today's medicine, in particular its therapeutic possibilities, the number of patients overcoming critical acute respiratory failure has increased, resulting in their exposure to stress and impact of intensive care. Thus, we can say that almost every patient suffers from at least one sign of post-intensive care syndrome. The theoretic part of the Diploma Thesis deals with acute respiratory failure and PICS. Materials used to prepare this work were obtained from a research made by the National Medical Library and from sources found in expert databases (PupMed, ResearchGate, ScienceDirect etc.). Aim of the work: The aim of this work is to examine and evaluate the physical and mental state of patients after overcoming the acute respiratory failure and their return to normal life with post-intensive care syndrome. We've divided this main goal into several partial objectives with the main research questions if the signs of PICS can be impacted by the length of artificial ventilation. Methodology: As a part of the research survey and data collection a qualitative research survey was performed on patients with acute respiratory failure by using standardized questionnaires: DEMMI, ADL, IADL, HADS, MAF, SF 36 and physical tests: 30-s SCT, 6 MWT and use of Garmin..

    Lipid Based Formulations of Biopharmaceutics Classification System (BCS) Class II Drugs: Strategy, Formulations, Methods and Saturation

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    Active ingredients in pharmaceuticals differ by their physico-chemical properties and their bioavailability therefore varies. The most frequently used and most convenient way of administration of medicines is oral, however many drugs are little soluble in water. Thus they are not sufficiently effective and suitable for such administration. For this reason a system of lipid based formulations (LBF) was developed. Series of formulations were prepared and tested in water and biorelevant media. On the basis of selection criteria, there were selected formulations with the best emulsification potential, good dispersion in the environment and physical stability. Samples of structurally different drugs included in the Class II of the Biopharmaceutics classification system (BCS) were obtained, namely Griseofulvin, Glibenclamide, Carbamazepine, Haloperidol, Itraconazol, Triclosan, Praziquantel and Rifaximin, for testing of maximal saturation in formulations prepared from commercially available excipients. Methods were developed for preparation of formulations, observation of emulsification and its description, determination of maximum solubility of drug samples in the respective formulation and subsequent analysis. Saturation of formulations with drugs showed that formulations 80 % XA and 20 % Xh, 35 % XF and 65 % Xh were best able to dissolve the drugs which supports the hypothesis that it is desirable to identify limited series of formulations which could be generally applied for this purpose

    Design, Scale-Up, and Construction of Drinking Water Recarbonization Fluidized Bed Reactor System

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    The lack of calcium and magnesium in drinking water affects people’s health, especially cardiovascular and oncologic diseases, and causes corrosion problems. The aim of this paper is to present the methodology of the design, scale-up, and construction of a fluidized bed reactor (FBR) system for drinking water recarbonization with biogenic elements in real conditions. Half-calcined dolomite (HCD) in combination with CO2 was identified as a suitable source of Mg2+ and Ca2+. The experimental results confirmed that an FBR reactor with a water tank is an efficient system for Mg and Ca2+ ion concentrate production. The main process parameters and dimensions of the equipment were determined based on the experimental data and the data obtained showed that the system can be used in real conditions to produce Mg2+ and Ca2+ ions concentrate, which is mixed with soft water in required proportions. The FBR with an internal diameter of 0.16 m and a total height of 3.7 m was designed. The proposed methodology of the recarbonization process design was used in a further system scale-up for a ten times larger capacity. Long-term experiments indicate that the HCD recarbonization process is robust and can return to the steady state even after significant changes in the process parameters for providing the desired concentration of Mg2+ and Ca2+ ions in drinking water

    Studying the Gene Expression of Penicillium rubens Under the Effect of Eight Essential Oils

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    Essential oils (EOs) are well-known for their beneficial properties against a broad range of microorganisms. For the better understanding of their mechanism of action in fungi, a microarray approach was used in order to evaluate the gene expression of Penicillium chrysogenum (recently renamed P. rubens) exposed to the indirect contact (vapors) of eight EOs. The selection of assayed EOs was based on their antifungal activity. The extraction of RNA and the microarray hybridization procedure were optimized for the analysis of P. rubens. Gene ontology annotation was performed to investigate the functional analysis of the genes. To uncover the metabolic pathway of these differentially expressed genes, they were mapped into the KEGG BRITE pathway database. The transcriptomic analysis showed that, from a total of 12,675 genes, only 551 genes are annotated, and the other 12,124 genes encoded hypothetical proteins. Further bioinformatic analysis demonstrated that 1350 genes were upregulated and 765 downregulated at least with half (four) of the utilizing EOs. A microarray investigation has confirmed the main impact of EOs to metabolic processes in P. rubens involved in vital functions. Presumably, this is the first time that a microarray hybridization analysis was performed in order to evaluate the gene expression of P. rubens exposed to various EOs